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Triple H Is Named The Most Over Rated Wrestler Of All Time

Originally Posted by*Some Morons From Another Website

“For too long, Triple H has received a free pass from internet wrestling fans, but we say, “No more!” Sure, he used to be great, but that was before he destroyed his body and moved on to destroying the careers of younger wrestlers. Folks these days like to say that “The King of Kings” makes people into stars, but wrestlers tend to either succeed despite the terrible, emasculating beatings he gives them or just disappear back into the midcard. What’s worse is that he does it all with the same four boring, mechanical moves – a fact which goes strangely unnoticed by the world’s Cena-bashers, who tend to love “The Game.” If Triple H was as great as people say he is, the past 13 years of constant pushes shouldn’t have just turned him into another Rock or “Stone Cold,” it should have gotten him elected King of the Universe.

“And The Chaperone looks atrocious.”

This whole thing is downright laughable. I definitely understand the outrage it brings about too, but this is literally laughable. Did this person miss out on the last 15 years or something??? I wanted to respond directly to the underlined and emboldened portion of this filibuster.

He says that if Triple H was as great as people say he is, it should have gotten him elected King of the Universe. I thought that was kind of a funny and ironic statement because he basically is the King of the WWE Universe and has been for some time as The King of Kings for starters, and he is about to literally be King of the WWE Universe when he decides to retire and becomes the next generations Vince McMahon. So, looks like "Sport" up there kind of overlooked that one.

1. Do you think Triple H is the most over rated wrestler of all time?

2. Is there anyone you think doesn't belong on the list at all?

3. Are there any wrestlers that you think need to be on the list who aren't?

1. Not by a long shot, I couldn't even fathom who the actual "most over rated wrestler" is. I only know for damn sure it's not Triple H, and that he's a lot closer to being one of the best of all time than he is most over rated of all time. I don't even know how you could call him over rated at all. He's got the track record, the titles, the pedigree in the business, all the right endorsements within the business, IDK you tell me?

2. Most of those guys don't belong on the list for one reason or another. I agree with Verne Gagne for obvious reasons, but he's probably the only one. The others simply were THAT good, or weren't over rated at all. Like someone else said earlier "When was Jeff Jarrett ever over rated?" He's never been rated as much more than a mid-carder so how is that accurate?

3. Well.....I think Samoa Joe is a bit over rated but I wouldn't say he's one of the most over rated guys of all time. He is pretty damn good, I just think the IWC and ROH marks build him up as more than he is. Honestly, I know with recent events this isn't going to be popular, but I think RIGHT NOW AT THIS MOMENT, The Rock is over rated. Still not on an all time list but over rated nonetheless. Of all time???? Oh Crap I got it!!! This IS the #1 Most Over Rated Wrestler OF ALL TIME(Drum Roll)...........................................
Goldberg. Need I say more?
Surely Matt Hardy wrote this insane list.

I'm definitely no HHH fan, and did find myself laughing at some of what was written there i must admit, but seriously? I'm supposed to believe that career mid-carders who've busted their asses across the globe for years, and were rarely ever rewarded with anything high profile for their dedication, such as Finlay and William Regal, are overrated?

Fuck the hell off.

How the hell can you say Owen Hart or Dean Malenko are two of the most overrated wrestlers ever, over people like Raven, BOTH The Hardyz, Goldberg, Samoa Joe, The Pope etc etc?

There were a couple i agreed with. Randy Orton i find to be overrated. His current face turn is no different than his heel run, except he doesn't have the other two idiots with him. I've yet to see a FACE Randy Orton that didn't A) last no longer than two weeks and B) didn't suck, because as far as i'm concerned, he's still playing a heel, except he's not beating up the faces anymore, yet everyone says 'Randy's doing amazingly well with the fans. The best he ever has.' and i'm still sat here asking, why?

I can't speak about the old school wrestlers. I find Hogan overrated and would yes, probably consider heem worthy of gracing the top 5. I'm not American, so the red, white and blue thing doesn't appeal. I sure as hell don't like good guys who encourage others to go out there and do stuff, it just seems so patroinizing, but then i'm a morbid asshole. I'm an Undertaker fan, a Kane fan, a Mankind/Cactus Jack fan, a Steve Austin fan, a Rock fan, an Edge and Christian fan (but not Edge for much of any of the years that followed that tag team. In fact, how the HELL did Edge NOT get on this list..... couldn't have been a Hardy that wrote it then).

I can respect Hulk Hogan for all eternity and thank him for the impact and influence he had on wrestling WAAAAAAAYYYYYY before i even got into it, but looking back and having watched his return in '02, i still sit there thinking, 'what's his appeal? Why does everyone love him so much?'

When it comes to HHH, yeah he's overrated in my book. Doesn't change anything, he's where he's at, he's seemingly going away for good soon, and once Taker's gone as well i'll probably lose all interest anyway, so, whatever.

I find HHH to be overrated mainly because while here and now, in 2011 and the last 3 years that preceeded it, HHH has done loads of people a great service in the ring and the rubs that certain superstars have gained from him are staggering. I however, remember the 5 or 6 years that preceeded all of that where he'd squash anyone in sight without hesitation, and there wasn't a single moment on Raw that didn't seem to involve HHH or HHH's cronies, whomever they were at the time.

HHH made Batista in that time frame, and that's about it. He certainly didn't make Orton. Orton made himself up working with Foley and being the IC champ for like a whole year, then he beat Benoit for the title, and what happened? That's right, HHH took it off him 4 weeks later, and then suddenly Orton's getting a couple of multi-man world title shots and a mini fued here and there, before finally facing Taker at WM21. Between taking the belt off Foley the very night after Summerslam in 99, up until the DX stuff started up again in '06, it was HHH this, HHH that, and i found my self thinking 'FUCK OFF SO I CAN SEE SOMEONE ELSE IN THE MAIN EVENT FOR RAW EVERY NOW AND THEN!'

He's one of the best heels ever. His face persona is hit and miss for me. He'll go down a legend and his name and face will be one of the first you think of when you think 'wrestling', and begrudgingly when the Game finally ends, just like all the people who slag off Taker, or slag off Michaels or Bret, or Flair, i'll have to put my feelings aside and recognise him for the legend he is.

Sorry, was in the mood to type......
HHH is overrated but not to the extent of number 1, and Hogan made wrestling, this list does have some flaws. Double J is the most overrated on that list IMO nothing more than a midcarder that got lucky.

HHH would have made it on his own if he didn't marry Steph, but certainly not to the extent of 13 time World champ etc. He claimed The Rock and Austin held him back? WTF just because they were more talented than him doesn't mean he was held back and claimed he and Taker helped usher in the Attitude Era. Wasn't it more Austin, McMahon, The Rock, Taker and DX < Not HHH ALONE! He is overrated but calling him number 1 is ridiculous
He claimed The Rock and Austin held him back? WTF just because they were more talented than him doesn't mean he was held back

If it weren't for Austin and Rock, HHH could well have struggled to stay in the ME back in 99. Once his fued with Rock was over in mid '00, there was no getting him out of the ME.

and claimed he and Taker helped usher in the Attitude Era.

Well if he did bitch about Austin and Rock, he'd have said that purely because he and Taker were both there first.

Wasn't it more Austin, McMahon, The Rock, Taker and DX < Not HHH ALONE! He is overrated but calling him number 1 is ridiculous

More like every single person on the roster helped usher in the attitude era. It wasn't one promo or superstar, it was the whole creative team and all the talent, even the ones that came and went in the blink of an eye.

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