Triple H Injured.....again???


Getting Noticed By Management
The Wrestler Observer says that " Triple H actually has a torn biceps, and could miss a lot more time than expected. At this point, the word backstage is that HHH could be out until at least late October, and possibly until December"

what is your opinion about this and how could this situation affect Raw and everybody on the show??

For some reason this screams Royal Rumble Win.......if he indeed has to come back in december.... they could tie up with his Sheamus feud and keep Sheamus as the champ until WM when the Game takes the strap back.... becoming the champ for the 14th time......
this could annul the rumored storyline with Nexus because he couldnt be the leader if he wasnt a 100% right??

The Wrestler Observer says that " Triple H actually has a torn biceps, and could miss a lot more time than expected. At this point, the word backstage is that HHH could be out until at least late October, and possibly until December"

what is your opinion about this and how could this situation affect Raw and everybody on the show??

For some reason this screams Royal Rumble Win.......if he indeed has to come back in december.... they could tie up with his Sheamus feud and keep Sheamus as the champ until WM when the Game takes the strap back.... becoming the champ for the 14th time......
this could annul the rumored storyline with Nexus because he couldnt be the leader if he wasnt a 100% right??


I don't think that this will really effect RAW. The show has been pretty good without him there and I think it will continue to do the same.

I pray to god he does NOT come back to win the RR. We've seen this whole thing once before in 01/02.

Negative, I think it's got Cena's name written all over it.
I agree with you that Triple H now might return in time for the Royal Rumble, win it and challenge Sheamus at Wrestlemania 27 for the WWE Title. It could make one hell of a story line, but predictable. Sheamus took out Triple H for a whole year and Triple H wants revenge. It would end up like the whole Randy Orton/Triple H feud for Wrestlemania 25. Good, but expected and predictable.

As for Cena turning heel, I don't see it. It's too big of a risk. Plus, Wade Barrett is doing fine as a leader. Unless Cena turns on his team at Summer Slam, which would be one hell of a heel turn, I just don't see Cena being the leader of Nexus
sigh..i hate to say it but we may have looke att he last days of one hhh..injury on top of injury on top of injury...its not healthy i know hes got a wonder ful wife and great kids and i know he wants to be ableto play with tem without braces and a wheelchair.think about all his injuries torn patella..twice...torn quad..twice...neck injuries..torn biceps...its not like its 2000 hes 41 and not getting any younger he cant bounce back from this like he used to..i hate to say it...i htink the game has been played and game over...
Yeah I can see HHH holding himself back until the Royal Rumble. HOWEVER he might not go INTO the RR at all. Perhaps WWE plays it to where a guest host decides to name a "Mystery" Opponent for Sheamus at the Rumble. A person he has a tremendous history with. And they HINT at it being HHH. That would keep the whole predictability aspect down while giving another star a chance to shine in the Rumble. Perhaps a Nexus member, or maybe just maybe a surprise winner!

As far as HHH being done because of injuries I don't see this game being over for a long time. Flair broke his back and they told him he'd never wrestle again. Yet he's been slammed off of ladders, superplexes, DDT's and everything else you can name for multiple decades after that. And with the advances in modern medicine and surgery, I can see this game running far into the future.

That last paragraph or so was for anyone considering saying this game is over due to injuries.
KoC, Flair was also younger at the time and his body was somehow able to recover from it. The game has had MORE injuries, and is older. I don't think the game is quite over, but he's getting there. This will be his last return, so he better make it worth while.

Btw, if he was any other superstar, he would have been given his future endeavors YEARS ago.
That is terrible news!!! Raw blows with out Hunter.I hope he doesnt come back to win the RR, that is so been done with every superstar ever!!! I hope he comes back, kills Sheamus, beats Cena, wins the championship and then goes on to take over the world!!! He will be back, and it doesnt matter who his father in law or wife are, The Game is awesome and would be awesome anyway. He was big before he married into the Mcmahons and would still be the legend he is today. Difference is peoples jealously wouldn't be so rampant.
I hope he isn't out that long,but its a strong possibility he will be.When he returns he'll most likely work a program with sheamus,which is good cause i really enjoyed there matches.Seeing HHH vs sheamus at Extreme rules LIVE was a good feeling because it was the first time i got to see The GAME Triple H wrestle.(Already seen him live but it was the DX gimmick in 98)Sure he plays politics backstage but who doesnt thats a big star in the WWE locker room? So no HBK,HHH,UNDERTAKER for summerslam? Wow....Atleast kane has the World heavy weight title..And cena isn't champion.....Thank GOD..Speeking of CENA,why do people want to see him turn heel? I think he would be a shitty heel if you asked me.It wouldn't be anything like the CENA heel we had in the early years of him.
Well I was waiting for Triple H to return but I guess that has been put on hold for now as it may seems. I don't think he should come back and win the RR for the fact that he has done it before and he really doesn't need another RR win or world championship (that could have been said many times before). I do think he will return to screw Sheamus in someway leading to a match b/w them somewhere along the line. This doesn't affect RAW that much b/c the show seems to be doing fine with building its new talent although with Trips being there he could give the rub to some of them hopefully.

As far as the Nexus leader angle is concern, I really didn't want Triple H as the leader and now I'm glad that he's almost for sure not. Whether Cena turns heel or not I could care less b/c I would still like him but he doesn't need to be the Nexus leader either. It would make no sense and the Nexus really don't need a leader in the first place.
That is terrible news!!! Raw blows with out Hunter.I hope he doesnt come back to win the RR, that is so been done with every superstar ever!!! I hope he comes back, kills Sheamus, beats Cena, wins the championship and then goes on to take over the world!!! He will be back, and it doesnt matter who his father in law or wife are, The Game is awesome and would be awesome anyway. He was big before he married into the Mcmahons and would still be the legend he is today. Difference is peoples jealously wouldn't be so rampant.
I hope he recovers fully, but honestly it's good that HHH will be out the rest of the year possibly. This year has been one for creating new main eventers, and they need to continue with that.
Okay, I'm gonna say it right now. I call bullshit. Come on. It seems like every week they are releasing statements that he is more and more injured and he'll be out longer and longer. Am I the only one that thinks this is kayfabe and he may return for SummerSlam. Plus, WWE isn't gonna keep releasing these statements if their top guy keeps getting injured. They would most likely try to keep it secret.

But, if it is infact true, I think I smell Cena heel turn!!! :lol2: If this does happen, he'll probably turn on his team at SummerSlam, causing me to MTFO along with the rest of the IWC.
You know what this could actually be good news for a young talent like Sheamus. Here's what I would do for the Triple H return. Have Sheamus hold the belt for WM and have HHH win the Royal Rumble at entrant number 30 or whatever. Next, have HHH challenge Sheamus at WM for the belt. HHH would lose that match and at the end of it HHH extends his hand and the two shake hands. The next night HHH says he sees a lot of potential in Sheamus and that he reminds him of a younger HHH. I mean of course HHH would say some heelish things. This would make HHH a heel like he wanted and he could manage Sheamus for a few months giving him even more heat and everybody wins.
I second the bullshit call. Triple H will be at Summerslam, and that, sadly, can only mean one thing: he's behind The Nexus.

But maybe not. I think he'll definitely be at Summerslam, but I hope it's not to side with Nexus. Nexus is doing fine on their own, and they should stay the way they are (other than the addition of Daniel Bryan).

Be on the lookout for Triple H at Summerslam.
I have to disagree. Although I would love for him to be behind Nexus, I just don't see it. I see him coming back and focusing on Sheamus. Wouldn't you do that if someone took you out? It's a classic Heel injuries Face, Face returns and fights Heel storyline. So unless Sheamus turns face to help Cena fight the Nexus, I don't see Triple H being behind it. But who knows, WWE has been known to make a few twists before. Lets see what happens.
October~December? This must really throw creative up in arms in terms of storylines leading through the summer and into the fall.(Possible Nexus leader or Rematch with Sheamus at Summerslam)

Randy Orton vs Sheamus is starting to make a bit more sense now as it *tentatively* gives us a potentional scenario for a Triple H-less main event leading through the summer.
He should return to the RR and then be revealed as the Leader of the Nexus. Have the 7 members of Nexus pretty much dominate the rumble and gang up on everyone. HHH Comes out as Number 30. there should be about 10-15 guys in the ring at this point. 7 nexus guys + Cena, Orton, Jericho, Taker etc. You think The Game is at least going to come out and help out Cena and the other non-nexus guys for a while. but instead starts helping out the Nexus immediately.Eventually it comes down to Cena vs HHH+ Nexus. He eliminates the 7 members but ends up being thrown out by Hunter. The Game celebrates and the Nexus joins him in the ring.
Coming in at number 30 and winning the RR has been flogged to death. Unless HHH does a coast to coast, it would be lame. I cant stand Sheamus (purely coz he is too unattractive to be on TV and hurts my eyes) so I dont want him and Hunter to team up. I can't imagine Cena as a heel. Try as I might it just doesnt fit. Be interesting to see though. But then we won't have any decent faces left, all the good ones will be heels (unless of course HHH returns and takes over the world). I say bring back Jeff Hardy, teach him to act better and let him be champ for a while.
I'm of the mind that it is mostly true and a not a swerve. Were it me I'd do all I could to build up Hunter's eventual return and not squander it with a "surprise" SS appearance. Teased/leaked or otherwise, mainstream fans wouldn't be "smart" to it.
Hopefully this should force the scriptwriters to reexamine the Nexus leader concept and either keep the group exogenous from wwe's system or if a leader must be provided have it make a bit of sense i.e. not be Cena.
I won't even speculate on a HHH return scenario as a lot could happen between now and December.
I don’t think this will affect Raw all that much but I also agree that this is terrible news. As a big Triple H fan, I am getting slightly agitated by the lack of Triple H on Raw lately. Personally, I still think he is one of the best on the show and to not have him on there, for any reason, damages the show overall. You can also consider that a torn bicep is pretty serious and that Triple H might just decide that it is not worth his time coming back as a wrestler and that would truly break my heart. He is the reason that I started watching wrestling in the first place and although I knew this day would likely be coming, I still don’t want to think about him retiring. So for the rest of his post, I am going to consider that he will be back later in the year.

Right now, Raw is going through a little bit of a change in personnel and I think that it is better than Triple H is off of the show right now, in terms of allowing those people to come through. Triple H does make Raw better but would people like The Miz and Sheamus have gotten the opportunities that they did if Triple H was still being a power-broker in the WWE right now? I don’t think so and in the same way, I think that Raw will continue to grow for these guys for the foreseeable future.

As for Triple H returning, I have a feeling that he will be back in October. Generally the WWE try and overshoot with time of recovery so it is a surprise when the superstar does eventually make his return. Triple H will be itching to get back onto Raw whilst these angles are going on and he will rehab the shit out of his bicep to ensure that he is back as soon as he possibly can be and I can’t wait for that.
i think HHH was hurt alot more before all this. Wasn't he supposedly hurt from a move from Sheamus? he was sore in neck and arms and they kept him off off shows and he was only on tv? ever since then he's been banged up and now he's got a torn bicep? i think he was hurt back in that match with Sheamus and wwe was just biding time but i also find it questionable when he could film a movie and just be fine
To bad, I wan't to see a Sheamus vs HHH at Hell in a Cell...

If he is going to return in December, I say just make him return at Royal Rumble...But obviously I do think he will still finish his feud with Sheamus, because it can't be forgotten!!

Raw won't suffer this loss, because its doing great at the moment!!
This isn't going to negatively impact Raw in a big way at all. It's a devastating blow for Triple H and for his fans - I for one will miss him, but Raw will be fine. It has enough stars, young and established to counter Triple H not being there.

I'm hoping he'll be back before December personally, I'll be waiting on something more official before thinking it's then. As for the Royal Rumble, well, at least it's not someone shocking, maybe returning from an injury, coming in at 29/30 and winning. Not that that bothers me, but yeah. There'd be nothing wrong with him coming back that way if it is indeed December that he'll return.

Triple H seems to be getting more and more injuries, however - do you think he'll be thinking of retirement soon? Part of me thinks it'd be a good thing for him, and I'm sure he's contemplated it. But I also can't see him hanging his boots up just yet, so I'll just hope nothing more serious happens to him in the next couple of years.
why wait till the Royal Rumble? that's in January and we're talking about a return somewhere between October and December?

plus, Triple H already did the return from injury to win the Rumble in 2002. then John Cena did it in 2008. then Edge did it in 2010.

it's kinda been done more than once. in fact, HBK did it in 1996, though that was mostly a kayfabe injury. but i digress.

what about a Survivor Series return? have a Raw Team vs. Nexus Team match. 5 on 5. pick 5 from the Nexus and 4 from Raw. as it's announced on TV, have the 5 from Nexus come to the ring and start destroying Team Raw, whomever that may be, and then have mystery partner #5 return to even the odds... of course, i'm talking about Triple H.

but don't make him the savior. he doesn't need to bury the guys. just have him return and maybe even clear the ring, but not Pedigree every Nexus guy and destroy them. just throw them over the top rope or run to the ring with the sledgehammer and have the Nexus run away like cowards. tease the build up and make us wait to see Triple H versus Nexus until Survivor Series.
That is GREAT news (from a storyline perspective).

I feel bad for the guy and hope he lives a long prosperous life, but RAW is so much better without him. His charictar, heel and face, has become tiresome and boring to me. It's time for him to step aside and wrestle a few times a year like Taker.

At least that kills the idea (for now) of him being behind NEXUS. NEXUS I may ad, should continue as is, with Wade as the leader.

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