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Top Five Reasons I am switching from WWE to TNA

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Wrestling is not for fans who will keep watching, it is for fans who buy...Don't forget that. It is all a business, if the WWE offered Jeff Jarrett a contract right now with at least two title reigns, garunteed. He would fuck TNA in the ass faster than his last stint in the WWE
I am a big time wrestling fan and have been since the start of the Monday night Wars. I have always been a fan of all promotions but always choose one over another to never miss. As of late I have slowly but surely been making sure not to miss Impact and can care less sometimes if I miss Raw or Smackdown. Here are my top five reasons I am slowly caring less and less for WWE and more for TNA
1) Donald Trump is involved in another storyline!
who cares about the Trump.... I sure dont.
Admit it, you and everyone else on this board, and watching Raw were surprised. There are numerous media outlets that are treating this situation as a shoot. So it's not a complete failure. Plus, if this didn't happen, we would've undoubtedly gotten Flair, because Austin's in movies now, Bischoff and Vince don't like each other apparently, and Hogan is too busy getting his brains fucked out by a different blonde each week. He is a Real American! Everyone complains Raw is getting stale, and when it does freshen up, everyone hates it. I call bullshit.

2) TNA has more entertaining ring workers.
face it we all want to see wrestling... the storylines, and comedy aspects
are important but in ring work is even more important... they have AJ
Styles, Kurt Angle, Samoa Joe, MCMG's, Team 3D, Beer Money, etc etc
etc. yes their storylines sometimes suck but at least they are using their
real talent and not letting their real talented players sit around and be
wasted. WWE claims MVP, Morison, Santino, MIZ are the future and
getting the big time pushes. Where were those pushes on Monday
night. MVP had three seconds of ring time in the Battle Royal. By the
way I think MVP is overrated as all hell but if he is the new Main Eventer
he needs to be in the get this Main Event

I'd say Orton vs. Triple H isnt't anymore overdone than Angle/Foley vs. Sting/Joe/Styles/Daniels/Jarett. But you know why Angle, Foley, Sting, Joe, Orton, and Triple H are always in the main event. Because they draw.

3) Everyone complains TNA gets the WWE castoffs and old timers that noone
cares about.... But the WWE has old timers too.... how many more Cena
HHH, HHH ORton (although Orton is young), HHH Batista, HHH BIg Show,
Big Show Cena, HBK HHH, Etc etc etc matches... Id rather watch Booker,
Jarrett, Nash, Steiner, Angle any day over another terrible HHH match.

Cena is 32 and hasn't been in a main event since Backlash (not counting the 3-For-All). Big Show is 37 and hasn't been involved as a main contender for any World Title since WrestleMania, and let's be honest: we all knew he wasn't going to win. HHH is 39 and is title hog, I will admit, but at least he can draw, rather than being cast off to a random wrestling convention. Shawn Michaels is 43 and hasn't been in contention for a title since No Mercy last year. Batista is 40 but he still draws. Angle is 40 and he is a draw, i'll give you that, so is Booker T (44), BUT EVERYONE ELSE IN THE MEM IS IN THEIR 50's. Although Foley is a draw.

4) Even the Knockouts are entertaining. The WWE divas are good looking
but cannot work in the ring at all.... The KNockouts work the ring and
some of them look hot its both worlds.
I'm sorry, but no one gives a damn about women's wrestling. Unless you're about to get some pussy and/or ass, half-naked women are really pointless. And if you want to talk about hotness, Awesome Kong takes TNA to a whole different low. At least the WWE has 20 other women to make up for Santina.

5) Trump is involved in another storyline.

But yet TNA's world champ can fight a piece of cardboard and get away with it. Whatever.

6) Because five was just to show how much I really hate that idea. my real
number five reason is The X Division. ALthough it is just a division of high
spots, I have to beleive most people find spot wrestling very
entertaining... who doesn't love seeign acrobatic acts in the ring and just
marvel at it and wish they could do it.

Jeff Hardy, CM Punk, Rey Mysterio, Evan Fucking Bourne, etc. The cruiserweight division is still in the WWE, just doesn'r have a title. Even still, TNA does own WWE in this department.

I have a few other reasons but lets keep my other reasons to myself for now and see what others think...

TNA is improving, but it sure isn't better than the WWE, but everyone has their own opinion, so whatever.....
Another WWE bash great! Yeh so what, Donald Trump is involved in a another storyline. End of the day WWE don't care if they have good or bad storylines as long as people are talking about them thats all they want! U guys that say ur rather watch TNA, will still be watchin WWE jus to see how the storyline goes. The mainstream attention WWE are reaping from the storyline, Mr McMahon is a happy man right now. I think Kevin Nash should have a match against Great Khali to see who is the simply the more boring wrestler. Scott Stiener how many belly to belly suplex's do you want to do in one match! Okay WWE misuses their talent i admit that but TNA has too many gimick matches and high spots.
To me it doesn't matter. I watch both WWE and TNA. I prefer TNA more than I do WWE, but WWE still has me as a fan because it still has many wrestlers I am loyal to (such as Batista, Triple H, John Cena) but TNA has many great wrestlers too (Sting, AJ Styles, Samoa Joe). Sometimes, they both do stupid shit, but they both also keep me on the edge of my seat. Besides, I am waiting for the day TNA and WWE have a new version of the Monday Night War (someday I hope). As long as TNA doesn't make the same mistakes as WCW, I see TNA and WWE competing with eachother for a long time.
Oh wow...you want to switch from WWE to TNA because of Raw....thats about as smart as TNA's entire creative team. Have you seen their storylines as of late. How did Samoa Joe goe from kicking everybodies ass in the MEM and first blood matches and stuff to all of a sudden out of nowhere handing the belt to Kurt Angle. I dont know if you are probably in 5th grade but that absolutely makes no sence to me. I prefer Joe to be a heel, but he didnt turn into a heel, he turned into a b***h!

And then also, didnt Sharmell and Jenna get kicked out of MEM, but somehow they were in the ring that night too? Is there some storylines that I'm not tracking??

And check this out, Victoria or Tara or whatever the hell she wants to be called. She shows up maybe two weeks before Slammiversary, and she gets the title shot?? Are you serious? Talk about fast recycling. And if you read the spoilers, all of a sudden she makes a deal that if she got another title shot, she wont put the spider on Velvet. Then she wins the title. Are you serious?

Although I must agree that the X Division on TNA is great and I love all their matches, but its getting to the point that their are being put as fill-ins. Its like after the TNA creative team sits there trying to make these main events they go and say "Well, lets throw all the X Division guys and put them in a X-Division gauntlet, or terror dome or King of the mountain or whatever new gimmick match they wanna sit there and make up.

Talk about gimmick matches, I know im tired of seeing them all. Its like we cant go a show without watching one. I wanna know who sits there and makes up all these matches, because I would like to slap the hell out of them. King of the MTN?? Are you serious? The wrestler has to pin someone in order to get a chance to hang the belt up. That sucks!

If you really want to switch something, switch from USA to MyNetwork TV. You will definetly enjoy that better.
Oh wow...you want to switch from WWE to TNA because of Raw....thats about as smart as TNA's entire creative team. Have you seen their storylines as of late. How did Samoa Joe goe from kicking everybodies ass in the MEM and first blood matches and stuff to all of a sudden out of nowhere handing the belt to Kurt Angle. I dont know if you are probably in 5th grade but that absolutely makes no sence to me. I prefer Joe to be a heel, but he didnt turn into a heel, he turned into a b***h!

It was a swerve. Joe said he had a mentor that mentor was Kurt Angle not Tazz. Joe even had us going with the black towel on his head making us think it was Tazz. The destruction of the Mafia beforehand was to throw off the rest of the competitors in the match and the fans. He handed the belt to Angle because that was the payoff for all of the advice and help Angle gave Joe. If you think about it Angle is the perfect mentor for Joe after the wars they have had. He's not a bitch he's an intelligent man who uses his assets. Edge gets by the same way in WWE and he's been very successful.

And then also, didnt Sharmell and Jenna get kicked out of MEM, but somehow they were in the ring that night too? Is there some storylines that I'm not tracking??

I don't really know on this one.

And check this out, Victoria or Tara or whatever the hell she wants to be called. She shows up maybe two weeks before Slammiversary, and she gets the title shot?? Are you serious? Talk about fast recycling. And if you read the spoilers, all of a sudden she makes a deal that if she got another title shot, she wont put the spider on Velvet. Then she wins the title. Are you serious?

The Beautiful People have the whole OMG I broke a nail mentality. Its their gimmick. So a tough girl like Tara threatening to put a spider on Velvet to goad Angelina into a title match is genius booking. Not having Angelina drop the belt at that point would have been stupid. Even if I do prefer Love.

Although I must agree that the X Division on TNA is great and I love all their matches, but its getting to the point that their are being put as fill-ins. Its like after the TNA creative team sits there trying to make these main events they go and say "Well, lets throw all the X Division guys and put them in a X-Division gauntlet, or terror dome or King of the mountain or whatever new gimmick match they wanna sit there and make up.

Its a way to showcase the X-Division talent and not forget about them like WCW did with the Cruiserweights. They do try to make a lot new gimmick matches but how many of them have turned out to be good ideas. King of the Mountain, Ultimate X,and Six Sides of Steel are all great concept matches.

Talk about gimmick matches, I know im tired of seeing them all. Its like we cant go a show without watching one. I wanna know who sits there and makes up all these matches, because I would like to slap the hell out of them. King of the MTN?? Are you serious? The wrestler has to pin someone in order to get a chance to hang the belt up. That sucks!

Its a great concept and makes the match more interesting.

If you really want to switch something, switch from USA to MyNetwork TV. You will definetly enjoy that better.

Yeah Smackdown is pretty good but I though you were hating on TNA not Raw.
So funny to watch people over-analyze things in TNA. The fact is, Raw is pure crap. I watch wrestling to be entertained; To see action, laugh and even occasionally be disappointed. With that being said, I would rather be disappointed in a new storyline in TNA than watch RAW and see the same crap feuds that been happening off and on since 2005.

How many times is HHH going to face Orton? How long is John Cena going to be put over on everyone? This stuff has literally gone on in WWE for years now. Everyone has their own varying opinions on things, after all, this is what discussion forums are for. However, it's so clear that something desperately needs changing in WWE.
I hadn't watched wrestling since Benoit was World Champion until last night. Me and my mate who used to be big wrestling fans tuned into TNA and I thought it was pretty good, great wrestling and the ring was cool. We watched a woman wrestler called Tara and she was fantastic nice to see her win the womens title. Then i watched the rest of the show featuring Kurt Angle, Mick Foley, AJ Styles etc and it was awesome, made me think I might tune into TNA abit and see if my old wrestling spark comes back. One thing I did notice though was how unwell Kurt Angle looks, he just looks so thin.

Then we watched WWE smackdown! and it was so boring, I couldnt believe people like Jeff Hardy were in the main event it was so rubbish. The show was boring and how many pin attempts do they do in WWE? The matches werent as quick as the ones in TNA. WWE looks a huge shadow of what it once was. I think its a seriously messed up thing.

So geting back into wrestling abit I would certainly choose TNA over WWE. TNA has a kind of WCW/ECW feel to it and its not all polished and pretty like the WWE is. It looks like and feels like a wrestling show whereas WWE seemed like some kind of soap opera.
Yeah, that's how I felt in the beginning. Oh, those were the days - before TNA had turned by heart into a blackened, shrunken shell of its former self.

I will say that the main event on the last Impact was very, very good. It almost sold me on Samoa Joe again. I can see why, working on that assumption, you'd think that TNA was new. Personally, I actually prefer SmackDown.

Oh, and Kurt Angle's not ill. Probably. He's just slimmed down to get into "MMA shape". I hope he never actually goes through with it.
Yeah, that's how I felt in the beginning. Oh, those were the days - before TNA had turned by heart into a blackened, shrunken shell of its former self.

I will say that the main event on the last Impact was very, very good. It almost sold me on Samoa Joe again. I can see why, working on that assumption, you'd think that TNA was new. Personally, I actually prefer SmackDown.

Oh, and Kurt Angle's not ill. Probably. He's just slimmed down to get into "MMA shape". I hope he never actually goes through with it.

If Angle goes to MMA I wanna see Lesnar vs Angle or I'll riot.

TNA is really good I just find myself having trouble to remember catching up. Too busy. Only show I make time for is Smackdown. It's not gaudy its simple. Blame the corporate WWE umbrella for the polished WWE look.
Yea, apparently WWE made Raw the storyline show. While they made Smackdown the wrestling show. They have great wrestlers. I mean, Morrison is just as good as anyone in the X division

It's been that way since day 1 ?
Raw is a mix of Story and Brutality (well it was til PG rating)
Smackdown was the wrestling show with little entertainment

But Smackdown mirrors RAW storylines, just with different workers obviously if ya can't see that you are blind

Least now we have some more wrestling across the board on both shows

Morrison is a funny one, people raving about him suddenly being a good wrestler and contender having beaten Punk. um hello, when ECW redebuted and Punk showed up who was the two guys in the main events each week?
Punk vs Morrison and Morrison won most of the time til he got buried

TNA has good workers who are buried and guys who can't talk, act or are physically washed up are main eventers, yeah thats a good strategy, but apparently it works
I guess WWE has no washed up guys either with Triple H feuding with Orton and Cena every week of every month. WWE has started putting new talent over but so has TNA. The reason the MEM are now going over the young guys is because its a gimmick of old guys putting new guys down, not real life like WWE. Besides the last few weeks I believe the MEM has always lost to AJ Styles and Daniels. Who has Kurt Angle not jobbed to? seriously people that put TNA down without even watching it are pure hypocrites. I watch all the WWE shows and can say I've been bored with the same main events week after week. Also the entire lame attempt to gain ratings with celebrities each and every week. The ratings rose with Trump but after that they have been on a decline since then. At least TNA is consistent even if its only 1.2. I watch TNA every week to see new story lines with new talent especially now that Taz and Lashely are debuting in the near future. Anyone can agree that talent like that is more interesting to see every week then Seth Green or ZZ Top. Who is going to be on next week? Joan Rivers from the Apprentice? Give me a break.
I am a big time wrestling fan and have been since the start of the Monday night Wars. I have always been a fan of all promotions but always choose one over another to never miss. As of late I have slowly but surely been making sure not to miss Impact and can care less sometimes if I miss Raw or Smackdown. Here are my top five reasons I am slowly caring less and less for WWE and more for TNA
1) Donald Trump is involved in another storyline!
who cares about the Trump.... I sure dont.
2) TNA has more entertaining ring workers.
face it we all want to see wrestling... the storylines, and comedy aspects
are important but in ring work is even more important... they have AJ
Styles, Kurt Angle, Samoa Joe, MCMG's, Team 3D, Beer Money, etc etc
etc. yes their storylines sometimes suck but at least they are using their
real talent and not letting their real talented players sit around and be
wasted. WWE claims MVP, Morison, Santino, MIZ are the future and
getting the big time pushes. Where were those pushes on Monday
night. MVP had three seconds of ring time in the Battle Royal. By the
way I think MVP is overrated as all hell but if he is the new Main Eventer
he needs to be in the get this Main Event
3) Everyone complains TNA gets the WWE castoffs and old timers that noone
cares about.... But the WWE has old timers too.... how many more Cena
HHH, HHH ORton (although Orton is young), HHH Batista, HHH BIg Show,
Big Show Cena, HBK HHH, Etc etc etc matches... Id rather watch Booker,
Jarrett, Nash, Steiner, Angle any day over another terrible HHH match.
4) Even the Knockouts are entertaining. The WWE divas are good looking
but cannot work in the ring at all.... The KNockouts work the ring and
some of them look hot its both worlds.
5) Trump is involved in another storyline.
6) Because five was just to show how much I really hate that idea. my real
number five reason is The X Division. ALthough it is just a division of high
spots, I have to beleive most people find spot wrestling very
entertaining... who doesn't love seeign acrobatic acts in the ring and just
marvel at it and wish they could do it.
I have a few other reasons but lets keep my other reasons to myself for now and see what others think...

yeah.im getting fed up with trump,the wwe divas dont deserve 2 titles,but tna should change their name to Free Steroid Wrestling.
Of the folowing 5
every one of them was either in ecw or tna,where roids are legal.id rather see my faw.wrestler alive and in some crappy storyline than dead,.but in a attitude era kinda storyline
I guess WWE has no washed up guys either with Triple H feuding with Orton and Cena every week of every month. WWE has started putting new talent over but so has TNA. The reason the MEM are now going over the young guys is because its a gimmick of old guys putting new guys down, not real life like WWE. Besides the last few weeks I believe the MEM has always lost to AJ Styles and Daniels. Who has Kurt Angle not jobbed to? seriously people that put TNA down without even watching it are pure hypocrites. I watch all the WWE shows and can say I've been bored with the same main events week after week. Also the entire lame attempt to gain ratings with celebrities each and every week. The ratings rose with Trump but after that they have been on a decline since then. At least TNA is consistent even if its only 1.2. I watch TNA every week to see new story lines with new talent especially now that Taz and Lashely are debuting in the near future. Anyone can agree that talent like that is more interesting to see every week then Seth Green or ZZ Top. Who is going to be on next week? Joan Rivers from the Apprentice? Give me a break.

Ohh...and to add to your point...WWE re-signed Eugene. LOL

People should be ashamed to talk about TNA's fault while on Raw you randomly see celebrities just to boost ratings, Mark Henry comes out and shakes the entire landscape of Raw as a face and possible champion by beating Orton.

Instead of giving him a title shot at Night Of Champions, what do they do? They instead book Triple H vs. Cena vs. Orton, killing any momentum that Henry had going for him.

That's what WWE does on a regular basis, look at the crap they did to R-Truth. He's been with the company over a year now and he still hasn't one a damn title and then they give him a crappy gimmick like Pretty Ricky.

WWE has become pathetic. TNA is where real entertainment is. All I ask from TNA and Dixie Carter is to please work on a second wrestling show like SmackDown or Thunder (minus the crappyness developed), so fans can fully enjoy the company more.
yeah.im getting fed up with trump,the wwe divas dont deserve 2 titles,but tna should change their name to Free Steroid Wrestling.
Of the folowing 5
every one of them was either in ecw or tna,where roids are legal.id rather see my faw.wrestler alive and in some crappy storyline than dead,.but in a attitude era kinda storyline

I guess Triple H and Batista or even Hogan when he was in the WWE has never took a steroid in their life by your logic. Blaming ECW or TNA for Chris Benoit killing himself and his family is ridiculous. Especially since he was never in TNA. The other wrestler's deaths you mentioned are asinine since half of the people you mentioned never were in ECW or TNA and died of other causes instead of steroids.
tna is only better than one brand of the wwe and thats raw but i hate the stereotype that is raw is wwe it has three brands so if you dont like one you can watch one you perfer just cause raw blows dont mean wwe does just sayin
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