Jeff Jarrett off TNA for 'personal reasons'

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Surely Jeff still owns a part of tna?

I think that this is stupid for Kurt to try and get full control of tna. The power will goto his head and it will be the downfall of tna and they will go the same way as WCW.

Yes, but Jeff made sacrifices to get TNA where it is - he sold Dixie Carter the majority of shares as her company, Panda Energy, is the major financial supporter of the show. Essentially she is what Mick Foley debuted as in kayfabe.

I think if this is a true story then it seems like Kurt is saying you take something I love (Karen and/or just regular intervals of vagina), I'll take something you love (TNA). And honestly if its true it wouldn't be impossible for Dixie to get rid of Jeff. Jeff may be the founder but he is no longer the boss (actually wasn't Jerry Jarrett the boss originally?).

Let's face it, Dixie is just a wallet with legs; her father handed her Panda Energy, she didn't build anything, this money is inheritance. She doesn't know wrestling; hell, she probably doesn't know anything about energy production either. She has bent over backwards for Angle so far and it wouldn't be THAT much of a stretch to believe she wouldn't axe Jarrett for him, believing him to be better for the product.

I agree though that Angle is a better in-ring draw but making a power-play and trying to take over booking? That's going a little far - I agree the storylines and booking isn't always the best but hell what is Angle complaining about 9 times out of 10 he comes out looking better than whomever he's with. But who knows, maybe Angle would give TNA better direction but still TNA isn't really TNA without Jeff Jarrett - There wouldn't be a TNA without Double J.

If this prompts a booking change and moved Mick
I'm hoping this turns out for the best in TNA. Give me more lethal consequences. Emphasize the war going on between the MEM. Is Foley the leader of the resistance now? Make things clearer and add some more chaos. That'd be fantastic.

What resistance? They seemed to dissolve the Frontline over time since I have no idea who they are. Well, they certainly aren't a cohesive group anymore.
This is some crazy stuff, something big will come out of this. I find it shocking that most of TNA would side with Angle after what Jarrett did for them. I do have a what if in WWE section related to this, check it out!
Lol at fans trying to find a way to hate on Kurt Angle with the Hogan Jr. crap. EPIC FAIL for those who try! Kurt Angle is all about passing the torch 100% of the time. That's what he's all about. That's why he went to TNA. He's all about helping the business and building new stars. Kurt Angle has all of the right ideas when you listen to his interviews. He was the one that went to TNA's booking team and demanded that Jay Lethal beat him clean while Jarrett and the rest of creative were busy running around trying to book a tainted victory. Give Kurt Angle the book! As for the situation, it's a rock and a hard place. Kurt and his wife are divorced, Jarrett's single, and Karen is old enough to date who she wants. It's just a big love triangle.
If I were Dixie here is what I would do.

First order of business would be to remove Jeff Jarrett as Head of Creative. However, that does not mean that I am going to offer the book to Angle. I am not a fan of wrestlers having Creative Control, anyway, as we saw what happened in both WCW and WWE when this happened.

I would also attempt to buy out Jarrett's share in the company and then reduce him to purely a wrestler's contract. If Jarrett wouldn't agree to purely a wrestler's contract, then I would just keep him at home and no longer use him. I am not sure if he has a contract as a talent AND a contract for Creative, however whatever it is, he has to be removed from his Creative duties in the least.

I would then give control of the books over to solely Vince Russo. I am not convinced he has been truly responsible for the direction of TNA these past few years, anyway, as I think he's simply been following orders from Jarrett and company on what to write. But Russo would take full control of the books and he would serve as my next closest adviser, in place of Jarrett. If anyone knows McMahon, it would be Vince Russo, since he was a member of McMahon's inner circle. I am absolutely convinced he would do a world's better job with control of the books, than Jarrett.

If Angle wants to instead simply be a writer for the company, I would allow him the opportunity to do so, instead of wrestling. However, he would not start out at the top in the Lead Writer position, like he may want. Instead he would work under Russo and be given the opportunity to show the company what he can do.

Now, if that is not acceptable to Angle, and if he absolutely demands full control of the books on top of relieving Jarrett from those responsibilities, then he is simply going to have to walk. Ratings and buyrates never went up when Angle came on board, anyway.

So would I be prepared to lose both Jarrett and Angle if I have to, over this matter? Yes. And I think Carter needs to plant her feet in and stand her ground. I think she would gain a lot of respect by not giving into either Jarrett or Angle in this situation.

It would appear that there is something to the anonymous TNA employee's claims on last Wednesday's episode of Bubba the Love Sponge's satellite show that Karen Angle and her children were living together with Jeff Jarrett. It is now coming out that TNA president Dixie Carter ordered Jarrett to go home
as soon as she found out about the person's claims, which has been described publicly as him agreeing to take a leave of absence.

At Saturday night's TNA house show in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, Kurt Angle was telling people that he is going to end up with the booking control of the company that Jarrett had and that he won't sign a new contract with TNA if Jarrett remains in power. No one really know how things will transpire from this point. Angle's contract with TNA is set to expire in September and he has not yet agreed to a new one.

Jarrett was booked in segments on last night's pay-per-view that were either tweaked or removed. The direction of the booking for last night's show was planned before all of this stuff went down, as is television for the next few weeks. However, everything involving Jarrett will obviously have to be tweaked and/or removed as he was slated to further his program with Eric Young at this week's slate of television tapings.

For the most part, the wrestlers are more sympathetic to Kurt Angle on the matter, aside from those who have close ties with Jarrett.

TNA personnel are playing the tape from Wednesday's episode of Bubba over and over in hopes of figuring out the person who disguised his voice and started this messy situation. Before the mystery person in question went on the air, he or she asked for Bubba to disguise his voice with some sort of distorted audio. Bubba did, so there is probably no way of telling who it was that called in.

Apparently all signs may point to this situation being true and as Lord sidious is stating Angle may be venting his frustration about this situation and have Jarret removed, it is being said that Dixie is handling the situation and we may not see Jarret in TNA in any role ever again, I don't care how beautiful Karen Angle is, shes not worth losing your job over, TNA are also trying to find out who leaked the story in hopes they can find out further information in regards to the matter, I just dont understand why Jarret hasn't explained his side instead of just taking the heat for the whole situation.
Apparently all signs may point to this situation being true and as Lord sidious is stating Angle may be venting his frustration about this situation and have Jarret removed, it is being said that Dixie is handling the situation and we may not see Jarret in TNA in any role ever again, I don't care how beautiful Karen Angle is, shes not worth losing your job over, TNA are also trying to find out who leaked the story in hopes they can find out further information in regards to the matter, I just dont understand why Jarret hasn't explained his side instead of just taking the heat for the whole situation.

First person I would look at leaking the information on Bubba's show would actually be Kurt Angle. Not saying it definitely was him, but that's a sure-fire way to hit Jarrett where it hurts, and make a power play to get back at him, at the same time.

I know his voice was disguised when he phoned into the show, so who knows if it can be determined who it really was. But my initial intuition tells me to look in Angle's direction.
LetEmKnow it is not an Epic Fail to compare Angle to Hogan. Two huge stars who want creative control. Sounds like History repeating itself. So Angle will put over some of the young talent, but who's to say it will stay that way once he gains power? This isn't the 70's, it isnt the Golden Age of Professional Wrestling that the 80's was where the promoters could be the stars and also know ho to draw crowds without corrupting the product. This is a new era, it is proven that doing both doesnt work. The fact it worked for Jeff Jarrett for 7 years has been nothing more than a miracle.

I will not believe Angle can do it until he does it well. History has shown it doesnt work any longer. Nash booking himself over Goldberg, Hogan booking himself over everyone including Jarrett in that infamous lay down match. I just don't believe in it.
well this story gets more interesting every minute it seems. lord sidious makes a good point about suspecting angle himself as the caller on the bubba the love sponge show. we all know the history between angle and jarrett. im not really sure who to side with though. i would say jarrett. i mean angle has even admitted to cheating on karen. why? because he suspected karen slept around as well. but now there divorced and karen has the right to be/sleep with any guy she wants. on the other hand, its understandable why kurt is mad. i would be to if i got divorced and my wife slept with another employee, but more importantly a guy i couldnt stand. Now kurt wants creative control of TNA as well. i wouldnt call him hogan jr though. as already mentioned, kurt went to TNA to help out the younger guys. hogan killed WCW basically because he wouldnt lose to anyone.

As far as this TNA personel goes, im really interested in who did it. again kurt could be a suspect. i really dont know,but it would have to be someone with some legite heat against jarrett.

like i said this story gets more and more interesting, that said im curious to see how this ends. Dixie is in a tough spot no doubt about that. from what i have read though it seems she may side with angle because we all know she will do anything to keep angle and would get rid of jarrett if needed. but this will be a very interesting outcome.
This whole thing is shaping up to be awful for TNA. If the champion and the founder of a company don't get along the company will be going downhill fast. Angle can leave anytime he wants, which would completely screw up TNA since pretty much the whole show revolves around him and the MEM at this point. Hopefully for TNA's sake these two can work on their dispute for the good of the company.

However, the one positive thing out of this is that we don't have to see Jeff Jarrett on TV for awhile. I completely hate his character and don't think he should be anywhere a TNA ring at this point. I am overjoyed that I will be seeing more of guys like AJ, Joe, and Abyss on my TV and less of Jarrett.
What happened to Innocent until proven guilty? This could simply be a case of JJ being a gentleman and offering Karen a place to stay, it doesn't automatically mean there sleeping together.

It may be the case that Kurts heard about this from whispers and rumours and hes taken it totally the wrong way, like most people on here have (without knowing the full facts i might add). If Kurt has kicked off maybe its a good idea to keep JJ out of the firing line for a few weeks, it would be better for him to come out with a statement and clear up the situation. For all we know Kurt might know all about it already and be happy with it...

When it comes down to it what happens in these three's personal life is their business and its not for us to comment on
What happened to Innocent until proven guilty? This could simply be a case of JJ being a gentleman and offering Karen a place to stay while, it doesn't automatically mean there sleeping together.

It may be the case that Kurts heard about this from whispers and rumours and hes taken it totally the wrong way, like most people on here have (without knowing the full facts i might add). If Kurt has kicked off maybe its a good idea to keep JJ out of the firing line for a few weeks, it would be better for him to come out with a statement and clear up the situation. For all we know Kurt might know all about it already and be happy with it...

When it comes down to it what happens in these three's personal life is their business and its not for us to comment on

Exactly. Kurt is pretty much paranoid, he and Karen were going threw some divorce proceedings and I think the whole Jarret thing makes it seem like she's trying to hook up with another man. However, that's It's not professional at all to be releasing this information to the public. We don't know what was the reason for Karen moving into Jarret's home.

It could have had to do with Kurt or other personal reasons but that doesn't mean they are sleeping together....That's my job. lol
Even if Jarrett is fired as a writer and performer he still owns like 27% of the company and I doubt he would sell out. That means he would still be on the TNA Board of Directors. Jarrett would never be out of TNA completely no matter what action Dixie Carter would bring down on him. He just wouldn't have any power from a creative, or hiring standpoint.

As far as Angle goes I don't really know. If it turns out that Kurt did make the call and Carter found out it was Kurt I don't think he should be resigned. Someone that is willing to blackball his boss should not be employed by that company. If Kurt did not make the call I don't know what should be done in his role in this mess. I do have a feeling however that one way or another that Kurt Angle is the future of TNA and will determine it's success or failure from this point forward.
Neither Jarrett or Angle should be remotely close to a booking meeting IMO. Like it has been said numerous times, Hogan, Nash etc. had creative control in WCW and look what happened (not stating that they, or having creative control is what forced WCW to shut the doors.)

I know that this is not very realistic...I think....BUT!!

You know how every star does something whenever its getting time for contract renewal. (Ex. Talking about testing the waters else where) Thus trying to keep the ball in his court during the contract offers.

Would it be possible if this was just something big set up by Angle? TNA would obviously try to offer him just about everything to make him stay, and he'll be able to play this card to benifit him.
I hate to mention the piece of shit's name, but this is Chris Benoit-Nancy Sullivan-Kevin Sullivan all over again except the Booker stole the wrestler's wife. I for one love that this happen as Karen Angle is fine as hell and got to give Double J his player card on this one as he stole Kurt's woman.

This goes to prove that in wrestling, bringing your wife or girlfriend into a storyline means either a divorce or other wrestlers or in Kurt's case bosses screwing your wife. I wonder did Vince McMahon get a piece of Karen back in the day?

This has to be the greatest backstage story in wrestling today. Double J is now my favorite wrestler again.
The medical reports were clear, Chris Benoit had major brain damage. Include steroid use with the brain damage and that happens. Just because Vince McMahon neglects to take any responsibility for the fate of the athletes that work under him when they die or have medical problems doesn't mean everyone should believe him.

Not to turn this into an old Chris Benoit debate but I agree this does work along the same lines as the Benoit/Sullivan debocle.
This shit is getting juicy !!

Another WZ news site update pretty much confirms that Double J and Karen Angle are "in a relationship", but it's still unclear if she and her kids are crashing at the Jarrett pad.

Maybe I'm a sucker for dirt, but I'm actually interested. If for no other reason, I think it may decide what happens with Kurt when his contract's up in a few months. Plus, will Jarrett be removed from creative or removed alltogether from TNA ??
This stuff is getting very interesting. What if all this is not true and its all a set-up for a Kurt Angle-Jeff Jarret match?
This stuff is getting very interesting. What if all this is not true and its all a set-up for a Kurt Angle-Jeff Jarret match?

Then TNA will be getting some big ratings as this real storyline could help TNA get over more in wrestling.It's what the WWE could have done with Matt-Edge-Lita, but if TNA is pulling our leg, I would have rather it been a younger wrestler, but the booker stealing the wrestler's wife is a storyline the WWE hasn't done and we know vince likes to get his free feel of divas.
You know as I sit here and read this shit about Kurt and Jeff, I can't help but think about.. What if? What if Vince let Kurt Angle go on purpose? What if Vince sent Kurt to TNA on purpose to try and take it down? What if Kurt Angle is a mole? What if Kurt taking over booking and running off Jeff Jarrett is all a big plan to destroy TNA for Vince? To me it doesn't seem that far out of place to not be true, Kurt has made it known he wants to go back to WWE, and he can't help but kiss Vince's ass every chance he can in interviews.. And we all know how vindictive Vince can be.. What are your thoughts?
You know as I sit here and read this shit about Kurt and Jeff, I can't help but think about.. What if? What if Vince let Kurt Angle go on purpose? What if Vince sent Kurt to TNA on purpose to try and take it down? What if Kurt Angle is a mole? What if Kurt taking over booking and running off Jeff Jarrett is all a big plan to destroy TNA for Vince? To me it doesn't seem that far out of place to not be true, Kurt has made it known he wants to go back to WWE, and he can't help but kiss Vince's ass every chance he can in interviews.. And we all know how vindictive Vince can be.. What are your thoughts?

That's by far one of the most idiotic things I've ever read on this forum.

A) Angle as a "mole"? If he's a mole, why the fuck would he wait THREE YEARS to start making a move? Why the fuck would Kurt Angle EVER agree to do that? What a moronic statement.

B) You actually think Dixie is going to just hand TNA to Kurt Angle over something like this? Not going to happen.

Seriously man, THINK before you post shit like that.
Rumor has it President Carter believes Kurt Angle is the end all and be all of professional wrestling so it wouldn't surprise me if she offered him at least some creative control. We will just have to wait and see.

As far as being a mole. Kurt is whiney and kind of pissy but I don't think he would lower himself to something as small and honorless as a mole.
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