Top 10 WWE Matches: Last Man Standing Match


Pre-Show Stalwart
[/B]In the second episode of my WWE Top 10 series, I go on to one of my favourie gimmick matches of all time, the brutal Last Man Standing. My top 10 of all time.

10. John Cena (c) vs. Umaga,
WWE Championship
Royal Rumble 2007

9. The Undertaker (c) vs. Batista,
World Heavyweight Championship
Backlash 2007

8. Kane vs. Chris Jericho,
Armageddon 2000

7. Chris Jericho vs. Triple H,
Fully Loaded

6. Triple H (c) vs. Shawn Michaels,
World Heavyweight Championship
Royal Rumble 2004

5. Edge vs. Chris Benoit,
Backlash 2005

4. Triple H (c) vs. Randy Orton,
WWE Championship
No Mercy 2007

3. John Cena (c) vs. Edge,
World Heavyweight Championship
Backlash 2009

2. Shane McMahon vs. Big Show,
Backlash 2001

1. The Rock vs. Mankind,
St Valentine's Day Masscure 1999


Honestly...can't say I've actually watched ten of them. I sparsely watch wrestling nowadays, and there was rarely any when I was addicted. But, in saying that, the ones I remember most were Shane vs Big Show at Backlash 2001 (Elbow off the stage, yeah?) and Kane vs Jericho at Armageddon 2000 (There was a barrel wall that fell over on one/both of them, if I remember correctly?)
My favorite LMSM of all-time is probably Kane vs. Chris jericho...

I just remember watching the PPV and just falling in love with the match, the Bulldog into the table looked really painful. I also liked how Jericho won after covering Kane with the barrels, lol.

But I'll give shoutouts to

-Edge vs. John cena
-Shane McMahon vs. Big Show

and also the most recent one, Kane vs. Edge on Smackdown, that was a damn good match.
Have not watched all of the 10 matches mentioned but feel that maybe the Y2J vs HHH match should be ranked higher. It was well executed and entertaining at the same time.
Shawn O Mac vs The Big Show was classic. He earned a lot of style points with that fight. The Rock vs. Mankind was also a great match, but I would have to flip those two just because Shawn O Mac isn't a wrestler and him jumping from the top was priceless.
I don't care what anyone says HHH vs HBK at the Royal Rumble 2004 is the best Last Man Standing Match of all-time.

Alright so that was a little over-dramatic but I definitely think that it's better than every other match on that list that I've seen. I haven't seen The Rock vs Mankind in 99 or Edge vs Benoit in 05 but I've seen the remaining 8 and I definitely think the show that HBK and HHH put on that night beats all those other nights (regardless of Shane pulled of his crazy stunts against the Big Show). Their passion, heart, and the ending was so extraordinary that I've always used that as the highest standard for Last Man Standing Matches
John Cena vs. Umaga is one of the underrated gems in the past few years. It may have been overshadowed by the Cena-Michaels one hour classic on Raw but it was equally as good. Triple H vs. Orton from No Mercy 2007 is another underrated one.
HHH vs HBK RR 2004.My favourite.I honestly thought HBK won it when he hit that last SCM but when neither got up i was like NOOOOO.
I really need to watch The Rock vs. Mankind again as I can't remember what happened in it apart from the ending. My instinct would usually go with that as I love everything that came from the Attitude Era but since I can't remember it, I go with HHH vs. HBK. It was just a classic battle for survival, both men gave it their all as if it were a real fight and the Rocky 2 ending even though Shawn did not get up, was sweet.

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