Last Man Standing Matches...


Yeah, bitch! Magnets!
Hey guys, I just wondering whether you could help me out by naming all the Last Man Standing matches in WWE.

The list I have so far is....

The Rock vs Mankind WWF TItle St Valintimes Day Massacre 1999.
Chris Jericho vs HHH Fully Loaded 2000
Chris Jericho vs Kane Armageddon 2000
Shane McMahon vs the Big Show Backlash 2001
Shane McMahon vs Kane Unforgiven 2003
Shawn Michaels vs HHH WHC Royal Rumble 2004
JBL vs. Kurt Angle - the SD! before Royal Rumble 2005
MIB Contract on the line Edge vs Chris Benoit Backlash 2005
HHH vs Ric Flair Surivior Series 2005
The Undertaker vs. The Great Khali - SD! 2006
Umaga vs John Cena for the WWE TItle Royal Rumble 2007
Bastista vs Undertaker for the WHC Backlash 2007
Orton vs HHH WWE Title No Mercy 2007
Batista vs. Kane - SD!, December 14th 2007
Chris Jericho vs Shawn Michales Raw 2008
Triple H def. Randy Orton - One Night Stand 2008
Big Show vs Undertaker Cyber Sunday 2008
Big Show vs. Triple H - SD! January 2009
MVP vs. Big Show - SD! 2009
Edge vs John Cena WHC Backlash 2009
HHH vs Randy Orton for the WWE Title Raw 2009
Batista vs John Cena Extreme Rules 2010
Kane vs Edge SD! 2010.

If any of you could help me name them all, that would be a big help.

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