That's that hair-pulling, choking, getting punched in the face kind of lovin'.

Why was Kozlov smiling so much during that squash match? Do I foresee a face turn? That'd be rad.
That's that hair-pulling, choking, getting punched in the face kind of lovin'.

Why was Kozlov smiling so much during that squash match? Do I foresee a face turn? That'd be rad.

It was because People were cheering for him or he did something to Mae Young before he came out.
Dangit. Instead of Ryder or Hurricane we get a rebound.

Wait...was the main event changed? Musta missed that bit.
That's that hair-pulling, choking, getting punched in the face kind of lovin'.

Why was Kozlov smiling so much during that squash match? Do I foresee a face turn? That'd be rad.

Yes X. Yes. Ill be holding a squash match in my bedroom with that music :lmao:

also for your info, that theme, along with Swaggers and Ortons is on WWE The music Vol 9. I has it.

the track is titled "PAIN" which is also epic
OK, the RAW one looks interesting actually.

Big Show could win.

No Hurricane? No Ryder? FUCK!

There better be Hurricane next week.
I don't care what anyone says, I'd tap Nattie's ass all day and night. She's fine.

And Norcalvin...that might just be the best post of all time. I spit up Corona all over my monitor when I read that Squash match comment, lol.

And whoever told Tyson Kidd that little patch of hair looked good on him clearly wasn't looking out Tyson's best interests.
KillBill: Yes, it would. But I also want him to bewcome "The Kingpin" Big Zeke. MAybe he could do both. I just want a big scary black man as a face.

I know, I responded in your thread. Zeke dressed like kingpin would look like Biggie..."Notorious"!

Wow, lots of ECW talk. What brought this on? Dreamer, because it made me interested to see tonites show.
Why don't you visit Ohio and go see it with me?

On seconbd thought, don't. You'd beat me up.
I know, I responded in your thread. Zeke dressed like kingpin would look like Biggie..."Notorious"!

Wow, lots of ECW talk. What brought this on? Dreamer, because it made me interested to see tonites show.

Wasn't my thread. I just thought it was brilliant

The timing in this match is perfect.

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