You know what I just realized as Christian was walking out? I'm actually genuinely interested and excited about tonight's episode of ECW. This is the first time I've been this interested in a WWE show in probably YEARS. All because of Dreamer being champ and the fact that Christian is getting TV time.
I love ECW's main event scene, Dreamer as champ (that has got to be the oddest thing I've typed on here), Christian who is excellent, and Swagga who won me over very quickly.
You know what I just realized as Christian was walking out? I'm actually genuinely interested and excited about tonight's episode of ECW. This is the first time I've been this interested in a WWE show in probably YEARS. All because of Dreamer being champ and the fact that Christian is getting TV time.

tis fantastic yea?

ECW is the REAL B show. y'know, behind SmackDown
Wow, they're really teasing a Christian turn here. Well teasing as in power bombing the champion through a table and all.
Smackdown, while showcasing the most solid in-ring talent and actual wrestling matches, still hasn't won me over like everyone else here. I was on the verge of loving Smackdown about a week ago, and then Khali started dancing. That killed it for me.

And YES, thank god Christian just did that to Dreamer. That's the Christian I love.
Very true Norcal, I think they're just moving Christian towards a somewhat more tweener role, well he will be as long as he's feuding with Dreamer over the title.
This is the most active I've seen an ECW LD since I started doing them.
Normally it's just me saying random shit about cmmercials and making Natalya-is-fucking-Tyson jokes.
If someone had told me even a year ago that we would all be sitting here heaping compliments on ECW...I would have laughed in their face.

All they need to do now is just change the name of the show, and I'm sold. And get the fuck rid of Josh Matthews (that's his name, right?). He's awful. The guy makes Todd Grisham look like Gordon Solie.

Quick question: I stopped watching WWE for a while there, who is this ECW GM Tiffany , where did she come from, and why is she GM?

Sidenote: I love Christian being a tweener. When's the last legit tweener the WWE had? Rock's heel turn in 2003?

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