Today's WWE crowds are contributing to ruining the show

To a certain extent I agree with you. But the point of the post was that The Miz wants you to B-O-O him. (I think Cena is a whole different thing) If I went out somewhere and called random people "stupid" I don't think they are going to like me. The Miz is over and should be booed. That is his job. I was just thinking the performers deserve a little more respect that's all.
The fans who are sick of the direction of WWE should go to all of the TV's and chant our frustration with the product, boo Cena because he should now be a heel, boo DX because they are not what they started out as, and cheer good matches, and chant boring when something is boring, and maybe they will improve the product.

P.S. We need to chant (even though this is old) WE WANT PUPPIES! so they bring the sex aspect back. The women suck now and 10 years ago it was great with Trish and Lita who would headline a RAW.
I think one problem lies with the fact that most if not all the promos are scripted, and the wrestler has to memorize them line for line. The problem with this is that there is essentially no room to improvise or react to the crowd. While The Rock was getting cheers as a heel he was always able to turn the crowd back in an instant. The good promo guys today (Jericho, Hunter, Shawn, Orton, etc..) have a little more leeway and usually help write their promos which is why they're entertaining and can get the crowd to react. A good solution would be just to give the talent bullet points and have them go out and improvise, and have them practice at house shows until they are comfortable as promo guys.

As for the crowds sitting on their hands for most of the shows, it sometimes depends on the town. Toronto, New York, Montreal, and Philadelphia usually have hot crowds. Other cities for one reason or another are not very good which does hamper the product. At the same time WWE has to stop delivering a stale cookie cutter show week after week. So the reality is everyone is to blame and everyone should step it up.
The fans who are sick of the direction of WWE should go to all of the TV's and chant our frustration with the product, boo Cena because he should now be a heel, boo DX because they are not what they started out as, and cheer good matches, and chant boring when something is boring, and maybe they will improve the product.

P.S. We need to chant (even though this is old) WE WANT PUPPIES! so they bring the sex aspect back. The women suck now and 10 years ago it was great with Trish and Lita who would headline a RAW.

I have to agree. I don't know who the nice poster was that did a thread here saying that fans all over the US should just gather up, go to the show and VOICE their opinions and MAKE VINCE remove the ego glasses and realize how SHITTY his product is ( don't argue with this ).

Did you notice how weird he felt when people started chanting "BOORING" during his promo? I loved it! Not the promo though, that piece of crap wrapped in garbage was pointless. "Yes I kicked him in the nuts, Bret screwed Bret, he won't step foot here again...until next Monday wink wink".

If anyone's gonna make WWE loosen up a little it's us and noone else. You wish they'd make it better for us - doesn't work. We cry on forums like this - nah ah. Well let's go to the freakin' shows and give 'em a piece of our minds! :banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead: RAGE!!
The WWE can't win with so-called "Smarks" ... What is a "smark," you ask? It's this miserable internet decay that takes something it supposedly loves and breaks it down until they loathe it. It's a sickness, really that prevents people from enjoying anything in life. They spend 20% of their time watching something, 80% of their time trying to convince others why it's awful, and 0% of their time actually doing something productive.

They complain for a guy to get a push. They follow it with a complaint that the push isn't being done properly. They then bitch that the guy won a title. See CM Punk.

They complain that a guy is always the champion. He drops the belt and they complain that he's still in the title picture. They take him out of the title picture, and these "smarks" then complain that his talents aren't being used properly. See Triple H.

Someone on a message board once quipped, "What's a smark?" And someone replied, "A Smark is someone who mark out from time to time, but he knows that wrestling is a work."

You guys should be real proud of yourselves. You understand that professional wrestling isn't real. But unfortunately, none of you seem to grasp the reality that the WWE product isn't catered to you anymore. The product isn't stale or boring. It just isn't meant for you.

Some of you are surely to respond - "But it used to be. And it was great when it was!"

But you know, I don't care how great it was. The WWE isn't my company. Raw isn't my show. I don't call the shots, and I'll never pretend that I do. I'll still watch Raw because I enjoy it - and if I don't enjoy it, I'll turn it off. I doubt WWE would miss my viewership.

Raw still garners ratings in the 3.0-3.5 range. It is still the highest rated cable show of the week. Merchandise is still flying off shelves. John Cena is all over the planet. For kids, the WWE is just as great as it has ever been.

But to "smarks," the show is bland, awful. You smarks are the answer to a question no one asked. You thrill only yourselves, running in small packs and trying to ruin something that isn't intended for you to like. While you're at it, why don't you tell a group of little kids that Santa Claus isn't real. I'm sure that should give some of you "smart" marks some satisfaction.
I pretty much agree with everything Mango said, he is completely SPOT ON WITH EVERYTHING HE SAID.

The only thing I will say is that the crowds are dead right now, but thats WWE's fault, they believe only in a Main-Event, so the die hards that attend their show are only going to want to see a Main-Event. I believe thats why you get boring chants nowadays during most matches that don't involve Main-Eventers, I've seen many good matches that get boring chants and it confuses me. Thats one of the things I really like about TNA's crowds, they do appreciate the matches.

Also, the What chants kind've suck, but WWE created it so you can't really blame the audience for that. TBH, didn't they kind've create the whole boring thing to with Lance Storm? I don't quite remember hearing them that much before the made it a part of Storm's character.
Vince's promo was GREAT! It was short and to the point. It wasn't supposed to be this long speech about Bret. He made his point and got out of there. What people don't understand is that it's all part of the storyline. It's building up the big confrontation between the two. It served it's purpose. Do i think all promos are great? No I don't. But this one was great because it sets up the next series of events.
For me I say the crowd on this past monday was stupid. Don't get me wrong you can cheer who you want you can boo who you want. But chanting "Randy Randy Randy" was stupid. I heard this guy say 1000 times he hates when ppl cheers him or chants his name. For Cena I grew on the fact that ppl boos him & make alot of excuses to boo him, like the 5 moves of doom, half of wwe wrestlers do the same thing so they just need to stop hating on a man who can do what they cant do.

One day the wwe might get rid of heels and faces just make everybody tweeners since you got stupid ppl who chants a guy name when he just call them idiots. They were disrespectful to Kofi a guy who rarely do promos, trying to make a name for himself, wrestles better than some of the top stars IMO and wanna be stupid and interrupt him.

The "boring" chants really doesn't bother me it should be telling wwe to wake up. The "WHAT" chants annoys me at times, although I like it when a wrestler uses this to his advantage.
The Minnesota crowd last night prompted me to write this. Like C.M. Punk once said, I am only telling you the truth.

Most wresting fans in this age are stupid. Nothing pleases them. They boo the wrong people. They cheer the wrong people. The WWE deliberately has someone do an act that was supposed to get over as a heel and we cheer them. Even to a top face! I’m not asking for a deliberate good guy/bad guy but when something happens we as wrestling fans should react in the correct manner damnit! Now I know people have a right to do what they want and that’s what makes America great but there are times to do certain things. People don’t have respect for the business anymore. One thing that makes me sick is the hate for John Cena. The guy has given everything to the business.

Let me say that I am not a huge Cena fan but I respect the hell out of him. And don’t give me this shit about how he only knows 4 or 5 moves. The top guys in the business (Hogan, Stone Cold, Rock, Flair) only used a few signature moves and yet we cheered the hell out of them. I’m tired of seeing all these post about how one match was awesome and how one was bad when in reality they are completely wrong. They have no clue behind why things happen the way they do and that those results help to continue a storyline or put it to rest.

I talked about respect for the business and how people don’t respect it. One thing that comes to mind (and Stone Cold is partly to blame for this) is the “What!?” chant. Here we have guys trying to get a storyline across and all we hear is “What?!” Give me a fucking break! You idiots even did it during the Hall of Fame ceremony a couple years ago when the Wild Samoans were inducted. I was there so don’t deny it. The “boring” chant is pathetic as well. Give the respect these people deserve. The WWE or whomever will figure out they aren’t getting over. Do I think the WWE tries to force things down are mouths, yes but you people chant this shit during a match that while may not have two popular stars, are putting on a great match. Fans today remind me of ECW hardcore fans. All we want is blood and guts. I’m all for that, but unlike you people I appreciate the actual wrestling and storyline part of it. Granted there aren’t even long term storylines and not all matches are great, I can still appreciate the effort. Does the WWE need to do a better job, yes they do. People wonder why certain stars don’t get over; well look in the mirror and you’ll see why.

The business isn’t at its peak by any means and the stars aren’t as prevalent (that may be a big word for you so check it out in your dictionary). Hell, it isn’t as entertaining as it used to be, but one thing that has changed even more and has gotten worse is the fanbase. I’m starting to think the WWE needs to rate the cities they go to make sure they don’t go there very often when the crowd suck. Wrestling is always changing and people taste are different but let’s give it a little more respect. You people make me sick and at the same time amaze me because while I’m not the smartest person in the world, you make me feel like a genius a lot of the time.

I am a WRESTLING fan! But at the same time I know that it’s entertainment. Last night’s Raw made me realize how most fans are stupid. The Miz was cheered over MVP when the Miz called everyone in the arena a bunch of morons week after week? Are you that stupid people? For the love of God don’t you get he is insulting you?! I don’t know about you but I’m not a fan of being made fun of. The point is that the Miz is looking to get heat wrestling fans are screwing that up. Finally, Vince went out to continue his storyline with Bret and the Minnesota crowd chants boring!? WTF!? It’s a transition period right now and we had wrestling fans are ruining it. Thanks a lot.

Hey wrestlingfan2, this is the worst piece of junk I have ever read, and I will
tell you why. First and most importantly, the WWE should thanks it's lucky
stars it STILL has a fan base. I have never witnessed a more piss poor era
of wrestling in my 25 years on this planet. And as for John Cena, the WWE
has never had a worse, less entertaining top-superstar in it's history.

Now, Do I blame John Cena for this? Not really, no. He works hard, does a
lot for charity, and looks like a top professional heavyweight wrestler should
look. He cannot help the face that he's terrible, nor can the fans lie and
cheer for him. Why should any fan be forced to cheer for a wrestler they do
not particularly care for? The answer is they shouldn't, and they won't. And
yes, the What? and Boring chants do get old, most definitely. But let's not
forget, that when Austin starting say What? to people, it was far more
humorous than any of the crap they have going now. And as for Steve
Austin having only five moves, you must not be the super-intelligent
wrestling fan you claim to be. Steve Austin, going back to the very early 90
's in WCW, has put on some AMAZING matches. Have you seen
Wrestlemania 13? Did you watch him, later in his career, put on three
matches in one night with Triple H? You need to check your facts and watch
some tape. Yes, Hogan sucked in the ring. He was five times better on the
mic than Cena, AND it was a completely different generation of fans.

Now, I do agree with you that at times fans aren't as knowledgable about
wrestling as they once were, but to come on HERE and say that to people
who actually know what they are talking about, makes zero sense.

And, as for stars getting over, that is a job creative AND the wrestlers
themselves have to get done. John Cena is booed across America because
PEOPLE DON't LIKE HIM! I do not need to cheer for him because the WWE
wants him to succeed. If I cheered for every person they wanted to get
over, I would be fans of guys like Batista, the Ultimate Warrior, Mark Henry,
and Earthquake. The fans MAKE the superstars, not the other way around.
It used to be that if a guy wasn't getting over, he was back to the mid card
or lower. Now, since there is ZERO competition (hopefully TNA gets it
together), Vince McMahon can give the crowd the shaft and they have to
deal with it.

My biggest problem with what you are saying is that you basically want
us to lie down and just accept what they give us. We buy their
merchandies, we pay to see their shows, we buy their pay per views. So are
you telling me that fans should boo Randy Orton, probably the most talented
guy in the company, when he is forced to work with an inferior wrestler like
Cena? I don't think so. If you want to blame someone, blame the creative
dept. for giving us garbage week in and week out.
I'm sorry, but you have this completely backwards. The WWE doesen't pay the fans to attend, therefore the fans have zero obligation to do anything.

If you go to see a standup comedian and he or she is not funny, are you obligated to applaud? If you pay to see a movie and it sucks, are you obligated to recommend it to your friends? If you go to a restaurant and the food and service suck, are you obligated to pay a tip?

The WWE is in the entertainment industry, and is subject to the same rules as anything else in that industry. Which means that just like every tv show/movie/concert/etc, their sole obligation is to convince you, the consumer, that their product warrants both your interest and your money. Generally speaking, most entertainers have enough professionalism and pride in their craft to strive to EARN the applause of the audience (or whatever reaction they are seeking). Noone expects (or should expect) a handout. Can you imagine how arrogant it would be for a standup comedian to DEMAND that you laugh at their material? Anyone who works with a live audience fully expects that they will have to win them over through the quality of their work. That's the art and the skill of it. I would argue that any pro wrestler who genuinely complains about the audience not reacting 'properly' to what they are doing simply shouldn't be in the industry. If people don't like how you are doing your job, it's probably because you aren't doing it well.

I'm sure you will counter 'but the WWE superstars bust their asses to entertain the fans, they deserve our respect and our applause!'. To which I counter: Do you have any idea how many people bust their asses behind the scenes to produce even the worst tv show, movie, or album? In the UFC, fighters who are genuinely beating the piss out of each other will be booed or ignored if they aren't 'entertaining'. The average consumer has no idea whatsover how much labor, effort or skill goes into the products that they enjoy; they are only concerned with the end result and whether or not it does what it's supposed to do. Pro wrestling is no different. I don't care how super special pro wrestling is, because at the end of the day it still has to compete with every other form of entertainment on the planet to earn our money.

Besides, wrestling fans attend WWE events to have fun. Why would they willingly choose to hamper their own enjoyment of the product just to show how 'smart' they are (as if the average fan even cares about such a thing)?
Have you ever considered that if the audience doesen't react properly to a show, it's because the show isn't interesting or engaging enough to warrant their reactions? Similarly, if the audience enjoy cheering the heels and booing the faces, so what? If they enjoy chanting 'WHAT?' like a bunch of idiots, so what? What harm does it cause? Is the inversed crowd reaction the only thing preventing you from believing pro wrestling is 'real' again? Wrestlers should be (and I believe generally are) grateful for any crowd reaction whatsover. There's nothing more disheartening for any live performer than a completely indifferent audience.

The world has changed from the days when a face would be cheered because we really believed he was going to beat up the mean commie bastard or the chauvinistic standup comedian. Audiences may not be smarter, but they certainly now realize that pro wrestling isn't 'real', and have at least some idea of how it's done. They also have a lot more entertainment choices to choose from. That certainly provides new obstacles for anyone in the entertainment industry; a 'smart' and cynical audience, internet spoilers and leaks, viewers who have 'seen it all', etc. But other forms of entertainment have managed to adapt. The WWE is going to have to as well (and I'm not saying they aren't already trying to do just that, because they are). Complaining about things not being 'like they used to be' won't accomplish anything.
Here is the thing, when you compare him with Hogan, Stone Cold, Rock, Flair.. you are missing one key element. The Rock was amazing on the mic, he had crowds at the palm of his hands heel or face. Stone Cold was a true maverick, someone just about anyone could get behind and like.. yet he didn't kiss the crowd's ass like Cena does every night. Hogan is Cena's best parallel there, he was getting stale in WCW and you know what they did? They changed it.. he had a great heel turn, and had real heel heat for months after until the nWo was pushed as the cool group.

What has Cena done? Sure he works his ass off, I've been told.. but what does that mean to me? His matches are almost always pretty mediocre and follow the same sort of script line every time, his promos all preach the same BS "I'll never quit!!". It's not even about his lack of wrestling skills, honestly, it's irrelevant.
Secondly, yeah the What Chants suck, but I'm all for crowd giving heat for a promo if it's terrible and too much of WWE is. There was a small pocket of smarks that were chanting boring and Cena sucks, the rest of the crowd was too dead to overpower them. Get over it..

This is a WWE problem, not a crowd problem. Most of the babyfaces are all ass kissers, panderers, and they come off as desperate and pathetic. Who wants to hear a non native talk about their sports team as if he's a fan? Yeah, sorry, I'll take the badass Viper every time.

I also disagree that Hogan, Rock, and even Austin didn't get real heat during heel reigns. Rock in almost all his heel runs had real heat.. especially earlier in his career. Hollywood Rock would vary from city to city.. but he normally did very well. The famous Toronto promo is example of this. Hogan early on got very good heat and a good trash heap in the ring from the WCW fans when he initially turned heel. Austin had less but still during some of his most sadistic moments he got heat.

Anyway, if you actually believe this is a widespread issue (which it isn't) then maybe the WWE should get the picture and change the product. Stop having one dimensional ass kissing baby faces and give them a pair of balls.. turn guys like Orton face and guys like Cena heel and change things up.
John Cena sells more merchandise that any wrestler in the company. John Cena is the most requested celebrity for the Make-a-Wish Foundation. John Cena is a mainstream talent who was requested to be the Fiesta Bowl Grand Marshall ... John Cena is OVER. He's OVER with the demographic that the WWE targets.

I think your problem is that you've been spolied by the WWE. You're 25-years old. So the WWE catered to you with a kid-friendly demographic until you were 12-13 years old. And then when you hit adolescence, the WWE shifted gears and catered to the demographic you were entering. Now, as a 25-year old, you can't stand the idea of the WWE catering to a demographic that you aren't a part of because you've never had to deal with it.
That crowd was AWESOME! THey where only cheering the guys who they like and who entertained them. Why is MIz being cheered over MVP, well because he's more entertaining DUH. The Miz cut an amazing promo and the fans where into it, it doesn't matter if he called them morons because he still was incredibly entertaining. Boo the heels, cheer the faces, you sound like a 5 year old kid wrestlingfan2. If we didn't like someone who was a heel then we would just stay silent and let the kids boo him. If the Miz gets over to the point where he can gets cheered, well then great because then he could make an AWESOME turn and have immiediate support from the fans
I think your problem is that you've been spoiled by the WWE. You're 25-years old. So the WWE catered to you with a kid-friendly demographic until you were 12-13 years old. And then when you hit adolescence, the WWE shifted gears and catered to the demographic you were entering. Now, as a 25-year old, you can't stand the idea of the WWE catering to a demographic that you aren't a part of because you've never had to deal with it.

Which is a fair point. As long as WWE isn't upset when that person no longer finds their programming interesting enough to purchase on PPV's or purchase tickets to events because it doesn't target them anymore.

If I sold Coke Classic for a decade .... and then decided that not enough kids were drinking it, so I was going to change it by adding a lot more sugar .... well, I shouldn't be unhappy if adults find it too sweet for their tastes, and be surprised if they ditch the product altogether.

What WWE is doing is saying, "I don't care about the older fans that made me money in the past. I think that catering to kids is more profitable because of merchandise, so they are my new priority over the adult fans."

Essentially, the WWE feels that the kids (because of their parents) produce a higher check than avg adult fans do.

Now, as far as today's crowds, I see a lot of people in here upset over how today's crowds act. What we are refusing to accept is that we have a new audience now. And this audience is not as impressed or as energetic over the product as in the past. That isn't the fault of the audience. That's the fault of WWE for not giving them a product that motivates them to get excited.

As far as cheering heels and booing faces, welcome to the year 2010. Times change. Again, this is WWE's problem. You aren't going to tell fans to change their behavior. They won't do it. So the problem is how WWE copes with it.

And if it were the Attitude Era, then the Heels would be the Faces and the Faces would be the Heels. Therefore, we wouldn't have that problem.

If we want to turn the clock back, so to speak, and start catering to youngsters in the year 2010, this formula is simply not going to work 100%. And that is something the WWE Universe Fans on here are simply going to have to accept.

This is WWE's problem. They have a greater degree of control over the situation than the fans do. It's their product and they present the product. Therefore, it's their responsibility.

The "What?" chant there is absolutely no excuse for, as it is the most obnoxious, pointless chant in wrestling today. And if WWE knew back then what they knew today, I have no doubt in my mind that they would have never started it.

Fans do it to be obnoxious.

As far as other chants, it really depends, but a majority of the time I will side with the paying customer, that being the audience.

When you work in Customer Service, you begin to see things more so from the point of view of a paying customer, and I think that helps me to see things from fans perspectives a little better, as opposed to the overzealous WWE Universe Fans who are all-too-eager to show their undying loyalty to Vince McMahon.
Sidious, I think that's the closest we've ever come to agreeing on something. Nice change of pace.

You're right when you say that the PG era will never work 100%. There's a new wrestling war going on ... it isn't WWE vs TNA, though. It's Attitude fans vs. PG fans.

The disheartening thing I see is that these older Attitude fans are really ruining the product for kids. It's kind of sick, if you ask me...
Hey wrestlingfan2, this is the worst piece of junk I have ever read, and I will
tell you why. First and most importantly, the WWE should thanks it's lucky
stars it STILL has a fan base. I have never witnessed a more piss poor era
of wrestling in my 25 years on this planet. And as for John Cena, the WWE
has never had a worse, less entertaining top-superstar in it's history.

Now, Do I blame John Cena for this? Not really, no. He works hard, does a
lot for charity, and looks like a top professional heavyweight wrestler should
look. He cannot help the face that he's terrible, nor can the fans lie and
cheer for him. Why should any fan be forced to cheer for a wrestler they do
not particularly care for? The answer is they shouldn't, and they won't. And
yes, the What? and Boring chants do get old, most definitely. But let's not
forget, that when Austin starting say What? to people, it was far more
humorous than any of the crap they have going now. And as for Steve
Austin having only five moves, you must not be the super-intelligent
wrestling fan you claim to be. Steve Austin, going back to the very early 90
's in WCW, has put on some AMAZING matches. Have you seen
Wrestlemania 13? Did you watch him, later in his career, put on three
matches in one night with Triple H? You need to check your facts and watch
some tape. Yes, Hogan sucked in the ring. He was five times better on the
mic than Cena, AND it was a completely different generation of fans.

Now, I do agree with you that at times fans aren't as knowledgable about
wrestling as they once were, but to come on HERE and say that to people
who actually know what they are talking about, makes zero sense.

And, as for stars getting over, that is a job creative AND the wrestlers
themselves have to get done. John Cena is booed across America because
PEOPLE DON't LIKE HIM! I do not need to cheer for him because the WWE
wants him to succeed. If I cheered for every person they wanted to get
over, I would be fans of guys like Batista, the Ultimate Warrior, Mark Henry,
and Earthquake. The fans MAKE the superstars, not the other way around.
It used to be that if a guy wasn't getting over, he was back to the mid card
or lower. Now, since there is ZERO competition (hopefully TNA gets it
together), Vince McMahon can give the crowd the shaft and they have to
deal with it.

My biggest problem with what you are saying is that you basically want
us to lie down and just accept what they give us. We buy their
merchandies, we pay to see their shows, we buy their pay per views. So are
you telling me that fans should boo Randy Orton, probably the most talented
guy in the company, when he is forced to work with an inferior wrestler like
Cena? I don't think so. If you want to blame someone, blame the creative
dept. for giving us garbage week in and week out.

Thanks for reading and for your opinion. I'd like to point out a couple things to you though. I'm by no means asking you to lay down and accept what WWE gives you. I'm just saying that people like Randy Orton or the Miz who want to be heels and who do heel acts expect to be booed. Their characters are "tools" and they should be booed. There are characters who get "meshed" into booing and cheering and that's understandable. But guys such as those two have a role and they play it very well and should be treated the way they treat others.

As for comparing Cena and Hogan's mike skills, you are way off. Hogan could never spit out more than a "You know something!" and "Whatcha gonna do?'' Cena is much more talented on the mike and that's not saying much. I'm no Cena fanatic, but he definitely is not the worst champion they've ever had. Obviously he is doing something right to get the reactions he gets (good or bad). And just because the top guys are only using a few moves, doesn't mean they can't have good matches. Bret Hart, Shawn Michaels, and others have helped make a Stone Cold look better than he was. Same goes for Hogan and Cena.
Wrestling fan 2 I agree w/ a majority of the points but here are some things I would like to emphasize on a little more

1. First on the Cena comparison to hogan, austin, Flair on limited move sets; I feel they basically are just carrying out the wwe signature style of wrestling. Someone mentioned wrestlemania 13 w/ bret hart vs stone cold(one of my favorite matches) I dont think wrestle fan 2 was trying to say austin couldnt wrestle but cuz he was one of the best technical wrestlers in the biz, but when the stone cold gimmick was at its peak he was reduced to a limited move set, sort of like cena is now. Cena has wrestling ability, look @ his early matches(Prototype) w Kurt angle, Jericho, and even billy kidman. Kids attention spans are so limited they only wanna see the 5 moves.

2.The who to cheer , who to boo situation is a tricky one. I see alot of people say they cheer orton, or any other heel because they cut a great heel promo or they did cleverly heelish in the ring. For those who said that think about this, these wrestlers are trying to get over, they best way for them to get over is by getting a unanimous reaction in one direction. So a boo is a way of showing appreciation or admiration for that superstar, heels want your boos they work hard to get them.

3. I agree that the product is not in its heyday but its still wrestling, and I enjoy wrestling, I have my whole twenty four years of existence. I lived thru some horrible storylines(mark henry w/ chyna & sammy), champions(david arquette, 94 bob backlund) and eras, these are definitely not the worst ones trust me.
hahaha this is a great topic and i have actually noticed the past few weeks how much the crowd affects the show.

being from chicago, home of one of the best live crowds, i see no problem with cheering for heels or whomever. If you recall Wrestlemania 22 the announcers were even confused by the crowd's cheering and mentioned it many times on the ppv broadcast. This is what makes it great, huge reactions no matter what.

When people start the "what" chant i cant stop laughing. it makes the promo that much better and makes it ENTERTAINING. that's wat it's all about isnt it???? the what chants are the best and Austin made it into one of the best catch phrases ever
I agree with you on some level. But wwe fans are paying money to see the show, and if they dont like what they are seeing, well we all have freedom of speech.

I understand that these guys are trying hard to work for us and do their job, but we cant help it if its true. everyone has their own opinion. as for cheering the heels and booing the faces. the only and i repeat only thing about john cena i have respect for is his passion for the business, i dont care about anything else. i cant stand cena and will always boo him no matter what. on the other hand, randy orton is awesome, hes an awesome heel, and he entertains me, so i cheer him.

i dont follow the rules in wwe and cheer for the face and boo the heel. i choose who i cheer for and boo by their abilities. their abilities as a wrestler, a character, and their mic work. if i dont like them, im not gonna cheer for them, even if they are a face. if they are cutting a great promo as a heel and acting like a good heel, i commend them on a job well done. call its stupid if u want, but its how i go with my chants.

and some of the matches in wwe are boring, hence why people chant boring. i know these guys are trying their best, but their best isnt entertaining us and wwe isnt using half their stars to the stars full potential.

the fans have a right to their own opinion, and maybe the wwe will see that the wrong people are getting the wrong crowd reaction and change and do something that will give us a reason to change our chants. but thats up to the wwe to figure out.
I don't post on this site often, but after reading this thread I felt I should, Wrestlingfan2 that had to be one of the most holier-than-thou posts I have ever seen. Who are you to judge who is ok to cheer for and who isn't!? The crowd in Minnesota was great, Cena isn't over in every single arena, are you going to bitch and moan when Madison Square Garden chants the same thing? No. Personally, Orton is one of my favorites and I will cheer for him regardless if he is a heel or a face, I tend to like heels anyway, I know the point is to be the bad guy, but take Star Wars for example, the best characters in that series were the bad guys like Darth Vader and Boba Fett. Most often you find those are the most popular characters. WWE's most interesting figures are their heels, even when you bring up Miz getting cheered. He got cheered because he is just what he says, awesome. He plays his part so well that people like him even though he is a bad guy. Don't talk down to the wrestling community for that, and think that prevalent is too big of a word for most of us... More dynamic crowds like the one in Minneapolis make the show way more interesting, every match gets that much more exciting when the crowd is split. You can sit there like a sheep and only cheer the guys the WWE tells you too and pretend you are having a good time, but I and most the rest of the wrestling fans are going to cheer for our favorites and if they happen to be heels get over it.
Someone raised a brilliant point, about the boring chant, what you should do though is actually stop making a sound, go to the bathroom, whatever, the opposite of love is not hate it is indifference and it is the same here. The death knell for a wrestler in front of a crowd is not getting booed it is getting crickets. The what chant I will admit to doing but that is mainly because I was one of the few there making noise trying to get the crowd riled up a bit, this was a local wrestling event, but this is an acceptable placement of it. But in the middle of promos it is absolutely annoying to hear.
I absolutely despise the 'boring' chant. Yes I know you pay your money, and have a right to voice your opinion, but you often find those who chant boring in one segment, chant boring throughout. Why pay your money in the first place to go and insult a product, that quite clearly can't keep your interest? Like others have said, if you find a segment boring, go get a drink, go to the bathroom, or sit down and shut up. Those people in the ring are doing a job, they have been told what to do and what to say, not much different to working a regular job minus the fans, but you wouldn't walk into an office and shout boring at someone ... it just annoys me.

Second, I also despise the 'What?' chant. It may have been slightly amusing the first 29745383 times Austin did it, but it's not now. It takes away from promos, especially serious cut promos, annoys the living hell out of me.

The last thing I despise are dead crowds. It brings the whole atmosphere down, sitting and occasionally clapping really ruins a show for me. The whole idea of taping it in front of a live crowd is to give the show energy, and life.

I personally prefer the crowds outside America, on occasion they can be great, I think this Monday's Raw had a decent crowd, they where loud and gave the show some atmosphere, however you can't beat a Canadian crowd. It sometimes makes a show worth watching, the regularity of American crowds is completely turned upside down by Canadian crowds, I recall one great crowd where the fans popped so loudly for Eugene giving the finger to someone.
I think everyone has great points, so i will keep it short....ish.

Crowds add atmosphere, regardless of negative or positive chants, crowds can make the most boring match at the very least watchable, look back at wrestlemania 22 cena vs hhh, that match is mostly remembered for the hot crowd who were praying for cena's blood, the match itself was decent, but the crowd response pushed it up to being good match. Also i feel that you have a right to cheer and boo whoever you want, here are some examples.

undertaker: fans always get behind the undertaker because of two things, on he is the UNDERTAKER, a living legend, a man who for 20 years has seen and done it all, which gets natural respect.Second, he has a character like no one else, he is a deadman that hardly speaks, shows no emotion, has supernatural powers, and just looks fierce, adults respect him, kids find him scary but cool, fans will naturally cheer for him because he does stuff no one else does, making him interesting hence the cheers.

john cena: cena is liked by people but, is also disliked by a lot of people(myself included), people just can't get behind cena because he has no character, it is very hard to get behind a guy who just talks about the same thing every single time, he has no superpowers, no unpredictability, and looks sloopy when wrestling, he has received
boo's for 5 years straight for a reason, it is very hard to get behind someone with no faults or rebellious streak.

like i said, us the fans, the iwc, and the audience, can cheer for who we like and boo for who we don't like , liking something you deep down don't like is almost like peer pressure.

the 'what' chants are funny at times, but annoying at others, but it is what it is, 'boring' is perfectly fine, you are not entertaining us, so we will boo you till we find you interesting.

so in closing i will say freedom of speech is fine as hell, fans make the wwe, not vica versa.
I'm kinda a Cena fan, and cant really get that people who cheered the hell out of Hogan are now booing Cena, but that's not really a problem.

I could understand that the "What" chants are getting a little bit old and should stop now, but you still have the "You screwed Brett" ones in Canada, so ...

The "boring" chants are another thing. They just represent that the customer is not happy of what they're watching. They're either directed to the wrestlers or to the creative Team.
For example, if you find that Cena's matches or promos aren't entertaining, I'd rather hear you chant "Boring!" than "You can't Wrestle" or "You Suck!"
And I definitely think that giving him the "Boring" chants will be way more effective on him and the direction staff, than the other ones.

I just cant get why people are cheering the heels like Randy Orton.
You find him cool, you find him entertaining. So if you wanna "reward" him, you just have to boo him, not to cheer him. Cheering a heel is just a way to show him that he's not doing his job correctly.
Think about the Michelle McCool/Mickie James segment on the "Piggie James".
It's kayfabe, but it WAS entertaining (well, for a diva segment). So michelle was the heel, it was entertaining, she humiliated the face before making her loose a match. Did you cheer her? Even if you think that James is stale, and boring, and overweight (and you're kinda insane if you think that)? No, you booed as hell, even signed a petition about how it went too far.
So why cheering Orton ?
Ok You like him, you cheer him.

What are these cheers for ?

What happens when you cheer a heel too much ? Creative team turn the guy into a face or a tweener. Sure it worked for some guys (The Undertaker, Stone cold, The rock, etc.). But it's not like Orton will be a great face or a great tweener. He could be, I don't know, it's just not 100% sure.

But do you want to bet on that, considering the fact that Orton is kinda the only credible heel in the main event (in RAW) ?

so in closing i will say freedom of speech is fine as hell, fans make the wwe, not vica versa.

Freedom of speech is a great thing, and you can say whatever you want, just think about the effect of what you're saying.

Fans do not make the WWE. And the WWE does not make the fans either.
The WWE produces a show, which features entertainers. Fans have preferences between these entertainers, and the E should listen to these preferences and turn the "choosen ones" into (super)stars.
Booing a superstar does not depromote him. Cheering a heel could do it, or could turn the heel superstars into a face superstars, who won't be loved, and that'll turn him back into the entertainer status.
The fact is, and I know the vast majority of WWE fans feel the same way on this. People are going to cheer for the personality that appeals to him/her. It doesn't make one shred of difference if that personality is a heel or a face. To think that you absolutely have to like the faces and dislike the heels is totally absurd. Take for instance, The Miz. If The Miz (a heel) struts down to the ring one night and tells Triple H to his face that he's got a freakishly large nose, why should a fan not be able to laugh and cheer hysterically at that if he/she wants to? Some fans might not find that hilarious, but some do, and they should be free to express that. They aren't going to hold their tongue and be reserved to the fact they like what they see, and they shouldn't feel bad for cheering a heel that entertains them. If the fans want to boo Cena, let them. If the fans want to cheer for Orton, let them.

We all have differences of opinion, and Vince knows that. That is why a lot of the time you have to take yourself out of the equation when you watch the show. What might be boring and bland to you might make someone else stand up and cheer. On the other hand, what you stand up and cheer for doesn't exactly thrill the guy sitting next to you. Everyone is different. Everyone is entitled to his/her own opinion. Everyone can cheer for who they like and boo who they don't. Do not shit on someone else's opinion of a particular superstar just because it isn't your own. As long as you (one person) has someone you CAN cheer, and someone you CAN boo, then the show is as balanced as it can possibly be.

WWE caters to all fan bases and doesn't exactly care whether or not you think your favorite should be elevated. If you don't like the show or find it completely boring, then don't watch it, or smarten up to the fact that the WWE fanbase is much bigger than you and your opinion. The WWE can not and will not give a push to a superstar on crowd response alone..not in a million years. You have to realize that if your favorite superstar isn't getting the push you believe he deserves, then obviously he/she is flawed in areas that aren't as prominent on television. Crowds are NOT solely responsible for the success/failure of a WWE Superstar. It's the ability of that superstar to rise above all of that and make a name FOR THEMSELVES. It's what they love to do, and they get paid well to do it with or without your applause.

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