To WWE marks: What's with all the TNA hate?

HAHA!!Couldnt agree with you more bro!! IMO
Im actually thinking of the same thing here..i mean..from all of the forums mentioned about TNA on WZ here,its just been filled with negatives and more bashing and bitching and more bashing,moaning and bitching---REALLY??!!
HAHA..And just from reading some of the pathetic responses and comments done by some of the WWE marks out there,and a few that arent--its just plain Jealousy that is steaming from their comments!!I mean in order for WWE to become better maybe--competition is NOT bad at all!!!-I like both of the companys--Simple xD
LOOLZ oh BTW--Tha Wolfpac-dig the title xD--Luv Tha Wolfpac in TNA right now!!
:lmao::lmao::lmao:really? really? really? im a HUGE WWE mark i try to watch TNA after Raw but i cant there so damn boring but u actually think TNA can become a threat really? really? really? TNA gonna end up just like WCW but its gonna happen ALOT soonner and TNA aint gonna beat WWE in the ratings EVER thts the only difference. i hate on TNA bc they suck not bc im afraid or jealous really?really?really?

hey, thats nice that you guys love the WWE. AND THERE no problem with that. but what i dont get is why not like both companys? i thought it was all about just wrestling right? wwe is not so hot right now, it hasent been good for a long wile. and tna does make its mistakes but who cares , they do some really good stuff too. like the angle ladder match, or RVD and cowboy james storm.the point im trying to make is , if any one that likes wwe must allso like tna( not everything they do,but in general.) because if tna does get die. the Great WWE will get really bad really quick. if people will soport tna wile loving the WWE, it will help every wrestling fan out there. so pleas people , dont let this new thing die like WCW did. lets try to keep this up and roning for the good of every one!!!
I don't hate TNA, I just think they're incredibly misguided in how they are going about "competing" with WWE. Moving to Monday nights was an awful move considering they were only competing with ECW when they were on Thursdays, and it seems as if they've always realized it by moving the show to 8-10. I hate the idea of guys who were popular ten years ago coming in and being TNA's main selling points, if I wanted that I could and would watch old WCW and WWE Attitude tapes. The whole thing they're doing with Styles in making him Flair's lackey is kind of silly to me, I would think that a guy like him should have been able to forge his own identity by now, and Flair himself has more than run his course as a wrestling character. WWE doesn't even have to try to own them in the ratings every week, and honestly with the knuckleheads that run TNA I can't ever see them truly succeeding. Hogan will bail the ship sooner rather than later and then it will either admit that moving to Mondays was a failed move and go back to Thursdays, or sink. Live on Thursdays wouldn't be a bad move.
I want to like TNA but you can just see the problems week after week. I really hope it does succeed and we have to promotions battling it out like the good old days but I just cannot see it. Their direction is so misguided its like they're trying to be WCW but they need to realise that WCW failed although it had a boom period it ultimately failed. WWE is just a far superior product they have the money, the big wrestlers and they have Vince McMahon.
I don't dislike TNA because I'm a WWE mark. I don't like TNA because the product sucks. I was more of a fan before Hogan and Bischoff came in. Hogan promised change and it did change for the worse in my opinion.

The knockouts have been their highest rated segments. Now their turning them more into divas. The x division has gotten very weak. We get the useless Abyss shoved down our throats. Soama Joe hasn't been seen in weeks. Daniels is gone now were stuck with the NWO gimmick all over again.

WWE has it's ups and downs I don't agree with everything they do. Everyone is intitled to their on opinion. I just don't see how even the biggest TNA marks truly believe their getting better.

Must of the TNA marks must not be old enough to have seen all the storylines done years ago.
Zeven-Zion: I happen to be in a very unique situation. I actually watch TNA every week, so I can tell you who their characters are and what the storyline they are involved in is all about. So I understand both quite well, and they still don't make any fucking sense. I also am mildly amused that some TNA marks have made it onto the WWE discussion thread and try to defend their product. You have your own forum for that, there is no TNA bashing going on here. All that is happening, for the most part at least, is people like me stating what it is that they don't like about TNA. I honestly admit some of the reason that TNA gets shit on is because of their fans. I'm a 25 yr old male with a wife an a house, and am a fan of WWE. Have been for 22 years. Always will be because I enjoy the product. But saying I like WWE because I'm a child, or a "pg pussy" as I've heard us called is ridiculous and it makes the person saying it look really stupid. I think TNA marks are eliteists that have the mind set that whatever they watch is the best and anyone who doesn't agree with them are just sheep following the propoganda machine that is WWE.
Also to the person that mentioned that the Rise and Fall of WCW dvd was WWE propoganda, are you serious? Did you watch it? Eric Bischoff had a big hand in that DVD's destruction, and in doing so made the company come off as credible. They never said they lost the war because they sucked, they said they were sold by AOL Time Warner which is true. It's the same as the Rise and Fall of ECW dvd. They took the high road and it is my belief that the guys that made appearences on the movie were as honest as they could without really burying anybody in particular.
I enjoyed TNA more before the turn over to the H&E bromance. Their main problem is booking. They will start things, then stop or cut completely. Every week I have no idea how they are going to do things. To top if off, their MAIN storyline is about the WWE's fake, not even close to legitimate hall of fame and the ring Hogan was given a couple years ago.

hey, thats nice that you guys love the WWE. AND THERE no problem with that. but what i dont get is why not like both companys? i thought it was all about just wrestling right? wwe is not so hot right now, it hasent been good for a long wile. and tna does make its mistakes but who cares , they do some really good stuff too. like the angle ladder match, or RVD and cowboy james storm.the point im trying to make is , if any one that likes wwe must allso like tna( not everything they do,but in general.) because if tna does get die. the Great WWE will get really bad really quick. if people will soport tna wile loving the WWE, it will help every wrestling fan out there. so pleas people , dont let this new thing die like WCW did. lets try to keep this up and roning for the good of every one!!!

dude i did like TNA before HOGAN and ERIC took over i thought it was more exciting but since they took over its just plain boring to me and if they didnt take over i would like them alot more and i did but they took over and tried to become like the WWE and are failing at it and i LOVED it when CHRISTIAN was there but hes in the WWE now so thats one of the main reasons im a HUGE WWE mark and a lifelong WWE fan. they need to focus on there company not the WWE and they would be better
From what I've seen, the hate definitely runs both ways. For a lot of WWE marks, they'll shoot down TNA without ever really having given it a chance. Some will dog the ever loving crap out of it without ever having sat down and watched an entire episode of iMPACT! or a single ppv event. Some WWE marks also refuse to acknowledge any fault with the WWE product even when there are legitimate things to complain about. I'm still a big WWE fan but there have been times that I've been absolutely embarassed to be watching Raw, particularly when it comes to all the stuff they've done with Hornswoggle in 2009.

As far as the TNA marks, there are a lot of them that attempt to hype the crap out of TNA and attempt to convince both themselves and others that TNA puts on a much better product than it actually does. Like some WWE marks do with TNA, many TNA marks will rag on the WWE no matter what sort of strides it takes forward or no matter how much it attempts to do things differently. Any progress that it makes in any way is often shit upon by a lot of TNA marks. Also, like some WWE marks, there are some TNA marks so hypocritical that it's almost staggering to behold. A perfect example was the NXT concept. When the show was first announced, loads of TNA marks came out of the woodwork to automatically condemn the show without knowing a single thing about it other than its name. However, if TNA had come up with the exact same type of show with the exact same content and purpose, the marks would have praised TNA for such an innovative concept and for thinking outside the box.

Overall, I feel the WWE has a much better product than TNA and I've especially felt that in 2010. For the most part, I think the Hogan/Bischoff Era in TNA has been a disaster. I personally feel that a lot of lame wrestlers with lame characters are being pushed heavily and shoved down the throats of the audience, goofy stunts being put onto iMPACT! that are absolutely nothing more than ploys in the hopes of attracting ratings, a tag team scene that's in virtual limbo and a mid-card scene that I don't know if I could care less about at this point. I've been watching TNA for close to 4 years and most of the past 4 months are the worst I've seen with it. While TNA may have gotten its name out there to a much greater degree since bringing Hulk Hogan on board, a lot of what made the company a good alternative to the WWE is fading out. When I look at WWE, I see a company that's trying to build something for the future. Young stars are being given pushes, they're being put in the spotlight, being put into high profile feuds, etc.

A problem that affects both shows are the marks that watch just to be able to find something to bitch and moan about. They don't watch either WWE or TNA to be entertained, they watch just so they can point out something that they can complain about, often times without even giving whatever it is they're complaining about the slightest chance to win them over.
I think the biggest problem with any fan is they take one bad segment of a show and say either TNA or WWE is garbage because of that segment. I feel WWE receives a lot of criticism but are allowed to get away with a lot more then TNA in my opinion. TNA could also do some of the same bits WWE would do and they would still receive harsh criticism even though WWE did something similar on their show.

I think WWE has become a lot better lately because I was embarrassed for being a wrestling fan last year not only because of WWE but because TNA has had some bad moments too. I don't enjoy everything TNA does and find it hit or miss sometimes, but I'm still a fan and enjoy it. I enjoy looking forward to Monday nights for both shows. There used to be no reason to get excited for Monday nights for a long time there.

I think some fans just want to hate other fans just for hate. Whether it be TNA fans hating WWE fans or vice versa. I think if you really can't stand a show so much that it drives you to tears then don't watch it. Just say I'm not a fan of TNA or WWE but if you are a fan that's fine. I will say that even though some of the booking in TNA may be loopy, I love the fan interaction at live events.

Having just experienced a live house show I really enjoyed how down to earth the wrestlers and workers were. As long as TNA continues to treat their fans like that every time at every show, I could care less what is going on story line wise.
I love and hate TNA, just as I love and hate WWE. I loved and hated WCW just as I loved and hated WWF back then. But thats life. You have to take the good with the bad because its all part of the whole enchilada. TNA is still working towards becoming a major promotion. Just because they have a TV deal doesnt make them a major promotion. If youre wondering why TNA feels like its the minor leagues compared to the WWE, thats because it -is- the minor leagues. WCW wasnt a huge success overnight. It was building a strong fanbase and PPV buyrate well before Hogan jumped ship. People expect too much, too soon out of TNA and even the people over at TNA are guilty of this. They really plunged into this new deal with Hogan and Bischoff with tons of positivity but not enough realism. They are a glorified regional promotion with a TV deal. WWE might be Goliath, but TNA is David's ******ed step-cousin. They have yet to actually mature to the point where they can even remotely challenge WWE. They might have alot of big fish like Hogan, Flair, Sting, Angle, etc, but theyre all swimming in a very very tiny pond, a pond thats not even a puddle in comparison to the WWE. Every real wrestling fan wants an alternative, wants the competition because it does make the overall product better. But to expect TNA to be that alternative this early in its development isnt fair.
hey, thats nice that you guys love the WWE. AND THERE no problem with that. but what i dont get is why not like both companys? i thought it was all about just wrestling right? wwe is not so hot right now, it hasent been good for a long wile. and tna does make its mistakes but who cares , they do some really good stuff too. like the angle ladder match, or RVD and cowboy james storm.the point im trying to make is , if any one that likes wwe must allso like tna( not everything they do,but in general.) because if tna does get die. the Great WWE will get really bad really quick. if people will soport tna wile loving the WWE, it will help every wrestling fan out there. so pleas people , dont let this new thing die like WCW did. lets try to keep this up and roning for the good of every one!!!
But that's the thing, dude. Even if every person on this board starts watching TNA consistently, it's not going to change anything. TNA needs to find a way to hook the general audience, and not just the internet, if they want to succeed and even come close to competing with the WWE. Another problem with TNA that I didn't mention in my earlier post is that they really don't do a good job getting the word out about their product, with the possible exception of their first ever live Monday show, which actually got a 1.5 rating because of that. They need to step up their advertising big time, because you have to get the masses who only think there's one company in existence to tune in and see another side of the business. That's the reason people remain WWE fans and never check anything else out, because the casuals are simply uninformed.
I hate the whole if you are on board with TNA 100% you are automatcally a WWE mark. That is just a dumb line of thought.

Im not a major fan of WWE but they do they do well. TNA on the other hand their primary issue which overarchs all other problems is that they never learn from mistakes.

What doesnt help most TNA fans on the net come across as teenagers rebelling against their parents. TNA rulz because WWE sux etc.
Im a big wrestling fan. Competition is always good for any business. I watch WWE and TNA. So im NOT a mark of any promotion. But as of right now tna is not doing so well. Forget the ratings, their writing absoulety sucks. Having a old ass man bashing his head so blood can flow is not edgy, its dumb. Having a drunk, an ex druggie, an old man with bad knees, and a dumb ass radio jock in a group is not edgy. Yeah WWE is PG but its a new generation people.get the fuck over it. They make more money, more sponsors, just look who is sponsoring Extreme Rules (KFC). One more thing, i really dont like John Cena charater but he is more POPULAR than TNA top five wrestler. thats a fact. He draws ratings.
I've only read the original post , so here is my opinion :

I really don't dig the whole WWE vs. TNA thing.I'm a wrestling fan and I watch both shows and i see no reason to hate any of them.

Sure there are some negative points in both shows.And I also think that WWE has a better and more solid product , but it doesn't make me HATE TNA.

TNA is not a big organization like WWE.You can't expect them to do what WWE does.They have to pay a lot of dues and they have a lot to learn if they want to be a top dog.I know that many of their decisions or bookings are not well done or at some points lame , but it doesn't make me not liking their product.When i watch impact , I expect a good wrestling show with some old guys who can relive good memories of past years.I don't expect them to have the No.1 show of this industry , I expect no RAW,SD or even NXT when i watch impact , therefore i don't hate their product although I know it's not the best show in the world.
Most of the TNA hate from WWE fans comes as a direct result of TNA hate FOR the WWE. Why? Because TNA fans are like these mad little rabid chiuahuas, who somehow thought that they had the balls to get into a fight with a Doberman. TNA fans have the biggest bark ever, with absolutely no bite to back it up. Well, eventually, the Doberman gets annoyed with all the barking, and barks back.

They keep telling everyone how great TNA wrestling is, despite their show having very few matches, compared to the amount of time given to self-promotion. We are told how great their wrestlers are, when with the exception of very few, most would never make it above the midcard in the WWE, because they simply aren't nearly as good as the TNA fan wants them to be, or are well past their primes, and living off of a name that last meant something years ago. Its because of threads that claim the "Band" is the best thing going in TNA, because TNA fans have no idea how pathetic making a claim that Nash, Hall and Waltman are the best part of your company really is. If they are the best thing going on, your company is destined for failure.

Its because of the negativity the company itself displays. They insult WWE wrestlers, Vince McMahon and the WWE announcers every chance they get on TV, as if somehow that is going to make them look good. What it does is make them look desperate. If you have to insult the other guys to make yourself look better, how much do you really have going for yourself? If you have to dig at the WWE, it means you don't have anything positive to say about your own company.

Its about TNA's arrogance at thinking they would revolutionize pro wrestling, despite the fact that they can't get out of Orlando, they can't get out of their tiny little location, that they have to give away their tickets for free to tourists just to get anyone in the door. The WWE tours the world, TNA tours Orlando, Florida. Way to make an "impact".

Basically, what it comes down to for me, as a WWE fan, is being sick and tired of TNA fans claiming that they are somehow smarter/better/more real than WWE fans. As if watching TNA wrestling was a more pure wrestling experience. The average WWE hating TNA fans are so full of propaganda, laced with unbelievable exxaggerations of how great their company is, that have been told so many times they have started to believe their own bullshit. TNA fans act like they are a big, big dog, when in reality their little company is tiny, and they haven't done jack shit in their 7+ years of existence to grow.

In other words, TNA fans, shut up until your company has actually done something.
Ok, let me see what reasons I can remember at the moment.

- First, it seems to have no real direction. Hogan and Bischoff take up far too much air time, air time that could be used for young guys who just need a chance. All TNA seems to be doing is loading up on any guys WWE lets go or guys WWE might be looking at, like Wolfe and Gen Me. Plus, rather than pushing one guy at a time and building them up that way, they seem to be building up a fuck load of guys all at the same time and it comes off as a clusterfuck. They're trying to build up Wolfe, Anderson, Pope, Roode and Storm while at the same time apparently building up guys that shouldn't need it at this point because they've been around for so long, like Abyss, Samoa Joe, RVD and Jeff Hardy. There seems to be a formula for most of these guys, they simply win every second match. It's just not entertaining.

- Flair, wrestling. Hogan, wrestling. Sting, wrestling. No, please no. I don't mind the odd comeback match after retirement every few years or so. But we've watched the slow, sad, pathetic decline of all these legends and it is just painful to watch. They're destroying their legacy, meanwhile giving us absolutely terrible matches. A Hogan match and a Flair match are bad enough, but both of them in the same match? It's so bad that it's funny.

- The gimmick matches. Now, while WWE can occasionally overuse gimmick matches, they're nothing compared to TNA. I think that gimmick matches should very rarely be shown on TV, only on special occasions. But ten minute ladder matches on Impact are just annoying. Ladder matches should be special, where the wrestlers pull out great performances. But they can't really do that if they only have ten minutes of TV time. It's moronic. Oh, and the Lethal Lockdown match is the biggest clusterfuck of a match I've ever seen. And that's not including the Steel Asylum or their reverse battle royales.

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