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What's so good about TNA? Does anyone think it's getting better?

Superior product? Boy I hope you can back this up.

How can someone be ******ed, but also be a billionaire(or whatever the hell he is) because he took the company to a new level? Why is he a horrible promotor? You need to back that up...

Right... So Joe getting kidnapped is a wrestling concept is it? This is the sort of stuff that Sideous tunes in to watch, don't go telling him that. No signs of slowing?

So 3 consecutive 1.2 ratings isn't slowing? Don't talk crap, TNA drew a couple of high numbers for them(not even half of what RAW is doing), and once all the hype died down they fell back to the same old. You can't tell me that isn't slowing down.

All of those are going to achieve greatness?
- The Nasty Boys - LOL don't make me laugh, nobody cares about them.
- Sean Morley - Nobody card about him in WWE, nobody will in TNA.
- Kendrick - See above.
- Jordan - See above, although to more of an extent, he's an absolute joke.

Better matches? TNA Impact matches last 3 matches...
WWE has the better wrestlers, and puts on the better matches, look at the best matches from the past year, far more WWE than TNA.

WWE has the more established stars in the world of wrestling, and has the household names. TNA has a joke of a roster, and doesn't establish any of their stars really, everyone beats everyone else... it just looks like a joke.

Beth Phoneix, Natalya, Mickie and Maryse own the Knockouts.

And what's the problem with that? What happens when TNA's audience is too old for that? They have nobody, whereas WWE is targetting their kids young now.

And TNA didn't steal the concept from WWE initally of a hell in a cell?
What about Angle getting screwed? Wasn't that a WWE storyline?

1. Phoenix, Natalya, Mickie, and Maryse owning the Knockouts is laughable. Phoenix and Natalya barely win and nobody cares about Mickie or Maryse. Kong, Hamada, and Tara would wipe the floor with them.

2. The only great matches WWE has been able to produce the past year was Jericho vs. Mysterio. WWE has had plenty of shit matches between Orton, Cena, and HHH. Styles vs. Morgan was great as was Morgan vs. Angle and the various Styles vs. Joe matches and there were some good knockout and tag matches in between. TNA is better in this because they know who puts on great matches and varies it up unlike WWE has done. Orton/HHH was crap the first time. No reason to have it 20 times last year because it didn't get any better.

3. So you hate on the kidnapping angle yet I don't see complaining about the whole illegitimate son storyline. How about Vince being blown up in the limo? Did those have to do anything with wrestling. Quit shitting on something that you don't know what is going to happen yet. Speculation my friend.
I agree with alot of this post.
Orton and Cena are both younger than 32 too, just to make a point...

People moan that WWE doesn't book it's talent right(and I agree in some instances), but TNA takes it to a new level and hasn't got a clue. Why is AJ Styles losing clean when he is the champ? Why is his current number one jobbing to Orlando Jordan a few weeks before he becomes number one? It just doesn't make sense.

TNA is good for older fans who are stuck in the 90's, and don't want to get real and realise that this is 2010, not 1997, and the ones who will knock WWE at any given opportunity.

TNA really is minor league, a complete joke, and I refuse to watch such crap. Far too many TNA fans think TNA pisses all over WWE... Reality check, check the date, check the ratings and actually watch both shows as a critic, not a fan. You will find FAR more problems with TNA than WWE.

Why do you watch TNA if you can't say one good thing about it? If you don't watch then you probably only read the spoilers and make fun of TNA without even taking the time to see it. As far as watching shows as a critic, I'm one of many people on here who is a wrestling fan first.

I'll watch both Raw and Impact to enjoy them. Sometimes Raw delivers and sometimes they don't. The same can be said about Impact. Personally I feel TNA has become better each week. Your problem is you take the fun out of watching wrestling. If TNA has one "old" performer that is on for 2 minutes like The Nasty Boys you shit on the entire show. Watch a show like you did as a child to enjoy it. None of us are in the wrestling business so what the hell do we know about how long a match should last or who should go over who tonight.

As far as TNA being Minor League, they have only been around 7 years. They have also signed some of the biggest talent, have a wrestling show, and they are going head to head on Monday Nights. Not even WCW worked at such a fast pace.

I'm not one of these people who shits on WWE because I'm a TNA fan since I was originally a WWE fan in the beginning. There is nothing wrong with being a fans of two products which make the best product overall for fans and talent. You got to take those blind loyalist goggles off and stop calling the kettle black. You are criticizing a few TNA fans for badmouthing WWE when you are doing the exact same thing criticizing TNA.

As far as TNA fans being in the 90's ummm. have you watched Raw lately? Bret is feuding with Vince, Undertaker has been the champion, and DX were the main focus on the show for the last few months. That seems like 1997 to me more than anything.

I miss the 90's because of the great wrestling product we had to look forward to every week. If you are satisfied with watching Jerry Springer and Bob Barker on a wrestling show with a leprechaun every week be my guest, but I think a majority of the fans want to see more wrestling and less "sports entertainment" and even less celebrities.
"Hello wwe made him not to mention the guy's addicted to prescription medicine. "

So what? There is literally NO weight in this statement. As for the rest of it, don't be such a disrespectful *****.

"All this talk about the pope he doesn't matter cause he was a nobody in WWE."

What the hell sort of argument is that? Especially as it's the opposite of your Angle comment. TNA took someone, repackaged him and got him OVER. He's entertaining, is so solid in the ring and is well on the way to becoming a huge star.
I think the forums need a "WWE Kids" section, for people like the original poster and various others throughout this thread. There, the basic components of wrestling can be explained to them...storylines vs. feuds, character development, and so on. Once they become more educated, perhaps they will realize that the WWE is complete garbage at the moment.

That being said...usually, when WWE starts ramping up for Wrestlemania, I get pumped because normally the build for their #1 show is solid. This year, you could see the setup coming from a mile away. I could care less about the "main events" we as wrestling fans are being offered.

For those that complain about Hogan, Bischoff, etc. being past their "sell-by date," the same can be said for Vince McMahon. He is simply out of touch with wrestling fans. His finger is far from their proverbial pulse. Maybe that can explain why he have Hornswoggle, Napoleon Dynamite, and Diva Bull-Riding segments shoved down our fucking throats.

I guess I am a long-tenured fan who remembers when WWE was actually good. It offered compelling storylines and characters you actually rooted for. That's what TNA is providing at the moment.
Wow wow wow wow wow. Both sides of this arguement are fucking delusional. I will break down both companies OBJECTIVELY as I do watch every single show each puts on(at least what my cable provider carries.)

1.Women's Division...As much as I love Mickie James/Beth Phoenix/Natty Neidhardt, TNA wins this hands down? Reason? Not because of the superiority of their performers, but because they have storylines/angles for their women. WWE tends to sign models and try to train them as wrestlers. TNA takes women's talent that want to make a name for themselves and put them on tv. WWE would be better if all the Divas were on one show with only 1 title, as they could have decent matches. They could get rid of the Bellas,Kelly Kelly,Jillian. Katie Lea I haven't seen work enough to grade her, but I think she is mainly a valet. All others aren't 100% awful in the ring, although Maryse on Monday made me want to scream. Advantage: TNA

2. Show Production( includes promoting, arena staging, etc.
If anybody in their right mind thinks that TNA has the upper hand in this then they are whacked in the head. TNA still uses street teams to promote their shows in towns not named Orlando. That will NOT get your name out. They had a show near me a few months ago, and I would of gone if I would of known when and where it was. Did I mention that the building they booked for it is RIGHT NEXT TO THE STORE I WORK AT? They won't take out radio ads/newspaper ads/local tv spots. That is why they don't have name recognition. Getting Hogan should help them in that department, but they have a LONG way to go. They need to leave the Impact Zone, just like Bischoff had WCW do back in the day. That is how you make your money. Stretch your product's blanket over a larger area so to speak. Look what branching out did for the UFC. They can sell out Madison Square Garden if they tried right now, and 8 years ago they probably couldn't sell out a high school gym..

3.Talent Relations...this includes development, security, etc.

TNA does a good job of getting their young talent on tv, I will openly admit that. The problem I have with that is they are to all over the place with them. Example...World Elite..A solid stable that was solid in terms of mic work with Young, Tag Teams with B.I. and X division with Bashir/Kyisoshi/Homicide/etc..Where did that go? MEM was a good way to put the young guys over and use established stars to give them credibility. Dropped it without a word and released one of them with a 2nd not long after. Team 3D/Rhyno/Jesse Neal..they were taking Jesse under their wing to make him a hardcore badass looking for a fight, and now no mention of that since before Christmas. They also don't have dependable booking because they won't sign certain talent that they through into storylines to a deal. They are on a pay per appearence. Why waste your time? Push your contracted stars, not your 1 appearence guys that your not sure will be there a month from now.
WWE doesn't have the best track record for pushing new superstars. Their biggest problem as I posted in another thread is that they have pushed new guys up the top of the ladder quickly, only for them to bail on them. Brock Lesnar and Bobby Lashley were 2 guys that bolted. Jeff Hardy's drug problem and Mr. Kennedy/Anderson's steriod/hgh/whatever problem made WWE scrap major pushes for each of them. The Illegitamate child storyline was supposed to go to Kennedy to make him a main eventer, but he failed his test. They couldn't trust him. Jeff got 2 pushes stopped because he failed his tests and got suspended. They gave him the title near the end because he had stayed out of trouble and chose not to renegotiate his contract because he knew he would be fired very soon for his opium bust. NXT is something they are trying to use to put some new guys out there and I think it will work to a point, as long as the Rookies have talent. Bryan Danielson and Justin Angel are the only 2 I see doing really well from this group. Next batch has Low Ki, Joe Henning(son of MR. Perfect) and Brett DiBiase(Ted's little brother) as 3 already solid workers. CM Punk has become a home run for them everyweek(I'll touch on this in my next point) and John Morrison came from Tough Enough winner to upper midcard/lower level main eventer.
Advantage: Push, but time will tell...Honestly I am leaning towards WWE with the NXT.

4. Non Wrestling Segments...(interviews/confrontations/etc.)

Tna has some very nice interview segments, and their TV 14 rating allows them to use certain colorful language to make an emphasis on what they are saying. That gets them over with men ages 18-35. Thats fine as that is their target audience. What I don't like is putting Hogan/Hall/Nash/Pac on the mic and having them reinact segments that we saw on Monday Nitro 10 years ago. Kurt Angle, when leader of the MEM, cut some of the best promos I have heard in Tna. He should be using those skills wisely by fueding with AJ/Joe/Daniels/Pope/Morgan/etc....Not by threating the Band. His work with Desmond Wolfe was awesome. Both worked the mic very well. Where did that go? The Beautiful People are great on the stick as well, but keep Lacy away from it as she ruins everything she touches.
If you compare WWE interview segments, they are EASILY superior. CM Punk/Jericho/Miz are their 3 best talkers right now and deliver everytime the have the mic. Shawn Michaels, since they dropped the DX thing, has gone back to serious promos and he is great in that role. Edge is getting his groove back and with Christian now on Raw, I would expect his mic time to go up as well. Cena isn't bad when they let him go on his own. When he spouts that sappy shit they write out and make him say his promos fall flat. WWE segments like the Bret Injury angle are poorly done because they aren't that believable. I can't say much more for Tna though. Remeber when AJ had a guy that stalked him for like 3 months jumping him, then they revealed that it was Tomko? Haven't touched on it since then, and this was POST January 4th. The Joe Kidnap angle I have a feeling will meet the same fate. I have no faith in Vince Russo as a booker, and nobody else should really either. He gave himself and David Arquette the World Title when Hogan and Bischoff were running WCW and I fear he will fuck it up somehow in TNA.
Advantage: WWE

Mathches: quality, lenth, storytelling, chemistry.

Tna has better match chemistry than Monday Night Raw. There I said it. Now Smackdown kicks the shit out of both of them. Jericho/Mysterio/Punk/Morrison/Edge all put on solid matches every week. Smackdown matches on average since the 1st of the year have come in at around 8-12 mintues average. Typical match on Monday Night Raw has been around 5-10 mintues with the occasional lengthy match thrown in. Impact has been around 6-12 mintues which is good but the problem I have with that is most are gimmick type matches or have some kind of swerve. Remeber when the NWO was popular and they would interrupt matches all the time or a random person would run in and cause interference and make a DQ finish? You get that alot and I don't like it. The workrate on Monday nights on both shows definately has to improve.
Advantage: WWE only because of Smackdown.

Now I know alot of people won't agree with me and my opinions, but that is fine. I know what I enjoy and what works for me. I hate kiddy shit, but I also hate throwing out random adult content because you expect it to appeal to me. If I want that, I will just watch the Jerry Springer show.
Okay whats so great about TNA?

Well let me first explain this....

First off most wrestlers take years to get a good gimmick/persona and get hot.

Is vince a genuis for stealing all AWA talent to make WWF in the 80's? that wasn't promotion that was simply stealing talent. (Hogan, Rick Rude, Mr Perfect, bobby the brain heenan, Mene Gene, Etc etc all came from AWA heck even Ric Flair)

Later on WCW bought out some WWF talent after the steriod scandel to make them more main stream.. Hogan, Macho Man, Beefcake, Hall, Nash etc etc.. But they used there old guys to elevate talent.. (in the begining they got critized much like TNA is now)

Young Talent that got over in WCW (with a LOADED Roster mind you)

1. Bigshow.. (How many guys can say they beat Hulk Hogan in there first match for a world title)
2. Eddie Guererro was a multi time US and Cruiser wieght Champ
3. Chris Jericho was a multi time US, TV, and Cruiser wieght Champ
4. Chris Beniot was a multi time US, TV, and World Champ
5. Goldberg was a multi time US and World Champ
6. Dean Malenko was a mutli time TV and Cruiserwieght Champ
7. Rey Mysterio was a multi time Cruiserwieght Champ
8. Shane Helms (Hurricane) was a Cruiser wieght Champ
9. Steve Austin was a multi time US and tag champ

*Honorable mention*DDP was a multi time US, Tag team, and world champ (okay not YOUNG but still WCW grown)

ALL these guys were over once they made the move to WWE.. (even Goldberg before they burried him) And you cheer for them now right?

Now why do I mention this??? well here goes..

Whats so great about TNA? well they are simply rebuilding characters that had a hard time in the WWE...

(Hell even RVD was in WCW before ECW..)

It takes time for a wrestler to get a good gimmick.. Example of this would be..

Matt Morgan (sucked in WWE)
AJ Styles (Air Styles in WCW)
MR. Anderson (was awesome in WWE but they dropped the ball here.)
The Pope (Elijah Burke sucked in WWE, his new Rock/Dusty ish promo's rock)
The Knockouts are 100000000000% better than WWE has to offer.. the only one that even comes close is Mickie James.
Tara has been more developed in TNA than how she was treated in WWE

I don't mind Abyss I like the fact they are giving him purpose.. there storylines are compelling and there character developement is far more superior than WWE.

I don't think its the WWE's fault however.. I believe the over exposure of PPV's actually hurts the storyline developement as there is not enough time to build it up right. (Unless its wrestlemania.. but then you have how many PPV's between December and WM? those PPV's are mainly just fueds,)

TNA is good with matches, pushes YOUNG Talent.. (Anyone who says different is OBVIOUSLY not watching TNA, So what if the Nasty Boys are on TV, we all know this is short term. (You can always switch the channel to watch Hornswaggle?) Both shows have there faults.. but name me one person that is a TNA Champ that is over 40?... any??

So they do push young talent.

Also Hogan made WWF without Hogan there would have been no WWE,. no WCW and any other major Wrestling product on TV. PERIOD>. if Wrestlemania failed in the 80's or if Hogan stayed in AWA.. Wrerstling Today would be VERY VERY Different if even relivant. I think people seem to SMARK thems selves out of reality when they forget about that.

Also What was WCW's most profiable year?

Answer 1998.. the year where Hogan was Champ 90% of the time (You can look it up) What was WCW's lowest profitable year? 1999...

WHy? because RUSSO choose not to have Hogan on TV most of that year.. you CAN NOT debate the drawing power of Hulk Hogan.. even today the man is the Muhammed Ali of wrestling.. the casual fan WILL tune in when they see him on.

As far as ratings go thats a cop out.. Thursday nights is not exactly prime time.. there is a REASON people want Monday Nights for there shows.. MOnday Nights are prime time.. on January 4th was a stepping stone.

Hell WCW Saturday Night would have a rating of 1.2 consistantly before they moved to Monday nights.. then what happend? People started to tune in and there audiance grew. I remember EVERYONE complaining about it then as well.. that it was too soon to move etc etc.. on there first show they had a lot of guest stars appear.. much like the January 4th show (lex Lugar came and so did others) But it only drew a low rating too and RAW was not even on the air the day it aired. So you can't go by ratings alone.. those that due end up eating there words months down the road.

Tna is following the same logic with the same leadership. (Hogan and Bischoff) you can live in denial if you want.. but change is coming.. and TNA has a bright future. ANd I believe they won't repeat the same mistakes that took place in WCW.
What makes TNA better then WWE?

Vince Russo

The guy is still the most creative man in the business and creates the best characters / compelling storylines.

Not as edgy as he use to be before his new faith but still edgier then the joke called WWE. Can't believe anyone here seriously watches them still.. TNA has been better then them since their first show even when they didn't have Russo as head of creative they were still not as stale as WWE.

WWE road Russo's wave of characters as long as they could and now they had to resort to going to PG because they don't know how to make anything edgy or out of the box. TNA will be beating them in a years time on Monday nights.. all those little kids will want to be "cool" and the PG kiddies are even going to be turning to TNA's edgier product.
I know some people are huge fans of TNA, I'm not trying to piss you off. I was just wondering if anyone thinks it has gotten better since Hogan and Bischoff got there. I myself truly want TNA to do well I think it would be better for the wrestling business to have two big promotions again.

I feel that since Hogan and Bischoff got there the product has gotten worse. The match's on Impact have not been as good, the backstage interviews and promos have been lame and boring. Most of the talent they have brought in are past their prime.

They have some great talent that I feel aren't being used properly. The x division hasn't been great lately. I don't see Abyss as a star I've heard Hogan on Bubba's show say he was making him the next Cena. I just want to know if anyone feels it has really gotten better, and how.
Well, we have two different viewpoints here in how you define "better".

Those that like a lot of quality wrestling on their weekly free wrestling broadcast is probably not going to be happy.

The ROH bots, technical wrestling fans, and newer wrestling fans who had their wrestling education to the business more recently are not going to be happy.

Fans of older wrestling from the Hogan Era onto the WWF Attitude Era and perhaps fans of WWF's Post Attitude Era are probably happy. I fit into that category, because I can view the business from the big picture.

What TNA is doing appears to be positioning itself for the longterm. They are changing the way they do weekly TV, by making it more storyline-driven. They are doing what WWE did during the Attitude Era by telling stories and presenting angles during their weekly TV, while saving most of the big matches for the PPV's. In my opinion, that is much more intelligent for the long term because it is the more likely option to keep the matches and feuds fresh.

WWE has changed their weekly TV business model over the years from a storyline-focused product to a wrestling-focused product. And you have to be able to put the correlation together that this is what led to WWE's stale Main Event and pretty much stale "everything" problem. There was so much wrestling on free TV that it pretty much killed all the new feuds they could have stretched out and preserved under the other business model relatively quickly.

So TNA is doing much much better storytelling then the WWE on Impact, from what I certainly see.

As far as the actual improvements I see in TNA:

- I like what they are doing with AJ Styles. In reality, by being paired with Flair, he has become better as a Heel than he has in the past. He has a better look to him and is better on promos than he has in the past. And he is being set up in the long term for a big babyface turn. And there is no better heel to go against than Flair. So that will come eventually.

- Hogan always makes for interesting television. I think the complexity of him and Bischoff, with Hogan being a Face, with Bischoff being a Heel, but with both having power, makes for interesting television. Throw Dixie Carter somewhere in between, if she is eventually given an on-screen persona, and I think she will at some point, and that also gives the viewers elements to ponder.

- They have incorporated some elements of nostalgia like The Nasty Boys, back into the fray. I am fine with it because I am the type of person that values nostalgia. However, granted their ring work is terrible combined. Saggs does okay for his age, but Knobbs clearly shouldn't be in a ring. But Knobbs is the better of the two from a character standpoint, as he is more obnoxious.

I am fine with it for the time being and can tolerate them, but I'll let people know if I do eventually tire of it. I will say that I think they can have a place on the roster, but should be more so in an enforcer or cameo role as just two punks causing trouble in the back, than active wrestlers.

- TNA is bringing managers back to the ring. Major thumbs up. Both Ric Flair and Jimmy Hart on the same roster as managers is probably the strongest combination of managers seen in the wrestling business since the days of Jim Cornette, The Million Dollar Man, and Mr. Fuji in the WWF around 1995. So it's been 15 years since we've had decent managers in wrestling.

- Mr. Anderson is over-rated, and fans seem to be realizing this now, but he is still an asset to TNA and makes for interesting television through his obnoxious personality.

- Anytime Eric Bischoff is on TV, it's usually a decent or in the very least, a respectable segment. It never really drags as he is an interesting character.

- Orlando Jordan ... if they allow him to do what they intended, it will make for some envelope-pushing television. So I hope Spike and TNA reconsiders.

So it's getting better in my opinion, but it's getting better for the long-term. Change isn't going to come overnight. What they are doing to benefit their organization may not be realized by some until a year down the road when they have perfected their science.

However, I will take this TNA or even the old TNA compared to anything WWE has on the air today, any day.
You know I was starting to like tna after bound for glory, and they started pushing the young talents like aj styles, samoa joe, and daniels. They had that awsome 3 way match at the ppv, and then aj and daniels again the next month. Then hogan was coming, and then I thought the jan 4th show was pretty good. But man, Ill be honest, ever since then their product has been horrible, while wwe is getting alot better since mania is coming up. Now I hated wwe for changing into a pg show, but u know there storylines and characters are better than tna. That is what makes me interested into a wrestling show, the storylines and the characters. I love good wrestling matches, but to me the storylines and the personality of each character is what makes the matches meaningful to me. TNA can have the best matches, but u know if the storylines suck for the match, it's hard for me to get motivated watching it. Well not to get off the point of the topic, but to answer the original question of this post, no I don't think the product is good, or is it getting any better. To be specific, this is what I don't like about tna at the moment..

-I hate that they aren't pushing daniels. He was main eventing one minute, then the next he is jobbing in a minute and losing to val venis. He is an original tna guy, and he is one of the main guys that put tna on the map, and I think it's just hogan not liking the guy for whatever reason, and his character and talent is being wasted. You can complain that wwe waste talent, but don't tell me that tna isn't wasting any guys either

-Nasty boys being pushed more than beer money. I dont' have to explain to you, but this sux, plain and simple.

-Bubba the love sponge. I thought borash was great, and he seems to love tna, and u can tell by his online videos that he has a passion for this job. Bubba sux, i know he might be able to give tna more exposure, but that doesn't mean I like him. He seems monotone, and have no passion in his interviews. Thats not even goin into his backstage reputation already.

-Abyss. My god what happen to him. He's a pussy, plain and simple. THey made him a pussy. This whole hall of fame ring is stupid, so what this ring is what motivates him into a monster again. Even if he turns into a monster, I don't want him to come out to freaking hogan's american theme. He should be a psychotic monster that just murders people in the ring, but now he's all sucking hogans...you know what. I'm not saying he shouldn't be pushed, what I don't like is his character, it sux, even with this transformation he's going through.

-Aj styles. I can't buy his heel turn, he seems like a complete second rate flair wanna be. This isn't the aj that I watch and became a fan of.

-Samoa joe. Too many damn heel/face turns for him. This has really hurt his character. So is he goin to be a badass when he comes back from his kidnapping...hmm yea i saw that already with his nation of violence stuff. A main eventer one minute, jobbing to orlando jordan. Don't like it.

-Hogan. Yea I'm not into hogan right now, he seems to say that he isn't doing this for himself, and that he isn't going to wrestle for tna, but just to help make the other wrestlers into stars. Then only less than 2 months into the job he is goin to main event an impact and wrestle. With flair no less. I'm tired of watching hogan and flair, tna should be pushing young guys in these spots.

-Constant mentioning and bashing of wwe. This seems very childish, and makes them second rate. Enough of talking about wwe, just concentrate on ur own product.

-The band. I'm sorry but if u havent started watching wrestling the past 10 years, why should anyone care about them. They keep talking about the past, but the new audience might not even know who these guys are. At least with the bret storyline, wwe actually has footage of the screwjob, and can show a video about the history of bret and vince. With the band, and this whole nwo past, they talk about it and then assume everyone will know. Yet they probably have no clue, or don't care.

-Foley. The same can be said about foley, and his storyline with bischoff. Again new fans might not know about their past, so it's confusing. No footage of their history is what is hurting.

-No jeff hardy. Ok I know he might show up later, so I'll see what will happen. But at this moment, they kinda botch his debut. I rather he not even show up that live impact and waited until he can come back fulltime.He made his debut, and then the next weeks he isn't even mention again. He probably was the most over wwe guy, and tna doesn't even mention him again. Again we will see if he comes back and how they push him, but right they should of just waited on his debut and did it in a more meaningful manner.

-The way lashley left. This made tna look horrible. I remember him talking about how he was goin to be the tna champ and mma champ at the same time. But he dumped tna the first second an mma company offered him a contract. They pushed lashley initially as a potential top face of tna, but now looking back I bet they didn't even signed the guy.

I could go on and on, but this post is getting long already. I do like some of the stuff on tna right now, I like anderson, angle, and the pope. But that doesn't make up for the bad product that I'm seeing. Wwe storylines goin into mania is pretty good right now, and theres nothing on tna that can top the hype that taker-shawn will have and a potential bret hart return match. We will see after mania if tna gets better, but right now this is wwe's time, and nothing on tna will come close to being a better product than vince's company around mania.
You are correct. TNA has turned into the old WCW and made their good wrestlers into jobbers or never even on the show.

I thought Hogan said he was going to put over younger wrestlers? All I see is Bischoff vs Foley or Jarrett, Nash and Eric Young vs Outsiders, Nasty Boys vs Dudleys and Angle complaining all the damn time. Where are the new stars? Does anyone think The Pope or Mr Anderson are rising stars because WWE dropped them?

Why is the X division dead? We get one X match and it goes about 2 minutes.

This past TNA, there was about 5 matches going 15 minutes total. The rest of Impact was people talking and backstage/parking lot bullshit. I have see enough of Bischoff and Hogan for a lifetime.

I thought TNA was getting better after the Mafia died and before Hoagn came in to TNA. The matches were good, womens matches were good, less old washed up crap guys and Kurt Angle was not all over 75% of every damn Impact.

When Hogan came in, it has gotten worse. I tape the show and fast forward about 80% of the show now. Sad.

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