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The Problem with WWE-- They give fans NOTHING to talk about. TNA does.

Isn't the WWE section considerably busier than the TNA section? You're really grasping for things to argue about now aren't you, Sid? I'm not even sure what you're getting at with the rumours thing, the internet is full of them. We were dicussing Bret Hart before it was officially announced, and that created a huge amount of traffic. At the moment, already, people are discussing an event which is months away, yet that we've created an entire forum for.

Sooner, we've got the Royal Rumble to discuss, and that has created a LOT of discussion, what about Shawn/Undertaker, which is related. Is Shawn going to win the Royal Rumble to get his re-match with The Undertaker? This has brought about other discussions - should Shawn win his title? Should he be the one to end The Undertakers streak? Will it ever be ended? Will this match even happen again?
And once again we see this proven once again. TNA giving fans something to talk about.

TNA has another live Impact going head to head with Raw on March 1st.

But if that isn't big enough, they are moving to Monday nights permanently. More than likely as of March 1st and going forward they will continue this.

This is absolutely huge news. The biggest news the wrestling industry has experienced since Vince purchased WCW back in 2001.

So while TNA gives the wrestling fans plenty of things to buzz over with the changes being made, what does WWE have to give fans to buzz over? Bret Hart appearing again on Raw next week? Pretty much the same thing they have been trying to keep people buzzing over since last time.

This is absolutely miniscule compared to the changes TNA is making.

When WWE starts giving fans something of substance to actually talk about and get excited over, please try to wake me.

EDIT: Well, from the time I posted this, it appears that it came out that Chris Jericho got himself arrested. So there is something to talk about, at least.
At the moment, there are plenty of things in WWE that I'm interested in because it is the Road to Wrestlemania but I do agree that most of the time they seem to be on auto-pilot and once Wrestlemania is done, I usually lose a lot of interest in the product. That is because they don't do much exciting afterwards because they know people will watch the show regardless. That's the problem with their product.

TNA don't have that problem because they're trying to get new viewers and they want the viewers that they do get to carry on tuning in. Most weeks on RAW, we get DX celebrating with the guest hosts at the end of the show. That doesn't give me any reason to tune in the next week. Obviously people will because WWE has a huge fanbase but it isn't often where I'm so pumped for RAW that I can't wait to see the next show. It happened with Bret but that was seriously the first time in a hell of a long time.

TNA have given us a cliffhanger on every show since Hogan and Bischoff came in, which means you're waiting to see what happens next and it encourages you to watch the next week to see where the story goes next. In WWE, there isn't a story to talk about at all that often.

That, plus the amount of new faces on the show and the different things going on, has made Impact must-watch television lately for me. I don't like every single thing that they have been doing but at least they're getting people talking.
Sidious, I am actually SURPRISED that there isn’t an overwhelming majority of people agreeing with you here. You are spot on with every point you have made. I am not a promotion loyalist, I just want to watch a good damn TV show after a hard day’s work after the children go to sleep. I also want to digest everything I just saw, and look forward to it the next week. Just so happens I like wrestling.

Now, does the WWE give us something to talk about? Yes, but that really should be “yes”. What we talk about is how stale the product is, how repetitive, and what can be done to make it more entertaining. We talk about what angles we wish we had, and reminisce on how fun it USED to be to watch.

With TNA, we are talking about the current product, and how they are constantly improving and constantly taking chances with the ultimate goal being to entertain us….the fans. Is the WWE doing that? I don’t think so. It’s basically watching a televised house show if you ask me. I know nothing is going to happen, and it hardly EVER does. So why should I care?

Other than the Bret Hart segments on Jan. 4….what has HAPPENED on WWE television the past few weeks? Has anything HAPPENED? Think of that. No it hasn’t.

In TNA? Mick Foley is fired, Jarrett is raising hell, The Band is back…but then they got fired, Kurt Angle got screwed, AJ Turned heel, Morgan/Hernandez won the Tag Titles, EY dropped the Global Title at a house show, Kong/Hamada are Knockout Tag Champs, Flair is AJ’s manager, Anderson debuts, these are all TOPICS to DISCUSS people.

Look at the forums. TNA’s forum consists of topics with subject matter surrounding what transpired and basically, “now what?” type of threads….OR at bare minimum a reaction of “I like this” or “I don’t like this”.

What are the topics related to the WWE? &#8220;I wish this&#8221;&#8230;or &#8220;Why didn&#8217;t they do this&#8221;, or &#8220;<insert name> should get a push&#8221; or &#8220;PG Era sucks&#8221; or &#8220;Cena should turn heel&#8221; so on and so forth about nothing.

There is something to talk about as far as the WWE goes, but it is absolutely nothing interesting in the least.

Royal Rumble winner? Cena, Batista, HHH, or HBK who the hell else is going to headline WM26? You don&#8217;t even need a Royal Rumble anymore. Whoever wins, I can guarantee you none of us will be surprised.

Bret Hart&#8217;s return? TNA shitted on that angle last week and last night, with Earl Hebner saying, &#8220;I screwed Bret&#8221;. So the gripe with Vince is minor because Earl just said Vince didn&#8217;t do it. In the world of kayfabe, unless Vince addresses that (which he won&#8217;t), Earl is the assailant. So now the angle is even more boring over in the WWE. What are they going to do? Fight at WM26? Oh my God I can&#8217;t wait to see Bret return to face&#8230;&#8230;Vince? In a Street Fight? Vince could barely climb the railing last Monday after going into the crowd.

Listen the point is, there is nothing going on in the WWE that is worth having an in depth 200 post thread about. Three to four fifths of the visitors are hitting up the TNA forums to view CONVERSATIONS. There is nothing to TALK about within the WWE. Go ahead and start a conversation about an &#8220;angle&#8221; that they are working&#8230;(if you can) and then I&#8217;ll start one over in the TNA thread (because there are over a dozen things going on right now) and we&#8217;ll see who gets a better more in depth conversation going.
And once again we see this proven once again. TNA giving fans something to talk about.

TNA has another live Impact going head to head with Raw on March 1st.

But if that isn't big enough, they are moving to Monday nights permanently. More than likely as of March 1st and going forward they will continue this.

This is absolutely huge news. The biggest news the wrestling industry has experienced since Vince purchased WCW back in 2001.

Do you know what amuses me so much about this? The fact that TNA are ONLY making discussion because of the WWE - I'm not sure how you're arguing this is such a big deal. If Raw wasn't on Monday nights, this would be absolutely nothing. This thing is as much a discussion about WWE as it is TNA and therefore you can't really use it as if the WWE aren't giving us things to talk about - why would they move?
Do you know what amuses me so much about this? The fact that TNA are ONLY making discussion because of the WWE - I'm not sure how you're arguing this is such a big deal. If Raw wasn't on Monday nights, this would be absolutely nothing. This thing is as much a discussion about WWE as it is TNA and therefore you can't really use it as if the WWE aren't giving us things to talk about - why would they move?

But the point is, what is the WWE doing to have us talking? We are still talking about TNA in your above statement but it just so happens to effect the WWE which is why it matters. But what is the WWE doing that is interesting for wrestling fans right now that is really ground breaking or cutting edge? Guest Hosts? Hornswaggle? The Hurricane? R-Truth? Chris Masters' jumping tits and uneventful face turn?
Dude, bringing in old ass ex-WWE wrestlers/failures and putting (gasp!) four turnbuckles around their ring in neither ground breaking or cutting edge.

Fact: WWE packs 20,000 plus people into arenas and stadiums every day. TNA gives free tickets away to 500 people every few weeks.

Like it or not, what the WWE is doing works. What TNA is doing does not.

Until business success is measured by how many people can log into their computers and claim TNA is doing anything but slowly dying an embaressing death, TNA will continue to slowly die and embaressing death.

I mean...shit guys - were none of you around or just too young to remember when WCW died? It's the same damn thing.

But, what they are doing and how they are working the IWC is that they are getting the fans to at least TALK about TNA. And that is publicity in it's own right.

So very simply, do you agree or disagree and let me know why or why not.

Working the IWC and thinking that will increase business is like telling your grandma you're having a Dragon Ball Z party and execting hot chicks to show up.

The IWC makes up approx 1% of all wrestling fans - if you can even call most of them that - I personally find a large % of the IWC to claim to "fast forward" through shows, only watching them in clips on youtube, not going to the shows, not buying the merchandise, and spending most of their time debating on message boards about wrestling than actually spending any time watching it, and certainly not spending any money on it.

I find most of the IWC to be message board addicts rather than wrestling fans.

Real fans go to the shows, buy the merch, buy th PPV's...things like that. They watch RAW, and come Tuesday move on with the rest of their lives until next Monday, never venturing onto the all mighty message board to argue and debate how bored and uninterested they are with the very product they spend countless hours devoting their time complaining about.

On top of all of that, do you really think a fat loud mouth nobody talk show dude getting beat up by a chick is good publicity for a company trying to break into the big time...?

It's not. That's the kind of thing you don't want getting out when you are trying to gain the kinds of fans who will actually make you money.
Working the IWC and thinking that will increase business is like telling your grandma you're having a Dragon Ball Z party and execting hot chicks to show up.

The IWC makes up approx 1% of all wrestling fans - if you can even call most of them that - I personally find a large % of the IWC to claim to "fast forward" through shows, only watching them in clips on youtube, not going to the shows, not buying the merchandise, and spending most of their time debating on message boards about wrestling than actually spending any time watching it, and certainly not spending any money on it.

I find most of the IWC to be message board addicts rather than wrestling fans.

Real fans go to the shows, buy the merch, buy th PPV's...things like that. They watch RAW, and come Tuesday move on with the rest of their lives until next Monday, never venturing onto the all mighty message board to argue and debate how bored and uninterested they are with the very product they spend countless hours devoting their time complaining about.

On top of all of that, do you really think a fat loud mouth nobody talk show dude getting beat up by a chick is good publicity for a company trying to break into the big time...?

It's not. That's the kind of thing you don't want getting out when you are trying to gain the kinds of fans who will actually make you money.

A lot of people get off topic real fast. The topic is not, does WWE do better in making money. Duh. The topic is not "I'm going to insult TNA for being a small company". The topic is not, "the WWE is bigger and therefore better".

The topic is, that WWE hasn't been giving us good storylines to talk about. And try as much as they can, nobody has given me sound examples of actual interesting storylines to talk about in WWE compared to the ones in TNA.

Suneeboy said yes, people do talk in the WWE forum. But it's mostly topics of their own making. Like who needs to be pushed, how much they miss attitude, that people should be able to make their own promos, etc. Not topics WWE specifically made in the storylines that got people interested enough to write about them, but stuff people want to change about the product.

Sure there are a few interesting WWE storylines. But I find them too few and far between for my liking. The whole point of this topic is WWE needs more and better storylines. And no matter how much some of you want to defend WWE no matter how bad it is, its topics like this that hopefully will perk WWE's ears up and get them to do something, which would benefit everybody.
I always love an opportunity to squash a jobber.

Dude, bringing in old ass ex-WWE wrestlers/failures and putting (gasp!) four turnbuckles around their ring in neither ground breaking or cutting edge.

ex-WWE, ex-ECW, ex-NWA, ex-WCW, ex-ROH, etc. Just because someone worked in another company or at a competitor does that mean they lose credibility or can't entertain? Take a look at the WWE roster and see how many people there worked in other promotions before. You sound stupid.

Fact: WWE packs 20,000 plus people into arenas and stadiums every day. TNA gives free tickets away to 500 people every few weeks.

Yes its a fact. So? WWE has 20,000 people in arenas talking about nothing. Quality over quantity.

Like it or not, what the WWE is doing works. What TNA is doing does not.
That's why TNA's ratings increased yet again right? That's why more people are talking about the product right? That's why they are moving to Monday's right? Yeah, they are fucking up big time and everything is going wrong aren't they.

Until business success is measured by how many people can log into their computers and claim TNA is doing anything but slowly dying an embaressing death, TNA will continue to slowly die and embaressing death.

Last I checked TNA's fan base was growing. I don't think growth equates to death.

I mean...shit guys - were none of you around or just too young to remember when WCW died? It's the same damn thing.
No its not. How?

Working the IWC and thinking that will increase business is like telling your grandma you're having a Dragon Ball Z party and execting hot chicks to show up.

That doesn't even make sense.

The IWC makes up approx 1% of all wrestling fans - if you can even call most of them that - I personally find a large % of the IWC to claim to "fast forward" through shows, only watching them in clips on youtube, not going to the shows, not buying the merchandise, and spending most of their time debating on message boards about wrestling than actually spending any time watching it, and certainly not spending any money on it.

Yeah fast forwarding through boring ass WWE shows which consist of video montages and RAW rebounds, and more recently guest host segments. What is there to watch? I don't think many people are fast forwarding through TNA shows lately.

Oh yeah, I buy PPV's, Video Games, go to shows, buy merchandise...if I feel its worth it. I just bought Genesis actually, and went to RAW at MSG in November. Can't wait until TNA comes to NYC one day.

I find most of the IWC to be message board addicts rather than wrestling fans.

But you're here on a message board. Do you see how moronic you sound?

Real fans go to the shows, buy the merch, buy th PPV's...things like that. They watch RAW, and come Tuesday move on with the rest of their lives until next Monday, never venturing onto the all mighty message board to argue and debate how bored and uninterested they are with the very product they spend countless hours devoting their time complaining about.

Please send me a receipt of all of the PPV's, Merch, and Show tickets you purchased since you seem to have some sort of holier than though attitude that you know what a real fan is. How much do YOU spend on wrestling to show your support?

On top of all of that, do you really think a fat loud mouth nobody talk show dude getting beat up by a chick is good publicity for a company trying to break into the big time...?

You're talking about it aren't you?

It's not. That's the kind of thing you don't want getting out when you are trying to gain the kinds of fans who will actually make you money.

If its so stupid why are you keeping up with it?
Yeah, people are talking about TNA. And look who's doing it. The same people who were doing it a year ago. This time, however, they're all doing it at the same time and more frequently at that. Why? For the majority of us, it's to bitch. Hogan's taken the fan-base that TNA had and, in less than a month, successfully pissed off a large portion of it. Ex-WWE nobodies and has-beens are brought in, marginalizing potentially bankable young stars. Val Venis, Orlando Jordan, and the Nasty Boyz are beating guys who the TNA audience has shown legitimate interest in. The top face has been turned heel pointlessly and thrown into a role where he's bound to fail. Hogan and his boys have come in for the short term to have another day in the lime light. Then what? Any casuals the show gains while the product stays as-is will vanish when Hogan and is crew leave Orlando. People have been given no reason to care about the guys who are going to stay with the company. Not investing in the future now just so Hogan and his boys can have their quick fix and their war is leaving TNA for dead in the long run and doing more harm for the industry than good.

So yeah, I guess they are giving people something to talk about. And how is any of that a positive? But go on, keep talking. It seems to be theraputic or something of the like for you and the other Vince haters. Way to stick it to the man!
But the point is, what is the WWE doing to have us talking? We are still talking about TNA in your above statement but it just so happens to effect the WWE

Ha. This wouldn't even be news if it wasn't for the WWE. There'd be 1 thread, with maybe a page of posts, talking about a few people's experience of whether the new time slot works for them. Instead, because of the WWE, TNA is getting this praise of people - for giving us something to talk about. It's ludicrous that this is being used against the WWE.

which is why it matters. But what is the WWE doing that is interesting for wrestling fans right now that is really ground breaking or cutting edge? Guest Hosts? Hornswaggle? The Hurricane? R-Truth? Chris Masters' jumping tits and uneventful face turn?

I seriously doubt half of the people in this thread would give WWE credit if they did the same things TNA does, but that's beside the point. In recent weeks WWE has ONLY brought back the superstar with the most controversial exit in the history of the business, had several good guest hosts, had great matches, started, and teased serveral storylines, and had a great build up to one of their biggest shows.

But of course, people are complaining Bret Hart isn't on the TV for at least three quarters of the allocated time Raw has, complaining the guest hosts are pointless, shat all over everything the WWE has done in terms of matches, and complaining one of the 'same' 4 will win the Rumble. Which is of course stupid, seeings as it's not like any of the main stars has a lot of Rumble wins.
WWE hasn't done shit to grab my attention in a long time. I still watch it, some of its interesting, but I could care less for most of it. TNA in fact has the better matches, the better talent, and even with the reincarnation of a lot of WCW, the better show. I'm not too high on Hogan myself, but I like what he's doing in the company. They're still building new talent, they're still doing their thing and putting on excellent matches. WWE's shows seem to consist of 30 second squashes, then a 5 minute promo. Then a segment with today's celebrity promoting their latest venture into Hollywood or the sports world. Would I rather see the X-Division talent shine in a tag team match or watch Chris Masters do a nipple dance? Hmmm.
Yes indeed. We sure got to see X-Division talent shine in a tag match on this week's Impact, the six-man lasted, what? Three minutes? And of course, Masters' nipple dance is a highly prominent feature on Raw every week, I mean...wait...no it isn't.

The only reason TNA is giving us more things to talk about is because of how bad it is. End of last week, Foley gets fired. Start of this week, Foley gets called out. Yep, ok. Debut the hottest free agent in wrestling on january 4th and then....erm....

And if you think that's comparable to the Bret Hart situation, words fail me.

TNA are delivering a laughable product. WWE is far from perfect but compared to TNA these past four weeks it is world-class. My friends and I spend more time talking about TNA than WWE, because we enjoy ripping apart the appalling booking and general television that is going on at the minute.
All the wrestling fans I know (not ones who frequent internet wrestling sites for the most part) are talking about the Royal Rumble and Wrestlemania, and to a much lesser extent, Bret Hart returning to WWE and Jeff Hardy going to TNA. Wrestlers doing worked shoot angles on regional radio shows doesn't come up much.

This thread reminds me of Vince Russo's age old defence for putting the WCW title on David Arquette. Because some dumb magazine had an article on it he still claims to this day that it was a smart move and brought the company great free publicity, even though subsequently the already horrible ratings and PPV buyrates went further into the toilet, so what positive effect did that publicity have exactly?

I can't help but feel the same way about TNA right now. They have always been talked about far more than their stature suggests they should be, even years before Hogan & Bischoff showed up they got coverage on the level of WWE online. On this very site at any given time more often than not three quarters of the stories on the main news page would be TNA related, either they were signing another wrestler, one of their current wrestlers was asking for their release, someone was taking a shot at WWE etc...I really don't think any of this backstage talk, rumors, radio appearances etc helps in any way, ratings are up in the past few weeks because Hulk Hogan, Eric Bischoff, Jeff Hardy, Ken Anderson and God knows who else all debuted within the last month, the real test is now on, they have to keep this progression going for more than a month or 2 this time, they've had periods in the past when they looked to be on the up and then ended up back where they started 6 months down the road, like after the signing of Angle or the beginning of the Main Event Mafia storyline.

If all this talk about TNA (and I really do think it is 95% online, which has virtually zero impact on a company's fortunes, positively or negatively) equates to increased PPV buyrates, TV ratings, merchandise sales etc over a sustained period, then well played TNA, there master plan worked, but I have my doubts that will be the case.
Good lord almighty Sid. I love it how whenever someone brings up a great point, you know, just posters like Becca and Shocky, you completely ignore them in favour of looking down your nose at newer posters or completely driving home another tangent when your first was so flawed.

Just because you personally just choose to not discuss the WWE and it's goings on, which is strange since its in the fucking job description, doesn't mean they give us nothing to talk about.You're pushing forth bullshit rumours as something TNA gives us to talk about? Rubbish. TNA outside of the debuts give us no more to talk about than WWE does. Then you bring up the head to head Impact and RAW on March 1st. From what I've been reading, people sound a hell of a lot more pumped for the Rumble then this head to head encounter.

This topic came up last night when we were discussing the Awesome Kong and Bubba incident and Hogan humorously blaming Russo for supposedly encouraging Kong to go attack Bubba.

honestly, that's what you came up with? Absolutely no one cares about this, except for the IWC as Shocky pointed out. It's just little old Sid trying to spark up your own discussion, and fooling yourself into thinking this is a big deal. WWE gets people talking just as much as TNA, but you just refuse to open your mouth.
Do you know what amuses me so much about this? The fact that TNA are ONLY making discussion because of the WWE - I'm not sure how you're arguing this is such a big deal. If Raw wasn't on Monday nights, this would be absolutely nothing. This thing is as much a discussion about WWE as it is TNA and therefore you can't really use it as if the WWE aren't giving us things to talk about - why would they move?

What you said makes no sense. The reason this is big is because TNA's going head to head with a competitor, which is the WWE. Of course it would mean nothing if Raw weren't on Mondays. TNA made the move by moving to Monday nights because WWE doesn't need to do it. TNA's stepping up to them. Why would the WWE step up to anyone. They have no equal at this point. And TNA's at least trying to stir the pot by poking the giant and moving to Monday Nights.

The WWE doesn't give us anything to talk about because they do very little out of the ordinary. Of course we're going to discuss their major PPV, but what is there to talk about at the Royal Rumble? What about the WWE in general? At least TNA's firing some shots.
Now, does the WWE give us something to talk about? Yes, but that really should be “yes”. What we talk about is how stale the product is, how repetitive, and what can be done to make it more entertaining. We talk about what angles we wish we had, and reminisce on how fun it USED to be to watch.

No, We don't talk about that. You talk about that. You focus solely on the negatives and don't look at the positives. Aw, you're like a little Sid!

With TNA, we are talking about the current product, and how they are constantly improving and constantly taking chances with the ultimate goal being to entertain us….the fans. Is the WWE doing that? I don’t think so. It’s basically watching a televised house show if you ask me. I know nothing is going to happen, and it hardly EVER does. So why should I care?

This is such a negative outlook based on you watching TNA on Jan. 4th and seeing them debut new wrestlers. How was putting the belt on Sheamus not taking a chance? As for nothing ever happening, I'm not exactly sure what you mean. Guest Hosts on RAW bring a lot of unpredictability, and Smackdown is doing well with some great wrestling matches. Lots of stuff happens. The only problem is your panties are all bunched up so you refuse to acknowledge it.

Other than the Bret Hart segments on Jan. 4….what has HAPPENED on WWE television the past few weeks? Has anything HAPPENED? Think of that. No it hasn’t.

No. They played static for a few weeks. Come on man, read what you type. Lots of stuff has happened, check the results page if you can't be bothered watching the damn show.

In TNA? Mick Foley is fired, Jarrett is raising hell, The Band is back…but then they got fired, Kurt Angle got screwed, AJ Turned heel, Morgan/Hernandez won the Tag Titles, EY dropped the Global Title at a house show, Kong/Hamada are Knockout Tag Champs, Flair is AJ’s manager, Anderson debuts, these are all TOPICS to DISCUSS people.

Ok, fuck you right now. Cm Punk formed the Straight Edge Society by shaving Serena, Tensions flared in Legacy and DX, Miz and MVP started a feud, McIntyre kept his Intercontinental title after a NO DQ match with JoMo, Swagger and Santino are having a little feud, You're a negative nancy and the divas tournament continued. And thats without a PPV in between. After Sunday, I'll have a ton more to discuss.

Look at the forums. TNA’s forum consists of topics with subject matter surrounding what transpired and basically, “now what?” type of threads….OR at bare minimum a reaction of “I like this” or “I don’t like this”.

What are the topics related to the WWE? “I wish this”…or “Why didn’t they do this”, or “<insert name> should get a push” or “PG Era sucks” or “Cena should turn heel” so on and so forth about nothing.

I could just as easily find thread like that in either section. There are just more threads in the WWE section.

I'm looking at the 25 threads in the TNA section. You know what? 9 of them are to do with Hogan, Bischoff or some combination of them and their friends.

The WWE section's 25, none of the threads stand out as singling out one particular subject. TNA isn't getting people talking about the company, they're getting people talking about Hogan. That;s all they care about. Not Morgan/Hernandez, not the Knockouts, not anyone. Just Hogan. Isn't there a problem with that? The product isn't getting people talking, just the guy they brought in.

There is something to talk about as far as the WWE goes, but it is absolutely nothing interesting in the least.

Royal Rumble winner? Cena, Batista, HHH, or HBK who the hell else is going to headline WM26? You don’t even need a Royal Rumble anymore. Whoever wins, I can guarantee you none of us will be surprised.

We'll have to watch the show and find out! Jericho, Christian, CM Punk, Edge. All outside chances! Thrilling! Then watch Against All Odds and listen to the nail biting conclusion of Nasty Boyz vs Team 3D! Look, I have nothing against TNA and they do give us things to talk about, but to say WWE does not is an absolute farce.

Listen the point is, there is nothing going on in the WWE that is worth having an in depth 200 post thread about

There is one thread over 200 posts on the TNA front page and that's the one about teasing the dumbshits in the Impact Zone. If that's what TNA get fans to talk about then more power to them.

Remember, once you're Crucial Crew, you're Crucial Crew 4 Lyfe!

Three to four fifths of the visitors are hitting up the TNA forums to view CONVERSATIONS. There is nothing to TALK about within the WWE.

Why did you capitalize those?

Go ahead and start a conversation about an “angle” that they are working…(if you can) and then I’ll start one over in the TNA thread (because there are over a dozen things going on right now) and we’ll see who gets a better more in depth conversation going.

I agree completly with Mantaur Rodeo Clown when he says that the WWE gives us a lot more to talk about than TNA. Over the last few months the WWE have taken plenty of chances, gave belts to two rookies, had new PPV's and pushed new superstars to prepare for the future. Just look at the rumble matches, Christian could very well lose to Jackson, Two heels versing and two faces versing. So stop lieing about the WWE not taking risks
I agree completly with Mantaur Rodeo Clown when he says that the WWE gives us a lot more to talk about than TNA. Over the last few months the WWE have taken plenty of chances, gave belts to two rookies, had new PPV's and pushed new superstars to prepare for the future. Just look at the rumble matches, Christian could very well lose to Jackson, Two heels versing and two faces versing. So stop lieing about the WWE not taking risks

The WWE is taking risks, but what do they lose should the risks fail miserably? Absolutely nothing compared to TNA. TNA has put everything on the line with Hogan, and although people have a few issues here and there with how Hogan is going about business, it's bringing something new and fresh to TNA. TNA is changing everything just to really put themselves out there. If TNA fails, they go back to the company they were when they first started.

WWE and TNA both equally give us exciting topics to talk about, however, TNA is giving us discussions about their company that have not happened before. With the WWE it seems to be the same old thing over and over again.
What you said makes no sense. The reason this is big is because TNA's going head to head with a competitor, which is the WWE. Of course it would mean nothing if Raw weren't on Mondays. TNA made the move by moving to Monday nights because WWE doesn't need to do it. TNA's stepping up to them. Why would the WWE step up to anyone. They have no equal at this point. And TNA's at least trying to stir the pot by poking the giant and moving to Monday Nights.

No, the argument being used against the WWE makes no sense because it's as much a part of WWE as it is TNA. They're playing off the WWE which is fine, but praise for TNA is a bit strong, and it's not like McMahon had the option of moving to go against TNA so the move would always have to come from TNA anyway. I wonder how many people will praise TNA for this when they go out of business.
No, the argument being used against the WWE makes no sense because it's as much a part of WWE as it is TNA. They're playing off the WWE which is fine, but praise for TNA is a bit strong, and it's not like McMahon had the option of moving to go against TNA so the move would always have to come from TNA anyway. I wonder how many people will praise TNA for this when they go out of business.

Well, they're nearing seven years in business and haven't made the slightest move to be profitable, why not make a move and see how they stack up against their competition. It's not a huge loss if they do go out of business. And at this point, going to Monday Nights will bring them more viewers, simply due to Thursday nights having a traffic jam of good shows. TNA's making the move to get them much needed attention and if this is confirmed, it'll be all over CBS affiliated advertising. I'm praising TNA because they're taking the initiative and trying to make more money. Hogan's goal's not to put Vince out of business, it's to try to be the best wrestling company in the world, and it's not out of the realm of possibility to happen either.
I've been a WWE much longer than a TNA fan, but honestly WWE hasn't sparked my interests as much as TNA lately. I don't like everything TNA does, and I have enjoyed WWE's product more now then the past few months. In general though, most shows I tune into have been a letdown when I watch WWE. I can't say they don't give me anything to talk about, because I was interested in Sheamus and Bret Hart's return. Especially Kofi's push.

They have all been letdowns though. Sheamus has been in squash matches with hardly any television time, and now that people are starting to care about him he will probably lose the title. Kofi's push has seem to dissolved too. I'm one of the biggest Bret Hart fans out there, but his return was anticlimactic. It was great to see him confront Shawn and Vince, but it all felt too scripted.

As far as the Rumble and Wrestle Mania goes, it should be interesting to see what happens the next few months. Michaels and Taker did have the best match at Wrestle Mania and possibly the best match of the year in WWE. I just really don't care for a rematch. Undertaker has nothing to gain and Michaels has nothing to gain except he beat "the streak". Michaels has beaten The Undertaker before, and now Undertaker has beaten Micheals. I'm sure they could put on a good match if Undertaker is healthy, but who cares who wins or loses?

TNA are growing in the ratings with all this new talent, and they are moving to Monday nights permanently. There is nothing for TNA to lose. I don't care if they lose ratings, Hogan, and go bankrupt. Which I don't think will happen, but if it did at least they went out fighting. I think people want to see actual competition for once instead of the same guest hosts ending the show doing crotch chops with DX.

I can't say WWE doesn't give fans something to talk about, but TNA has been in publicity so much over the past few months. So I have to say TNA has more interest just because they are actually stepping up. Sure guest hosts and WWE are brought up on ESPN and usually laughed at. ESPN makes fun of anything pro wrestling, so that isn't a good argument. Hogan has appeared on as many if not more talk shows then Cena or Triple H has the past few months.

The sad thing is that there is still a lot of people that have no clue who TNA is. I just want them to succeed so wrestling can be watchable again. Something that hasn't been watchable in 5 years.
WWE gives the fans nothing to talk about? Seriously? WRESTLE FUCKING MANIA.

You know, the one wrestling PPV that gets national attention every year? The one that every wrestler wrestling today has dreamed about headlining since they were kids (with the exception of TNA's geriatric club)? Yeah, WWE sure doesn't give us anything good. WWE Wrestlers are busy appearing in films, TV shows, going to Iraq to entertain the troops...but, who cares, right? That isn't a story. Mick Foley getting "fired" in a wrestling storyline, well, that's front page material right there! Bubba the Love Sponge? He is a two-bit local radio personality that nobody gives rats ass about. Who the hell is Bubba the Love Sponge? Yet, that is a major TNA related story? As if anyone gives a damn.

Lord Sidious said:
Who is he and why should I care?

My thoughts regarding most of the TNA roster.

Lord Sidious said:
Already seen it once. Why should I care?

For the same reason that you expect WWE fans to care about WCW part II with Bischoff and Hogan? Isn't TNA just becoming the same thing WCW was 12-14 years ago, without Ted Turner's bankroll to back it up? Its a rerun.
The WWE is taking risks, but what do they lose should the risks fail miserably? Absolutely nothing compared to TNA. TNA has put everything on the line with Hogan, and although people have a few issues here and there with how Hogan is going about business, it's bringing something new and fresh to TNA. TNA is changing everything just to really put themselves out there. If TNA fails, they go back to the company they were when they first started.

WWE and TNA both equally give us exciting topics to talk about, however, TNA is giving us discussions about their company that have not happened before. With the WWE it seems to be the same old thing over and over again.

TNA is in a state of transition so, naturally, there are going to be some things coming up regarding the future of the company in and of itself that the WWE isn't going to have. However, all this anti-WWE propoganda that's been spread around still doesn't hold water. The fact that the WWE is a big company, has proven to be successful and its future isn't in question aren't causes to trash it and say that it hasn't been giving us interesting subjects to talk about. When I look read the posts about TNA, those that aren't completely filled with anti-WWE rhetoric, a lot are talking about the future of the company because it's not necessarily secure and debates regarding the wrestlers that have been brought into TNA. When I read WWE posts, also the ones that are filled with all the hate, I see people primarily discussing the storylines, feuds and matches going on in the WWE. There's only so much one can speculate about how much TNA is risking, wondering whether it's ultimately going to survive and grow. The fact that the WWE is giving us something to talk about in terms of overall product isn't a negative in the least.
The WWE gives it's fans a hell of a lot more to talk about. Open up the TNA section of the forums and look at the first page. 90% of the threads are simple "who's better worker A or B", "TNA missed an opportunity with this", "Where is person C?". There is a couple of threads about pushes, and one about Tara's tits, but there's only one about a storyline, something to do with the band.

Now open up the RAW forum. There's about 5 threads on Bret Hart's return, a couple on Cena and Batista, two about what might happen to DX next, one about Legacy and the rest are the same sorts of things that we have in the TNA section. Seems to me like the people are talking a lot more about the WWE.

Personally, I think last week's Raw is the first in a long time where I have been genuinely interested about where some developments are going. I haven't been compelled to watch an episode of TNA to find out what happens next ever, I don't think. I was talking to one of my mates the other week, who isn't really a wrestling fan. He asked me who I thought would win the Royal Rumble. Never has anyone who isn't a bona fide wrestling fan discussed TNA with me. Ever. I think until that happens, and until TNA's talking points aren't just "Does Hernandez have main event potential?", then I think I'll disagree.

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