To WWE marks: What's with all the TNA hate?


Occasional Pre-Show
Hey guys, what's up. I wanted to start up a discussion to those who despise TNA but love WWE. I love my TNA and like most of what's going on here, but I do enjoy some, not much, but some of WWE's product. However, I don't go all over the place saying how much I hate WWE, even though I don't like a lot of what they are doing, and make ridiculous statements like "Hogan and Bischoff are working for Vince undercover." WWE is stale, and even the fans will say it's stale, but then they go and say TNA sucks for making a poor booking choice or two.

I really want to know what the deal is with all the WWE on TNA hate. It's really not that bad. And to add, everyone's always saying "I want Kurt or Jeff or Anderson, etc back in WWE." Just tune into Impact and you can still see them wrestle, it's not as unbearable as everyone makes it seem.

Thirdly, I can't stand how the WWE fans will rip on TNA for stuff, as if WWE is perfect. Can you say "Hogsplash?" THAT was a part of Wrestlmania? The "grandaddy of 'em all?" In my opinion, WWE's got just as much bad stuff, but the WWE fans seem to overlook their bad stuff and focus on TNA's bad stuff instead.

I mean, is it just cuz the cool thing is to rip on TNA? I almost never see threads about what TNA is doing right, which is a lot, it's all focused on the poor choices and f-ups. I mean, the #1 TNA complaint is "all the old guys." What old guys, hall, nash, pac, and 3D? that's 5 guys. Everyone else is young, or at least great in the ring. Hogan and Flair are pretty much figureheads/managers and don't count.

I mean, the Motorcity Machine Guns are amazing on the mic, and in the ring, and as both heels and faces. No one ever is like "hey, TNA is doing great with putting the Guns with Generation Me." They have put on some of the best matches I've ever seen and no one gives TNA props for not only signing GenMe, but putting them in an AMAZING feud with AMAZING matches for the last couple months. All anyone can say is "TNA sucks cuz of the Orlando Jordan promos." How about a few more positives than negatives.

I don't get it guys, what's with all the TNA hatin???
Hey Yo!
Now imma loyal WWE fan i love the E they just appeal to me more but that doesnt mean i rip on TNA i personally am liking TNA right now they're looking to move forward and moving forward is always good in pro wrestling. But WWE fans hate on TNA in my opinion too much because i think some are a bit jealous of all the awesome guys TNA has pulled and acquired in recent months and a also a little afraid that this could lead to TNA actually being a huge threat to the WWE whenever that happens and they do become legit competition so yeh thats why WWE fans hate on TNA there just that tad of jealousy and fear.
.Tha Wolfpac.
Wow, I can't believe I'm the first person to reply to this. Good thing because most replys would be full of smart ass smarky comments. You won't get that from me. I am a wrestling fan first and foremost, so I want BOTH companies to succeed, and I believe even the biggest WWE mark deep down inside wants that as well, because while controversy may infact create cash it is competition that creates entertainment value..(I may write a book and call it that just to piss off Eric Bischoff. lol) Anywho, back on topic. The biggest reason I shit on TNA is when they deserve it. I was one of the first to say that the Angle/Anderson ladder match was awesome and that the fued by and large is one of the best that they have had going in a long time and I thoroughly enjoy it. I give credit where it is due, and I criticize decisions that need criticizing. Example would be by the Knockouts title changed hands because of which box you chose. Not only is it lazy booking, but it makes absolutely no sense. They had been building towards a Tara/Daffney match that had the Title as a catalyst for the fued. Now that fued is all but dead because the catalyst is gone. It is like fighting with your friend because he has something that you want, and then all of a sudden he doesn't have it anymore because it was taken away. What is the point to continue fighting? Angelina Love/Velvet Sky had build up already, and they should of rode that out before scrapping 2 fueds and starting a brand new one.
Another reason I get on TNA is because by the fault of someone, whether it be Hogan/Bischoff/Russo/Ferrara/Dixie they make extremely poor decisions both in terms of personell and show pacing. They also seem to start an angle, put it on the shelf for 2-6 weeks then bring it back out again and expect casual viewers to know what the fuck is going on. They have a super talented roster that differs from the E. WWE's roster has its great spots and it has its middle ground and its shit pile(Kozlov, Khali and the like). Tna for the most part now has a roster of good/great talent and a very solid middle ground.Nastyz were really the only shit pile and they are gone. They need to decide who they are going to take going forward and situate their roster accordingly, or they will just keep confusing their fans.
Not saying that the WWE is perfect,because it isn't. I hated the Hogsplash as much as anyone, but once I found out that Eddie is actually buried in Phoenix, then it made sense. Just like Rey did the shimmy/frogsplash combo Vickie did the "hogsplash" as a tribute to Eddie. Yes the tribute was sloppy, but I have seen much worse. Also, in the E your main event guys do crowd the top of the card all the time, but they also will move down the card when needed to. HHH and Orton are arguably 2 of the best guys they have on staff right now, and their matches were in the first half of the show and featured them working with guys that needed to be seen working with established guys and looking good doing it. Both accomplished that. And while WWE may have some really stupid fucking angles they make them easy enough to follow. Wrestling isn't supposed to be complicated entertainment. You have to be able to follow what is going on or else the match becomes forgettable and meaningless. When you have a match that has 3 different stipulations, and has no psychology to guide peoples emotions during the match, you end up with one hell of a highlight match that is entertaining to watch but ultimately solves nothing.
Basically what I'm trying to say is I don't personally hate TNA. I watch them every week(after I watch Raw of course) and sometimes I enjoy myself. I just admit that I enjoyed myself more before Hogan and Bischoff came in and changed everything that they had going that I enjoyed. Time will tell if they can fix things, but they aren't doing a great job of gaining new fans, let alone keeping the ones that they have. It isn't just WWE marks shitting on them. Look in the TNA forum and you will see a shitload of threads bitching about the product and how they would fix it. For something that is supposed to be going up to the top, that is very troubling.
I don't watch it alot, but I don't like it because i find it boring. When i watch it, all i see is alot of lame storylines, involving a bunch of washed up wrestlers or WWE rejects. Hogan and Bischoff gets waaaaay too much air time. Abyss to me is a Kane ripoff. Generation me are wanna be hardy boys. Sting is there, but he never really wrestles or even do promos. So wtf are they paying him for? They fucked up the whole Jeff and RVD thing having them teaming up. they should have had them involved in different feuds with different people imo. Now they have this homo guy doing weird ass stuff now. If he at least was funny with it, i could deal with it. They have people winning titles by opening boxes. What's there not to like?

Im trying to think of a good thing while i write this, because i don't want to just bash em. But i can't really think of much that i like about it. Oh i like AJ Styles in the ring, but he sucks on the mic lol. Like sting, he hardly ever fights tho. I like Mr Kennedy, i mean Anderson(or is it Asshole now :p) on the mic

TNA fans overrate the hell out of it too. They make it seem like it's the greatest thing ever. When you tune in to watch, it feels like the minor leagues compared to WWE
But WWE fans hate on TNA in my opinion too much because i think some are a bit jealous of all the awesome guys TNA has pulled and acquired in recent months and a also a little afraid that this could lead to TNA actually being a huge threat to the WWE whenever that happens and they do become legit competition so yeh thats why WWE fans hate on TNA there just that tad of jealousy and fear.
.Tha Wolfpac.

:lmao::lmao::lmao:really? really? really? im a HUGE WWE mark i try to watch TNA after Raw but i cant there so damn boring but u actually think TNA can become a threat really? really? really? TNA gonna end up just like WCW but its gonna happen ALOT soonner and TNA aint gonna beat WWE in the ratings EVER thts the only difference. i hate on TNA bc they suck not bc im afraid or jealous really?really?really?
This can all be summed up by one thing-Change. Hogan promised change when he announced he was coming to TNA while everyone was bollocking Vince for not making new stars and now 4 months later, look what happened. TNA has created one new star-The Pope, WWE has created 3 (The Miz, Jack Swagger, Sheamus) possibly more (Drew McIntyre etc...). While TNA continued to promote itself on 'Watch us because we're what WWE used to look like' WWE has changed. Shawn Michaels is gone and they've taken it in their stride. While not everything has been awful in TNA a large portion of it has. I'm not saying WWE's perfect (which if you think it is, get your heads out of your asses) but it's programme is a damn sight better than most of TNA right now. While I enjoy Thwagger and co others can enjoy Ric 'I need money' Flair and Hulk 'I need exposure' Hogan.
Because it's the nature of human. When you're a mark of someone or something you don't like the opposite. For example in Turkey there are two big football teams in premier league. Galatasaray and Fenerbahce. None of the Galatasaray fans like Fenerbahce or vice versa. It's same with wrestling. People don't have to like and be fan of both shows and if they're a mark of something you can't judge them for not accepting a different product. In this case TNA is the rival of WWE. Some of the WWE fans hate TNA because they love their show and don't want anything to be rival of it. Do you think that all of the TNA fans love and watch WWE ? So what's the problem ?

I also see a contradiction. Many people say that TNA is an alternative product to WWE. So it means that it offers you thing that are not in WWE. But if I'm a huge WWE mark and love the show so much why would I watch the alternative. What makes me love the show is what WWE offers to me. If TNA is alternative it means that people that are tired of watching WWE and trying to find something new and fresh to watch should watch TNA.

So yes some WWE marks hate TNA because they still think their show is superior. It's very natural. When you are a mark of a team or a show you don't like the rival. In wrestling it's not much different than football or some other sport. For example ECW marks hated both WWF and WCW even though WWF product at that time was very similar to what ECW was. Because ECW was their show. ECW was like their favorite football team and they supported ECW from start to end and it's same with all WWE and TNA marks.
I actually thought it was more the other way around. I always thought that WWE partisan fans were always attacked by partisan TNA fans and in return WWE fans lashed back.

I like WWE and it is annoying when I get attacked by TNA fans telling me WWE sucks, its pg, its garbage, only kids watch. That doesn't encourage me to watch TNA. If TNA fans would spend more time promoting TNA and how good it is instead of bashing TNA I am sure more WWE fans would watch.

I watch both WWE and TNA mostly on youtube. TNA is ok but seeing the guys from 15 years ago is annoying. It's also annoying how they are trying to build up their product on all WWE guys except AJ. How is the same ol guys crossing the line? What line are they crossing?

BTW guy up top, nicely said.
Alright. I don't really have much to say about TNA, seeing as I hardly watch it, but when I do watch it, I'm bored. I'm not impressed with what they're doing. I don't like the fact that they have all these WWE burnouts. Hulk Hogan, Mr. Kennedy(Anderson), Ric Flair, Jeff Hardy, The Nasty Boys, etc. The only thing that, IMO, TNA has going for it is AJ Styles.

I don't know. This could just be me, but I find TNA way more boring than WWE.
Been a long time but I feel the need to get my opinion in on this one. There are things I hate about WWE, and things I love. Same with TNA. With WWE, I hate the fact that the vast majority of the promos are scripted word for word. I'm pretty damn tired of seeing the Main Event scene consisting of a lot of the same people. But at the same time, I absolutely love that they are introducing new life into the top of the card by adding people like Sheamus and Swagger, and Edge and Orton's face/tweener turns are going absolutely great.

Now in TNA, I absolutely despise how much time Bischoff and Hogan get on air every week. IMO, They are totally putting the company on the wrong person's shoulders. Forgive me if I'm wrong, but don't they have Jeff Hardy? Wasn't he just the WHC a few months ago? He is the only person in that company who has put asses in seats for WWE PPVs in the past 5 years... yet he's feuding with a tag team who has more than ran it's course. Sure he has his legal issues, but you're insane if you actually think he's gonna serve any time for that horseshit. Fuck Hulk Hogan, put Hardy, Angle, and Sting in your commercials. maybe you can hit the 1.0 mark again. Well I suppose I have to say something good about TNA, and surprisingly, I do believe they can salvage the product. The matches featuring Anderson, Angle, Pope, Wolfe, AJ, MCMG, GenMe, etc. have been outstanding. Boy did the WWE fuck up with Burke. I never realized the charisma he had. Seeing him get a shot at a World Heavyweight Championship, though I don't believe he has an honest shot at attaining it, has definitely been eye opening.

Truth be told, I watch TNA more often than I watch WWE, just because some of my favorite talent is there. But I never know when I'm going to see them. But saying the make a bad booking decision or 2 is a mind boggling understatement. It has been one horrible abortion after another with this company ever since Hogan and Bischoff arrived. I'll admit that they have had a couple compelling storylines, and a good number of the matches have been superb, but that has less to do with the booking and more to do with the talent of the performers. The longer they have Hogan in control, the more the company is going to fall in the hole.

In closing, what's up with all the TNA hate? Well I'm sorry, but with the exception of a few morons who have no business speaking an opinion on anything, I think it's completely justified. They have a LONNNNNNNG way to go.
haha notice how once you start a thread about people bashing TNA they quiet down and avoid the topic or input in the thread and claim they don't (not singling any one out because i know no one on this site personally)....except the peep4life dude...I can't even think of a word to describe the amount of stupidity that comes with repeating the word really that many times in a post. Are you really that much of a mark that you want to BE the miz? do you think you're the miz? any way i'm too lazy to scroll up and see who said it, but some one hit the mark. CHANGE. Look at how much heat Obama got (and now he's proving them right >_<) but that's a different topic entirely...but on that topic, how about Hogan's new shirt lol

back to wrestling, TNA is new, it's developing. It has to set a groundhold and they're fucking around with all different ideas until they find a niche they, and the fans, love. who knows, the nasties could have ended up being a big thing now. you never know. when Cena first came in look how he was. pink tights, high and tight hair, and no one liked him. years later and he's the poster on every 12 year old's wall. Every thing successful is hated to begin with. Remember the Rock in the NoD? Die Rocky Die? Hell even consider Hogan. He WAS wrestling. So was Flair. Now that they're old (and not in WWE any more) every one hates them. Sure it was bad for Hogan to jump to MTV and have a reality show, but in his defense he was too old for wrestling so he had nothing really do to (plus he got paid HUGE to do literally NOTHING)

bottom line, once TNA becomes old news and they aren't focusing on change any more, people will stop talking. They may not make it that long, or WWE will end up in the grave, but if they both make it, and they both realise they're different products marketed to different people, then all will be well....of course politics have proven the latter to be impossible
Seriously mate, wake up and smell the roses. There are tons of threads about how WWE botched something or failed at some storyline. And there's loads of threads praising TNA. But if you think about it, humans can bitch about something til the cows come home, but praising it is different. so what im saying is that it's harder to make a good thread which is saying how good something is. but threads have lots of replies about how bad something is.
Because TNA is awful. I have tried so many times to get into it but I can't, I just think the shows are terrible. They have a better approach with aiming for an adult audience I'll give them that, it's more Attitude Era type stuff. But sadly, they are no good at it, WWE are, they just choose not to. I wish like most that WWE would be all Attitude again, and sure some would say "watch TNA they are more adult orientated". But it's still not good, their ideas are good, they just can't pull them off. But I really really hope they get better because I want to see them push WWE to get better and I want to see another Monday Night War
If you decide to NOT watch a show because there's a bunch of ex-WWE guys in there, then sir my friend you are a complete moron. I don't even want to get into yet another debate with a WWE mark because I honestly get headaches. I rarely come on the forums and just discuss things about WWE/TNA without some mark quoting my post and saying how wrong I am about this and about that.

Remember, we DISCUSS we don't DEBATE. I don't like WWE, I've been watching it for YEARS and this is hands down its worst period. I do enjoy TNA it seems like a breath of fresh air in a room full of farts. Sue me.

Fact is, WWE won't make me like them (again) and TNA won't make all the marks watch and we'll just have to live with that.

But remember this, I was a blind,blind,blind WWE mark coming on these forums saying how TNA will never succeed, how Vince has an empire and how boring TNA is when I saw a couple of shows. Then I started watching more and more and all of a fuckin' sudden the storylines made sense and I understood what's going on.

You hate on TNA because of weird SLs and bad superstars. First of all, you don't know their names and characters - how can you judge them?

Second of all, the SLs don't make sense because you don't follow them. Tell you what, if you watch ONE part of a SL without knowing who's in it and why they're in it - well DUH, of course you won't get it.

But I can't blame you. WWE is doing the same storylines and feuds over and over again, being repetitive so damn much that each and every WWE fan's brain is numbed so badly they can't get a more complicated storyline.

Usually their Storylines and feuds go like this:

1.Some guy attacks some guy ( If it's not for a title )
2.Next week we get a lame explanation why. Most of the time there is none.
3.Then we see them actually face eachother right before the Pay Per View.
4. Pay Per View - one guy wins.
5. Monday after the Pay Per View - everything's forgotten, nothing ever happened. Then some guy attacks another guy. Repeat.

Now, if it IS for a title it is ONLY for a title.

1.Some guy wants the title.
2.Some guy faces the champion in some awkward match where the champion wins cleanly.
3.Lame promo.
4. Pay Per View where the champion wins, cleanly.

The only difference between all the storylines and feuds are the people in them. That's about it.

Not to mention the "Layout" of a heel and face which not only demolishes their personality but makes me tug on my testicles as hard as possible until I faint.

Faces - They have to smile no matter what. I don't care if you were the most hated week before, now you have to smile. You have to continiously say how much you love the fans and remind his oponents that you respect him but you'll beat him. Don't forget smiling. You have no emotions, you have no personality. You just smile like a creep.

Heels - Monotonous, always wearing suits for some reason. Empty look, repetitive talk, same promo each week. Robotic manner of speaking. I.E Shwagger. THe guy was all over the place the weeks before he won the title, now he did and he turned into a Jericho.

The only two guys who do not follow the layout of a heel and a face, imo, are The Miz and Triple H. Other than that there's Orton who's a tweener, and so is 'Taker.

[ Waits for a WWE mark to remind me that TNA is like WCW ]
It's simple dude...

WWE doesn't have to change there product and they will still kill TNA in the Ratings. This being said you would expect TNA too do everything possible to have the best show week in and week out so even if there getting killed in the ratings there still having the better show. (WWF had the better show for 30+ Weeks before they finally beat WCW again IMO) but if you look at the the 5 week war so far..

I got it 3-2 WWE if not 4-1 WWE. TNA has resulted to having a life strip at the end of their show to try to sway viewers from WWE's run over. I mean how bad is that... Instead of just having AJ vs another great wrestler they are having Knockout lockbox'

Not to mention since E has taken over the X division is averaging 10-15 min a show a week if that. There roster is 70+ and they only use 40 reguarally.

Where is Joe, Raven, Rhino? They just released Daniels and Creed...

Hey TNA Marks... when is your company going to step up so i can "cross the line" because right now it sucks!.
I got different question for TNA marks.Whats with all the hatred they have for WWE?

I've seen hatred on both sides but WWE has at least 2 times more audience than TNA and its normal thing that there are more people who are bashing TNA then WWE

I got no problem with neither.I like WWE more but I dont see reason that just because of that I bash TNA more.Bottom line is this:If something is wrong in WWE or TNA I write it in some discussion that it should be better.If something is good in WWE or TNA I praise it.There are lot of rooms for improvement in both shows in my opinion.TNA needs to improve because they need it if they want to compete with WWE.WWE doesnt need to improve himself because of TNA(they are not tough competiton at this moment) but needs to improve for the fans who watch the product
The biggest beef i have with TNA is that they're trying too hard to be like the WWE, when in fact they got "over" with a different product.You know, stuff like the X Division.

I can't say I'm thrilled with Hogan or Flair or any of the other guys, but with at least some of the workers TNA is doing a good job. I mean, Anderson is in a nice, albeit wacky booked program with Angle. The Pope is getting over nicely. The KO's are putting on good matches, although i don't particularly care for women's wrestling.

The main problem with both WWE and TNA is that they don't usually think it through when it comes to introducing new characters on TV. I mean, you've got some great workers in both companies.Let's just take MCMG or GenerationMe (stupid name btw). Why should i care for the great matches they put on? Give me a reason to care for the guys in the ring. That's what wrestling in supposed to be. Suspending your disbelief. Not some shock value angles or "thrown together at the last minute" matches/tag teams/etc.

BTW : I HATE all the changes in TNA.Well, not all of them. I did enjoy the 6 sided ring and thought it was good because it was "different". The X Division is getting less and less attention, although that what the basis of TNA. That's what TNA should be aiming for.Striving for. Presenting a different product than WWE. As such, people who are tired by the matches in WWE, would come to watch lightning quick guys giving it their best in TNA.

Also, when you aquire 2 of the biggest commodities in wrestling, Jeff Hardy and RVD, i expect you to do something big with them. Hell, Jeff Hardy was huge when he exited WWE. RVD should be in a meaningful feud. These guys have the potential to drive up the ratings and buyrates. So what does TNA do? They put them in a tag team. Sorry, but that's just lazy booking.

TNA is doing a pretty good job with AJ Styles, but i do feel he isn't the heel they wanted. Also, i don't understand the whole deal with Abyss. Maybe it's just me, but i would've put Mr. Anderson with Ric Flair and AJ with Hogan. Dunno, but i feel Anderson as a heel + Flair as a manager = $. And AJ, who is one of the best wrestlers in the world, is plain and simple, a face.

TNA should focus more on character development. Plain & simple. Make us care about MCMG, GenMe or Wolfe.Answer some of the questions that have boggled all of us, such as : what are Hardy's intentions in TNA? What does he plan to do? What does RVD want in TNA?

Baby steps...and if they get it right, we'll see something good down the road. But if they'll continue with their lazy booking and shock value angles, they aren't going to rise in the ratings.

P.S. : I'm not trying to say WWE is perfect. They've got big issues too that i'm not going to discuss here.
I crap on TNA because they deserve it. TNA is too old not to know who they are. They fail at business decisions and then the storylines are not correctly done. People talk about the Hogsplash but it was a funny segment. Then TNA does a knockout lockbox and thats suppose to be real. Really !

When wwe does crazy segments they are segways to transition the audience back down before something major. Jim Ross has explained that numerous times on videos.

But TNA is dissapointing on so many levels. Hogan / Bishcoff getting 45 min of airtime, 20 min of wrestling a show, Jeff Hardy / RVD not being the faces of the company, Abyss the Wuss [ Hogan 2.0 ] , AJ [ Flair 2.0 although he has no charisma or sex appeal ..TNA women don't want to have sex with AJ like they did Flair ! ]

Constantly burying the x division, not promoting the tag division, too many storylines, rob terry- the new goldberg, the black lady gaga -OJ, thinking they are going to win a ratings war when vince is getting his own television network. And I could go on and on.....

TNA just doesn't get it... I started watching for action and good wrestling not this entertainment mess.... they make ROH look like the best promotion around. At lease cornette knows his strengths and weaknesses and make sure you don't ever see stuff that makes his product look bad.

And whats worse. I want TNA to succeed and be a viable number 2 but I think ROH may get there first.
It is easy.

TNA just doesn't know what they are doing. Would I love to see alotof guys in the WWE that are in TNA? hell ya!! but there is a reason its not easy just to tune in, The feel in TNA is not there. Personally i think with all of the talent TNA should be ontop of the world. But expierence is just soo much better. I remember the NWO was a huge thing coming to the WWE people were excitied, now it is happening again. Alot of things are happening again!! people want new. but they want new in the WWE if anything in TNA was happening in WWE it would be huge, but because TNA is putting on thesebig things its just going to be the downfall of TNA. I ocasionally tune over to TNA and I follow the spoilers, to be honest the only things I have been looking forwarded to see is the Samoa Joe vignetts and Orlando Jordan. TNA just should have got more behind them in making all of this happen today.
I haven't read anything but the OP. If I've repeated shit, sorry bub.
I'm a WWE fan. Have been my whole life. I've seen them in the glory of the 80's, the lull that followed and so on. I was also supported WCW as the competition was amazing. For a good while we had 2 great wrestling shows. We fans truely benifited from Bishoff spending piles of Turners money. the greatest time in wrestling, IMO. If only that could be repeated in some fashion.
Now we have the only "competition" to WWE in TNA. GREAT!!! Until you watch the product. Half the time shit don't make sense. The production value just feels low rent. I know this don't mean shit to the TNA marks, but ALWAYS being in the Impact Zone doesn't give TNA that BIG GAME feel that they so desperatly need. And yes I understand the business side of saving money...yet the pay Hogan, Nasty's (well did to please hogan), the Band etc...but I digress...
I absolutely and honestly want TNA to get HUGE. Why? Cause I'm a wrestling fan. I'm a WWE mark cause they're the biggest game in town. Sure having grown up on a healthy dose of the Federation has something to do with it. However, if TNA was better i'd switch. They're not. Not yet.
So I guess the answer you're looking for is that TNA pisses me off. They position themselves to gain all this momentum, then shoot themselves in the foot. Everytime. The fucked up the Hogan debut. They fucked up RVD and Hardy's debuts. Christ on a stick! How the fuck can you have all the talent in the world and NOT put on a better show. It's not like WWE creative is giving you such a high bar to reach (not contridicting myself, I'm just as critical of WWE).
TNA is a killing themselves. Why on fucking Earth is Hogan getting the most air time? I'll give the man due credit for PAST accomplishments....but in the past is where they're at. Hogan isn't the man anymore. I was pissed that WWE had brought him back, and I'm pissed that he's ruining TNA. HE HAD BROOKE CRYING THAT HE WAS GOING TO WRESTLE AGAIN. WHAT THE BLUE FUCK IS THAT DUMB CUNT DOING ON A WRESTLING SHOW!!!!
When I heard he was coming in I had writen a post somewheres on this site that I hoped he'd come in and enhance the talent, not put himself on TV a ton blah blah blah. I fucking hate being right. The TNA Champion and all contenders have taken a back seat to two WAY over the hill ego maniacs. I love me some red faced Flair over the top promos....but not when he bleeds profusely doing so. I also don't want to see Flair wrestle. I ordered WM24 for his retirement. He owes me 50 bucks. Bastage!

OK, i'm fucking ranting so it's time to stop. I gots more things that TNA pisses me off with but it's all the same. The have the tools to be a really great wrestling show but their heads are stuck so far up their asses. I want to see an end to all this stupid bullshit. Build this company around AJ, Joe, hardy, RVD, ANGLE!!!!!!, Pope, Wolf, and Anderson. TNA needs to simplify, then build. AS far as I'm concerned all they got is bags of mortor cause they haven't even built their foundation yet.
There are so bright spots in their talent roster and such...but it just get ruined by the force feeding of hogan and flair. They're not relevant anymore. TNA will never be with them in the forefront.

OH BTW. I ordered WM this year before the Divas match was announced. I might not have EVEN though HBK's last match was on the card. While the Kings commentary "HOGSPLAH!!" was funny, it was his only bright moment of the PPV. King is phoning it in IMO. Maybe his mouth is being gagged or whatever, but he sucks. Cole on NXT is far better than the King is at the moment. Yeah, I said it. Now what? lol
I was more than a little perturbed that Vickie got just about the only promo on the fucking WM show. How the fuck does that happen? And to give her the win? That was absolute shit. I wasn't overly impressed with the show as a whole. Divas do not deserve a match at WM unless it's Melina and Mickie. mmmmmmm melina & mickie........
This one is really simple. As much as I want TNA to suceed they, IMO, have taken steps backwards instead of forwards. And then they and they're marks call it progress. Example:

A.J. Styles is TNA World Champion...great. He has been shown as once again a lackey for whoever the next big name is that comes to town. (Christian, Angle, now Flair) His character is weak eventhough the WRESTLER is probably the most talented on the roster. Think back to when Flair (who he's emulating) had his NWA/WCW runs...he was never portrayed as cowardly, or idiotic. He never sucked up to anyone. It's a total contridiction.

TNA's greatest asset before the Hogan regime was the X-Division, and they've totally crapped on it. While Doug Williams is very talented his ring style is almost exactly oppostie of what put the division over. And then to have him feud with the likes of Shannon Moore? Wow.

Shannon Moore is the unique answer to this question. Who is the only WWE Reject AND TNA Reject to be brought back into the TNA fold and awarded instant title shots? He's only there because some Shannon Marks harrassed DIxie on Twitter? Really? Of course there may be more to it, but I don't find his in-ring work entertaining, his character is boring and weird, but I will give him credit for at least LOOKING comfortable on the mic.

I've seen Generation Me before, they were called The Hardy Bo...I mean The Rocker...oh hell, and it was better then.

While Pope v. Wolfie Baby is entertaining, it has been done since JANUARY!!!! And the fued still isn't over? Anderson V. Angle is still going? Why is all of the TALENT that TNA marks boast about in secondary feuds? Why is the main feud (involving the World Champ) about Hogan vs. Flair? Why is Hogan (who said he was only here to help backstage) involved in 3 MAJOR STORYLINES AT ONCE? (vs. Flair/AJ, the debuts/return of RVD and Hardy, and The Band).

Why is everyone who was on Hogan's Australia tour a player in TNA now? (Flair, Anderson, OJ) It seems to chummy for me.

I'm mad at the Orlando Jordan gimmick because he SAYS NOTHING!!! Just coming out and being enfemminate/creepy/weird isn't enough. And by the way OJ...Goldust did this schtick better almost 20 years ago, you are not breaking any ground. At least he cuts a promo every now and then.

Am I a WWE mark? Maybe, I've been accused of defending Vince all the time here but maybe it's just me sticking with what I know. I never thought Hogan would advance TNA a great deal and I expected him to actually fail by now. SO for it to still be a viable option to some...fine. I used to love TNA, but I knew Hogan would ruin it for me.

WWE is like the turd biscuit that Vince has been giving to me for almost 30 years, it may be nasty but you're use to the taste.

TNA is the beautiful donut that I had every now and then to erase that taste. And now as I look I see Hogan's sweaty ass hovering over my beautiful donut. I really don't want to taste whatever comes out of there.
TNA gets ripped on because the storylines are crap most of the time, talent shifts between heal and face from week to week with no explanation, the booking is horrible, the talented guys do not get tv time as much anymore and most importantly Hulk Hogan is involved. I love pro wrestling and try to watch all of it, WWE...TNA...ROH...hell I even watched NWA on Colors once in a while (not sure if still on). I judge the current product by how much I watch and how much I fast forward through. Right now, Smackdown & NXT get my most time followed by Raw, ROH and TNA last. I just can't stay interested when there is no clear direction. THat is why I crap on TNA....oh and did I mention because HOgan was there?
you'd rather Vince McMahon's billionaire 64 ass shaping your elitist viewpoint as a WWE hack who does as their master says over Hulk Hogan's sweaty ass as the only serious alternative?? The Rise and Fall of the WCW DVD has done more than any piece of WWE propaganda to erase the truth of the guys not working for WWE who worked together to almost destroy it. There are so many WWE hacks out there all saying the same crap, they've all watched the movie, they all have negative stuff to say about everything and they can't just sit back and enjoy or be patient. They all have a.d.d., they all think everything sucks and they all have the remedy to fix it. They're idiots.

I beg to argue that the most long term fans of the 80s and 90s have not been watching wrestling much over the past decade (or are watching out of habit and hate what they see). I believe they are waiting for Hogan and TNA to make wrestling good again so that they don't have to watch WWE or at least to motivate WWE to start creating watchable tv. TNA is still playing by the rules of current wrestling fans, and they need ratings to survive..and by catering to the WWE wrestling fan mentality they are going to lose. They need to give up on WWE hacks and focus on the permanently disinterested wrestling fan, like me and a lot of my buddies who quit watching regularly in 2003. We need a real reason to tune in again each week, we want to see the familiar guys of the past giving the younger guys of the future the proper transition, unlike what happened in WWE. Get rid of the pg crap, bring back the chair shot, bring back the sleazy stuff, bring back the NWO beatdowns, and lets see the Band + guys like A.J. Styles and Ken Anderson and Kurt Angle all come together and take over TNA. WWE wrestling fans don't want to see that because they are WWE fans who want to see their corporation succeed. They don't care about what's good for TNA. So lets give all the old guys a MONSTER push, that's the only way to build young stars in the long run. Contrary to what WWE's moronic fan base thinks, it WORKED before in WCW, it'll work again in the crappy wrestling environment of 2010.
I would like everyone to get a perspective from an older fan. There are the fans that started watching in the mid 80's, like me. My first Wrestlemania was WM 4 at Trump Plaza. I drank the Hogan koolaid. big time. On saturdays, the NWA had a saturday show airing an hour before WWF Superstars. Sting, Luger, Horsemen, Road Warriors. I drank the koolaid.

Then we got the turner WCW and had to watch Vader and Ron Simmons win world titles while 1992 began and WWF experienced its slow decline as well. I tuned out. 1993 was the genesis of ECW. I would read about it in magazines.

We waited several mundane years until Hogan turned and formed the NWO. Michaels was at the top of his game and wrestling 'Taker. Sting was feuding with the NWO. Hottest period ever for WCW. A year later and we got Stone Cold, The Rock and the attitude era wrapped with a big bow and shiny gift paper. Hottest period ever for WWF. Then something happened.....

We don't know what it was. We've never been able to figure out why all of a sudden things started absolutely sucking. Russo was booking WCW, HHH would come out and cut 30 minute promos to start off Raw. Vince buys WCW. An era ends. We had a small blip of genius comedy writing by the creative team with Angle and Austin competing for Vince's affection. And got taken away from us again. We had nothing. We had post-attitude era WW "E".

We were introduced to NWA-TNA (the Flying Elvis's, Jeff Jarrett, AJ Styles, Eric Watts). We knew this was just a small indy fed but somehow it made it to PPV. We recognized some names from the past but it wasn't enough. NWA-TNA didn't have an identity. We watched TNA raise the bar with the x-division. But we wanted more. Watching 180 pound wrestlers flying around the ring was fun to watch but all we did was give the match golf claps. We wanted psychology, violence, drama. We were not getting it in either wrestling company.

Today, the plight of the 29 year old wrestling fan is that he is turned off my WWE kiddie romper room entertainment and believes that Vince is using the 80's formula again to keep young fans tuned in. (Cena). He is also pissed off that his former bloody underground wrestling company ECW was taken away from him. He watches old ECW tapes to recall the 'good ole' days' of violence and drama that he craves so much. He is enamored by Orton, loves Jericho and is hopeful for the future with the likes of Miz.

He watched TNA because it reminds him of a time we felt like a younger fan again. Sitting in his dorm room with college buddies flipping back and forth between WCW and WWF in '97-'99. He knows TNA and WWE today are nowhere close to being the war it was before. But he is hopeful and he wants both to succeed. he doesn't listen to the competitive banter between 'marks' for both companies because it is just a bunch of kids arguing over something that is in the realm of entertainment. He is confused as to why he never sees forums arguing back and forth about which character from Lost is going to get "pushed" this week. However, he is still hopeful and keeps watching waiting for the moment, storyline, character, or feud to open the flood gates to a new era. An era WE will be telling our kids about. Not an attitude era, not an 80's rock n wrestling era, but a NEW era. Wait...
I don't watch it alot, but I don't like it because i find it boring. When i watch it, all i see is alot of lame storylines, involving a bunch of washed up wrestlers or WWE rejects. Hogan and Bischoff gets waaaaay too much air time. Abyss to me is a Kane ripoff. Generation me are wanna be hardy boys. Sting is there, but he never really wrestles or even do promos. So wtf are they paying him for? They fucked up the whole Jeff and RVD thing having them teaming up. they should have had them involved in different feuds with different people imo. Now they have this homo guy doing weird ass stuff now. If he at least was funny with it, i could deal with it. They have people winning titles by opening boxes. What's there not to like?

Im trying to think of a good thing while i write this, because i don't want to just bash em. But i can't really think of much that i like about it. Oh i like AJ Styles in the ring, but he sucks on the mic lol. Like sting, he hardly ever fights tho. I like Mr Kennedy, i mean Anderson(or is it Asshole now :p) on the mic

TNA fans overrate the hell out of it too. They make it seem like it's the greatest thing ever. When you tune in to watch, it feels like the minor leagues compared to WWE

this is exactly what he was talking about how has the Jeff RVD thing already failed? I dont see it. you dont seem to have even really givin them a chance. As for Orlando Jordan, he is bisexual. Thats who he is. its not like goldust who isnt really gay and uses it as a comedy angle. Orlando Jordan doesnt want homosexuality to be a joke so he doesnt make it one. WWE has always ran off of rejects from other companys so ur "WWE rejects" comment is invalid. Stone Cold, The Undertaker, Nash, HHH, Mick Foley, and many others are all WCW Rejects.

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