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To Quote Dixie Carter: "We are going to focus on younger wrestlers" Bullshit!


The dirtiest player in the game.
Dixie Carter has stated that Impact was going to focus on younger wrestlers and develop their own stars. I call "Bullshit!". Since this announcement Devon has won the TV Championship and RVD has become number one contender of Roodes title. RVD is 41 and Devon is 39. Just because you are younger than Ric Flair, it doesn't make you young. This wreaks of Hogan's good ol' boy booking. If pushing young stars means pushing Garrett, they are headed in the wrong direction. WTF? 10 matches and he shows up in a PPV.

To prove their point, they should have had a tournament with 6 or 8 of the young guys on the roster with the winner getting the privilege of being squashed by Roode at Sacrifice. I know they are just going to feed Roode a bunch of jobbers until BFG when Storm comes back, so why not some of the young guys on the roster to at least make it look like they are trying to do what they say they are.

I know they are just going to feed Roode a bunch of jobbers until BFG when Storm comes back, so why not some of the young guys on the roster to at least make it look like they are trying to do what they say they are.
Roode taking down a bunch of young guys that you know won't beat him does what, exactly? It makes more sense to feed him guys who the fans already legitimately believe in. If Roode goes through guys like RVD, he can be built up into a more credible champion. It will make Roode look stronger in the long run. Young guys should be used in the midcard until they are built up enough. Just throwing them at the champ does nothing, and hurts more than it helps.
Hell yeah,

agree with u man! But you know the current creative head Bischoff has not much interest in pushing young stars... Vince Russo was a man who used to push Young stars better. Thats why he failed in WCW because it was a big pool of all established stars. Think of 2009 the year when Russo had full creative power, we witnessed the MEM and the rise of AJ, Joe, Pope to the top...

but he is not present now.!.

Hell yeah!!!
Will somebody just come out and say it already? Fire everybody that's been in WWE/WCW and merge the ROH/DGUSA rosters and be done with it. Just say the shit already, that's what a lot of you want.
Hell yeah,

agree with u man! But you know the current creative head Bischoff has not much interest in pushing young stars... Vince Russo was a man who used to push Young stars better. Thats why he failed in WCW because it was a big pool of all established stars. Think of 2009 the year when Russo had full creative power, we witnessed the MEM and the rise of AJ, Joe, Pope to the top...

but he is not present now.!.

Hell yeah!!!

Absence really does makes the heart grow fonder. Already pining for Russo's return aren't we? Am I the only person who doesn't have amnesia? 2009 young stars rose to the top? Would that be the year everybody complained the MEM was a modern day NWO holding the young guys down? Why not go back a few years to 2007? Oh wait...then it was Kurt Angle hogging the spotlight. Or 2005, the best year for the X Division by a mile, but Jarrett was hogging the NWA title, so that year sucked too...
TOOL!!! WWE loving TOOL!

Spare us of your stupidity. Bobby Roode IS THE YOUNG GUY! RVD is the established talent that is going to do the job to Roode at Sacrifice and continue to build up Roode as "the guy".

You already know this to be true but you want to be a dumb**ck about the whole thing.

You probably don't even watch the show. Have you noticed Austin Aries rise? Of course not because you don't watch the show. What about the MCMG? Or Joe and Magnus? Or Crimson? Or Matt Morgan? Kazarian, Daniels, & Styles? Garrett Bischoff? Gunner? The Knockouts? Anderson? Hardy? Yeah all of these guys are washed up and WAYYYYY to old to be preforming right?

Piss off you dirt bag! In your case the wheel is spinning, but the hamster is dead...
To the OP, I get what you are saying, especially in regards to RVD becoming the Number One Contender, but is there really any doubt he will lose? He's being used to help continue the push of a TNA homegrown talent in Bobby Roode, so in that sense, yeah, they are focusing on younger talent.

James Storm is actually another good example. They've taken great care in making him a big singles player in TNA, and that's something that has been needed in TNA for quite some time.

As for Devon, it's not like he's holding a title that is worth anything. Given that the TV Title will be defended on a weekly basis, you can count on him dropping it soon. I could easily see a younger, less established talent winning the title, and perhaps the TV Title being a platform to get younger guys some exposure.
TNA is pushing the younger guys you just have to read between the lines. Devon for example at 39 holds the TV title. The TV title last i looked really isnt a valued title worth having anyways not prestige anyway. Let him have it,it probably will be his last title anyway so does it really matter? Nope i dont think it does.

RVD at 41 being the number one contender? Is there any doubt whatsoever he will job to ROODE. We all know RVD wont win it only builds Roode as the monster champion who cant be beat. Austin Aries is badass i like him alot. X division champion just keeps getting better every match. As far as Jeff Hardy goes i think he finally has kicked the demons out of his life. I dont think he has ever looked better not this good in a long long time. Got rid of that beer gut got himself in great shape.

TNA is pushing the younger talent Morgan,Storm,MCMG,Crimson,TNA knockouts,AJ styles all of them have great spots in TNA all of them have been in multiple main event matches so to quote my man Mike Ditka on NFL countdown Come On Man!!
Bobby Roode is 35, he's not young.
He's as old as Cena is.
You can't call him a young talent for most of those arguments.
Bobby Roode is 35, he's not young.
He's as old as Cena is.
You can't call him a young talent for most of those arguments.

How old are you? Are you a kid or something? 35 is NOT old! John Cena is still a young star. He is an established star, but Cena probably still has a least another 10 years in him. Austin wasn't exactly young when he got his big push was he? In 1998 Austin was 34 years old dumbass. I guess he was old and washed up in 1998 as well.

In the old territory days of wrestling one was not considered to be a "veteran" and ready to be champ until they had "paid they dues", which usually consisted of about 10 years to reach that point. Austin was a perfect example of this as well as Hogan. There is a reason why Randy Orton became the youngest champ in history when he beat Beniot at Summerslam. WWE has started to just put world titles on people thinking that that will make them a star. The only thing that they have managed to do is devalue their titles as a result. Remember how special it was when Edge and Jeff Hardy finally won their first world title? Or what about Mick Foley?

Bobby Roode falls into the same category as guys like Austin, Hogan, Edge, and Hardy. They have all paid their dues and worked their asses off to finally get where they are. And you say that Bobby Roode is too old? Go to sleep so you can be up for your high school classes in the morning...
35 is NOT old! John Cena is still a young star.

There's a middle point between old and young. 35 is not young for a wrestler, nor is it old. Not entirely sure what to label this middle ground.

TNA is developing its own stars in Roode and Storm particularly. They're also behind guys like Crimson, Gunner, Sorenson (pre-inury), and Garrett. There's also the implication of new guys being pushed by the 'fight night' gimmick.
Bobby Roode is 35, he's not young.
He's as old as Cena is.
You can't call him a young talent for most of those arguments.

I don't think a wrestler's actual age really matters. If anyone here has ever read The Death of WCW, I think it makes a great point about this.

It basically says that wrestlers have their real age, and their "TV age". Roode has been recently made a main eventer, so you can get more mileage out of him. Cena on the other hand has been a main eventer for over 6 years. His TV age is older than Roode's, fans are getting bored of him. Even though in reality Cena and Roode are the same age.
You see the problem with pushing younger/less established guys is that it's a recipe for failure. Ask the WWE. I remember reading a year or two ago about them pushing young/less established guys and it didn't work for them so they're now bringing back the older/established guys and shifting the focus to them. And I don't know this for a fact but I'd assume their ratings are now better than they were during the "youth movement"?

The majority of wrestling fans want to see guys they know/care about and they don't care about their age. It's only 20 people on the internet that want to watch guys they don't know/care about. Genuine wrestling fans couldn't care less whether someone is 25 or 65, they care about how good/entertaining that guy is - not his age.

TNA shifted their focus towards younger/less established guys and people have lost interest, hence why the ratings have been declining ever since Bound For Glory 2011. If TNA shift the focus back to their stars you will see the ratings get back to where they were pre BFG11. It doesn't matter what a couple of people on the internet say, the facts tell you that wrestling fans are a lot more interested in the likes of Hulk Hogan, Rob Van Dam and Kurt Angle than they are in the likes of Bobby Roode, James Storm and Samoa Joe. Wasn't the iMPACT after Hogan's match with Sting one of the highest rated in history, while the iMPACT after Roode vs. Storm was one of the lowest for a good few years?

Focus on your stars, not an unknown entity because he's in his 20's. Who would wrestling fans rather see on their TV - Ric Flair or Jesse Sorensen? It's not even a contest.
Dixie Carter has stated that Impact was going to focus on younger wrestlers and develop their own stars. I call "Bullshit!". Since this announcement Devon has won the TV Championship and RVD has become number one contender of Roodes title. RVD is 41 and Devon is 39. Just because you are younger than Ric Flair, it doesn't make you young. This wreaks of Hogan's good ol' boy booking. If pushing young stars means pushing Garrett, they are headed in the wrong direction. WTF? 10 matches and he shows up in a PPV.

To prove their point, they should have had a tournament with 6 or 8 of the young guys on the roster with the winner getting the privilege of being squashed by Roode at Sacrifice. I know they are just going to feed Roode a bunch of jobbers until BFG when Storm comes back, so why not some of the young guys on the roster to at least make it look like they are trying to do what they say they are.


Firstly, are you living in a sensory depravation tank or something?? Dixie announced that what two, three weeks ago after talks with the network? And since then, what have we heard? (sorry, i hate rhetorical questions) Oh yeah, the HUGE announcement that once a month a bunch of new talent is being offered spots on the show and potential contracts! OVW has a wealth of talent (and used to fuel WWE)
http://www.ovwrestling.com/alumni if any of those faces stick out, you let me know!

Second, youre shooting the whole thing down before is has any chance to work!! You have nothing to go on to say they arent pushing new talent! Too many people have already listed out names for me to bother! RVD is going to lose and they will continue to push TNA homegrown talent! As for devon, who held the title for six months before he got it?? 28 year old Rob Strauss! YOUNG!!! And that was before the announcement!

Feeding Roode a bunch of jobbers does not count as pushing young talent, that counts as pushing roode and burying young talent!! Yeesh! Why would you even have such terrible mental faculties! That being said, it's your opinion, and i respect that!
pushing young talent does not mean push everyone young into high roles and drop down anyone older. you could have the absolute best young talent in the world, but if your general audience doesn't know who they are it isn't going to matter. you can't have a TV show with all young talent in leading roles. yes Devon is TV champion(for now) and RVD is the #1 contender.. but Austin Aries is the X division champion, Crimson has an undefeated streak, Joe/Magnus are tag team champions, MCMG are back together and in the tag team title picture, Zema Ion is getting title matches with Aries, Robbie E recently had the TV title as well as the X division title before, Daniels/Kazarian are on TV every week along with AJ Styles. no idea on all their exact ages, but it doesn't really matter. they are all relatively new to your general audience.
I don't think their exact age really matters. I think it's "young" as in experience or compared to other "notable" stars.

if you only used your "young" talent you would not last on TV.

the best thing they can do is mix the newer/young talent with the established talent. if awesome new guy beat awesome new guy it doesn't mean shit because neither of them are known to your larger audience.

I bet if TNA put the title on Jeff Hardy people would cry and whine that TNA isn't pushing young talent, but Jeff Hardy who has been around for awhile is only 34 years old. maybe that's not young but it's certainly not old.
Um...why is everyone hating on the OP, when the focal point of TNA is hogan? You can talk about younger talent all you want. But when your perceived flagship star is, what, 60ish...you can hardly be seen as a young talent pushing company.
Yeah I gotta agree with the posters here in that TNA is finally moving slowly in the right direction. RVD is going to put over Roode, and that is what the older established starts should be doing at this point. It would do no good to defend against a Garrett Bischoff every ppv. Devon will drop the TV title to a young up and comer i am sure. Add to that we have Matt Morgan, Crimson, and the MCMG along with Joe and Magnus. Honestly I think for the first time they are headed in the right direction.
The OP really doesn't have a legitimate gripe. Considering some of the past champs that TNA has had (Storm, Hardy, Anderson), the "younger guys have had there time to shine and still are. And being pushed doesn't mean getting a crack at Roode's title. Joe and Magnus are the tag champs. Joe is what, 32 or 33, and Magnus is 25. Devon is 39, and as always gets crapped on. Regardless he's paid dues even if he's not a TNA original. AJ is a former world, TV, and X division champ. Hell, right now Austin Aries is the X division champ, and he's arguably the best overall star on the roster.
How old are you? Are you a kid or something? 35 is NOT old! John Cena is still a young star. He is an established star, but Cena probably still has a least another 10 years in him. Austin wasn't exactly young when he got his big push was he? In 1998 Austin was 34 years old dumbass. I guess he was old and washed up in 1998 as well.

In the old territory days of wrestling one was not considered to be a "veteran" and ready to be champ until they had "paid they dues", which usually consisted of about 10 years to reach that point. Austin was a perfect example of this as well as Hogan. There is a reason why Randy Orton became the youngest champ in history when he beat Beniot at Summerslam. WWE has started to just put world titles on people thinking that that will make them a star. The only thing that they have managed to do is devalue their titles as a result. Remember how special it was when Edge and Jeff Hardy finally won their first world title? Or what about Mick Foley?

Bobby Roode falls into the same category as guys like Austin, Hogan, Edge, and Hardy. They have all paid their dues and worked their asses off to finally get where they are. And you say that Bobby Roode is too old? Go to sleep so you can be up for your high school classes in the morning...

Neither Cena or Roode are young superstars. 35 is not young. The only reason people think Roode is young is because he is just now getting pushed as a main event star. 35 sure as hell isn't young for a wrestler.

Also, even mentioning Roode in the same sentence as Austin, Hogan, or Edge is ridiculous. Hardy sure as hell doesn't belong in that conversation either. And while I love Edge, he doesn't really belong with Hogan or Austin either. Austin and Hogan are arguably the two biggest wrestlers of all time, fool.
Well, generally speaking, TNA is currently focusing a lot on younger guys. One reason for that is, quite frankly, there aren't a lot of older talent currently left in TNA, are are at least no longer readily featured on tv. Kurt Angle isn't in the main event picture, nor does he get nearly the focus he once got. On top of that, we might go weeks in which Angle disappears and pops up. Sting is off television for the time being, Nash, Steiner & Booker T are gone from the company altogether, Jeff Jarrett is over in Ring Ka King & hasn't been seen on IW in months, Ric Flair's presence on television has been dramatically reduced, Bischoff is no longer supposed to be on television due his team losing at Lockdown.

Austin Aries is the only guy that's been carrying the X Division & has been X Division champ for about 8 months or so, Joe & Magnus are the tag champs, Roode is the TNA WHC. These are all, at least, youngish guys in their early to mid-30s, except for Magnus as he's only in his 20s I think. Now while some of these guys might not have great storylines going on right now, at least they're part of something relevant.

I think the OP is being a little too black & white on this because, quite frankly, TNA just doesn't have the star power if they just up & got rid of all the former WWE & WCW guys. TNA's ability to create new stars is still up in the air in the long run. They're doing well with Storm, Roode & Aries holds tons of promise. However, I can't say I'm at all thrilled about the likes of Crimson, Gunner, Garett Bischoff or a few others. The MCMGs are guys that, in my opinion, have a lot of potential but I don't TNA using them to near their full extent. The tag team scene is the weakest it's been in a very long time in TNA. The Guns have no real competition in the tag scene and have reached their peak. I agree that TNA does need strong teams yet, at the same time, the Guns have gone as far as they can as a tag team I think. They could definitely be used to liven up the X Division, which has only been at all relevant because of Austin Aries.

However, I do see the frustration some have regarding the latest attempt at putting more focus on the older veterans. Devon is the TNA Television Champion and he's nearly 40. With the title being defended every week now, it seems like a good opportunity for a young guy on the roster to usher in a new age for the title, one in which it actually has some relevance & prestige.

RVD is the new #1 contender for the TNA WHC and, to me, it's a move that fairly reeks of TNA desperately hoping to dig themselves out of a ratings slump they've had for a few weeks. After all, RVD has been MIA for 3 months and just suddenly comes back out of nowhere and, in only his 2nd appearance on IW since his return, becomes #1 contender. To me, it does seem like TNA going back to a failed booking strategy in hoping that the established veterans will draw a bigger audience despite the failure of such attempts in the past.

Hulk Hogan has returned to TNA television in what, in my view, has been a nonsensical storyline. Hogan helped to "steal" TNA from Dixie Carter and spent most of last year "in charge". So, suddenly, Sting tells Dixie that he's stepping down as IW GM and wants Hogan in his place, and Dixie agrees. Logic holes in wrestling storylines are common and go with the territory, but it's a horrible idea with the hole is big enough to fly a 747 through. Since back, Hogan has again become a center of attention that pops up in either every other segment on IW or on the ones that come across as relevant.

In the end, both sides of this issue are right because they both have valid points. Me personally, I do understand the...well I guess trepidation some other fans have that TNA could slide further back into old habits that were bogging down their program.
You see the problem with pushing younger/less established guys is that it's a recipe for failure.

That makes no logical sense.

If Flair had never been a "promising up and comer", or Hogan hadn't been an unknown entity that somehow stood out to Vince, or any legend for that matter hadn't been a new, exciting, fresh face on the scene, then they wouldn't have GROWN INTO what they are now.

Everybody has to start as a younger, less established guy. Then, through good booking/storytelling and/or the person's own talents/personality/work ethic/luck, etc., they evolve into the legend that is acknowledged later.

If you don't push the younger, less established guys, they DON'T BECOME the older, more seasoned veterans.
That's just common sense.

I do believe that they're doing some right, but I will never trust Hogan. On the surface he will be saying they're going to be pushing younger talent which is all well and noble, but if you notice he is making sure he's in the prime spotlight regurgitating the statement over and over, making sure the light's on him instead of the young guys he's talking about.

You can also tell he's not big on the X-Division. When he was talking to all the champions in the ring, did you see how he totally avoided Aries? He acknowledged every other person in the ring except him. He looked right over and past him. But that's a topic for another time...
You see the problem with pushing younger/less established guys is that it's a recipe for failure. Ask the WWE. I remember reading a year or two ago about them pushing young/less established guys and it didn't work for them so they're now bringing back the older/established guys and shifting the focus to them. And I don't know this for a fact but I'd assume their ratings are now better than they were during the "youth movement"?

The majority of wrestling fans want to see guys they know/care about and they don't care about their age. It's only 20 people on the internet that want to watch guys they don't know/care about. Genuine wrestling fans couldn't care less whether someone is 25 or 65, they care about how good/entertaining that guy is - not his age.

TNA shifted their focus towards younger/less established guys and people have lost interest, hence why the ratings have been declining ever since Bound For Glory 2011. If TNA shift the focus back to their stars you will see the ratings get back to where they were pre BFG11. It doesn't matter what a couple of people on the internet say, the facts tell you that wrestling fans are a lot more interested in the likes of Hulk Hogan, Rob Van Dam and Kurt Angle than they are in the likes of Bobby Roode, James Storm and Samoa Joe. Wasn't the iMPACT after Hogan's match with Sting one of the highest rated in history, while the iMPACT after Roode vs. Storm was one of the lowest for a good few years?

Focus on your stars, not an unknown entity because he's in his 20's. Who would wrestling fans rather see on their TV - Ric Flair or Jesse Sorensen? It's not even a contest.

if the wwe would actually give the younger guys a legit push and let them run with the ball they would get over, the main problem is that no matter who the wwe champion is, john cena is still the main focus of the shows and his matches are always the main event on ppv.
say what you want about tna but at least their world heavyweight champion is the main focus and their top guy, and people need to stop over-exaggerating the whole garrett bishoff thing, I agree he shouldn't have been pushed this much so soon but its not all garrett all the time like some people make it sound like.
How old are you? Are you a kid or something? 35 is NOT old! John Cena is still a young star. He is an established star, but Cena probably still has a least another 10 years in him. Austin wasn't exactly young when he got his big push was he? In 1998 Austin was 34 years old dumbass. I guess he was old and washed up in 1998 as well.

In the old territory days of wrestling one was not considered to be a "veteran" and ready to be champ until they had "paid they dues", which usually consisted of about 10 years to reach that point. Austin was a perfect example of this as well as Hogan. There is a reason why Randy Orton became the youngest champ in history when he beat Beniot at Summerslam. WWE has started to just put world titles on people thinking that that will make them a star. The only thing that they have managed to do is devalue their titles as a result. Remember how special it was when Edge and Jeff Hardy finally won their first world title? Or what about Mick Foley?

Bobby Roode falls into the same category as guys like Austin, Hogan, Edge, and Hardy. They have all paid their dues and worked their asses off to finally get where they are. And you say that Bobby Roode is too old? Go to sleep so you can be up for your high school classes in the morning...

Your verbal berating of individuals on the forum doesn't prove your point and make you correct. It makes you look like a fucking immature asshole... so grow up... 35 in the world of wrestling is the point where they can be classified as aging. There is no way you can possibly compare the athleticism of a 22-25 year old to a 35 year old no way. That being said TNA does need to begin looking into morphing younger talent into superstars... Angle,Hardy,RVD Bobby Roode all aren't going to be in top shape forever... I'm not saying an overnight 180 but if you don't start planning for the future the future will leap up on you and you will be a sinking ship.
Your verbal berating of individuals on the forum doesn't prove your point and make you correct. It makes you look like a fucking immature asshole... so grow up... 35 in the world of wrestling is the point where they can be classified as aging. There is no way you can possibly compare the athleticism of a 22-25 year old to a 35 year old no way. That being said TNA does need to begin looking into morphing younger talent into superstars... Angle,Hardy,RVD Bobby Roode all aren't going to be in top shape forever... I'm not saying an overnight 180 but if you don't start planning for the future the future will leap up on you and you will be a sinking ship.

The thing is, right now, RVD has put on weight, and isn't as trim as he used to be, and Kurt...well the less said about his health, or lack thereof the better. TNA needs to start better planning now, I agree.
The way to properly push a newer -- which should not be mistaken with "younger" -- performer in the world of pro wrestling is to begin inserting that individual into storylines with more established stars. Then, after watching those individuals go back-and-forth in their battles, eventually the audience begins to believe the less established or lesser-known performer is on par with the more established star. Once this has been done sufficiently well and long enough, the newer performer then -- eventually -- takes a step up the ladder, into the same perceived "star" category as the more established wrestler.

By nature of this recipe for success, it means TNA is required to allow more established stars to remain a significant and focal point of their programming. Otherwise, to the average viewer -- not the enlightened masses on this board, who are not wrestling fans but wrestling "fanatics" -- the entire company will be a "bunch of nobodies" competing in matches that, in their eyes, aren't worth much.

Now... While people are arguing about "young" wrestlers being a focal point of TNA programming, I really do wish they would shift the terminology to reflect how experienced or established a star is. Someone can be very young -- i.e., Randy Orton -- and still considered a "veteran." Or, conversely, someone can be older & still a "rising star."

For example, Bill Goldberg was in his 30s when he became the hottest "rising sensation" in pro wrestling. No, he wasn't young -- but he was a brand new, fresh face in the industry and ready to make an impact. They certainly didn't make him a star by handing him a World title in his first match. Instead, they allowed him to mow through a series of opponents, many much more established, to gain credibility. THEN they put him in the title picture.

And what about "Diamond" Dallas Page? He was in his mid-30s when he finally started wrestling, eventually becoming an extremely popular competitor and multiple-time world heavyweight champion.

Then, of course, there was Sting. Yes, he was quite young when he first started in the NWA main event scene...challenging Ric Flair for the World title, but always unable to wrest it from him. Of course, each time he took the champ to the limit -- and fell just a little short -- his credibility increased. In the meantime, he won various other titles and built his reputation. Eventually, when he finally did take the World championship, it felt right! And, of course, he'd built a name for himself, following and reputation that allowed him to lead the company AND bring ratings.

Rather than focusing on people's biological age, I would encourage people to think about how people are being utilized as an indicator of how "young" they are in the minds of the average pro wrestling fan. Robert Roode has been around TNA for long time -- which has allowed people to get to know him, support him -- but he's only been used as a singles competitor for a very brief time. His role as a champion, certainly, is very new, very fresh, so -- regardless of his age -- his role within the company is still new.

Despite having the belt, there is probably a very large portion of mainstream wrestling fans who do not yet "buy" him as the flagship wrestler in the company. The best way to gain this "buy-in" is to allow him to be challenged by people they know and accept as "championship material" -- and allow him to go over them. Those people would include Kurt Angle, Jeff Hardy, Sting, RVD... Yup, the same "old guys" so many are bitching about! To be honest, regardless of Hogan being decrepit, I would suggest TNA allow HIM to challenge -- and put over -- Roode as well, if they really want to make him The Man to beat.

Meanwhile, Devon is a perfect guy to have in the TV Title picture. It will allow a series of less established stars to challenge a "veteran" -- with one eventually picking up the win & the belt. There is nothing wrong with allowing a mixture of established and rising stars vie for that belt, periodically trading it to keep everyone active and involved in a title hunt.

And, of course, Austin Aries is making TNA history with his X-Division title reign, occasionally dipping his toe in the upper-midcard, and building a reputation for himself. Ultimately -- and this might only happen in the perfect world -- after Roode has knocked down all the established stars and put together a nice, solid 6-8 month title reign, that's when they'll let Aries challenge for the title. Roode would have to cheat, manipulate and otherwise rob Aries of victory every time. I'd suggest this go on for about 4-6 PPVs.

That way, with a string of wins over the likes of RVD, Sting, etc. under his belt, Roode feels like an unstoppable heel champ...And the audience begins to whole-heartedly back Austin Aries, the fresh, new face...and possibly the company's only hope to take the title off The Champ.

If you don't see how this has worked, suddenly, to build two new, YOUNG talents into credible main event wrestlers -- just like they did Sting many, many years ago -- I suggest you reread the post. It is how the pro wrestling industry works.

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