TNA Turning Point 2011: Aftermath & Discussion


TNA Turning Point - November 13, 2011

1. Eric Young vs. Robbie E for the TNA Television Championship - I wish I could say that there was some sort of great surprise to come out of this match but, unfortunately, I can’t. If you’ve seen one comedy match featuring Eric Young, you’ve kinda seen ‘em all. The problem here is that TNA actually dragged this one out for about 7.5 minutes. Aside from all Young’s usual shenanigans, there was tons of interference in the match from Rob Terry and it was just an overall horrendous way to start off a ppv. It’s a shame too because Eric Young is capable of being so much more than TNA’s version of Santino Marella. Robbie E manages to pick up the win due to Terry interfering. Robbie E wins and is the new TNA Television Champion, not that it actually means anything. 1/2*

2. Mexican America vs. Ink Inc. for the TNA World Tag Team Championship - I’d forgotten that Rosita & Toxxin were also going to be in this match. So this is technically a mixed six person tag match for the titles. And yeah, it was pretty much the cluster I expected it to be once I was reminded that the women were in this match too. There was some decent action during the match at times, Toxxin was actually much better than I expected her to be. The bit about Toxxin & Jesse Neal pulling Anarquia’s trousers down I could’ve done without. Just made the match seem kinda silly. The ending comes around the 9 minute mark when Sarita hits Toxxin with one of the tag belts and pins her. So Mexican America retains the titles. *

3. Austin Aries vs. Kid Kash vs. Jesse Sorensen for the TNA X Division Championship - This is the third consecutive title match on the card and, fortunately, it was a much better effort than the first two matches. There was some fun action during the match with all 3 guys getting in a good amount of offense. There wasn’t anything overly spectacular here, just a nice competitive match in which all involved ultimately did come out looking good. The ending comes with Kash thinking he’s pinned Sorensen only for Aries to have put Sorensen’s leg on the ropes. Aries rolled in and pinned Kash with a roll up at the 13 minute mark. The ending was a little cheap, but the match was all around solid and the right guy won. **3/4

4. Rob Van Dam vs. Chrisopher Daniels - Good match from these two. Wasn’t as good as I was expecting but it was an overall fine outing. I enjoyed the chain wrestling between them in the opening minutes of the match. RVD hit most of his signature moves and it was pretty obvious that RVD was going to win from the outset. Too bad because Daniels is the one that really could use the win here. The ending really took away from the match for me because the screwdriver is just ridiculous. Daniels pulled out the screwdriver but took a chair shot from RVD before hitting the Five Star Frog Splash. RVD gets the win at the 10 minute point. The screwdriver is pointless, it’s like Daniels’ version of Janice. It’s not like he’s ever going to be able to really use it on anyone, so it just serves no purpose. The match was good but it could’ve been a lot better. **1/2

5. Crimson vs. Matt Morgan - I just wasn’t really feeling this match at all. It’s just so hard to be interested in a match involving a feud that has absolutely zero heat. Morgan & Crimson both worked hard in my view and did put on a pretty entertaining match. I thought the match told a decent story and that it ultimately did a good job of really making both wrestlers seem to be on an even footing. Morgan dominated most of the first half of the match before Crimson sort of “turned it on” I guess. The ending comes at the 12 minute mark as both guys are going at it outside and they’re counted out. I really don’t mind this ending to be honest because it’s an ending that keeps the feud going. I can’t say that I’ve been overly interested, but the match was pretty decent. Besides, neither of these guys has anything else going on so the feud might as well go on. **1/4

6. Mr. Anderson & Abyss vs. Bully Ray & Scott Steiner - I’m kinda wondering if Bruce Pritchard just decided to let Vince Russo book this match all on his own. It has so many of the usual Russo staples going for it: massive ref incompetence, heavily overbooked , action breaking down and chaos ensuing, etc. Generally speaking, this match was pretty much what I figured it’d be. TNA is trying to bring back Abyss as a monster but I just can’t get into it. Far too much damage has been done to Abyss and he’s just not all that interesting. Abyss eventually lands the Black Hole Slam on Steiner for the win. *

7. Velvet Sky vs. Gail Kim for the TNA Knockouts Championship - Standard Knockouts match here, just strung out a little longer than usual. Velvet & Gail put in some decent action with Velvet being in control early in the match before Kim gains the upper hand. The ending comes with Velvet countering Eat Da Feet into the butterfly facebuster move she’s been using. And cue the interference of Madison Rayne to distract the ref as Velvet has the match won. Gail Kim manages to hit Eat Da Feet and becomes the new TNA Knockouts Champion at the 6 minute mark. So yeah, another meaningless reign with the Knockouts Championship comes to an end. *

8. Jeff Hardy vs. Jeff Jarrett - Basically, this match was intended to give the crowd something of a feel good moment at watching the heel get what he deserves. Hardy winds up pinning Jarrett in about 5 seconds with the Twist of Fate. Jarrett restarts the match and they go at it for a bit. About 2.5 minutes in, Jarrett goes for the Figure Four but Hardy rolls him up in a small package for another clean win. So, Jarrett restarts yet again. As Hardy is limping from the ring, Jarrett runs out and nails him with a shot to the head with a chair, an unprotected shot, and it was just a turn off. In this day and age with what’s been revealed regarding head trauma, it’s unbelievable that TNA still does unprotected shots to the head with steel chairs every so often. Jarrett nails Hardy with The Stroke and nonchalantly covers him, allowing Hardy to roll him up in a crucifix for a third win. *1/2

9. Robert Roode vs. AJ Styles for the TNA World Heavyweight Championship - Very good match to close the show out with and, in my view, easily the best match of the night. It was what I expected: a great back and forth, competitive match with both guys looking like stars when it was all said and done. Styles hit most of his usual offense and Roode very much shined in the match. Roode ultimately gets the win via a counter to the Styles Clash by pulling Styles’ tights and scoring the pinfall at the 19.5 minute mark. It was a very good effort, though the match was kinda hurt due to the lack of build up. You knew that Roode was going to win as Styles just felt like a stand in for Storm until Storm is able to come back. Still, a good match and a good win for Roode. ***1/4

Overall Show - From an overall perspective, Turning Point was a decent though underwhelming show. There were some good matches on the card but nothing really stood out. There was no big or special moment and the only standout match was the main event. The first 2 matches on the card were pretty much crap and consisted of an 8 minute Eric Young comedy match with him losing the title to the most obnoxious talent on the roster and your standard cluster of a tag title match with one of the worst teams in TNA history retaining the titles. The X Division Championship match was a fun, energetic match that was all around very solid. RVD vs. Daniels was also a solid match, though far below what I was expecting. Daniels also needs to lose the screwdriver. It’s just stupid. Crimson vs. Matt Morgan was a surprisingly decent match that actually has me a little interested in this feud now. Anderson & Abyss vs. Bully Ray & Steiner felt like 100% filler. Just wasn’t interested in any way. Gail Kim’s defeat of Velvet Sky comes as no surprise. Hardy vs. Jarrett was one of those matches that’s designed to give the crowd a happy, feel good moment with the heel getting his just desserts. The chair shot to the head was unbelievably stupid and just kinda turned off the whole match for me. Roode vs. Styles was a great closer and both guys put on a great match despite the lack of build or heat for the match in and of itself. Definitely a middle of the road ppv in my view.

Grade: C
Pretty predictable card outside RVD winning, I'm a big Van Dam fan but they really should have had Daneils win here because he sure as hell could have used it more.

Not very happy that Robbie E won the TV title and Mexican America retained but at the same time I don't care enough for it to bother me. Jarrett & Hardy had a pretty entertaining match that I enjoyed, as well as the X Division title match, went down just about how I expected it. The two high points for me were Crimson vs Morgan and Roode vs Styles. Morgan and Crimson delivered a great match as expected, before the match I was torn because I thought it would suck for either to lose but the fact that it ended in a double count out was great so now we can build this feud off a little more than "I think I'm the better athlete". Roode and AJ ofcourse put on an excellent match but the fact that the winner was so obvious kind of killed the mood a bit, still a great match though.
i was bothered w gail winning. I mean I know she's the first ever KO champ blah blah blah. I usually dont have too much of a problem w ex (insert company) performer being pushed and getting a title reign but this is seriousl "wtf" to me. gail was with the company....left...comes back and beats velvet for the title. I wouldnt be against it a few month's from gail's return but what the hell...velvet just got it and tna rewards someone who left? smh
1. Eric Young vs. Robbie E for the TNA Television Championship -
This match is what it is. i am glad they got the title off that comedy wrestler Young, BUT i am not a real fan of Robbie E with it either, i hope he loses this title REAL soon and to a TNA Wrestler who actually is a good mid-carder with either heat or cheers, guys like Bully Ray, the Pope, RVD, Daniels, Kaz would do well with a run with this title. Give it to one of them, but it was what i expected, kinda bad.
2. Mexican America vs. Ink Inc. for the TNA World Tag Team Championship
again, i can care less about this match too and it also wasnt great. these teams are dull and are just hurting the tag team division. they need to make other teams and let them go after these titles because TNA is slowly losing their once great tag team division.
3. Austin Aries vs. Kid Kash vs. Jesse Sorensen for the TNA X Division Championship
Cheap ending, but good and well wrestled as i thought. the right guy won, Aries will likely have a feud with Sorensen and beat him, hopefully clean.
4. Rob Van Dam vs. Chrisopher Daniels -
Wasnt the great match i thought, but it wasnt bad, hope these two keep feuding and i really hope one of these two guys wins that TNA TV title soon because that mid-card title needs a champion like these guys.
5. Crimson vs. Matt Morgan
Wasnt bad, ending sucked, but it wasnt bad. the big problem i have is that they are so high on Crimson with this streak, but honestly, i dont love him, i dont see Goldberg out of him.
6. Mr. Anderson & Abyss vs. Bully Ray & Scott Steiner -
lots of stuff going on in this match, wasnt awful again, but it did more good for Abyss who is now being made to look like a monster again.
7. Velvet Sky vs. Gail Kim for the TNA Knockouts Championship -
Good match, but HATE the ending. i was hoping for Velvet to have a long run, i am NOT a fan of giving Gail Kim TWO titles and i am not a fan of building a Knockouts division with a former WWE Diva like they tend to do. i know she's the hot property, but allow it some time before you take the title off Sky who has worked her tail off to get this moment.
8. Jeff Hardy vs. Jeff Jarrett -
wasnt bad at all of a match, the segment though just seemed to be a way of getting Jarrett more and more heat, which he already seems to have anyway.
9. Robert Roode vs. AJ Styles for the TNA World Heavyweight Championship -
match of the night, again the ending wasnt the best, BUT it was understandable, i hope these two have a re-match and hope Storm can go at the next ppv vs Joe where the winner faces Roode and then have the long Beer Money feud i want to see. Roode is a real good heel.
Overall Show -
ok matches, but too many misses for me, i give it a C- because of the Kim title win, the TV title being on a low midcarder (again) and the Tag Titles not having good teams either, but the main event really helped this show.
In all honesty I want to just write "TNA sucks" and leave it at that, but I know the spamming rules and things need to be explained. To me, that's about as much explanation that is needed but rules are rules.

How many matches ended with interference or cheap finishes? I don't understand why TNA can't, for one night, have someone go over someone else. The only person who stood tall at the end of the night was Abyss and they have worked so hard to make him a nothing that it doesn't help him anymore. Even the main event, which was an awesome bout even without any build whatsoever, had to end in some controversy.

I know people hate on WWE, but I can't see how people view this organization as a better alternative. ROH... ok I'll give you that. They don't spend too much time with angles and promos and they put on ridiculous wrestling matches. TNA does not. They have some of the best in ring talent in the world, but then they saturate their product with bullshit. I honestly thought taking Hogan and Sting out and having the young guys work a PPV would be beneficial, but somehow the booking managed to still ruin a good thing. This was the first PPV I bought since Bound for Glory 07 (an EXCELLENT PPV) and it will be the last that I ever buy. It's sad to see the talents of AJ, Roode and Aries ruined by a company that cant even find a spot for Samoa Joe on their shitty ass showing. WWE got a big big boost here... RAW and SS couldn't be this bad if they tried.

Oh... and TNA sucks
Oh god,the Pay Per View was fine the only match that I found handled poorly was the Hardy/Jarrett match.It should have been more competitive & longer since Hardy was the face of Turning Point & they've handled this feud better & longer than the TNA World Title(which is sad).

They we're in the right place having Hardy win because of his need to "redeem" himself & Jeff being in the middle of his big "re-push",but they should have had a longer match where it ended by Jarrett almost hitting the Stroke with Hardy reversing with a Twist & ending it with a Swanton & a clean pin.

Just ehhhhhh,they hyped the Hardy match so well & just threw it in the trash by doing that
Oh god,the Pay Per View was fine the only match that I found handled poorly was the Hardy/Jarrett match.

You've gotta be joking. That was not the only match handled poorly. There wasn't a single match handled properly, except the main event. It was truly an embarrassment for all guys involved. No clean finishes, no strong showings from anyone.

The only time you can say "The Pay-Per-View was fine" is when the PPV makes it worth the $40 you're spending on it. If anyone thought this clusterfuck of a show was worth money out of their pocket... They just might be a redneck.
TV Title Match: Robbie E vs. Eric Young(c) - I've always liked Robbie E and found him to be pretty entertaining (even though I have no idea what the Jersey Shore is) so I'm glad he got the win here. I'm becoming quite the fan of the 2 Robbies and am looking forward to seeing what kind of a TV Title reign Robbie E has. I'm expecting Big Robbie T to have a big say in how long Robbie E keeps the Title. This guy needs to be a beast and Robbie E should just let Robbie T destroy whoever tries to take his Title. Good opening match with a great result.

Tag Team Title Match: Ink Inc vs. Mexican America(c) - I was expecting Ink Inc to have their moment in the glory at Turning Point, but it wasn't to be. However I don't expect this feud to end here. The brawls the two teams have been having have been great and I would love to see a falls count anywhere match between these two teams at Final Resolution. Ink Inc are finally starting to establish theirselves as a top tag team and I'm hoping they win the Titles at some stage (hopefully Final Resloution). As far as mixed tag matches go, this was probably as good as it could be.

X-Division Title Triple Threat Match: Jesse Sorensen vs. Kid Kash vs. Austin Aries(c) - Man that Jesse Sorensen has got some balls and plenty of testicular fortitude. He took a pasting tonight and I don't remember seeing someone bleed from a chop to the chest before. Aries and Kash worked this match to perfection and really put Jesse over as this kid who never gives up and can take whatever you throw at him. Loved the way Aries snuck in for the win at the end and I'm looking forward to this story continuing.

Christopher Daniels vs. Rob Van Dam - This wasn't on the level of Rob Van Dam vs. Jerry Lynn but it was a decent enough match. I was a bit dissapointed that the only time Van Dam used a weapon was when he killed Daniels with the Van Daminator but I guess you can't always have what you want. Hopefully Van Dam now moves onto bigger and better things. He really shouldn't be involved with the likes of Daniels IMO.

Matt Morgan vs. Crimson - This was probably my match of the night and I thoroughly enjoyed this. Both these guys are awesome big men and I loved the way they were both enjoying the physicality that each man was dishing out. The ending was great as well as it leaves the door open for this feud to continue. Morgan vs. Crimson is something I'd love to see again and I can't wait to see what happens between these two arse kicking machines. Great match.

Bull Ray & Scott Steiner vs. Mr Anderson & Abyss - The Monster is back! I think that was the purpose of this match and it was certainly accomplished. The match itself was fairly decent and involved two of the greatest tag team wrestlers of all time, so definately something I enjoyed seeing. But the best part was the "re-birth" of the Monster Abyss. Bully Ray is just flat out awesome and he sold the ending better than anyone else could've. I'm really looking forward to seeing what happens with the Monster over the next couple of months now. Mission accomplished.

Knockouts Title Match: Gail Kim vs. Velvet Sky - I was a bit dissapointed Velvet lost here, but Gail Kim is probably TNAs best homegrown female wrestler so putting the Title on her makes sense I guess (TNA originals and all that crap). Hopefully Velvet can get a rematch and reclaim what is righfully hers. I suspect robbing Velvet of the Title she worked so hard for will get Gail Kim a lot more heat, so another job well done.

Jeff Jarrett vs. Jeff Hardy - Loved this, just loved this. Jeff Jarrett is such a great heel that you love seeing him get embarressed and humiliated. And having Hardy beat him not once, not twice, but three times in the same night was just classic. I've never really been a huge fan of Jeff Hardy (although the Hardys are one the best tag teams) but I'm really starting to get behind him and his return has been done to perfection. If Morgan and Crimson didn't beat the crap out of each other as well as they did, this would probably have been my match of the night. The third pinfall had me laughing to myself and I couldn't help but smile. Really well worked match and some great entertainment.

World Title Match: AJ Styles vs. Bobby Roode(c) - I wasn't really in to this match and found myself drifting off at times. I'm not sure if that was because I was tired or just that I have little to zero interest in seeing Bobby Roode as World Champ. I knew AJ wasn't going to win here so I wasn't really anticipating this match. Decent match but nothing to get you too excited. I thought Jarrett vs. Hardy should've been the main event with this as the co main event. Hopefully Storm returns and takes the Title back at Final Resloution, and then goes on to feud with Bully Ray.

Overall - A decent PPV but nothing special. I thought the PPV advanced some storylines well (Robbie E/Robbie T, Aries/Sorensen/Kash, Morgan/Crimson, The Monster Abyss and Hardy/Jarrett) but apart from Morgan and Crimson there wasn't really a match I'd watch again. It's a shame TNA seem to be heading in this new direction because BFG was one of the (if not the) best PPVs I've ever seen. Where as Turning Point was just your standard wrestling PPV.
Overall, Turning Point went as expected. I gotta say I wanted to see Velvet hold onto the KO belt a little bit longer, not taking anything away from Gail, but being that Velvet is one of the most over KO's it seemed to make more sense for her to come out on top. Hopefully with the way the Anderson/Abyss vs Bully/Steiner ended, it puts the feud with Anderson and Ray to rest. Judging from the no sell of putting Abyss through the table perhaps he's on his way to a push. I really didn't understand the whole three falls with Jarrett and Hardy, but I suppose they'll be a follow up to it on Impact. Not a bad PPV, but could've been way better.
I really try to enjoy TNA. This was a typical PPV for them. As I've said like a broken record about them time and time agin, they have to get better at the stories leading up to their shows. They do zero build up for the undercard matches. That makes the PPV no better than an Impact taping. Yes, Roode is the star right now. Yes Velvet should have stayed champ. The rest of the matches could be seen on any given Thursday night. Bring the heat TNA, will you? Make your fans WANT to know what's going to happen at a PPV, not just wait for the internet or Impact taping!!!
I can't believe how people spend 40$ on shit like that, when you could spend 15$ on the Chikara iPPV High Noon and watch the show of the year. There was a DGUSA iPPV, too and people choose THAT to watch instead of awesome indy show? You've gotta be joking.

All of TNA PPV are poorly done, because they DON'T CARE. They only care about Impact Wrestling and how much ratings is gonna get. TNA does't even bother to make a PPV outside of the iMPACT Zone! I can't believe there are people spending money to see these things. Even parents, spending money on kids who want to watch this. Impact Wrestling is a good show, but they must drop out of the PPV System and do TV Specials once every month named like the PPVs. They can still keep Lockdown and Bound For Glory as PPV, as they are the ones that make most buys.
i was bothered w gail winning. I mean I know she's the first ever KO champ blah blah blah. I usually dont have too much of a problem w ex (insert company) performer being pushed and getting a title reign but this is seriousl "wtf" to me. gail was with the company....left...comes back and beats velvet for the title. I wouldnt be against it a few month's from gail's return but what the hell...velvet just got it and tna rewards someone who left? smh

Are we still with this "EX WWE star" nonsense? TNA made Gail Kim into the female Kurt Angle. Not, WWE.

You should bury everyone that leaves for their own personal reasons like WWE? No. Gail probably won it way to quickly but there is nothing wrong with her winning it in general. Besides, half of the IWC complained Velvet is a poor wrestler and TNA is relying on looks, now that Gail is champ. It's a problem? We will see countless feuds with good matches now that she is champ.

Thirdly, I would be spoiling the reason why they took the belt off of Velvet. It's a very simple straightforward reason if you actually pay attention.
In all honesty I want to just write "TNA sucks" and leave it at that, but I know the spamming rules and things need to be explained. To me, that's about as much explanation that is needed but rules are rules.

How many matches ended with interference or cheap finishes? I don't understand why TNA can't, for one night, have someone go over someone else. The only person who stood tall at the end of the night was Abyss and they have worked so hard to make him a nothing that it doesn't help him anymore. Even the main event, which was an awesome bout even without any build whatsoever, had to end in some controversy.
Yeah. Cry me a river. Heels win by cheating, tl;dr. I'll be sure to give a hoot when I want matches to be about "proper sportsmanship" and not wrestling involving faces and heels. In which case, I'll be watching MMA.

I know people hate on WWE, but I can't see how people view this organization as a better alternative. ROH... ok I'll give you that. They don't spend too much time with angles and promos and they put on ridiculous wrestling matches. TNA does not. They have some of the best in ring talent in the world, but then they saturate their product with bullshit. I honestly thought taking Hogan and Sting out and having the young guys work a PPV would be beneficial, but somehow the booking managed to still ruin a good thing. This was the first PPV I bought since Bound for Glory 07 (an EXCELLENT PPV) and it will be the last that I ever buy. It's sad to see the talents of AJ, Roode and Aries ruined by a company that cant even find a spot for Samoa Joe on their shitty ass showing. WWE got a big big boost here... RAW and SS couldn't be this bad if they tried.
Funny how you whine about this PPV but praise one that had 3D vs The Steiner Bros. in a Table match and the infamously horrid Reverse Battle Royal.

Oh... and TNA sucks
I'll take this comment with about as much seriousness as an EY promo.

You've gotta be joking. That was not the only match handled poorly. There wasn't a single match handled properly, except the main event. It was truly an embarrassment for all guys involved. No clean finishes, no strong showings from anyone.
Robbie E, EY, the X Division, Crimson and Matt Morgan beg to differ.

The only time you can say "The Pay-Per-View was fine" is when the PPV makes it worth the $40 you're spending on it. If anyone thought this clusterfuck of a show was worth money out of their pocket... They just might be a redneck.
In which case no PPV in the world would ever fit the bill of "worth it".

I can't believe how people spend 40$ on shit like that, when you could spend 15$ on the Chikara iPPV High Noon and watch the show of the year. There was a DGUSA iPPV, too and people choose THAT to watch instead of awesome indy show? You've gotta be joking.
That's amusing. Call me crazy, but I think there's a reason why TNA's PPV's aren't 15 bucks and only available on the internet.
All of TNA PPV are poorly done, because they DON'T CARE.
Hm. Guess that must be why AJ Styles wrestled the main event with a bad ankle. Or why Jeff Hardy beat Jarrett 3 times in one night to the utter delight of the crowd (and whatever mark has a heart. Meaning not you). Or why the X Division title match featured such a great dynamic. Or why Steiner and Ray cut one of the funniest promos all year. But yeah. They don't care. And the thousands that chose to shell out $40 for it rather than High Noon certainly don't care. My sarcastic response doesn't care either.
They only care about Impact Wrestling and how much ratings is gonna get.

And that's a bad thing?

TNA does't even bother to make a PPV outside of the iMPACT Zone!
Because they get PPV buys already. Why not try get money out of the fully free Impact tapings? Your head. Use it. It's not that hard.
I can't believe there are people spending money to see these things.
How does it feel to be in a minority?
Even parents, spending money on kids who want to watch this. Impact Wrestling is a good show, but they must drop out of the PPV System and do TV Specials once every month named like the PPVs.
And lose money for dropping potential PPV buys? You are one hell of a business man.
They can still keep Lockdown and Bound For Glory as PPV, as they are the ones that make most buys.

And why would it be so wrong to have other PPV's when they are so low cost and no matter what always get buys? Oh wait. TNA's supposed to focus on pandering to you instead of making money. LIKE IT SHOULD.

Honestly. An average PPV goes by, but people need to fucking moan about it simply because it's a "TNA PPV". How about doing this instead. Sit down AND ENJOY THE FUCKING SHOW.

Shut the fuck up, and watch it! If not, go take a shit in the toilet.
Darkshot77's thoughts on Turning Point 2011

I enjoyed the the PPV to an extent. The wrestling was good, there was not a single match that made me cringe i.e. a kelly kelly match or a sin cara match. And in some spots the wrestling was great, Morgan/Crimson, Roode/AJ, and the X division.

This was a classic case of above average wrestling, poor booking. Now i said Poor NOT terrible or horrible, because it wasn't either it was just poor.

Jeff Hardy beats Jeff Jarrett 3 times consecutively. This was Great booking. Fantastic job. I hate Jeff hardy, but I hate Jeff Jarrett even more. And through some stroke of genius I now am OK with the fact that Hardy came back. Well done TNA.

Austin Aries was classic. I originally thought that he would let Kash destroy Sorenson and he would steal the pin, but on the contrary, there is no honor among thieves. He could not care less about Sorenson, "learning respect" he wanted to keep his title, and he did. Well done TNA.

Robert Roode did what was necessary. Everyone including himself knew he could not beat AJ. He tried but after a while took the easy way out like all heels do. Though this same thing happened almost every other title match i am only OK with it here. I'd rather some one win with a roll up grabbing the tights or with feet on the ropes that because of outside interference. Roode is still independent and that is what is important. Well done TNA

Abyss was well done. Immortal does traditional things but abyss shakes off the table like it was made out of balsa..oh wait it is. Abyss looked great at the end. Well done TNA.

Side note. The crowd chanting for Steiner the entire time made my freaking night.

The Crimson/Morgan match gets a neutral rating by me. The match was very good for two big guys. And the Double DQ was necessary. But their "brawling" at the end looked really slow and awkward. Kind of dumb really, and detracted from the whole thing.

Danials and RVD put on a good match but they did it under WWE hardcore rules, which is to say not at all. I really wasn't interested.

Mr. Anderson looked like a nonentity. That match was all about Abyss. He looked weak by the end.

Gail Kim is fantastic. But unlike Roode, so far is dependent on Karen Jarret. This is what makes some one look weak, dependency in another person, and it is complete dependance. She has not won a match with out Karen Jarrett. This is poor booking on TNA's part.

Why does Mexican America still have the tag titles...I am still baffled by that. They are uneventful in the ring and no one really cares about them. I love Ink Inc. and they could actually put on some good matches. This feud will be needlessly dragged on for another gimmick match.

Rob Terry is built like a freaking firetruck, and yet is one of the least intimidating people on the roster. He really needs to do something that makes people fear him, cause right now he is the brainless brute with a douche bag.

The PPV was good but without a face winning a title match I was left with a bad taste in my mouth. And no one to really cheer for. It was a "Advance the storyline" PPV. We can only hope for some good payoffs later.

Final rating:6/10
Good god! i have to laugh when people come out with crap like "just sit down, shut up and enjoy it." people obviously cant enjoy the crap served up, so that is why they speak out. its not rocket science. Oh and before some brain chimes in, not everyone is a wwe mark, so get over it.
Some people just plain think that tna is a shocking abomination of a wrestling company. A company that has so much talent working for them in their roster. Yet, manages to make everyone involved (inc. the audience) look like complete and utter morons.
I honestly think there's quite alot of people who back tna to the hilt, that are just on auto pilot. The same can be said of many with wwe also. People who have gone along with the turgid end product for so long, that they no longer know any better. Its just rather sad to be honest. I just personally cannot be bothered watching the same old shit anymore, with some feint hope that one day it will be turned around while the current regime rule. Its as clear as day that it isnt going to change, and for me that just isnt good enough.
And so, to the ppv. turning point was yet another pretty poor ppv from tna, with its only redeeming features being a few rather good performances from the usual suspects. (im looking at you AA, aj and roode) Ruined by, Lo and behold a ridiculous number of dirty finishes and run ins. Its beyond a joke now, i can sit down and laugh with friends before nearly every match as we call the run in or bad finish before it happens. Its just all so shockingly by the numbers, and not even in a good way. Ive given up on tna now. Me watching last night was morbid curiosity, and even then i only managed to finish the whole grim spectacle a few hours ago. The last straw for me was the botched storyline that is the beer money break up. Many people have already stated why it was so bad, and said it better than i ever could. (the lovable mark madden for one) So farewell tna, you could have been something. Maybe you still could. Ring me when you get your act together. Because i aint sticking round to watch the death knoll.
I'm very surprised most of you guys are okay with the Crimson v. Morgan ending. I'll admit that I've never had much faith in TNA, but I watch on a fairly consistent basis hoping they will surprise me. The biggest problem is the lack of clean finishes. TNA is so worried about making guys look weak by losing clean, that no one looks strong as a result.
Oh my God this ppv was terrible in so many ways... well okay maybe not terrible but just an over booked mess of a show with pretty much nothing going for it.

Eric Young Vs Robbie E - This match was totally forgettable, the win comes when Robbie T takes out Eric Young by the legs and then gets pinned... wooooooooooo *

Mexican America Vs Ink Inc. - The match it's self was ranged from boring to awful, a terribly missed knee to head, toxin turns around sees serita with the belt but does nothing, turns back away from her then gets hit gently with belt for the win HAHAHAH. DUD

Austin Aries Vs Kid Kash Vs CAW - Yeah, it told a story, this match was boring the only thing that saved it was Austin Aeries cowardly schtick at the end. *1/2

Rob Van Dam Vs Christopher Daniels - Why is this a NO DQ match Christopher Daniels ask? Yeah I don't know either and we still don't know, something to do with a screwdriver? It was an okay match, ended pretty Van Dam per numbers and the wrong guy won. *3/4

Crimson Vs Matt Morgan - The only parts that stood out was the stair spot which was very de ja vu for the Barrett and Orton match on this weeks smackdown and the punch exchange, stupid ending and boring match... so boring and both guys looked totally exhausted. -1*

Mr Anderson & Abyss Vs Bully Ray & Scott Stiener - The Crowd were the standouts in this match, constantly chanting for Stiener, the ending was botched because the whole thing took place in the wrong corner therefore shouldn't of counted. STUPID STUPID STUPID, the match for what it's worth was kind of fun. *3/4

Gail Kim Vs Velvet Sky - Rubbish Match, sloppy looking and well what else is there to say? Glad they put the belt on Kim though. 3/4*

Jeff Hardy Vs Jeff Jarrett -Fuck this company DUD

Rober Rhode Vs AJ Styles - I don't think I've cared less about a main event since Cena Vs R-Truth, this was only heightened by a disappointing performance between these 2. I expected more, we didn't get it, would of been a good TV match & is match of the night. ** 1/2

-> This was one of the worst shows I've seen this year, it was awful in a very boring way... the wasn't much to say about it and coming off of a good Impact Run and very good Bound For Glory all I can say is..... JEEEEEESUS
The only part of the show I truly enjoyed was the Stiener/Ray chemistry & the main event. 3/10
Are we still with this "EX WWE star" nonsense? TNA made Gail Kim into the female Kurt Angle. Not, WWE.

Good start to this post. Comparing the botchmaster herself to Kurt Angle. There's certainly going to be a lot of credibility here........It's not about the "ex WWE star" thing. It's about someone coming out of nowhere to win BOTH titles within a month.

You should bury everyone that leaves for their own personal reasons like WWE? No.

I suppose you are referring to how Gail left TNA for some money and now came back. I also suppose that her losing in a title match which she didn't deserve in the first place would have been "burying" her? Wow, just wow. How about giving her some time to show she can do ANYTHING worthwhile for the company before slapping her with the title. Mickie James is 500 times the worker Gail Kim will ever be and it took MONTHS before Mickie got the title.

Gail probably won it way to quickly but there is nothing wrong with her winning it in general.

She sucks? She's never been good? Those good enough reasons for you? Now, if maybe she worked her ass off (something she's probably not capable of) for months on end to show that she belonged and that she wanted to be tops in the knockouts division, then MAYBE you reward her with a title run. How does it look to the knockouts that bust their ass for years for this chick to come in and win BOTH the titles available to them in 4 weeks? Nice incentive to get the rest of your female to work hard, huh?

Besides, half of the IWC complained Velvet is a poor wrestler and TNA is relying on looks, now that Gail is champ. It's a problem?

Female wrestling has basically been about looks since Sable came around. Let's not kid ourselves. People like Velvet's looks and got behind her. She gets the best reactions of any female in the company. The IWC is irrelevant here. What's relevant is that Velvet was finally rewarded for actually making the fans give a shit, but as quickly as she was, the reward was taken away to appease some former employee either as a contractual stipulation or another example of "sticking it to the WWE" as a "we are utilizing talent better" cliche. The fans are what matter and the problem here is that rather than let Velvet get a nice run with the belt to please the fans as she thwarted off Karen Jarrett's goons for months, her FIRST DEFENSE was a loss. Her reign looks like a fluke and the girl the fans got behind is a nothing just so Gail freakin Kim can be champ.

We will see countless feuds with good matches now that she is champ.

No we won't. Gail has sucked for many years, with maybe the only exception being her pairing with Kong as she carried Kim's botching, untalented ass and gave fans who still hold on to that time period a false sense of what Gail Kim is worth. MAYBE Mickie can pull a good match out of Gail, though I remember a match in WWE where Gail completely fucked up the ending so I don't even think it's possible. I honestly don't know why I'm arguing though, as the Knockouts division, much like the Divas division, is basically worthless at this point, especially when you take a hack like Gail and make her your centerpiece within 30 days of employment.

Thirdly, I would be spoiling the reason why they took the belt off of Velvet. It's a very simple straightforward reason if you actually pay attention.

Because the fans like her and she sells, so TNA saw that and decided they didn't want to make money? Is that the straightforward reason? You know, the thing that pisses most people off about the way you post is that you speak in absolutes as if to imply that you work for Impact Wrestling. We all know that you don't and that you possess no actual insider information. You like to talk like you do because you think it makes you sound knowledgeable, but it actually makes you seem like the braggart in high school. All talk, no substance. In this case, you know shit but present your last line as if you have inside information as for why the title change happened. You don't have a damn clue even when the real reason is staring you in the face.

It's this simple. Gail Kim got the "absence makes the heart grow fonder" thing going for her. After she left TNA, her reputation grew, especially as the Knockouts division went from good to bad very quickly. No matter the subject, people will always say "the old days were better", so they remembered Kim and Kong, neglecting of course that Kong was awesome and Kim was just the lucky recipient of being put in there with Kong. What was ignored was every other part of her career where she sucked, had no personality, and botched more than any wrestler in history. Her history is one of being a danger to herself and others, but because she was once perceived as good in TNA, and because she left and the legend grew, people wanted her back.

Now couple that with the fact that she had a falling out with WWE where they realized she sucked and de-pushed her. Instead of realizing that she neeeded to get better, she did what all untalented people do: she blamed everyone but herself for her lack of success. Eventually, her suck-ness led to imminent release, but instead of taking that like an adult, she makes a fool out of herself on television, then "quits", but because she did so in such a stupid way, the company didn't let her out of her deal so fast. Had she just acted like a normal employee, she might have gotten released way sooner.

Finally, she is released. Untalented as ever, the writing was on the wall. She would head back to TNA where she got over, but Kong is in WWE so she has no one to make her look good. Still, TNA fans who have stuck around remember her fondly and the combination of her history and the fact that she is now "misused WWE talent" was reason enough for her to come in and dominate more than Brock Lesnar could ever dream to. Makes perfect sense right?

So now we have a heel Gail Kim as champ, derailing the most popular knockout the company had as she now has ZERO successful title defenses in her career. This was an all around stupid decision, but luckily it doesn't matter because it's women's wrestling. That said, you might want to avoid defending everything TNA ever does. You are like the parent who thinks their kid is perfect. That thought process doesn't make you a good parent; it makes you naive and stupid. There were plenty of positive on Turning Point. Support those and call the stupid decisions stupid.
JJ you crack me up. You really let your biases get the best of you. Your Gail Kim comments are hilariously absurd. On top of that you are the master of misinterpreting the point of a story. Do you really understand the face/heel dynamic and differences as poorly as your post suggests? I always thought you were smarter than that so I hope you are just blinded by your ridiculous beliefs here. I've said it you before and I likely will again: selective kayfabe breeds ignorance. View what happens in the context of the story instead of randomly mixing both as it suits your oddball interpretation. I find it amusing how much you think you understand exactly how everything has to be in prowrestling yet routinely completely miss a variety of obvious factors involved. If the only way you can attempt to "prove" your point is to skew things this badly then you probably did not have much of a point to begin with.
So JJ's assessment of Gail is that she sucks and would have Velvet keep the title. Why would I want that torture? To me, this can be like Christian and Orton. Can you remember a memorable Velvet match? Gail is a decent enough worker for her and Velvet to have a series of matches where she can improve and then she can win the title back.

After all, people were complaining about Christian losing the title saying he would never win again. I don't want to hear about Mickie anymore. Her peak was Wrestlemania 22. She's been dull ever since. I much rather have the Knockouts situation than Beth and Natalya constantly losing while trying to make us believe they are dominant.
To the both of you, we're talking about women's wrestling. In all honesty, very little either company can do will make anyone care. With that said, LJL, your comment is a bit off base. This can't be like Orton/Christian because Orton hadn't gone to another company and just returned to get pushed to the moon. He has loyally been working his ass off for years and is an established top guy. Major difference.

Oh and SD, the great defender of all things TNA. You can't just go away, can you? I don't even try to discern what you say because it's utter drivel and a bunch of haphazard sentences strung together poorly, but I did find it amusing that you made a comment about examples yet I've never once seen you use one. I did so throughout but all you come back with are vague generalities. That will never help your cause.

This topic is simple. I feel that Gail Kim was hot shotted too fast and that it doesn't work on a lot of levels. That's my opinion and I think it's a valid one. If you think that it's perfectly fine for her to hold all the titles in the women's division after less then 30 days of work, then power to you. I'll leave you to that opinion. That doesn't mean I have to agree with it though. I find Gail's work to be utter crap and I find the idea of pushing her to be utter crap on a lot of levels. That's where this is going to stand.

The last thing is that I just wanted to pick apart Dizzy because he's an even easier target than you, SD. All in good fun. Stay thirsty, my friends.
To the both of you, we're talking about women's wrestling. In all honesty, very little either company can do will make anyone care.

Yet you seem to care quite a bit and base much of your post on how important they should take this. Which is it?

With that said, LJL, your comment is a bit off base. This can't be like Orton/Christian because Orton hadn't gone to another company and just returned to get pushed to the moon. He has loyally been working his ass off for years and is an established top guy. Major difference.

I don't think that is the best direct example but he wasn't saying it was exactly the same thing. He was saying what is obvious to anyone without an axe to grind. This isn't some burial of Velvet Sky. It is setting up a story to get her more over. Much like theoretically that is what they were doing with Christian. The so called major difference is dumb because it isn't a universal fact. It is just the way WWE usually does things with the men. You claiming that is how it has to be is just another time you are blindly ascribing to what you want to see and supporting the wwe status quo.

Oh and SD, the great defender of all things TNA. You can't just go away, can you? I don't even try to discern what you say because it's utter drivel and a bunch of haphazard sentences strung together poorly, but I did find it amusing that you made a comment about examples yet I've never once seen you use one. I did so throughout but all you come back with are vague generalities. That will never help your cause.

The word example appears in my post in this thread zero times. Suggesting that I have never used an example leads me to believe you are high off your ass. Furthermore, anecdotes prove almost nothing. You can use them to disprove an overstated idea but they don't do much to prove a general concept. Most of the time you state things should be a certain way and just give one example and think that sufficiently proves your point. How very elementary school of you.

This topic is simple. I feel that Gail Kim was hot shotted too fast and that it doesn't work on a lot of levels. That's my opinion and I think it's a valid one. If you think that it's perfectly fine for her to hold all the titles in the women's division after less then 30 days of work, then power to you. I'll leave you to that opinion. That doesn't mean I have to agree with it though. I find Gail's work to be utter crap and I find the idea of pushing her to be utter crap on a lot of levels. That's where this is going to stand.

The infamous JJ signoff. I am not going to change my mind so BOO-YA. I don't understand why a blind infatuation with your own deluded thoughts is supposedly such a good quality.

The idea that Gail is crap is stupid. I'd explain more but that is really all that needs to be said. This wasn't some contract clause for Gail Kim as you moronically suggest. She had no leverage. This was TNA revitalizing the division with something fresh. If you always play by the status quo "rules" then you miss the opportunity to do something different and interesting. Now the KO division has a clear story and heel/face dynamic going. It is almost always better to build up a babyface in a pursuit storyline. Long babyface reigns without well established heels to feud with usually lose momentum quickly.

Several other things I wish you even realized:
-Kim is a heel and took significant advantage of outside factors to beat Velvet
-Gail Kim has been wrestling in mainstream companies for around 9 years, Velvet around 4 years
-How does someone that has worked for TNA for 3 years and was the inaugural KO champion come out of nowhere?
-If all it took was being hot then Tessmacher would be more over than Velvet. Velvet got over because she brought personality, much like Rayne and others did.
-OMG she lost. She is 6 feet under just like James Storm. Wait a minute, James Storm is still over as fuck ...
TNA Turning Point 2011

Robbie. E/ With Robbie T VS Eric Young- Television Championship

I thought about skipping this match in the early stages, because Eric Young’s wild and goofy antics drove me nuts, but everything picked up, when Robbie T smacked Young with a hard clothesline on the outside. This mach became a real contest, and there was some decent back and forth action between these two. Rob Terry’s constant interference was expected, because you knew he would do anything and everything for Robbie. E. This wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be, and Eric Young’s wardrobe changes didn’t bother me too much ( his constant removals of pants and tights). As far as Robbie. E being champion goes, I don’t know how I should feel right now. On one hand, I’m glad they took the title off of Young, because his eccentric goofball character always annoys the hell out of me, and Young has become an instant channel changer for me at times. But Robbie. E really doesn’t do anything for me. His character can annoy me at times. He isn’t horrible in the ring, but I don’t see anything special in him. Also, the reigns of the TNA TV Champions have been pretty forgettable, and Robbie doesn’t seem like the type of guy, who could take everything to the next level. Having Terry as a bodyguard could help, because Terry has the perfect look and size, this new role doesn’t require any talking, and Terry can be very believable as the “muscle.” And Terry isn’t as annoying as Cookie was, so Terry’s presence could help Robbie. I don’t expect a lot from Robbie, and as of right now, he doesn’t excite me as the new champion, but there’s always a chance everything could change. Match Rating- 4/10

Jesse Neal, Shannon Moore, & Toxxin VS Anarquia, Hernandez, & Sarita/With Rosita- TNA Tag Team Championships

I really couldn’t get into this, and this match did feel underwhelming most of the time. This match had its moments, and the back and forth action was decent enough, but still, this match didn’t do anything for me. Sarita scored the pinfall with some help from Rosita, and the women from both groups were suppose to have more of a meaningful impact here. Toxxin and Sarita were officially apart of the match, and Sarita scored the pinfall victory. Toxxin and Sarita’s presences were supposed to feel more important here, because they could officially help decide the outcome of the match, but their brief encounter didn’t bring anything special to the table. Everything broke down towards the end, the final moments of this match did feel like a clusterfuck, and the exposing of Anarquia’s ass made everything feel more silly. This was a very forgettable tag team match, and Mexican America’s time as tag team champions has been pretty dreadful. Match Rating- 2/10

Austin Aries VS Jesse Sorenson VS Kid Kash- 3 Way Dance- X-Division Championship

Two wrestlers making a pact to “work together” during a three way match isn’t rare, and this type of truce is a common occurrence in three way matches. Two wrestlers make a pact, they work together for a little a while, some trust issues began to unfold, one wrestler eventually turns on the other, and the temporary truce is broken. But Kid Kash did “stick to the plan” for the most part. Yeah, he almost scored a pinfall towards the very end of this one, and he did try to win the title. But Kash despised Sorenson, and he did work with Aries throughout this match. Eventually, Aries screwed Kash over, as he grabbed a quick rollup victory. Still, I enjoyed the teamwork from Aries and Kash. Tensions did flare at times, but Kash never turned his back on Aries, and the partnership between Aries and Kash did feel refreshing. As far as the match goes, I thought it was decent enough. There were a few high impact spots here, but this one didn’t feature too much action, because Kash and Aries just beat the shit out of Sorenson most of the time. Also, I’m glad Aries is still the champion. Aries is having a nice run as champion, and I don’t see a reason for him to lose the strap just yet. Kash can be okay as a heel, and Sorenson isn’t ready yet. Match Rating- 7/10

RVD VS Christopher Daniels- NO DQ Match

The gentlemen’s agreement didn’t last here, and both men eventually took advantage of the No DQ stipulation. I enjoyed Daniels as the sneaky and cowardly heel here, and this match was pretty enjoyable for me. At first, this was a normal and somewhat competitive wrestling match, but this match turned into a rough fight, when Daniels tried to bail, and I thought everything worked well here. I didn’t have high expectations for this, but I was pleasantly surprised by this match. Match Rating- 7/10

Matt Morgan VS Crimson

This match did feature some solid back and forth action, Morgan and Crimson did bring a nice amount of intensity here, but at times, I couldn’t get into this. Morgan VS Crimson was supposed to be one of those big time encounters between two giants, but I really couldn’t buy into the hype here. Crimson is the young guy, who’s on the rise, and his undefeated streak hasn‘t come to an end yet, and Morgan is the athletic big man. This match did feature a few tense stare downs, these two did a good amount of trash talking, and both men tried to put each other test, as they showcased their toughness and manhood. Still, I couldn’t buy into this match as something special. This clash of the titans just felt like another average match, and the double DQ finish felt so disappointing. I can understand the reasons for the double DQ finish. Morgan is gaining some momentum, and a clean loss on pay per view could derail everything, and TNA has invested A LOT of time in Crimson, and they obviously wanted to protect the streak here. But Morgan has this long track record of inconsistent pushes. He endures frequent heel and face turns, he gets pushed to the top, but TNA never pulls the trigger with him, and he falls back down the ladder again. This has been the reoccurring pattern with Matt Morgan’s pushes in TNA, and I still don’t see anything special in Crimson. TNA is trying to push the younger talent. They’re giving the younger guys a chance, but this match didn’t deliver. Match Rating- 5/10

Bully Ray & Scott Steiner VS Mr. Anderson & Abyss

Dull. That is the one word I would use to describe this match. Steiner and Ray resorted to some dirty tactics to get the upper hand during this match, and for the most part, they just went through the motions here. The turmoil towards the end brought a facepalm out of me, as Steiner pinned the wrong man. This was a very uninteresting match, and I’m not buying the return of The Monster so far. Steiner and Ray tried to send another message to Abyss, when they drove him through the table during the post match beat down. Abyss popped back up, and Bully Ray did do a good job of showing some fear. He cowered into the corner, and he had this petrified look on his face, as Abyss stood in front of him, and The Monster didn’t show any signs of the table attack, but Abyss’ character has been ruined. Abyss has endured a series a setbacks and failed pushes, and I just can’t buy into the return of The Monster right now. Match Rating- 4/10

Gail Kim VS Velvet Sky- TNA Knockouts Championship

I really didn’t care for the outcome of this match. Since her return, TNA has done everything in their power to make Gail Kim look like the undisputed queen of women’s wrestling. She received a strong push pretty quickly, and her title win here didn’t surprise me too much, because you just knew Karen Jarrett would find a way to screw Velvet out of the title. Personally, I’m not a big fan of Kim, but her presence could bring something different to the Knockouts division, and Kim could breathe some new life into the title picture. Velvet Sky is smoking hot, but her time as Knockouts Champion was very forgettable. Velvet didn’t deliver any memorable matches, so her loss didn’t bother me at all. As far as the match goes, I thought it was pretty decent. Gail and Velvet gave a nice effort here, and there was some decent back and forth action in this match. The final moments of this match drove me nuts. The constant distractions from Karen had to be expected, and the interference from Madison Rayne didn’t surprise me, but I wasn’t a fan of the sloppy turmoil towards the end. Match Rating- 5/10

Jeff Hardy VS Jeff Jarrett/With Karen Jarrett

Jeff Hardy’s quick victory in the first match really did catch me off guard, because I didn’t see it coming. The second match was a little bit longer, and it did feel like a contest, and Hardy scored another victory. I thought Hardy was done for after the chair shot, but he pinned Jarrett again, and Jarrett’s frustrated and angry facial expressions were just great. Jarrett wanted to punish Hardy, but Hardy made Jarrett look like a fool after each match. The crowd was behind Hardy here, and Jeff still has his fair share of supporters. TNA is slowly working Hardy back into the swing of things, and I really like this approach. The debacle that was the main event at Victory Road will fade away as time passes, and people will forget about Jeff’s biggest blunder in TNA. There’s no need to rush anything, and Hardy doesn’t need to be near the World Heavyweight Championship picture anytime soon.

AJ Styles VS Bobby Roode- TNA World Heavyweight Championship

This match featured some excellent back and forth action, this match did have a strong competitive feel, and I enjoyed the grueling pace here. Booby Roode took the easy way out, as he grabbed AJ’s tights during the rollup for the victory. Roode cheated to win, and pulling AJ’s tights for the win was a nice touch here, because Roode really did look like the man, who would do anything and everything to win. Booby Roode could have a solid run as a heel World Champion. TNA is taking some chances on their homegrown talent, and Roode is one of the more recognizable faces in TNA. AJ Styles is always capable of delivering good and great matches, but TNA is giving someone different a run with the title, and Bobby Roode as champion does feel refreshing. Match Rating- 8/10

Overall Show Rating 6/10-
I thought Turning Point 2011 was a pretty solid show. Roode VS Styles was the highlight of the show for me, and I really enjoyed the X-Division championship match. I still can’t buy into the return of “The Monster,” and the return of the real Abyss hasn’t done anything for me so far. Morgan VS Crimson wasn’t horrible, but I was expecting more from that match. Turning Point 2011 was better than last year’s show, and for the most part, this was an enjoyable wrestling pay per view.

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