TNA to "change forever" tonight!?

I think its pretty funny people actually think Mickie James is the big change. Last time Dixie said changes were made she said you'd see them little at a time. What happened? The fan area was changed, they had lighting changes, new impact zone ramp, and oh yea the production of iMPACT has been leaps and bounds better than it used to be. No cutting to commercial mid match, no multiple commercial breaks, no bad audio mistakes, everything was nice and clean. And dont forget the backstage segments being filmed in gorilla style for a more real feel. But the IWC will see what the IWC wants to see i suppose. If it doesnt blow them a way its shit to them.
TNA is always "changing forever." What we're going to see is... a couple of ex-WWE stars debuting while the announcers go on about what a historic night it's going to be, perhaps with the reveal of who "they" are, and the start of a new storyline between a couple of new people. Basically, it's going to be a big letdown. I know, I'm just being pessimistic at this point, but JFC, you guys. How many times have things been hyped through the roof only to have TNA not deliver?

I'm sorry, but it's going to be another letdown. People who are still excited about who "they" are, and hardcore Mickie James fans will be excited after the show, but I'm burnt out at this point. Of course I'm going to watch tonight's show, on the off chance that they don't fuck everything up, but I'll go back to sporadically catching them when I see them on TV, if and when tonight inevitably fails to deliver.
If it's them going live again that's not change just retread of old idea with the whole Monday thing. If change is an added star to the roster that WWE cut loose that's not change that's already been done just look at 60% of their roster. They have accomplished their goal which is getting fans like us to talk about it on website forums like this. We have 3 pages of speculation so far so it is working. This "change" will be something that doesn't really matter and their terrible announcers will over hype it and make it more of a big deal than it is. I will watch it only because I have a DVR and can easily record it.

Here is a random idea that I thought of, what if it was JR coming to TNA to be the lead announcer. I know that is a huge stretch, but that would be something different and would be a huge change from Tenay. The TV product would definitely change for the better. I know there really is no chance that this happens, but it's an interesting idea nonetheless.
back when Dixie made the original tweet of big changes coming to TNA the one website I was reading people were saying the changes were going to be, TNA PPV were going to be live shows on TV rather than events that had to be paid for to watch.
I would enjoy that as I have never spent any money on buying a PPV.

there are 2 other things I would love. for TNA to go live more often, and for TNA to be in bigger arenas. Impact audience looks so small compared to WWE audience. why does TNA not go to larger arenas? risk of not getting enough people to show up?
I think Redd NEEDS TO STOP with all the name calling.


I have been watching his posts for a while and he has on so many occasions called people names or made insulting remarks. WTF ?


No one has to think like you. So if you think they are off base, then keep it to yourself

Hello DEMOCRACY!!!!! You do get the hypocrisy in your statement right? If you don't like someone keep it to yourself, that's quite the amusing ending to a post about how you don't like someone. Dumbass.
I think what she might have been talking about was Bruce Prichard. Cause he joined TNA today and was backstage.

I never really took this change as something we would see right away. More of a slow burn. I also felt like it could have been more of a backstage thing, not a on-air talent. Maybe other will be joining the backstage team. So I kinda expect to see a few more changes in the coming months. Maybe some firings and maybe some hirings.

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