Redd- "quote wars" is a term people use for that forum activity of crawling through someone's post, half a sentence at a time.
Hahahaha. Oh God, back to baby's first 4chan for you.
The reason why it's a lousy debate tactic is because 1) you never express any original ideas when you do it,
I'm countering what you're saying so there's no need for "original ideas". You clearly know fuck all about debating. I'm not presenting any "original ideas" because my issue is 'tards like you spouting out bullshit. I'm correcting it.
2) there is no way to respond to that style of post besides going half a sentence at a time through someone else's post yourself. (Or, for that matter, telling them that you aren't going to lower your standards and play quote wars yourself.) I'm not the guy who said you were using code; I've been using vBulletin since you were marking out on Spongebob fan sites.
Mmmhmm sure you have, you've probably been visiting the Jailbait Gallery too. Ahhh, I don't know what's more amusing or the fact that you A.) think you're older than me or B.) are a grown adult who thinks about a kids cartoon when trying to argue with people.
If you don't like the term, maybe you should stop using the tactic so frequently, hrm?
What are you gonna do next? Call someone a n00b. Back to baby's first 4chan for you, methinks. Oh I know, you're gonna use lolcats.
You also totally whiffed on the sarcasm on that last quote you had, which isn't surprising, as I've said when you've whiffed on my sarcasm before-
No, I know you were failing at sarcasm, the wink emote was a giveaway. If you try a little harder you might make it to a level occupied by 12 year olds who just got a WoW account. Just make sure you stay 1337.
when you play quote wars, you're in such a rush to respond to the other person that you don't really pay any attention to what they're saying.
I play plenty attention to what you're saying, it's just so hilariously bad that I can't respond in a serious manner.
TNA has changed a lot in the past year.
Hey you admitted it.
Not for the better, and not in any way that's meant anything.
Ahh yes, those 3 television shows don't mean a thing. And that damn going live and changing their taping arena, why that means nothing. Not to mention those new additions to the roster, they mean nothing. Really what would TNA have to do, for the almighty you, to declare it "mean something"? I'm dying to know.
Ooooh, a 4-sided ring!!! Hiring talent that they don't know what to do with!
The six-sided ring often regarded by many as a key part of TNA's identity is gone, but nah that doesn't mean anything at all, I mean something many people identified with TNA being altered, surely that isn't change!! And I'm pretty sure Ken Anderson, Desmond Wolfe, Hulk Hogan, Eric Bischoff and Ric Flair are all struggling to stay important within TNA. Oh just for you

did you see that? A WINK OMGZ SARCASMS.
The only significant "change" they've made this year, besides that Monday night abortion (which, for the record, even I thought was a good idea at the time) was adding new programming.
Oh I see, so you're the master of deciding what is and what isn't significant. Never mind TNA, producing 4 hours of television per week instead of 2, nah that's not significant because YOU said it wasn't. If you can't see the ridiculousness in you making this high and mighty judgement, you truly are blind.
Now they have a rerun show and Reaction, which is at least a noble experiment, even if its time slot dooms it to failure. Change is only meaningful if it amounts to something, and a drop in audience share over last year doesn't count
A rerun show? What's that? Haven't seen a rerun show. Ah so what you're saying is "change is only meaningful if you feel it is". Yeah sure, producing 3 television shows that are doing well in their respective markets just isn't significant. Hey Xplosion, it doesn't matter if you've been key to expanding TNA's broadcasts in new demographics in international markets, apparently that doesn't amount to anything, no sir.
By the by, you aren't good at admitting that you're wrong when you don't do it until someone calls you out on it after you insist your detractors eat crow. Any dog knows he shit on the carpet when you rub his nose in it. I am quite well aware that you don't care about professional wrestling history, which is why you are so ignorant when it comes to professional wrestling current.
I'm sorry what? Admitting I'm wrong? I don't believe I consider myself to be wrong. You keep saying "eat crow" that must be like "quote wars" a term used only by 'tards. I find it hilarious that you seem to know what I think. I know plenty about wrestling history I don't even understand where you've gotten this idea, unless you're referring to me knocking your shitty "it's old carny talk" shit. I don't give two shits about your stories on "old carny talk" I love how you call me ignorant to current wrestling, yet you're the person making outright incorrect statements, you know like "rerun show". What I'm finding is you've spent all this time saying "you quote people and that means your argument suX" but you haven't actually rebutted anything. You've just whinged. Oh and you've made assumptions about me based on nothing.
Hey, I've seen you do the same with TNA, you know making assumptions based on nothing. A lot of other posters too, you should form a club.