TNA taking shots at WWE


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Ok, I just wanna start off by saying this is not a bashing TNA thread, I'ma huge TNA Mark and I thought last nights show was awesome the best in ages.

What I noticed last night is that I think TNA took yet another cheap shot at WWE, and its starting to piss me off, Ok when Pope was walking backstage with a casket, Tenay said "I hope there's not someone in there" and Taz said "Yeah like a Badass trying to take out an MMA guy".

What I'm wondering is whether this was just Taz being Taz or if he was refering to the Undertaker Vs Brock Lesnar rumours, So i may be looking to far into this and by all means tell if I am, but really what the fuck is the point of all these stupid shots at WWE and I'm not neccasarely talking about this I'm talking about all the others, Kaz talking about angry rookies, Taz saying you can get fired in other company for that when a knockout was being choked Etc, but these are just fucking ridiculous seriously TNA get a grip, It's not scaring WWE, It's not intimidating WWE and to be honest I'd be surprised if WWE even knew about it, So what are your thoughts about all this crap, do you think it's funny and there just messing around or are you pissed off about just like I am, tell me your thoughts.
See, I'm different to you.

I love it when they do this, those little jabs at WWE make me smile & laugh. I really enjoy it when they do it, and I hope it gets through to Vince Mac.
See, I'm different to you.

I love it when they do this, those little jabs at WWE make me smile & laugh. I really enjoy it when they do it, and I hope it gets through to Vince Mac.

Well we all have our opinions lol, I'll admit I did occasionally smirk when they first started but its just been going on for so long, and its annoying me now, It would be pretty good if they got through to Vince lol
Not even a jab at the WWE, it's a jab at the Undertaker, Brock Lesnar isn't a WWE wrestler. Mountains out of molehills dude. But it's funny anyway, making fun of the WWE is like shooting fish in a barrel, which is apparently quite the easy task, if TNA keeps it up, I'm gonna keep enjoying myself.
Not really that found of these constant jabs, they are not needed when TNA probably has a better roster altogether, they just need to do their own thing and come out with unique angles but I gotta admit sometimes I did smirk a bit too.

What I mean about the better roster is their women's and Tag division eats WWE's (atm... lol) and their singles is probably nearly on the same level as WWE's so... :O
I really don't mind the occasional jab at WWE or their storylines, but the ... regular use of it by TNA's staff gets annoying at times. I don't like when the WWE does it either, ala Kaval's rhyme on NXT Season 2, but they generally have ignored TNA.
i highly doubt the wwe even care about these little jabs, let tna have their fun and put on the same old crappy display as per usual
TNA making jabs at WWE is certainly nothing new. I don't mind if they do it every now and then because it can be amusing and even funny at times. For them to do it constantly gets annoying though and makes them look immature and what all the TNA bashers like to call them: second-rate. Especially since WWE rarely ever acknowledges TNA (on TV anyway). It doesn't necessarily piss me off by any means but the constant jabs can get old and simply annoying.
How was that a jab? It was a joke. Which would've been very funny if it weren't for the fact that Taz just sounded dumb saying it. He said "I hope it isn't a badass looking for an MMA fighter". How's that taking a shot at WWE? Remember that later in the night they personally mentioned WWE when referring to the issues between Tara and Mickie. It was also not taking a jab. Mentioning them doesn't mean they are making fun of them. If TNA made fun of WWE, it was after the Daniel Bryan controversy when Sarita was choking Taylor Wilde and Taz commented "you can get fired in other places for doing that". That's a jab.
Oh my LORD when did wrestling fans grow a conscience? The majority of us long for gore and blood, we absolutely love it when someone lands on a bag of tacks and glass, but we can't stand a few jabs at another company which by the way earned them. Are we really discussing whether a company takes jabs at its competition? It's not like they do segments dedicated to how much WWE sucks. It's not like they say "WWE sucks". TNA has all the right in the freakin' world to take jabs at WWE. They're competition, and you gotta admit they do some stupid shit. Not saying they should do it all the time, but it's not so frequent that people need to make threads about it.

Second rate my ass. Three words and people call three hours of telelvision second rate. I just don't know how you people sit straight in your chairs, typing your stuff without a spine. Walk it off ...
I don't even really pay attention really. I hardly even catch them. For instance, the whole laycool/beautiful people taking shots at one another, I wouldnt have known who angelina was talking about had it not been for the internet, I didn't know who laycool was. Hadn't watched more than 10min of an episode of raw. Same with this, I didn't even catch this. People analyze shit way too much lol. The statement from taz is rather funny I'll say
I didn't look at it as a jab at all. To me Tazz was just making a comment on current events in his industry and if it happens to hit home with the American Badass and Lesner AND the WWE, so be it. It's entertainment my people and it got this thread going, so it must be working! Mickie and Tara talked more about the WWE than anyone else and while we all know about where these awesome ladies used to work, I don't think it serves TNA all that well to always mention WWE because they are saying that TNA now has WWE outcasts, but I think TNA is good enough to stand on their own in the long run.
Good to see this thread is getting alot of posts, I did say I didn't necessarily mean the comment on Impact last Thursday, I mean the many other shots they take, sure competition is good, but TNA are just asking for WWE to take jabs back and when WWE do it, I have a feeling they won't just take little shots like TNA, but I did over react in the original post of the thread, atleast its not like 2007 where BG James and Kip called out DX and impersonated Mcmahon and DX, although I gotta admit that was pretty funny.
Good to see this thread is getting alot of posts, I did say I didn't necessarily mean the comment on Impact last Thursday, I mean the many other shots they take, sure competition is good, but TNA are just asking for WWE to take jabs back and when WWE do it, I have a feeling they won't just take little shots like TNA, but I did over react in the original post of the thread, atleast its not like 2007 where BG James and Kip called out DX and impersonated Mcmahon and DX, although I gotta admit that was pretty funny.

Oh trust me, I'm quite positive that WWE wants to rip TNA a new one on air and they can do it pretty well, but it's just what TNA wants. I don't think that they take the jabs to necessarily make WWE retaliate. None of the jabs were scripted, I'm sure they just said those things and as long as they didn't .. cross the line ... it's all good humour. But I do know that TNA would LOVE it if WWE did it too, we all know why.

As a fan, I hate WWE for not making fun of TNA and taking jabs. Yeah I'm a TNA (s)mark, I hate WWE, but it's just ... fun. Why does everything have to be so rigid, boring, stiff and stale? Just do it for the fans, WWE fans will enjoy the TNA jabs, and I know I love the WWE jabs. It's not bad business to acknowledge TNA. In fact, it's a VERY good business decision if Vince wants to make REAL ass money.

What would be a bigger shocker than WWE actually helping TNA, promoting some of their events for the fuck of it? If WWE's vocal about TNA and they're at least "okay" with it, chances are that all the shee-.. I mean, WWE fans will be too. If Vince is the mastermind he thinks he is, if he wants a little challenge and if he's confident that his product is superior, they why the fuck do you cower each time you hear "TNA"? I thought their product was "blood soaked and boring". What better way to prove that you own the better company by helping a smaller one, elevating it as much as you can, until the point they can be REAL competition and push YOU to work harder and make more money? Oh shit! I forgot! Vince doesn't give a rat's furry ass about the fans. Forget what I said.
I didn't look at it as a jab at all. To me Tazz was just making a comment on current events in his industry and if it happens to hit home with the American Badass and Lesner AND the WWE, so be it. It's entertainment my people and it got this thread going, so it must be working! Mickie and Tara talked more about the WWE than anyone else and while we all know about where these awesome ladies used to work, I don't think it serves TNA all that well to always mention WWE because they are saying that TNA now has WWE outcasts, but I think TNA is good enough to stand on their own in the long run.
From my point of view, it just says WWE tossed away great talent. Which is pretty true.

But to be honest, TNA hasn't ever taken a shot as big as the one's done in WCW. We don't see Eric Bischoff come like he used to and mock every detail about WWE to open up Impact like he did Nitro. TNA hasn't really taken much of a shot. Unless you take into account Hogan's blind threats. Which were pretty much that. Blind. I'm sure he regrets them now.
Whether it was intended to be a jab or not, Taz is an idiot and I doubt Vince cares if TNA takes jabs like that. WWE takes jabs at TNA every Monday, Friday, and some Sundays just by putting on a much better and more more viewed show. If anything, taking small jabs would be a right step for TNA.
I like it all because it shows that TNA is not in their own little bubble of a world. Taz knows these guys and the Undertaker and Lesner was a main stream thing. Why should TNA not acknowledge the main stream if it fits what they are doing? As long as it is either in context or quirky which is something Taz is rather good at I don't see a problem with it.
This again? This comment was not even a jab as many have correctly pointed out. It was a joke at best and just a tazism at worst. Everyone is talking about the Lesnar-Taker confrontation and here comes pope with a casket, something pope has never had before and something synonomous with taker, so Taz acknowledges these things and it is a shot? Not buying that one. As far as WWE taking shots back they already started doing some a little while ago. The truth is every one of these comments, on either side, are so meaningless that most miss them, especially outside the IWC. This whole "second rate" crap is ******ed, just another instance of the obsessed making mountains out of molehills and disproportionally faulting TNA only for something.
A lot of you like to come on here and take undeserving jab after jab at TNA, you come on here eating up Chris Kirkpatick and Smark Madden's disposable editorials, and you can't stand TNA taking some shots at WWE? Stop watching wrestling you bunch of wusses. I don't see guys out there in tootoos. In real warfare, anything goes. Name calling, threats, low blow tactics. WWE is PG so there's no real feel like two guys hate each other and will do anything to win. WWE is breeding a culture of wrestling fan wimps who don't like and can't understand real life emotions. There is no room in wrestling entertainment for class acts and pansies who get offended and irritated with much needed jabs. Or morons who'll actually watch Taker beat Brock Lesner. Undertaker is a beaten down old horse ready for the slaughter but how are we suppose to suspend belief to watch him beat Brock Lesnar when Lesnar beats the BEST REAL fighters in the world? Mark Madden goes on about suspending belief and how TNA doesn't make any sense, but the stuff that doesn't make ANY sense in WWE like Taker beating Brock or NXT being any kind of legitimate threat makes the least sense of all. That's why TNA is taking shots at WWE, someone has to start because WWE is so terribly flawed and boring its not funny (unless TNA jabs them like they've been doing). TNA is pushing WWE to be more competitive so the wrestling business can get better so TNA can get better. Also, Linda McMahon's run for the Senate is going on and Bischoff purposely set up 10 10 10, the New Regime, and these jabs to irritate the McMahons and try to provoke some emotion before the vote. Taunting them to change their business tactics, distracting them from their political goals, poking fun at everything that's wrong with WWE and trying to push them to improve their product. What is wrong with that? If you don't like TNAs jabs at WWE, go watch figure skating or something. It's a lot more interesting than watching a show dedicated to NXT rookies dominating middle card chumps.
What is the problem with it?After all half of TNA's roster consists former WWE wrestlers.I think it's fun to watch and Vince wouldn't mind watching it as well.
Whether it was intended to be a jab or not, Taz is an idiot and I doubt Vince cares if TNA takes jabs like that. WWE takes jabs at TNA every Monday, Friday, and some Sundays just by putting on a much better and more more viewed show. If anything, taking small jabs would be a right step for TNA.

A better show? The WWE doesnt put on better shows. Most of their shows are awful. I stopped watching WWE because there stuff was so bad I was wasting electric/money by having my tv on. I would rather listen to Waylon Jennings and work on my scouting reports than watch the same old stuff on Raw. Not worth my money.

TNA has had very good shows they just suck at advertising. They are really awful at it. Also other that about six wrestlers the overall entrance music is terrible. TNA needs to work on little things to make their product better.
I think it is just done for Taz' benefit. He seems to think they are funny and he really doesn't do it often but there is a lot to make fun of. i also don't see them as cheap shots all he ends up broadcasting is the same shit us fans say when we watch scenes like the choke out, anyways. Only difference is we say it to our friends and he says it to a global audience.
I don't really see how Pope's comments are exactly taking a jab at the WWE quite honestly. I think it might just be a case of reading a little too much into something. If Brock Lesnar was to even devote a brief second of his time to look at TNA, Dixie Carter would probably cream herself. IF it was some sort of shot at The Undertaker, it doesn't really bother me nor is it really going to affect anyone. If Pope's name is even mentioned in the same breath as Taker's 10 years from now, he'll be happy.

As for TNA taking shots at the WWE, it doesn't bother me. It just kind of reminds me of the age old instance of the big buff jock kicking sand in the face of the 98 pound weakling on the beach. TNA, being the 98 pound weakling in this case, can't really do much of anything to hurt the big buff jock so the weakling calls the jock names. The weakling can't hurt the jock but it can at least make itself feel a little better.
No, it wasn't a Jab at WWE. It was a current event. A lot of internet buzz going around this event. The good thing about Tazz's little remark was he didn't even mention WWE or the Undertaker. He just said, "I hope their isn't a bad ass looking to pick a fight with an MMA guy." I'm sure I'm off on the quote, but it's pretty close to what was said. Not really jab.

It's not Tommy Dreamer saying TNA is chill, it's not like hell. It's not Flair saying "NFL's ratings are going down, Our's going up Man!" So, Tazz's comment not so much a jab. I think the other performer's crap were trying to be jabs but didn't work.

Jabs can be fun, but I don't think they really make wrestling any better. TNA keeps on trying to find some nostalgia to gain new viewers and WWE keeps up with the family programming. Really no room for Jabs. It might be a different era now, where one Company doesn't need to take Jabs. In fact, I hate stupid jabs. I get them in the mail right now, with political mail and crap like that. I don't want to vote for the guy who takes the most jabs. I want to vote for the guy who has the best ideas, and can get them done. So, yea, Jabs, eh.

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