TNA Sucks So Much Dick, It Could Be Your Mum

tna sucks

i watched the y2j/batista match on raw and it was amazing

tna never could pull off a great match unless it was a gimmick match

they have gimmick matches every week and its boring

they need talent that could go out there and actually perform good matches without weapons

plus they dont know shit about how to bring back injured wrestlers

john cena returning at rumble, undertaker returning at unforgiven, hbk returning to the nwo, dx reforming both were great moments that tna could never think of
You guys are right. Wrestling is hurting, but a few minor changes wouldn't hurt. Steiner is old, but let him do his thing, the frankensteiner can still work. Rob Van Dam should go to TNA when his wife is better. Jarret will help, and wheres Raven? If Lashley and Goldberg ever show, then things get interesting. TNA needs a few wrestlers. There are only a very few guys who could turn a promotion around by themselves. If The Big Show had gone there, that would have been something.
The WWE? When stings contract is up, he should sign a one match deal and wrestle Shawn Micheals, its a never happened before match that would draw. Then put Sting in HOF. He belongs there, even if he was never in wwe. If Rock never left for Hollywood and stone cold could still wrestle, we wouldn't be having this conversation. The Rock could still come back, and that would equal ratings. How about Sid? Hes older, but in great shape. He could come in and bring something new for a while. Killings and Harris need to be on TV, that would freshen things up. ECW....New Jack!!!! But thats too risky. Bring back the Natural Born Thrillers, that would be interesting, they all could use the work. And bring back hardcore title!!!
TNA sucks right now and the sad part is that they only need one man to carry the company. That is AJ Styles. I'll admit, Angle, Cage, James Storm, Roode, Petey Williams, and Booker are part of the reason I still watch TNA, but the main reason is that I'm waiting for TNA management to stop dropping the ball with AJ Styles. The guy is simply amazing every time he gets in the ring, has improved a hell of a lot on the stick, and is finally starting to drop the comedy or so it seems considering the events on 5/22 impact. I hope they don't drop the ball for the thousand time.

Come on AJ! Get that TNA belt soon!
Hmm... I wonder what would appeal to male fans more? A beautiful woman that wrestles like Kurt Angle, or Kurt Angle?
Useless? I wouldn't call being gay useless. I mean you can't reproduce, but come on Ech useless is a little harsh.
To respond to the theme of this post and everyone who "hates" TNA so much, they can't keep their TV off of it:

Stop watching. Go back to watching Patrick Dempsey on Gay's Anatomy or whatever you WWE fanboys were originally watching on Thursday nites. Did bitching a million posts on various wrestling websites make you guys feel better, or make the writers/producers take you guys seriously?! Does burying TNA want to make WWE take cruiserweights or women seriously? Does posting "F TNA" everywhere make HHH the most humble, unself-serving prick in the world?

Nope, I didn't think so either.

TNA is what it is, and everything the world has its good points and bad points; get over it already.
do you have anything to back that up mate? why is tna so good?
seriously the reason i dislike tna is, its just boring. they have boring wrestlers boring matches and every week week in week out its all about kurt angle. i have watched five minutes of tna and fell asleep.
To respond to the theme of this post and everyone who "hates" TNA so much, they can't keep their TV off of it:

Stop watching. Go back to watching Patrick Dempsey on Gay's Anatomy or whatever you WWE fanboys were originally watching on Thursday nites.

Actuelly I don't watch TNA, haven't watched in months, don't really watch much of anything on Thursday nights for that matter

id bitching a million posts on various wrestling websites make you guys feel better, or make the writers/producers take you guys seriously?!

So you would rather we bitch about people bitching about wrestling?, you know kinda like you're doing

Does burying TNA want to make WWE take cruiserweights or women seriously? Does posting "F TNA" everywhere make HHH the most humble, unself-serving prick in the world?

Nope, I didn't think so either.

Does burying WWEmake TNA better in anyway what so ever?, Does posting bashing Triple H make Angle or Joe better champions?

Nope, didn't think so

TNA is what it is, and everything the world has its good points and bad points; get over it already.

No, we don't have to get over, you see that's the whole point of wrestling forums, for people to vent and bitch about shitty wrestling, if you don't like what people are saying to bad get over it already
-- In case you're wondering what TNA's strongest viewer demographic is, its 50-year old men (and up) as apparently they enjoy the slew of women and references to several year old wrestling angles the most. For instance, the 5/15 show drew a 0.87 overall rating with 1.1 million viewers, but the 50 and up Male demo drew a 1.02 rating. In comparison, the show did a 0.62 in Males 18-34 and 0.56 in Males 35-49. TNA's weakest demographic appears to be Women 18-49, and by a wide margin. Impact drew a 0.21 rating with them for the 5/15 show and a 0.18 for the 5/8 show. The 5/8 show also drew a 0.97 in Males 50 (and up), 0.69 in Males 35-49, and 0.55 in Males 18-34. The show did a 0.91 rating with 1.2 million viewers.

Everybody and their dog has taken Angle to his limit in TNA. Jake's point was that after his match with Angle, Kaz completely dropped off the radar, not that he lost.

Well yeah, they put him in some pointless feuds, but if they didn't have anything big for him then why not keep him actively on tv? It isn't like he fell off of tv or anything like that. If you watched Kaz back when he was Frankie "The Future" Kazarian, he had alot of potential. The man then burned both TNA and WWE. If anything, TNA is being careful about pushing him full blast as he has shown that he is fickle and is only about himself in the overall scope of things. He could either be a poison pill or the next big thing. Giving him spots like this will help TNA to see for themselves while letting Kaz know that he isn't going to just get a spot because of his past talents.

Since when did TNA actually listen to smarks? I think that stopped around 2005. Joe got the belt because TNA thought he was over. Turns out decisively less over than he once was.

Well if he's not over like he once was, then that's just how things go. Just that plain and simple. It's called the wrestling business. Nobody who was hot in 2005 is over like they used to be.

Free things are more likely to go though, aren't they? "Hmm, wrestling, I dunno. Oh, it's free. Fuck it, not like it'd cost me anything."

Went to a free WWE event with Shawn Michaels headlining. Arena seated 3000, crowd there was like 300 maybe 350. There were 10,000 people walking around outside who didn't even bother coming in. Not sure if your "free" theory would apply there.

Not really. The WWE tag division isn't misused, it's nonexistent. Ask me who the WWE tag champs are. I can't do it. Well, I think Holly and Rhodes are one set. Think.

Exactly. So all in all, only the established teams came out glowing in the tournament. Not the mixed ones. Although, I woulda liked to see Kong go further than she did. Woulda been quite the twist to things in TNA to see her getting a push in the men's division.

The King of the Ring matches weren't all tag matches. Tag matches are gimmick matches. As Lockdown proves, a whole night of the same gimmick over and over gets old quickly. The same people over and over is crap too. Not to mention there were what? Seven tag matches on that card? Hence why I gave up on the thing.

Give up. It's your choice to do so. Otherwise, the rest of us would like for you guys who have supposed given up and don't watch it to shut up as well. I mean if you people don't watch it, then why continue to write your disdain about it? Out of site, out of mind right?

Kaz is on the same level as Kaz? I would think so. Why not Cage in the main event? Not like he had other plans or had a hard evening thus far.

Sorry slip of words. Why not Cage in the main event? Why Cage in the main event is a better question. He's a Super face. They are trying to build up Samoa Joe as a Super face. Why bring in a face that gets a bigger pop than he does if you are trying to credibly get him over? Make for one hell of a complaint afterwards, but it makes no sense. Next!

Creed climbed it once. A bit. Didn't even take a bump. Kaz climbed out successfully. What's the point of the roof if no one takes a bump from it. There may have been one actually. If I'm right, the guy who fell was successfully caught by a bazillion other guys, thus completely taking away its impact. These guys need to learn to take a bump like Elix Skipper. Guy's fucking fearless. Cage-unrana FTW.

And now Skipper looks like Pookie from New Jack City. Half the sizer he used to be and not even a credible entity in TNA. It's a new match where they need to work out the bugs. Not like a guy can climb and do a friggin plancha off of it. And what would be the point if you were climbing out anyways? Tsk tsk. Think these things out man. lol

Joe's entire appeal was that he was inhuman. Like Dean Malenko, but a bigger bastard. Now what's his claim to fame? He's Kevin Nash's stooge and he pulls a face whenever someone talks? Bring back Angle, please.

Nah, Bring back Jarrett. You have to bring back the most dastardly heel that TNA has ever had if you want to build Joe up. The other are just faking it. Jarrett is the real deal.

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