TNA signs Becky Bayless; "Jersey Shore" coming to TNA?

I think this is a horrible idea. Becky Bayless was on Impact a few years ago and although she is very attractive, they could use her better than this. Do you know what TNA's main problem is? They look like a bad indy organization. Get a titantron video! A good one! Some better music wouldn't hurt either.

Anyways, back to the main question. This is a horrible idea. She could be a great manager who can wrestle. But putting her in this gimmick is just stupid. Why? Let her personality show through. She could do great with that!
I read this article on about Becky Bayless having the worst dark match in history.

A dark match held at last week's TNA Impact tapings that featured Shannon Moore and Christina Von Eerie vs. Okada and Cookie (a/k/a Becky Bayless) was dubbed "the worst dark match in history" by several people backstage.

Most of the blame for the match is directed at Bayless, who missed blind tag attempts three times. It was so comically bad that Moore stopped, pointed at her, and yelled, "I'm begging you to tag him" during the middle of a spot. This led to serious laughter backstage.

It sounds like this girl is ten times worse than Lacey ever was. I heard she was in ROH, but I haven't seen any videos of her. If she is really that bad then TNA should use her as a valet or just release her.
I read that she had an accident before and hindered her from wrestling a bit. Don't know whether to believe that or that she's just terrible, like someone noted in the thread.

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