TNA signs Becky Bayless; "Jersey Shore" coming to TNA?

I take a bit of offense to this, as the "dial tone personalities" thing is my creation, and I never once trashed this – I just posed the question, is all. I certainly never said it was incapable of being a gimmick that might actually draw (heat or fans).

I do think you fail to understand that there's more to wrestling than either having no personality or having a gimmick, though. There are plenty of guys who have a personality but have no gimmick – take Christian Cage, for example. Same goes for Edge, Kevin Nash, Kurt Angle, etc.

What in the world are you talking about?

Christian is Captain Charisma, that's his GIMMICK. Edge is the Rated R Superstar, one of the most gimmicky wrestlers of this modern era! Kurt Angle is the Olympic Hero, that's his GIMMICK. To say none of those guys have a gimmick is outrageous. It makes me wonder if you even know what a gimmick actually is.

As for this thread, I think it may have been better to have held off on the thread until she debuted on Impact, seeing as some people are complaining about how people are reacting to this signing negatively. Most people, like me, likely haven't even heard or seen of this new Knockout before so their own opinion can be based solely on the gimmick she's going to have. Telling people to wait to judge until they actually see her is kind of contradicting the thread asking for opinions on the signing.

As for my opinion, I really haven't a clue what to think. I can't even imagine how this is going to play out so I'm definitely curious. I'm not sure TNA really needs more Knockouts that are, in a sense, more like the Beautiful People, though. That's basically all the Knockouts Division has right now, besides a very select few.
Christian is Captain Charisma, that's his GIMMICK. Edge is the Rated R Superstar, one of the most gimmicky wrestlers of this modern era! Kurt Angle is the Olympic Hero, that's his GIMMICK. To say none of those guys have a gimmick is outrageous. It makes me wonder if you even know what a gimmick actually is.

Hate to be the one to tell you, but Kurt Angle's Olympic Hero isnt a gimmick, its a fact. as for edge and christian, those arent so much gimmicks as they are personnas.

Undertaker = gimmick
Kane = gimmick
Abyss = Gimmick

etc etc

Gimmicks are going the way of the dodo bird, more and more wrestlers are coming in as either their real name, or an alias. so they dont have to have their name legally changed after they get fired from the WWE. because that scumbag Vince makes them sign over rights to their personnas for marketing purposes.

now "cookie" is based on a TV character, albeit a real life ******ed TV character, like the rest of the jersey shores ******s (I humbly apologize if i insult any developmentally challenged people, because comparing them to the Jersey shore cast is just downright humiliating) hence thats a gimmick.
What in the world are you talking about?

Christian is Captain Charisma, that's his GIMMICK. Edge is the Rated R Superstar, one of the most gimmicky wrestlers of this modern era! Kurt Angle is the Olympic Hero, that's his GIMMICK. To say none of those guys have a gimmick is outrageous. It makes me wonder if you even know what a gimmick actually is.

Captain Charisma? Oh, forgive me – I forgot, that must have been his super hero alter ego, just like Super Eric to Eric Young, right? Or, no... wait a second, you mean "Captain Charisma" is just a nickname to coincide with the letters C and C (Christian Cage) and to give him a clever title, much like "The Freak" Rob Terry, or "Big Poppa Pump" Scott Steiner? Oh gee, look at that.

As for this thread, I think it may have been better to have held off on the thread until she debuted on Impact, seeing as some people are complaining about how people are reacting to this signing negatively. Most people, like me, likely haven't even heard or seen of this new Knockout before so their own opinion can be based solely on the gimmick she's going to have. Telling people to wait to judge until they actually see her is kind of contradicting the thread asking for opinions on the signing.

Do you have an idea what a "gimmick" is? The Undertaker is a gimmick. Doink the Clown is a gimmick. Zack Ryder is a gimmick. I feel like every time I interact with you have I have to teach you the meaning of whatever word you are using at the time. Christian Cage is not a gimmick, and neither was his Captain Charisma nickname. It was a title, nothing else. It gave his "character" nothing that his character didn't already have. Same goes for Kurt Angle, who is playing himself. Same goes for Kevin Nash, Diamond Dallas Page, etc.

Oh, and I asked for thoughts on the signing and her potential, which is more than capable of being discussed objectively by a number of users. If some struggle, that's their own fault, not mine.
I don't think it's a terrible idea, and am a little surprised wrestling bookers don't do it more. It used to be standard practice back in the day. It might be ridiculous, but part of wrestling is supposed to be (to me). That's the kind of stuff that makes me laugh. But I'm also someone who thought Black Reign was hilarious because Penzer would introduce him hailing from "the deepest, darkest corner of your mind". So terrible that it was funny. I think sometimes people take wrestling TOO seriously. "It's still real to me, damnit!"

As for the girl, she's not that hot. She's got some +2's, which puts her to a 4.2318543. Ask Nik Richie if he thinks she's hot.
Captain Charisma? Oh, forgive me – I forgot, that must have been his super hero alter ego, just like Super Eric to Eric Young, right? Or, no... wait a second, you mean "Captain Charisma" is just a nickname to coincide with the letters C and C (Christian Cage) and to give him a clever title, much like "The Freak" Rob Terry, or "Big Poppa Pump" Scott Steiner? Oh gee, look at that.

Do you have an idea what a "gimmick" is? The Undertaker is a gimmick. Doink the Clown is a gimmick. Zack Ryder is a gimmick. I feel like every time I interact with you have I have to teach you the meaning of whatever word you are using at the time. Christian Cage is not a gimmick, and neither was his Captain Charisma nickname. It was a title, nothing else. It gave his "character" nothing that his character didn't already have. Same goes for Kurt Angle, who is playing himself. Same goes for Kevin Nash, Diamond Dallas Page, etc.

Oh, and I asked for thoughts on the signing and her potential, which is more than capable of being discussed objectively by a number of users. If some struggle, that's their own fault, not mine.

Seriously, how can you not know what a gimmick is? How can you pretend, constantly, like you know anything about wrestling when you don't even know what a GIMMICK is? You have to be a complete idiot to respond to me like you just did.

A Gimmick = a unique or quirky special feature that makes something "stand out" from its contemporaries. However, the special feature is typically thought to be of little relevance or use. Thus, a gimmick is a special feature for the sake of having a special feature.

Gimmicks are ways to market the wrestler, hence Christian, Edge, and Kurt Angle are all very GOOD examples of having gimmicks. Learn what you're talking about, please.
I guess it all depends on if Becky can wrestle. TNA brought in a very green Rosie Lottalove, and we haven't seen her since her debut. She is attractive, and maybe she can be an annoying heel Jersey Shore like character. I don't know how that can work though considering that fans will probably cheer and whistle at her no matter what she says since she is attractive. Maybe she could wind up in The Beautiful People or against The Beautiful People. It all depends, but at least TNA is getting new Knockouts.

As long as she can wrestle I don't see the problem. If she can't, then maybe its better for her to be an announcer or backstage interviewer.
I haven't seen any of her work before, so I'll have to check it out before forming an opinion. I don't think they just hired her to be a valet like some people are saying (though her history tells me I'm wrong). TNA must see something in her or else they wouldn't have wasted time to think of bringing "Jersey Shore" to TNA. Maybe short-term, but not to waste time. There's nothing wrong with this type of gimmick in this promotion -- I'm sure there are plenty of promotions parodying many things in the mainstream, like a few politicians or whatever here and there.

But I did look her up a bit and found pictures. I find her awfully cute! :D
Seriously, how can you not know what a gimmick is? How can you pretend, constantly, like you know anything about wrestling when you don't even know what a GIMMICK is? You have to be a complete idiot to respond to me like you just did.

A Gimmick = a unique or quirky special feature that makes something "stand out" from its contemporaries. However, the special feature is typically thought to be of little relevance or use. Thus, a gimmick is a special feature for the sake of having a special feature.

Gimmicks are ways to market the wrestler, hence Christian, Edge, and Kurt Angle are all very GOOD examples of having gimmicks. Learn what you're talking about, please.

Wrong, moron – a gimmick is something given to bland wrestlers to help selling them. What you are saying is that every single wrestler has a gimmick, because if a gimmick is a "unique or special feature that makes something stand out", then everyone has a gimmick, because Shelton Benjamin doesn't look like Charlie Haas, so Benjamin has a gimmick, right? His gimmick must be that he's not Charlie Haas. :rolleyes:

Gimmicks are character additions (often exploited and outrageous) that are given to otherwise bland wrestlers to make them stand out. The Undertaker is a gimmick. Kurt Angle is Kurt Angle. Kurt Angle's "drink milk" campaign was a gimmick. Kurt Angle as an Olympic wrestler is the story of his life, not a gimmick.
I'm sorry but this makes TNA looks like a rating-****e who will mimmick anything that's in fashion.

Fine. do it!

But I'm concerned they might give this more airtime than it deserves. This gimmick will last as long as Jersey Shore lasts and it won't be long before the entertainment media gets bored of it and finds a new muse.
If they do it like 5 mins here and there on an Impact, then it's cool. But if this involves a really talented superstar who would be better giving stellar matches, I swear man, I would lose respect for TNA.

(And btw Jersey Shore is absolutely utter pigsh*te!!!, and the gutter of human civilization!! )
If they really go through with this, I am just going to I don't know complain here. I hate the show and I have only seen 20 secs of one show and its just awful. I don't care if its a parody or not, I don't want to see it.
Can it generate heat- You really can't tell with TNA's crowd.
If true, I hope this generates the infamous bad heat.
So she's bringing in her "Brook Lynn" Wrestlicious character to TNA but with a slight name change. OK. It probably won't attract Jersey Shore fans who don't already watch TNA though. Such impetuous booking/gimmick creating rarely works. It may be mildly entertaining for a little while though. Here's hoping when the gimmick eventually fizzles she'll have proven herself worthwhile enough to be kept on the roster.
If nothing else this brings some fresh blood into the division which it's dying for. The BP are all gorgeous but you can only watch them fight so many times before it's boring as hell. They need someone to play off of and maybe this is the start of that. WHen TNA threw most of the other Knockouts out, they screwed the whole thing up and now they have to restart. Bayless should help but she's not going to solve everything, especially if she's stuck being a comedy character that a handful of people will find funny for about three weeks. I'm fine with it though as it's a breath of air. Or blood or whatever the metaphor I used earlier was.
Man I'd like to slap her tits around. Perfect addition to the Knockouts, no on watches women's wrestling for serious matches, they watch because their internets down and they're out of porn. She'll do well.
Wrong, moron – a gimmick is something given to bland wrestlers to help selling them. What you are saying is that every single wrestler has a gimmick, because if a gimmick is a "unique or special feature that makes something stand out", then everyone has a gimmick, because Shelton Benjamin doesn't look like Charlie Haas, so Benjamin has a gimmick, right? His gimmick must be that he's not Charlie Haas. :rolleyes:

Gimmicks are character additions (often exploited and outrageous) that are given to otherwise bland wrestlers to make them stand out. The Undertaker is a gimmick. Kurt Angle is Kurt Angle. Kurt Angle's "drink milk" campaign was a gimmick. Kurt Angle as an Olympic wrestler is the story of his life, not a gimmick.

How stupid can you be? Seriously. I didn't make up that defintion there, that's the ACTUAL definition for the term gimmick. [lol] Man, I once thought you had some sense and intelligence but after this thread you've proven you're utterly idiotic.

Clearly you can't even grasp the fact that anything that's used to promote the wrestler, to help market them individually, is their gimmick. All you have to do is go search any wrestler, Christian, Angle or Edge, and it'll give a thousand different sources that state Angle's "Olympic hero" gimmick. Edge's "Rated R Superstar" gimmick. This isn't rocket science!

And yes, Shelton Benjamin does have a gimmick. Gold Standard.

Now, back to the topic of the thread.

I'd like to see them get away from just using the Beautiful People and actually focus on some other Knockouts, because I'm honestly sick and tired of everything being about the Beautiful People. They've run their course. But, on the same token, I'm not sure I want that replacement to be some Jersey Shore rip off.
I take a bit of offense to this, as the "dial tone personalities" thing is my creation, and I never once trashed this – I just posed the question, is all. I certainly never said it was incapable of being a gimmick that might actually draw (heat or fans).

I do think you fail to understand that there's more to wrestling than either having no personality or having a gimmick, though. There are plenty of guys who have a personality but have no gimmick – take Christian Cage, for example. Same goes for Edge, Kevin Nash, Kurt Angle, etc.

It wasn't necessarily directed at you. In general, I just found it weird that everyone, TNA and WWE marks alike, were criticizing this thing, and the reasons I read weren't exactly brilliant. My main point, and I spent a lot of time supporting this, is that I believe this type of character can work in any wrestling organization because it's organically the type of personality that most people hate. IDR, you're from NY right? So you know those type of people and you know DAMN WELL that it's not a gimmick to be like the Jersey Shore people. Those people on the show really act like that, and there's a lot more like that. That's why the thing would generate heat.

I made my point in that regard, but I don't think that since you took offense to one line I wrote, you tried to turn around and criticize me. You turned around and questioned my knowledge of wrestling? Really? I mean, you and I have spoken on many occasions and you known damn well that was uncalled for. I respect your opinions and you should respect mine, We may not agree all the time, but I would think respect should be there. And as for what you tried to criticize me on, anyone who is successful in wrestling has to have some sort of personality. It doesn't have to be a gimmick necessarily, but there's an ability to own a personality and show personality from the second one walks through the curtains to the second they go back through when done with their performance. That personality may be similar to the real life personality of the individual (Kevin Nash falls in that category) or quite different (Randy Orton is not actually psychotic, thus his on screen character is something he doesn't take with him after the show). Either way, the more you can do to stand out from the next guy, the better. No matter how you do it, you just can't be bland (unless your father is the Million Dollar Man, then you can be bland and somehow still get chances at pushes).

I hope we don't have to deal with this again. I admit that I'm not a fan of your dialtone personality club, but that's no reason to question my knowledge of the wrestling business. Attack the noobs, not someone you have spoken to on numerous occasions and know damn well is knowledgeable. Let's just remember that this started when we actually agreed that this "Cookie" character can work in wrestling. That was the point originally.
It wasn't necessarily directed at you. In general, I just found it weird that everyone, TNA and WWE marks alike, were criticizing this thing, and the reasons I read weren't exactly brilliant. My main point, and I spent a lot of time supporting this, is that I believe this type of character can work in any wrestling organization because it's organically the type of personality that most people hate. IDR, you're from NY right? So you know those type of people and you know DAMN WELL that it's not a gimmick to be like the Jersey Shore people. Those people on the show really act like that, and there's a lot more like that. That's why the thing would generate heat.

Absolutely, I live in Brooklyn – they originate from here, namely the Bay Ridge, Bensonhurst and Gravesend areas.

I don't think people were upset that the gimmick itself wouldn't work as much as they were with the idea that it's coming from the Jersey Shore, and that because of that, it's likely to be comedic – at least that's what I pulled from the majority of the comments myself.

I made my point in that regard, but I don't think that since you took offense to one line I wrote, you tried to turn around and criticize me. You turned around and questioned my knowledge of wrestling? Really? I mean, you and I have spoken on many occasions and you known damn well that was uncalled for. I respect your opinions and you should respect mine, We may not agree all the time, but I would think respect should be there. And as for what you tried to criticize me on, anyone who is successful in wrestling has to have some sort of personality. It doesn't have to be a gimmick necessarily, but there's an ability to own a personality and show personality from the second one walks through the curtains to the second they go back through when done with their performance. That personality may be similar to the real life personality of the individual (Kevin Nash falls in that category) or quite different (Randy Orton is not actually psychotic, thus his on screen character is something he doesn't take with him after the show). Either way, the more you can do to stand out from the next guy, the better. No matter how you do it, you just can't be bland (unless your father is the Million Dollar Man, then you can be bland and somehow still get chances at pushes).

Well, I apologize then, because I never intended to insult you. I do respect your opinion, and I'm well aware of your knowledge of the industry – I may be moderately ******ed from time-to-time, but not enough to discredit that if even for a moment.

I was just pointing out that the way you phrased the initial quote seemed as though you made it too black and white, as if the only two types of characters are those with personalities, and those who need gimmicks. All I was saying is that there are instances where there are characters who have a personality and don't have a gimmick, because their personality carries them – they don't actually need the gimmick.

And mega-LOL @ the DiBiase joke.

I hope we don't have to deal with this again. I admit that I'm not a fan of your dialtone personality club, but that's no reason to question my knowledge of the wrestling business. Attack the noobs, not someone you have spoken to on numerous occasions and know damn well is knowledgeable. Let's just remember that this started when we actually agreed that this "Cookie" character can work in wrestling. That was the point originally.

See above, man – we're on the same page, trust me.
I haven't seen much of Becky Bayless aside from some of her "Brooke Lynn" character on Wrestlicious. She can definitely play the part from what I have seen of her. I personally think Jersey Shore is pretty funny, of course I have to be high to watch it haha. I flip back and forth between that and TNA impact on thursday. I'm looking foward to seeing what these two can do with this gimmick. Could be pretty funny, and a good stepping stone for both wrestlers.

I wonder if TNA doing this gimmick has anything to with Jersey Shore being their thursday night competition, rivaling their second hour. Jersey Shore is very popular and "pop culture" right now, so I get why they are atleast trying out a gimmick like this.
Being from Long Island, I thought Zack Rhyder would be popular when I first saw him. "You know it!" has been a big catch phrase for doosh bags along the east coast (NY, NJ, PA, MD) for sometime now (before Rhyder), point being Rhyder's character was to appeal to the "dude-bro" culture and get heat from those who dislike it.


Whether your from LI, brooklyn, staten island, jersey ... you have seen these type of people/groups and they are usually found inside night clubs wearing a pair of sunglasses and sporting a "tape up" haircut. For whatever reason, people are drawn to this cultural lifestyle. That's why videos like this next one get 27 million views.


The one thing about Paul Heyman that people in the business seem to think is that he's always "ahead of his time." Heyman is praised as someone who always knows whats going on in pop culture and is able to sense what the next trending fads might be.

I don't know if this was Heyman's doing, but you'll also hear gimmicks like Kevin Thorn's vampire gimmick was ahead of it's time, because of Twilight's popularity today (which would mean Gangrel was REALLY ahead of his time lol.)

So basically, TNA (and WWE) are trying to tap into pop culture and give the audience something relevant. It has always gone on in wrestling. Raven's gimmick was patterned after grunge rock which was popular in the early-mid 90s. Sting changed his hair/make-up a year after the release of The Crow.
Shawn Michaels/Marty Jannetty came off as rock stars and called themselves the rockers when rock stars were extremely popular.

Jersey Shore is popular right now so I guess we'll see what happens with Robbie G and Cookie. I think it could be a success b/c that is a life style people can relate too (ex. kid from Staten Island who doesn't usually watch TNA is flipping through channels and hears "Yo bro, quit creepin on my girl." Kid now has a character on TNA he can relate too and might invest his interest in. He also has cookie for some eye candy.)
The same way people from Green Bay probably mark out for Mr Anderson and people from NC do for Jeff Hardy.

In closing, I'm guilty of watching more Jersey Shore then I did reaction last night. I wanna be JWOW's tampon.
Some of you are wondering she can wrestle. . . she's god-awful. She's like Kelly Kelly/Maria awful, but she has more charisma/personality than ANY woman in either of the big two promotions. While I don't think it was absolutely necessary to bring her in, I'm always happy anytime entertaining women are on my television.
This is what happens when a reality television obsessed owner recommends angles. This is combined with the fact that main booker books as if it is a reality show. And the two guys running the promotion either had their last great success on a reality show (even though it ruined his family) or they run a company that produces a reality shows.

Becky Bayless is amazingly hot and I would love her to be an interviewer, but this angle is absolutely horrible. A go nowhere, temporary lost idea. Jenna Marasco, Johnny Fairplay, Pacman Jones, The Governor. Just awful.
Being from Long Island, I thought Zack Rhyder would be popular when I first saw him. "You know it!" has been a big catch phrase for doosh bags along the east coast (NY, NJ, PA, MD) for sometime now (before Rhyder), point being Rhyder's character was to appeal to the "dude-bro" culture and get heat from those who dislike it.


Whether your from LI, brooklyn, staten island, jersey ... you have seen these type of people/groups and they are usually found inside night clubs wearing a pair of sunglasses and sporting a "tape up" haircut. For whatever reason, people are drawn to this cultural lifestyle. That's why videos like this next one get 27 million views.


The one thing about Paul Heyman that people in the business seem to think is that he's always "ahead of his time." Heyman is praised as someone who always knows whats going on in pop culture and is able to sense what the next trending fads might be.

I don't know if this was Heyman's doing, but you'll also hear gimmicks like Kevin Thorn's vampire gimmick was ahead of it's time, because of Twilight's popularity today (which would mean Gangrel was REALLY ahead of his time lol.)

So basically, TNA (and WWE) are trying to tap into pop culture and give the audience something relevant. It has always gone on in wrestling. Raven's gimmick was patterned after grunge rock which was popular in the early-mid 90s. Sting changed his hair/make-up a year after the release of The Crow.
Shawn Michaels/Marty Jannetty came off as rock stars and called themselves the rockers when rock stars were extremely popular.

Jersey Shore is popular right now so I guess we'll see what happens with Robbie G and Cookie. I think it could be a success b/c that is a life style people can relate too (ex. kid from Staten Island who doesn't usually watch TNA is flipping through channels and hears "Yo bro, quit creepin on my girl." Kid now has a character on TNA he can relate too and might invest his interest in. He also has cookie for some eye candy.)
The same way people from Green Bay probably mark out for Mr Anderson and people from NC do for Jeff Hardy.

In closing, I'm guilty of watching more Jersey Shore then I did reaction last night. I wanna be JWOW's tampon.

Dude wow just freakin wow.

Anyway i think its going to be a good angle for TNA. These 2 are going to get monster heat for being the Jersey Shore douchebags that people just love to hate
That is the first thing I though, "Dude, fuck the gimmick, Becky Bayless is ridiculously fucking hot" and that is all that fucking matters. This is women's wreslting, 'naitch. Jersey Shore gimmick? Well fuck, Zack Ryder rocks, so, good shit. Certainley wont hurt the division, think about what exactly in the fuck we are talking about here.Jeezo guys, the picking of nits. Becky Bayless will most likely be my new favorite Knockout.
I don't see this gimmick getting over in TNA. First of all, it's TNA (hear me out). When was the last time they created any new stars? They've struggled with the Orlando Jordan character, who's probably the last real "new gimmick" wrestler they've tried to create and he sucks. They just don't do well with creating new stars. I don't see this being any different.

IMO, it's already off to a bad start. Cookie...? Really...? That's the best Russo could come up with? Cookie? Oh, Snookie, Cookie, I get it. C'mon, That's gay as hell.

On top of that and most importantly, I don't see the fans in the impact zone doing anything to help these characters. They're not going to "hate on them" like people think. They'll probably just cheer "WE WANT JWOW!" and shit like that, referencing the show. And you know Russo is going to do the same thing, probably writing inside jokes using the words "the situation" over and over and things like that.

I don't think it matters if the chick can wrestle or not. This is purely an attempt at comedy. I just don't see it going very far at all. I don't see any reason to believe Russo can make it work.
I don't think I'll care about her gimmick or anyone's gimmick for that matter unless it takes up TOO much TV time. Triple H doesn't necessarily have a gimmick when he is working heel but he takes up a lot of television time, thus making me want to change the channel whenever is big nose is up on my TV. And that's not a good thing, same thing goes with Hogan, he talks to much in my opinion, and I change the channel when he gets on the show. And change it back about 15 minutes later HOPING he's off it. If the character overtakes the person and their wrestling skills then its a bad thing. If it enhances the person's ability to entertain and get me to care about them, more power to them and they should get over any way they can. I don't mind gimmicks I love The Long Island Iced Z because I respect his wrestling ability and it isn't hindered by his gimmick when that bell rings he goes from the Long Island Loudmouth to Zack Ryder the wrestler with certain mannerism.

Also, what's this Jersey Shore thing you guys are talking about. I only watch wrestling and the occasional Travel, Disney and History channels. And that thing isn't on any of the channels I watch. What the fuck is it and why is it so popular as you guys have pointed out it is, because I wouldn't know.
For the guy who asked... Jersey Shore plays on MTV, the same time as TNA does on SPike... I've never seen an episode, so I can't tell you why its popular...

But, I do think that this could be a good gimmick if Robbi G is a good wrestler and Cookie has as much charisma as people are saying... They could be new and fresh...

It looks like TnA are hyping them already... they had a Shore Coming Soon promo last night on Impact...

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