TNA Sacrifice : X Division Title Match - Kaz v. Douglas Williams

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Plump, Juicy User
This one actually makes sense as well. The volcano ash swallowed up Williams before the last PPV, allowing Kaz to win the belt. Kaz is alright, but he sure ain't no Doug Williams.

I'd reckon Williams would get the win here as that was likely the plan if he would've be able to make it to the last PPV. With him as the champ for awhile the X Division had what resembled an interesting storyline for the first time in forever. Shouldn't be half bad, especially since it's a title match not involving Shannon Moore.
I like Williams, and I hope he can come away with the win here. I'm happy Kaz isn't Suicide anymore, and he has been on a role ever since returning as himself. Still, I want Williams to win this match because he had a good reign as X-Division champ, and I hope he's able to win back the belt in this match.
Yeah, I want Douglas Williams to win the match at Sacrifice. I'm not gonna say it was unfair to Williams because TNA just did what they had to do to keep their Title match at Lockdown, but the thing is, Williams still has the belt, it still looks good on him, and he never really had a great title defense with it.

Williams brings a new side of the X-Division, a side which I am incredibly fond of. I'm hoping that Williams wins the belt he never actually lost at Lockdown and continues his reign. I would love to see a Joe/Williams match for the title in the near future but it can only happen if Williams "retains" at Sacrifice.
Kaz might not be Suicide anymore, but he's still Kaz. Meaning his bland. Not only is he bland, but he's nowhere near as hot a prospect as he was in 2007 and 2008.

On the other hand, Williams is the best prospect to get momentum in the X-Division in some time and his fantastic gimmick has yet to really get close to peaking yet. So Williams should win to keep his momentum going.

That said, TNA likes to let me down. Look for Kaz to take home the physical belt this month.
Kaz might not be Suicide anymore, but he's still Kaz. Meaning his bland. Not only is he bland, but he's nowhere near as hot a prospect as he was in 2007 and 2008.

Absolutely true. But while he may be bland, he is still somewhat fun to watch and his matching up with Williams in this match should be quite interesting since Kaz is more grounded then Williams previous opponents (excluding Kendrick).

On the other hand, Williams is the best prospect to get momentum in the X-Division in some time and his fantastic gimmick has yet to really get close to peaking yet. So Williams should win to keep his momentum going.

I think I've made my love of Doug Williams fairly well known. He is the best thing to happen to the X division in over a year in creating a good storyline and persona, two things the division has been sorely lacking.

That said, TNA likes to let me down. Look for Kaz to take home the physical belt this month.

This, but multiplied ten fold since I'm a MCMG fan. I'm sure TNA will fuck up a cohesive and good storyline on Sunday.

Pick: Kaz
Looks like everyone agrees that Douglas Williams is the man who should pull out the win in this match-up. I have to agree. Kaz is pretty stale and even when he was fresh he was already stale. I mean does anyone want to see Kaz against anyone? I surely don't care for him. Douglas Williams has some serious upside and I would love to see a Samoa Joe vs. Douglas Williams program down the road.
First off....-sighs and cracks neck- FUCK KAZ! FUCK SUICIDE! FUCK THE DOA! that move was sloppy as hell. You know you suck when your move is being used CORRECTLY by a woman (melina for those who dont know) Plus suicide became stale as soon as he did his Daniels dive in The X Match. Kaz's new finisher is very very good for Williams... as a technical wrestler he could counter that a thousands times over. How the hell do you prepare for Chaos Theory? That move is cool and deadly. I like it. Just how smooth it is. Unlike the DOA. But whatever, Chances are Kaz will win cause thats what the little girls want. But the belt should stay with Mr. Williams. Im not saying....Im just saying
Alright.... the way I see it going is like this.... Williams only lost the title when he was not able to make it to a title defense due to travel issues that were out of his control. So, I think that Williams will win the match and get back the belt because for both kayfabe'd and real life reasons he should never have lost the X Division Championship in the first place. The match should be alright, it would make a decent opening to the show.

Williams will win the X Division Championship.
This should be a good match actually. Both are good workers and Kaz is one of my favourite wrestlers to watch. Williams brings a different style to the X Division which is a great thing as its not all about doing flips. Kaz can wrestle any styles so this should be a great encounter. The best part about this match is that it actually has had a bit of build and isn't just thrown together. A good step in recreating the X Division.

Now onto my prediction. I think that Williams with get the belt back as he didn't deserve to lose it in the first place and then they could carry on the feud with Kaz or stat one Kendrick which I would love. Kendrick should be at the top of the X Division whether it be a face or a heel.

It should be a good match with Williams picking up the win.
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