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TNA: Promoting Beating Bitches and Women Hating Since... I Dunno, Forever?

Con T.

Yaz ain't enough, I need Fluttershy
So, there's plenty of signs you can look for, when Vince Russo is writing for your wrestling promotion. Sadly, not many of these are good signs. But, perhaps one of the more (in)famous signs that Vinnie Ru is steering the ship is when you have plenty of man on woman violence, implied, or otherwise.

And if we needed any more signs of the beginning of Russo 2: Electric VinnieRu Boogaloo, then last Thursday's Impact was the garish blaring orange sign, warning you to merge onto the next exit, to avoid the massive twenty seven car pile up down the road.

Last Thursday, we were treated to five or so segments featuring Dixie Carter, Rockstar Spud, and Bully Ray. That itself is enough of an offense for me to tell TNA to calmly fuck off. But the content of the segments actually made things worse than I could possibly imagine. Clearly, creative members have been visiting their local video store (perhaps the one Russo used to own?) and stocking up on horror films. That, or shitty television shows. We were treated to segments of Dixie scared for her life, as Bully threatened to put the middle aged non-wrestling woman through a table.

That isn't entertaining. It isn't even amusing to laugh at how bad it is. Vince Russo is clearly working through severe women issues. I just don't really want to see them played out on my prime time wrestling television, fuck you very much.

This makes even less sense when you consider Bully Ray is the babyface in this bullshit. This isn't Jake Roberts slapping Elizabeth to shock and horrify the audience (in an era, mind you, with much less man on woman violence. Where is actually meant something for this to happen). These segments were played up for the yucks. If you're cheering for Bully Ray, this is what you're implicitly saying.

HAHA! Look at that middle aged woman cower for her life! What fun! I can't wait until Bully Ray puts her through a table, and she likely has debilitating injuries from the attack of a 300 pound psychopath! Bitch has it coming to her.

Well, shit, sounds really bad when I say it that way, doesn't it? I'd say it's shit like this that gives wrestling fans a bad name, but let's be honest, there's plenty of reasons why wrestling fans have a bad name. But this shit doesn't help.

So, does anyone actually enjoy these segments? And isn't it high time we put a moratorium on man on woman violence?
Nah, fuck 'em. Bitches need to stick to the kitchens.

Slightly more seriously: You're sexist for implying women need to be put on a pedestal away from any and all harm.

All right, all right. I'll be serious.

Look, Dixie is playing the role of a southern bitch. She's fucked with maybe a dozen babyface since she showed up as a heel authority figure. Just like Vince McMahon or Vickie Guerrero, a comeuppance must occur and the figure on the back-foot. I'm pretty sure Vince got his head up Big Show's ass, and Vickie was basically thrown into slop more times than I have fingers. So Dixie going through the same thing is textbook 101 modern wrestling storytelling. Not to mention that Bully Ray has been a pretty obvious anti-hero rather than anything straight-laced, so I can't get the outcry that he's doing this as a babyface. And finally, there is the fact that TNA has gone for a realistic-style video production and presentation, so should it accidentally veer over to uncomfortable rather than funny, that's to be expected.

TL;DR: I don't really think it's something to be upset over.
Slightly more seriously: You're sexist for implying women need to be put on a pedestal away from any and all harm.

Slightly more serious response; you have clear reading comprehension issues, if you think I'm saying women need to be put on a pedestal. What I'm saying is I'm not entertained by the thought of a middle aged woman scared for her life from a 300 pound man. And if you do find that entertaining, you're a rather sick fuck.

Oh, wait, that got serious rather quick. Oh well, shit happens.

Look, Dixie is playing the role of a southern bitch. She's fucked with maybe a dozen babyface since she showed up as a heel authority figure. Just like Vince McMahon or Vickie Guerrero, a comeuppance must occur and the figure on the back-foot. I'm pretty sure Vince got his head up Big Show's ass, and Vickie was basically thrown into slop more times than I have fingers.

Again, I get it, the heel gets what's coming to them. I just think it's counterproductive to show the little southern woman terrified by the psychopath. The dynamic is off, unless you think it's normal for middle aged women to be bullied by their stalker.

And if you think that's normal, you're pretty fucked up.

Not to mention that Bully Ray has been a pretty obvious anti-hero rather than anything straight-laced, so I can't get the outcry that he's doing this as a babyface. And finally, there is the fact that TNA has gone for a realistic-style video production and presentation, so should it accidentally veer over to uncomfortable rather than funny, that's to be expected.

So, I'm supposed to feel uncomfortable by what I see? How do you expect me to cheer on the babyface, in that case, when I feel pity for the bullied woman.

TL;DR: I don't really think it's something to be upset over.

Then again, here's what you're implicitly saying.

HAHA! Look at that middle aged woman cower for her life! What fun! I can't wait until Bully Ray puts her through a table, and she likely has debilitating injuries from the attack of a 300 pound psychopath! Bitch has it coming to her.

I think if I pry hard enough, I can get you to say it explicitly.
I also find it hilarious that we are supposed to be cheering for a 300 LB slob to physically assault a frail middle aged lady.

That whole segment I was thinking, "is this dude about to rape her?" Lmao.
Slightly more serious response; you have clear reading comprehension issues, if you think I'm saying women need to be put on a pedestal. What I'm saying is I'm not entertained by the thought of a middle aged woman scared for her life from a 300 pound man. And if you do find that entertaining, you're a rather sick fuck.

Oh, wait, that got serious rather quick. Oh well, shit happens.
I see you focused on the serious part and not the slightly more bit. Looks like we've all got poor reading comprehension. :rolleyes:

Again, I get it, the heel gets what's coming to them. I just think it's counterproductive to show the little southern woman terrified by the psychopath. The dynamic is off, unless you think it's normal for middle aged women to be bullied by their stalker. And if you think that's normal, you're pretty fucked up.
A stalker implies romantic overtones. I'm pretty sure Bully Ray's just fucking with Dixie at this point.

So, I'm supposed to feel uncomfortable by what I see? How do you expect me to cheer on the babyface, in that case, when I feel pity for the bullied woman.
... No, what I'm saying is that if it veered to uncomfortable rather than rote for you, than that is a consequence of the lean-to-realism that TNA has chosen for it's presentation. It is not a reflection or criticism on your personal ethics or beliefs, but rather a result of the style chosen for presentation clashing with your response to the scenario presented within that style.

Or so I assume. For all I know, you could feel outraged or offended if Bully Ray had showed up with Knux and the Menagerie to pelt her with pies. :shrug:

I think if I pry hard enough, I can get you to say it explicitly.
Feel free to fry as hard as you want. :disappointed:
Then I suppose you must've turned your tv off when he ACTUALLY put other women through tables before. Trish Stratus, Mae Young, etc. Dude, it's just a freaking storyline. Perhaps a little distasteful, sure, but do you honestly think that it's going to happen? The best storylines are the ones that imitate real life. Do you think that women aren't getting stalked and threatened every day? We should try and fix what's going on in the real world before worrying about people acting it out. By the way, how do you feel about how Christy Hemme is being treated right now? Anyway, see if you can pay attention to how the crowd is reacting to it. If they're enjoying it, then clearly that's where TNA is going to go. They're so used to doing things that fans don't care for, so if they finally get something right, then they're going to run with it.
1) Vince Russo isn't with TNA. Endless reports of him being nowhere in sight of TNA have come straight out of TNA employees.

B) It's Bully Ray. Did you never see him Powerbomb Mae Young off the Raw stage through a table?

Trust me. It's not Russo pitching this. It's Ray and Dixie themselves. And to be honest, I think you're blowing this a bit out of proportion. Dixie Carter is a heel. People want to see her get what she deserves. She has been totally untouched so far and her going through a table would probably get a major pop. Far more because she's a pompous jerk than because she's a woman.

Is it entertaining? Not really. Is it sexist? No, it's wrestling. They always go for the edgy stuff.
A stalker implies romantic overtones. I'm pretty sure Bully Ray's just fucking with Dixie at this point.

By and large, you don't get stalkers, do you?

... No, what I'm saying is that if it veered to uncomfortable rather than rote for you, than that is a consequence of the lean-to-realism that TNA has chosen for it's presentation. It is not a reflection or criticism on your personal ethics or beliefs, but rather a result of the style chosen for presentation clashing with your response to the scenario presented within that style.

So essentially, sorry you were offended, yes?

Or so I assume. For all I know, you could feel outraged or offended if Bully Ray had showed up with Knux and the Menagerie to pelt her with pies. :shrug:

No, not really. Just don't find her being stalked by Bully Ray entertaining. If you did, prolly says more about you than it does me, partner.

Do you think that women aren't getting stalked and threatened every day? We should try and fix what's going on in the real world before worrying about people acting it out.

They are; I used to work with abused women every day. What doesn't happen, though, is that the acts of legitimate terror (stalking someone in their fucking home) aren't played off for lulz on national tv. The only thing missing from those segments was the fucking laugh track.

I want you read this article, right here

You know why shit like this happens? Because people see sexual assault and violence normalized on television, every day. To the point where legitimately frightening things (stalking) are played off for laughs.

And you really want to try and preach to me about fixing the real world, first? Fuck off.

By the way, how do you feel about how Christy Hemme is being treated right now?

You mean the storyline where she needs to be rescued by Ken Anderson on the regular?

Not fucking good, fuck you very much.
So, there's plenty of signs you can look for, when Vince Russo is writing for your wrestling promotion. Sadly, not many of these are good signs. But, perhaps one of the more (in)famous signs that Vinnie Ru is steering the ship is when you have plenty of man on woman violence, implied, or otherwise.

And if we needed any more signs of the beginning of Russo 2: Electric VinnieRu Boogaloo, then last Thursday's Impact was the garish blaring orange sign, warning you to merge onto the next exit, to avoid the massive twenty seven car pile up down the road.

Last Thursday, we were treated to five or so segments featuring Dixie Carter, Rockstar Spud, and Bully Ray. That itself is enough of an offense for me to tell TNA to calmly fuck off. But the content of the segments actually made things worse than I could possibly imagine. Clearly, creative members have been visiting their local video store (perhaps the one Russo used to own?) and stocking up on horror films. That, or shitty television shows. We were treated to segments of Dixie scared for her life, as Bully threatened to put the middle aged non-wrestling woman through a table.

That isn't entertaining. It isn't even amusing to laugh at how bad it is. Vince Russo is clearly working through severe women issues. I just don't really want to see them played out on my prime time wrestling television, fuck you very much.

This makes even less sense when you consider Bully Ray is the babyface in this bullshit. This isn't Jake Roberts slapping Elizabeth to shock and horrify the audience (in an era, mind you, with much less man on woman violence. Where is actually meant something for this to happen). These segments were played up for the yucks. If you're cheering for Bully Ray, this is what you're implicitly saying.

HAHA! Look at that middle aged woman cower for her life! What fun! I can't wait until Bully Ray puts her through a table, and she likely has debilitating injuries from the attack of a 300 pound psychopath! Bitch has it coming to her.

Well, shit, sounds really bad when I say it that way, doesn't it? I'd say it's shit like this that gives wrestling fans a bad name, but let's be honest, there's plenty of reasons why wrestling fans have a bad name. But this shit doesn't help.

So, does anyone actually enjoy these segments? And isn't it high time we put a moratorium on man on woman violence?

Funny, though, how few had problems with "Stone Cold" Steve Austin giving Stacy Keibler a Stunner one night on "Raw", less than six months after he plead guilty for spousal abuse?

Where were your cries when Kane tombstoned Linda McMahon one night on "Raw", or all the insults Stephanie McMahon has had said to her over the years? Or Trish crawling around and being made to bark like a dog for a man's amusement?

But then, when WWE do it, it is okay, but when TNA do it (and it involves Vince Russo), it isn't.
Funny, though, how few had problems with "Stone Cold" Steve Austin giving Stacy Keibler a Stunner one night on "Raw", less than six months after he plead guilty for spousal abuse?

Where were your cries when Kane tombstoned Linda McMahon one night on "Raw", or all the insults Stephanie McMahon has had said to her over the years? Or Trish crawling around and being made to bark like a dog for a man's amusement?

But then, when WWE do it, it is okay, but when TNA do it (and it involves Vince Russo), it isn't.
Did you see him mention at any point that it was OK for WWE to do it? Cause I sure didn't. Plus I'm pretty sure he didn't cry when any of that happened because.... THERE WAS NO FUCKING FORUM.

He's talking about domestic abuse. Not what the hell WWE did or didn't do.
1) Vince Russo isn't with TNA. Endless reports of him being nowhere in sight of TNA have come straight out of TNA employees.

Yes, because Vince Russo needs to be in the building to send and review scripts with the creative team.

Dude... We work together in an e-fed. We've never met, and granted we have nowhere to really meet. And yet, we've been banging out scripts on the regular since November together.

Does anyone really need to see Vince Russo, for Russo to be working there?

B) It's Bully Ray. Did you never see him Powerbomb Mae Young off the Raw stage through a table?

Trust me. It's not Russo pitching this. It's Ray and Dixie themselves.

I'm sure that's part of is as well. But I'm also sure Russo has a past history of man on woman violence, WCW especially.

Is it entertaining? Not really. Is it sexist? No, it's wrestling. They always go for the edgy stuff.

That's a problem, right there though. Is it cool if we talk about WWE here, for a minute?

This week, WWE got a really raw deal on their TV rights contract, at least compared to other forms of sports programming. Universals' executives saw WWE, and really all of pro wrestling, for it's strong ratings. But the research they did the WWE audience was that, by and large, wrestling fans are uneducated (school wise) and often come from low income families, often with instability in the family.

Why is that the case? Because when pro wrestling does things like this angle, it often attracts the lowest common denominator of society (which of course, means families that are less willing to schill out large dollars for premium advertisers, such as car companies). And until wrestling stops with bullshit like this, it's going to keep attracting the lowest common denominator.
I will remind people that this is the same company which once promoted an angle involving the real life children of a performer who had just swapped a wife with another performer.

Let's not pretend this is TNA sinking to a new low, or anything.

I'd be a happier man if professional wrestling scripts simply didn't create the situation where the audience could feel justified that a man hit a woman. There are the occasional exceptions (Hi, LuFisto!) in which the woman is promoted as a legitimate contender in male competition, but usually it's a scheming manager or authority figure who taunts the good guy until he's just 'had enough', and physical violence is suddenly justified.

It's not a new low for TNA, but it's lowest common denominator programming. This isn't something people should be trying to justify.
Yes, because Vince Russo needs to be in the building to send and review scripts with the creative team.

Dude... We work together in an e-fed. We've never met, and granted we have nowhere to really meet. And yet, we've been banging out scripts on the regular since November together.

Does anyone really need to see Vince Russo, for Russo to be working there?

I'm sure that's part of is as well. But I'm also sure Russo has a past history of man on woman violence, WCW especially.

Just because TNA has gone Russo friendly, doesn't mean he's there. There was a period last year where they did the same. As in go all gimmick happy and with zany stories. Russo wasn't with the company. Trust me. There's worse writers than him. Like Dutch Mantel. Or Yaz.jk

That's a problem, right there though. Is it cool if we talk about WWE here, for a minute?

This week, WWE got a really raw deal on their TV rights contract, at least compared to other forms of sports programming. Universals' executives saw WWE, and really all of pro wrestling, for it's strong ratings. But the research they did the WWE audience was that, by and large, wrestling fans are uneducated (school wise) and often come from low income families, often with instability in the family.

Why is that the case? Because when pro wrestling does things like this angle, it often attracts the lowest common denominator of society (which of course, means families that are less willing to schill out large dollars for premium advertisers, such as car companies). And until wrestling stops with bullshit like this, it's going to keep attracting the lowest common denominator.
I can't justify that at all. It's very eccentric human cockfighting at the end of the day. It's something wrestling in general can never escape because their foundation happens to be over the top violence. No matter how PG it gets. Unless it turns into CHIKARA. In which case all those low income families would stop caring. It's a cruel field.
Just because TNA has gone Russo friendly, doesn't mean he's there. There was a period last year where they did the same. As in go all gimmick happy and with zany stories. Russo wasn't with the company. Trust me. There's worse writers than him. Like Dutch Mantel. Or Yaz.jk

Yeah, Yaz sucks a big one.

What, are you expecting some text reassuring I don't mean that? Because I'll give it, sure. But Yaz does suck.

... JK

I can't justify that at all. It's very eccentric human cockfighting at the end of the day. It's something wrestling in general can never escape because their foundation happens to be over the top violence. No matter how PG it gets. Unless it turns into CHIKARA. In which case all those low income families would stop caring. It's a cruel field.

I think you have a point here, and it's very fair. But there's plenty of forms of human cockfighting out there that makes hundreds of millions dollars more in TV rights. UFC, which ripped everything from pro wrestling, including its hulking mongoloid of a North Dakota hick, is on national TV and makes a ton more.

UFC also promotes (though they were hesitant to) women as the equal to men. They do it with Ronda rousey, and she's like their biggest draw now. Hell, even at WZCW, we have our women, who are absolute equals to men.

Except everyone is better than Mikey Stormrage. Lulz, Yaz.
I think you're taking this a weeeeee bit too seriously. First of all I don't think people are sick fucks if they're not exactly horrified at the fact that this person they hate (who happens to be an actress) is about to get shalacked through a table. Hell I wasn't even horrified when Mae Young went through the table. My first reaction was CHRIST IS SHE OK... Then about a second later it was, wow that was awesome. Why? Because everybody KNOWS that Bubba/Bully Ray isn't an actual psychopath who enjoys beating the shit out of women and than randomly slamming them through tables.

This has been said a thousand times but I'm going to say it again. Pro wrestling is no different from movies or tv shows. Essentially, every wrestler is just a person playing a character and if the person actually being attacked or slammed through a table is fine with it, why shouldn't we be?

Am I saying I am ok with this happening in todays society? Of course not. If a video went viral of Bully Ray picking Dixie Carter up in a restaurant and tossing her through a table than I would be disgusted. But this is of course, not real, and that my friend is what makes it ok.
This has been said a thousand times but I'm going to say it again. Pro wrestling is no different from movies or tv shows. Essentially, every wrestler is just a person playing a character and if the person actually being attacked or slammed through a table is fine with it, why shouldn't we be.

Like someone else, I'm going to ask you to read this article, right here

You know why people are becoming more use to this sexual violence? Because people see it on television regularly, and model the behavior. Albert Bandura was studying this shit with television sixty years ago. Kids and even adults learn this kind of thing for television. So saying that it's like any other television show means jack shit.
Like someone else, I'm going to ask you to read this article, right here

You know why people are becoming more use to this sexual violence? Because people see it on television regularly, and model the behavior. Albert Bandura was studying this shit with television sixty years ago. Kids and even adults learn this kind of thing for television. So saying that it's like any other television show means jack shit.

I would argue that people are not becoming "more use to this sexual violence" but that this sexual violence has ALWAYS been in our society. The reason you think that sexual harassment and abuse is becoming more prevalent in this day and age is because the internet glorifies this type of behavior however I would argue that these kinds of incidents are actually receding with time. Children may slap the occasional butt or yes, even grope a girl's chest which is definitely wrong, however I don't think children completely understand that what they're doing is wrong. And before you say I proved your point with that sentence, let me say that I doubt tv shows are the reason children grab or grope. When children are tempted by something or have urges, most of the time they are going to do what they want no matter the consequences. Tv is not the reason kids have the urge to touch a bum... It's in their nature. Is it wrong to act on it? Yes, but like it or not, that's how children act. As for adults who harass or assault women, it is not televisions fault that these people are criminals. This is coming from somebody who grew up watching the Attitude Era and has never and would never lay a hand on a woman. Television and pro wrestling is not the reason women are sexually abused. If you ever think it's ok to assault or abuse a women in any way past the age of 8 than you're probably not fit for human society whether you watch tv or not.
My opinion is that the WWF/E have already done it. Maybe to Chyna because tbh she was a beast come on lol probs had more hair than me to this day. But naw just naw, men destroying twigs past its course YEARS ago. Wrestling glory days has died.

But I have never agreed with it. Just saying, peace x
By and large, you don't get stalkers, do you?
Not sure if that was a crack or an actual question.

So essentially, sorry you were offended, yes?
Well, not really sorry in so much saying that if you got offended, it wasn't like the presentation of the angle helped smooth over perceptions.

No, not really. Just don't find her being stalked by Bully Ray entertaining. If you did, prolly says more about you than it does me, partner.
Yes, I *********e furiously to the site of a middle-aged businesswoman evading an overweight biker while a midget Brit cowers in fear. I've been found out.

I don't know. I think we're talking past each other here, what with you insinuating I'm a misogynist for not seeing (or rather caring all too strongly) the implications on domestic violence that a single storyline on TNA TV will have and me just looking at the whole thing in the context of pro wrestling alone (which admittedly is a shady as shit context).


If you want to make a thread in Non-Spam about domestic violence abuse and provide charts and links and talking points about what is influencing who,go for it. I'll probably stop by and have a look at what you seem to actually want to talk about and maybe I'll learn something I didn't the day before.
This is an interesting thread, but only because I can't seem to figure out what's going on with the op. He seems to be very very very offended by anyone even glancing at a woman but then uses big boy curse words to make it seem like he's down like a tardo clown. I honestly believe he only started this thread so he could throw a temper tantrum at everyone who replied...as you can see by his constant usage of quotes and then angry replies. Unfortunately I don't remember what the whole post was even about...ummm I think tna but I can't watch that cause it's boring so I will respond with the best practice is for virgins to not even start threads about women, it will keep you from acting like a nerd.
Meh, I don't see anything wrong with it. The show is completely tailored around violence, wrestling is essentially violence personaified. People going through tables, people leaping off cages, the entire nature of wrestling is violence. It's meant for entertainment purposes only, similar to how video games is only meant for entertainment purposes and no one should go out stealing cars and shooting people (GTA5).
Did you see him mention at any point that it was OK for WWE to do it? Cause I sure didn't. Plus I'm pretty sure he didn't cry when any of that happened because.... THERE WAS NO FUCKING FORUM.

He's talking about domestic abuse. Not what the hell WWE did or didn't do.

But what about the love that the IWC have for "Stone Cold" Steve Austin, who committed domestic abuse on first wife Jeannie Adams, second wife Debra McMichael and another girlfriend? Or the fact that one of Ric Flair's ex-wives sued him, and he was found guilty of, spousal battery?

That really happened.That's more concern to me than some storyline.

It's also concerning when the WWE script Austin, soon after charges of hitting Debra, have a segment when he gives Stacy Keibler a Stunner, and his sycophants in the arena popped for it, and didn't see how tacky it was, and SCSA should have refused to do the angle, to put himself in a better light after the domestic incident, not show violence towards a woman on-screen.
"It's only wrestling."

"Don't take it so seriously."

Sorry, but these counter arguments don't alleviate the fact that TNA is directing the audience to cheer like crazy the moment Dixie gets put through a table by their hero.

The question is "why?". Why does it have to be a physical act of violence against a woman? She is a heel but surely there are other ways to get rid of Dixie without the use of stalking, threats, and the final powerbomb through a table. The fact that fans relate to Bully Ray and cheer for this is an alarming trend among males in todays culture.

"Man, fuck that bitch Skylar! She just drags Walter down." (Breaking Bad)

A common comment made by many males and some females. To them Skylar was such a bitch because she wanted to shield her family from her drug dealing husband witha penchant for violence. They applauded their hero and condemned his wife because she doesn't get it.

So what don't I get from Dixie/Bully? So because she's a heel that gives Bully the right to stalk her and threaten her with physical violence? Like with Breaking Bad, they relate with their hero doing evil things.

But Breaking Bad did correct this by Walt admitting that he was wrong and showcasing the true hero of the show, Hank. Will Bully come to his senses and realize what he's doing is wrong as well?

It may be just wrestling, just like it may be a TV show but it does tap into a growing mentality males have in regards to physical and sexual violence towards women.
Do all u sad saps cryingin this thread go to movie theaters and protest hack slash movies? Because 99.9% of them is violence between men and woman. That and TNA and wwe is scripted CALM THE FUCK DOWN SMH.
In response to the Russo writing TNA angle of the OP: was it 2 weeks ago that you had Kane stalking and physically attacking Brie Bella (trying to 'drag her to hell').I am pretty sure Russo didn't write that. So IMO it is a big jump to use the Dixie/Bully angle as proof Russo in charge.

Now as to the wider topic: violence against women. There is NOBODY that would ever condone violence against women in the real world. It is never acceptable. But wrestling is not the real world. I know it isn't real so if I see Bully threating Dixie; Vince humiliating Trish; Lita being put through a table; Jericho calling Steph names or any of the other examples in wrestling history it doesn't phase me at all.

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