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It Happened!

I'm not surprised she got a concussion. And heer neck/upper back is also going to be messed up for a while. You look at that gif over and over and you can see she hit that mat with full force. She probably would have been better going through the table. At least that would have cushioned some of the fall.
There was a time, not that very long ago, where SpikeTV had an absolute, hard line against depicting violence against women; don't do it. I'm not sure if it's irony or just kitsch, but there is humor in the fact that these tapings were designed to show Impact Wrestling in the best possible light to SpikeTV executives.

If TNA is at the point where they're building their central storyline around middle-aged women being beaten by middle-aged men, maybe they've had their run.

I expect this to fall on mostly deaf ears. In between the 'he didn't hit her hard enough' crowd, and the 'but someone else did it years ago, so it's OK' crowd, there isn't much room for the 'hey, hitting women isn't entertainment' crowd.

This is what I thought would be the reasoning for it not ever happening. I mentioned it a long time ago in a LD and I was surprised that they actually went through with it.

I was actually expecting a swerve last night. With people talking about them spoiling the ending and everything I thought it would have been a perfect way to swerve the fans and turn Bully heel again.

I know that would have made zero sense but stranger things have happened in wrestling.
I watched the reply countless number of times. Dixie didn't have a tough time selling anything because that actually looked like she hit hard.

Yes Bully went through the table, she didn't. Though her head hit the mat hard, and you can tell that she is going to have neck problems just from that.

Bully even tried to pull her back towards the end for a safer position. Bully didn't mess up on this, even Devon was trying to assist with it too. Dixie isn't a wrestler but she is going to be injured for a while.

In an interview she said that bump hurt like hell. I'm going to take a good guess that the way she landed showed how hard she hit. Watch the video (not the GIF) in slow motion and you will see how hard her neck and head hit the mat. Now that's painful.

Though, I think she will never take another bump again and I have a feeling she will never be a heel GM / figure again.
In ECW, Bubba Ray Dudley (Bully Ray) was putting women through tables all the time. In WWE yes it was Mae and Lita but if I remember right Francine has gone through a few tables too in ECW.

Don't understand how putting a middle aged frail woman through a table is a "face" move. And also never understood why she became an on screen character in the first place.

But props to her for taking the bump. Now there is no reason for her to be on TNA television, the payoff is done hopefully.
From what I saw, Dixie was well protected by Bully. Yes, it's been a few weeks since it occurred, but hopefully she's alright. I gotta give her props for taking a bump like that. Now that it finally happened, the focus should shift to building towards BFG. Looking forward to the follow up next week.
I cant wait for BFG in japan. i wonder if it can match up against the G1 climax this year. and Dixie was protected the best that buba could do.:shrug:

I cannot believe the negative response to the manner in which Dixie Carter took that table bump. Absolutely flabbergasting. A 49 year old, relatively frail female who has no wrestling history or experience in the ring whatsoever, and people are complaining because she did not take the brunt of the force of the table specifically?!?

Look at the video. She hit that mat, hard. I mean hard. There are plenty of guys much younger and in better physical condition than her who would be hurting plenty after taking that bump. I thought she took a really devastating hit there, and it didn't take much selling on her part because I have absolutely no doubt that hurt, a lot. I mean, on occasion I have been known to be a tad critical of the events in a TNA ring, but realistically speaking, once the decision was made that she was going through a table, I don't think it could have been executed much better. Props to Dixie for taking that bump, that took guts.

Of course, there's always the separate discussion as to whether or not a fledgling promotion who is allegedly struggling to remain on national TV, should be having a woman get slammed through a table and portray it as a face move, but that's another discussion for another day. Personally, I'm not a big fan of that decision. I know it's happened plenty of times in the past, but just because poor decisions have been made in the past doesn't mean it's ok to replicate them again. Different times, different audiences, different attitudes. I think there are better ways to exact revenge against corrupt authority figures rather than doing this. So sure, criticize the angle, but not the execution. The execution was solid.
And holy shit, what a moment!

Sure, the fact it's been taped for weeks, and the fact TNA semi-spoiled their own payoff kinda took away from it, but just watch that impact and just listen to that crowd react again. Both of those facts are worth overlooking for the reaction alone.

TNA gets a lot of shit for not coming full circle on angles they spend months building. Well guess what? They just came full circle. Give 'em the credit they deserve.


And give even more credit to Dixie Carter for taking that bump! Wow.

They didn't semi-spoil it they flat out said on next weeks episode see Dixie finally go through a table. They don't deserve any credit the whole storyline was worthless from the get go. As for how she took it, well i haven't seen impact yet it doesn't air til tonight here but she's not a wrestler, she's certainly no in any physical shape to tape any sort of bumps and should never have done it, nor been on camera this whole time in the first place she sucks period
I cannot believe the negative response to the manner in which Dixie Carter took that table bump. Absolutely flabbergasting. A 49 year old, relatively frail female who has no wrestling history or experience in the ring whatsoever, and people are complaining because she did not take the brunt of the force of the table specifically?!?

Look at the video. She hit that mat, hard. I mean hard. There are plenty of guys much younger and in better physical condition than her who would be hurting plenty after taking that bump. I thought she took a really devastating hit there, and it didn't take much selling on her part because I have absolutely no doubt that hurt, a lot. I mean, on occasion I have been known to be a tad critical of the events in a TNA ring, but realistically speaking, once the decision was made that she was going through a table, I don't think it could have been executed much better. Props to Dixie for taking that bump, that took guts.

Of course, there's always the separate discussion as to whether or not a fledgling promotion who is allegedly struggling to remain on national TV, should be having a woman get slammed through a table and portray it as a face move, but that's another discussion for another day. Personally, I'm not a big fan of that decision. I know it's happened plenty of times in the past, but just because poor decisions have been made in the past doesn't mean it's ok to replicate them again. Different times, different audiences, different attitudes. I think there are better ways to exact revenge against corrupt authority figures rather than doing this. So sure, criticize the angle, but not the execution. The execution was solid.

It doesn't surprise me at all. No matter what happens people are always going to bitch.

What this situation boils down to is Dixie trusted Bully with her physical health.

He did what he needed to do to protect her.

TNA followed through on a storyline.

People are taking this way too seriously.
If Dixie ever returns it should be sometime AFTER Lockdown and not as an on-screen character. I love TNA, but the Heel Dixie storyline lasted almost a year. The fans need a break from this kind of storylines.

Having said that, I admire her courage for doing that spot. It's not normal for a 49 year old mother of 2 to be powerbombed through a table.
Wow, it took the IWC surgeons a little longer to absolutely cut this segment up into pieces with their proverbial scalpels. What took you so long? Dad accidentally locked you into the basement? Zipped up your balls after you were done *********ing to sloth porn? Your hot girlfriend would NOT let go off your penis, even though you absolutely have to go to that meeting about that big merger with Fancy Pants Inc.?

I swear, I don't know how some people aren't blind in one eye after looking at their screens with a damn magnifying glass every Thursday. Look at you ...

"Um, for the record, Bully Ray did not accurately perform the Bubba Bomb, he was off by 43% degrees, which is directly proportional to the reduction in ratings TNA has had recently, therefore this segment has not pleased me and TNA did not manage to please its audience, as like I said before Dixie Carter did not go through the center of the table, but instead Bully Ray's buttocks did. By 43% as we previously established. Hurr durr."

For the love of God. I know I have the attention span of a three year old but how do people analyze everything to the finest detail? Yeah, Bully Ray didn't crack her dome wide open. It didn't pop like a grape within impact. He was protecting her body, and she still got hurt. Even if she didn't crash through the table, a normal Bubba Bomb would hurt like hell. That motherfucker jumped off the second rope and Dixie landed flat on her upper back, neck and the back of her head. He messed her up, that was the point.

I loved the segment, mainly because of the reaction of the crowd and the fact that TNA built this up FLAWLESSLY. It was perfect. It didn't take too long, it wasn't rushed, the timing was right, the execution was fine, and the reaction of the live crowd was amazing. Didn't draw much of a rating but last time I checked I'm not a Spike TV exec and neither is anyone here.

Oh, and to the PC suckers who whine that this is mindless violence on a woman and us enjoying it ... she's the bad guy in the story. A really hated bad guy. On and off screen. She wanted to take the bump, and she took it well. Actually, I've seen actual wrestlers take that move worse. People didn't pop because she's a WOMAN, people popped because she's an annoying, irresponsible little scumbag who got what she deserved. Story wise. And real life wise. God damn, Abyss was stuck in barbed wire and Bram landed on a pile of tacks on the same damn show, but this ticks you off?

"Oh yeah, cut Abyss' ball sack off and feed it to Rockstar Spud, that's okay, but don't even scratch Dixie Carter 'cause that's just sick." You know, it's kind of sexist to assume only men can go through physical punishment and women get a free pass in the story because they have a vagina. Equality and justice, babies.

Good job, TNA. Now do something similar with Spud, I really want to see that bitch crash through something.
Oh, and to the PC suckers who whine that this is mindless violence on a woman and us enjoying it ... she's the bad guy in the story. A really hated bad guy. On and off screen. She wanted to take the bump, and she took it well. Actually, I've seen actual wrestlers take that move worse. People didn't pop because she's a WOMAN, people popped because she's an annoying, irresponsible little scumbag who got what she deserved. Story wise. And real life wise. God damn, Abyss was stuck in barbed wire and Bram landed on a pile of tacks on the same damn show, but this ticks you off?

"Oh yeah, cut Abyss' ball sack off and feed it to Rockstar Spud, that's okay, but don't even scratch Dixie Carter 'cause that's just sick." You know, it's kind of sexist to assume only men can go through physical punishment and women get a free pass in the story because they have a vagina. Equality and justice, babies.
No, the sexes are not equal. There is a pretty major difference between the sexes, and talk of 'equality' is for people who have only sort of barely heard the whole 'battle of the sexes' thing, and wish to reduce it to a lowest common denominator for simplicity. It's not 'equality', it's 'equality of opportunity', and to that extent TNA has done quite well. They're a professional wrestling company which is owned by a woman, which fifteen years ago would have been unthinkable if your initials weren't SMH.

But part of this whole 'equality' nonsense is that men and women are both built very differently. I don't know about you, yourself Zeven, but most men typically have a size, weight, and muscle mass advantage over women. That advantage is significant enough that I can't think of a time in the history of Western Civilization, until TNA, where a man was applauded for using that physical advantage over a woman. Usually, when a man hits a woman, he's considered the lowest form of piece of shit there is. Even if she's 'a bad guy'!!!

If that's 'political correctness', it's the kind our species has been practicing for a couple of thousand years, and so I'm willing to accept that. But before you launch into your 'it's just television' diatribe, you now seem to be justifying violence against women now because her character was 'annoying and irresponsible'. Granted I've seen you take some spectacular stretches over the past few years to attempt to validate what TNA's doing, so maybe you didn't really think through what you were saying:

she's an annoying, irresponsible little scumbag who got what she deserved. Story wise. And real life wise.
This is exactly why I dislike this whole angle. There are plenty of viewers out there, just like you, who think they're capable of separating fantasy from reality. But aren't.
No, the sexes are not equal. There is a pretty major difference between the sexes, and talk of 'equality' is for people who have only sort of barely heard the whole 'battle of the sexes' thing, and wish to reduce it to a lowest common denominator for simplicity. It's not 'equality', it's 'equality of opportunity', and to that extent TNA has done quite well. They're a professional wrestling company which is owned by a woman, which fifteen years ago would have been unthinkable if your initials weren't SMH.

But part of this whole 'equality' nonsense is that men and women are both built very differently. I don't know about you, yourself Zeven, but most men typically have a size, weight, and muscle mass advantage over women. That advantage is significant enough that I can't think of a time in the history of Western Civilization, until TNA, where a man was applauded for using that physical advantage over a woman. Usually, when a man hits a woman, he's considered the lowest form of piece of shit there is. Even if she's 'a bad guy'!!!

If that's 'political correctness', it's the kind our species has been practicing for a couple of thousand years, and so I'm willing to accept that. But before you launch into your 'it's just television' diatribe, you now seem to be justifying violence against women now because her character was 'annoying and irresponsible'. Granted I've seen you take some spectacular stretches over the past few years to attempt to validate what TNA's doing, so maybe you didn't really think through what you were saying:

This is exactly why I dislike this whole angle. There are plenty of viewers out there, just like you, who think they're capable of separating fantasy from reality. But aren't.


That's a moral stand point that differs from person to person. And seems to be the root of this entire discussion. Personally, I think that if a woman does something that does deserve physical punishment, there's little wrong with delivering it. I'm not saying knock her out cold, but a push or a slap with 20% force so she knows she's stepping on people's toes is absolutely acceptable by me.

I say this because ... well, there was a rather viral video out recently. This woman was going ape on an african american gentleman, calling him a ****** at least 30 times in five minutes. I'm not black, but if I was, knowing how sensitive that issue is, I don't promise I wouldn't have done something, physically. He kept his cool and I really admire him for that, I wouldn't be able to. However, if the video ended in him slapping the taste out of her mouth, I would have zero problems with it and I wouldn't think of him as the lowest form of scum. I'd think of him as a human being with a boiling point. Like all of us.

I translate that mentality to professional wrestling. The reason why I have even LESS of a problem with violence on women in pro wrestling is the fact that these people protect eachother in the ring to a certain extent, and it's always, ALWAYS the woman's decision to go through with whatever stunt they're performing. It's very likely they practiced it, they went over it, so it goes as smoothly as possible. Knowing that, I am able to do something I love to do and that's break away from reality for a moment and live in a world where things like that have little consequences, nobody gets REALLY hurt in the process, and I can enjoy the conclusion of a nice story.

Again, we're talking different personalities here. To me, almost anything can go in a storyline, except for things like rape, murder and child abuse (physical or otherwise). This goes for movies as well, minus the murder part. Good luck watching a movie nowadays where someone or something doesn't die. Fucking "Marley and Me" ...

Anyway, everything has a line that should not be crossed, especially violence on women. I don't feel like TNA was anywhere NEAR that line. A few years ago we saw Daffney crash through a barbed wire table and break her arm in the process. I have to say, I was put off by it, I was grossed out. To me, the barbed wire stuff are a little too much, I don't like it, I don't pop for it, it's a little disturbing. It's even more disturbing when I see barber wire wrapped around a skinny chick and her arm cracked in two. Nontheless, I don't see how we can be absolutely against man on woman violence, but when women do THAT to each other it's okay. Violence is violence, that's my point. And the only thing that matters is the level of violence, not who delivered it.
I think we really need to give TNA props for this. All of the past angles that TNA never delivered on (or messed up so badly that they may as well have never bothered), this was a nice, straightforward delivery that is exactly what people were expecting to get. It is what people WANTED to see happen. It (hopefully) writes Dixie off television and gives them a much needed highlight in a time period that has been mostly devoid of them (Lashley shocking the world and being one of the greatest TNA champions aside).
That's a moral stand point that differs from person to person. And seems to be the root of this entire discussion. Personally, I think that if a woman does something that does deserve physical punishment, there's little wrong with delivering it. I'm not saying knock her out cold, but a push or a slap with 20% force so she knows she's stepping on people's toes is absolutely acceptable by me.

You are absolutely right. It is a moral standpoint that differs from person to person. However, morality- the set of guidelines which we follow internally that commands the actions we decide to take- is what separates one man from another as 'good' or 'bad'. 'Evil', in extreme circumstances. Morality is what makes one man better than another.

If you really believe what you just wrote, you are a scumbag piece of shit. There is no middle ground in that; that isn't me calling names. If you earnestly believe that hitting a woman 'just a little' so she knows who's boss, you are setting yourself up for a future date with someone who will knock you around 'just a little' so you know you're stepping on people's toes.

The alternative, which I find far more likely, is that you haven't developed your own internal moral code yet. You write frequently with that Kantish/Neitzcschesque 'nothing matters, things are' mindset which is quite popular amongst the wannabe intellectual set in the 16-22 range, but what you write lacks consistency. Beyond, of course, making fairly well stretched justifications for whatever stunt TNA pulls in a given month. (Remember 'all companies go through financial blips' last year, when TNA wasn't paying their employees?)

Cute pictures aside, you have some growing up to do. I'd like to believe that it's only a little, as opposed to a lot.

You are absolutely right. It is a moral standpoint that differs from person to person. However, morality- the set of guidelines which we follow internally that commands the actions we decide to take- is what separates one man from another as 'good' or 'bad'. 'Evil', in extreme circumstances. Morality is what makes one man better than another.

If you really believe what you just wrote, you are a scumbag piece of shit. There is no middle ground in that; that isn't me calling names. If you earnestly believe that hitting a woman 'just a little' so she knows who's boss, you are setting yourself up for a future date with someone who will knock you around 'just a little' so you know you're stepping on people's toes.

The alternative, which I find far more likely, is that you haven't developed your own internal moral code yet. You write frequently with that Kantish/Neitzcschesque 'nothing matters, things are' mindset which is quite popular amongst the wannabe intellectual set in the 16-22 range, but what you write lacks consistency. Beyond, of course, making fairly well stretched justifications for whatever stunt TNA pulls in a given month. (Remember 'all companies go through financial blips' last year, when TNA wasn't paying their employees?)

Cute pictures aside, you have some growing up to do. I'd like to believe that it's only a little, as opposed to a lot.

Let me guess, you're American. Or at least part of a Western culture. Do I honestly need to run you down all the reasons why you in particular are so dead set on believing in your moral stand point, to the extent where anyone else's is completely and utterly wrong? See, I, as a male, have this little thing called dignity. If you and I are out, having some beers, and two women come up to us, take our beers, pour it over our heads, call us some nasty words, kick us in the nuts, spit on our neck, mock our loved ones and our cultural heritage, we will both react in two different ways - according to what you say.

You will not do a single thing. Maybe you'll yell at your girl, maybe you'll ask "What's wrong with you" a million times, but regardless of what you say or how loud you say it, you won't lay a finger on her. You'll walk away. Correct?

Me? There's no telling what I'd do to my girl. I might slap her, I might push her, either way she's not getting away with just words. Because the fact she has a vagina does not excuse her of being an absolute asshole of a person. Thus, we go back to the dignity thing. Once my dignity is insulted, it's highly likely that someone will go home with a black eye if the occasion calls for it. I don't care what the gender is, you don't step over people's personal boundaries.

Going back to what I started with, this is a difference in morality based on our different cultures. Not many people know this here, but I'm Eastern European. Bulgarian to be exact. I'm pretty sure as soon as some people read this they went "oh, that explains it". Not to make you think it's a custom here to beat women, we just don't care about the gender. If you are an asshole, you get treated like one. Believe me, there are far more assholes in my part of the world than yours. Living in such a culture teaches you a few things. Things you can't comprehend because you haven't been a part of that culture, which is all fine and dandy.

Please refrain from imposing your belief on what is right or wrong, and generalizing it as ULTIMATELY good or evil. According to your belief system, I'm a piece of shit for even putting a finger on a girl. I understand it, I'm quite familiar with Western culture. According to MY culture, you're an absolute pussy with no dignity, no honor, no back bone, and if you can't stand up to a woman you can't stand up to anyone. It doesn't make you a gentleman, it doesn't make you civilized, it makes you a slug.

Like I said, violence on women or men or anyone is allowed as long as it calls for such a reaction. Women are not invulnerable to being idiots. Evil peope get treated in an evil way. Period.
Let me guess, you're American. Or at least part of a Western culture. Do I honestly need to run you down all the reasons why you in particular are so dead set on believing in your moral stand point, to the extent where anyone else's is completely and utterly wrong? See, I, as a male, have this little thing called dignity. If you and I are out, having some beers, and two women come up to us, take our beers, pour it over our heads, call us some nasty words, kick us in the nuts, spit on our neck, mock our loved ones and our cultural heritage, we will both react in two different ways - according to what you say.

You will not do a single thing. Maybe you'll yell at your girl, maybe you'll ask "What's wrong with you" a million times, but regardless of what you say or how loud you say it, you won't lay a finger on her. You'll walk away. Correct?

Me? There's no telling what I'd do to my girl. I might slap her, I might push her, either way she's not getting away with just words. Because the fact she has a vagina does not excuse her of being an absolute asshole of a person. Thus, we go back to the dignity thing. Once my dignity is insulted, it's highly likely that someone will go home with a black eye if the occasion calls for it. I don't care what the gender is, you don't step over people's personal boundaries.

Going back to what I started with, this is a difference in morality based on our different cultures. Not many people know this here, but I'm Eastern European. Bulgarian to be exact. I'm pretty sure as soon as some people read this they went "oh, that explains it". Not to make you think it's a custom here to beat women, we just don't care about the gender. If you are an asshole, you get treated like one. Believe me, there are far more assholes in my part of the world than yours. Living in such a culture teaches you a few things. Things you can't comprehend because you haven't been a part of that culture, which is all fine and dandy.

Please refrain from imposing your belief on what is right or wrong, and generalizing it as ULTIMATELY good or evil. According to your belief system, I'm a piece of shit for even putting a finger on a girl. I understand it, I'm quite familiar with Western culture. According to MY culture, you're an absolute pussy with no dignity, no honor, no back bone, and if you can't stand up to a woman you can't stand up to anyone. It doesn't make you a gentleman, it doesn't make you civilized, it makes you a slug.

Like I said, violence on women or men or anyone is allowed as long as it calls for such a reaction. Women are not invulnerable to being idiots. Evil peope get treated in an evil way. Period.
Hrm. I've never hit a woman, and yet I've never had a woman come up to me in a bar, slap me, and pour a drink over my head. And in that situation, you can laugh, walk away, and tell the bouncer, "you want to handle this?" Maybe it's because I don't conduct myself like a douchebag. Maybe it's the superiority of my cultural system that people don't tend to do stuff like that. Maybe it's why Bulgaria is still sucking at the tit of the European Union. The whole Kant/Nietzsche thing you have going for yourself does make sense, in that regard, for they have always been speakers for the poor and hopeless. (Good for TNA for having a distribution deal out there, though. They must get a good audience from people watching the one working television in town while waiting in line for their beet rations.)

Amazingly, despite my lack of desire to express myself physically against a woman when there are other means available, I'm still confident in my ability to handle myself in a fight. Judging by Bulgarian history, you guys aren't all that much in a fight without three German divisions covering your flanks. (Or Russian, depending on who was dominating your people when.)

If that really is your cultural system, and not merely a post ex facto justification for a pretty lousy argument, I'd put aside the idea of your student trip to better Europe. On the off chance you do travel, please have a traveling companion film that bar stunt of yours.
You are complaining about the camera angle? Seriously? It showed her going through the table, what more do you want?!

I am split on this. If this is a way to permanently write yet out of the show, then I am okay with it. They have created a bit of a mess now since she is the boss but it is wrestling and I can live with that. But if she is going to be back in 6 months or so, then I have an issue. While I usually think he is an idiot, Mark Madden did bring up a good point a few weeks back about your top face putting a woman through a table. If she plans to return, I think it would have been better to get her set up for it and then just put her back down, let her know that they had her, no one around to save her, and could have put her through the table and there was nothing she could do about it. Worse yet, they can do it again. Use that to get her off tv instead. But it is a matter of know your market and in NYC, they would have been booed out if the arena for that.
Hrm. I've never hit a woman, and yet I've never had a woman come up to me in a bar, slap me, and pour a drink over my head. And in that situation, you can laugh, walk away, and tell the bouncer, "you want to handle this?" Maybe it's because I don't conduct myself like a douchebag. Maybe it's the superiority of my cultural system that people don't tend to do stuff like that. Maybe it's why Bulgaria is still sucking at the tit of the European Union. The whole Kant/Nietzsche thing you have going for yourself does make sense, in that regard, for they have always been speakers for the poor and hopeless. (Good for TNA for having a distribution deal out there, though. They must get a good audience from people watching the one working television in town while waiting in line for their beet rations.)

Amazingly, despite my lack of desire to express myself physically against a woman when there are other means available, I'm still confident in my ability to handle myself in a fight. Judging by Bulgarian history, you guys aren't all that much in a fight without three German divisions covering your flanks. (Or Russian, depending on who was dominating your people when.)

If that really is your cultural system, and not merely a post ex facto justification for a pretty lousy argument, I'd put aside the idea of your student trip to better Europe. On the off chance you do travel, please have a traveling companion film that bar stunt of yours.

I knew Westerners had a real problem with other countries' history, but this is laughable. One of the oldest countries in Europe with a capital city established over 7,000 years ago, I think we deserve a little more credit than that. We sure as fuck have more cultural experience than others. Hi US. Still fat and lacking any kind of history, tradition and culture? You got nukes, though! YEAH! Alrighty then.

That aside, Bulgaria is pretty poor. We haven't been sucking on the EU's tit, more like their rear. In fact, I was piss poor when I lived there. Moved out recently, made something of myself, that sort of thing. And that kind of environment builds character. And a spine. And balls. Because as shitty as it is, Bulgaria is real. Once you take away people's money and their luxuries you strip them to their very basic needs, desires and behavior. While you're over there suing each other for absolutely no reason, stuffing your face with McDonalds, wondering what kind of useless junk you'll buy tomorrow and flashing your bullshit political correctness and your "rights" in a desperate attempt to seem modern and civilized, people in Bulgaria are living a real life. A shitty one, because that's what it actually is. Where people often fight, verbally and physically, and assholes get an asshole treatment. No one gets a pass. It's justice, bruh! Justice in a land without laws.

That's why every summer when the rich kids from [Insert Western Country Here] come along to our bars, clubs, cafes, restaurants and streets, and walk around like their shit don't stink tossing around their Euros and Dollars, they often get pounded into the ground by those poor, poor Bulgarians and wonder what the hell happened. Sometimes by women, as a matter of fact. Ain't that funny. Or if they're in luck then get a gun or two pointed at their temple if they happen to piss off our local gangs or our mafia folk before they shit a brick and come to the realization that they're basically in the Wild West. Wild East let's call it. It's beautiful, I've seen it happen. It's like your eyes are opened to the real world and you wake the fuck up.

Anyway, I'm sure you could handle yourself in a bar fight, considering you've likely never been in anything resembling one, and I'd sure love to see that happen and scream "Worldstaaaar". Were you that chick that got whacked with a shovel? Took it like a champ.

When it comes to wrestling, though? Anyone whining and complaining that a woman took part of a fake move in a fake company and a fake "sport" is straight up a vagina with feet with nothing better to do than go on forums and complain about something that has absolutely no importance anywhere on this beautiful blue-green ball we call Earth.

If that actually bothers you then good luck in life. Grow a thicker skin, maybe a pair or at least ONE ball so you can be at least half a man, and wait until the day some woman does you wrong and you stick your tail between your legs and go home with your ego, dignity and honor in her purse.
Impact has just aired and gone off.

All I have to say is Dixie was protected once again. Yes she went thru the table, it was a great TNA moment but the Camera messed up the shots and shows Dixie was protected for the most part from the table. Atleast in WWE the woman can handle it. If you watch it Bully goes thru most of the table and Dixie lands on the mat except for her butt. So in giving the fans what they wanna see they mess it up letting us see Bully went butt first into the table, keeping Dixie from really taking any impact what so ever. A perfect moment ruined by bad camera work.

Let me just correct you here, not in some ego-filled talk, but matter of fact.

I'm not here to promote myself, but I was trained years ago and worked for a short time in the biz. The table doesn't hurt more, it actually stops momentum and helps the powerbomb-ee make very little impact with the canvas. However, As far as this power bomb goes, it was more dangerous.

How so? what is most noticeable is that Bully went a tad too far outward, and Dixie took the brunt of the impact on her high back and neck area. If it were a normal wrestler, I wouldn't think much of it being that wrestlers train and have strong necks and backs. Dixie? Not so much. I honestly cringed a bit seeing that powerbomb. It wasn't SUPER close to being a scary "neck-first" powerbomb, but close enough.
Fair play to Dixie for taking that bump. Bully did everything he could to protect her, and the crowd couldn't have been any better to help sell the event.

Nice to see TNA running an angle for a few months and actually get a decent payoff from it.
I don't know if this has been mentioned, but TNA is selling pieces of the table that Bully/Dixie went through. table/pictures all part of a plaque.




only $199.99

seems expensive to me, but I don't think I can blame TNA for trying to make money by selling something.

You know what would be hilarious? If Bully Ray bought every single table piece, glued it back together, and put Dixie through it again.

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