TNA Orlando, Round 2, Match 2: #16 CM Punk vs. #17 William Regal

Punk vs. Regal

  • CM

  • Blue Blood

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Kissin Babies and Huggin Fat Girlz
The following match takes place int he TNA Region, inside of the six sided ring, from Orlando, Fl.

#16. CM Punk


#17. "Lord" William Regal
William Regal is a great technical wrestler, who is also tough as nails and can get in there and brawl with anyone. Punk is a great wrestler with a hard hitting smash mouth martial arts style, mixed in with great speed and athleticism as well. I think this would be a good match that on any given night could go either way, but I think when it's all said and done Punk wins this matchup more times than he loses. I mean William Regal is great and has accomplished a lot, but he's never been a world champion which is something that Punk has been. I think you factor in the 6 sided ring (which I think would work in Punk's favor as he's a little more agile.) and I think Punk would get the better of William Regal.
You can't really vote "kayfabe" here because these two have faced off plenty of times and I'm sure the record is not really in favor of anyone. It has to be extremely close.

So, I'll just vote for who I like more, and that's definitely CM Punk. I've been a fan of his since 2004 and I just think he's awesome; way more awesome then Regal, who has done hardly anything in his career to really entertain me. He's had some decent matches, but it's nothing compared to Punk's ROH work and that's ultimately why Punk is going to get my vote here. He's one of my favorites in the business today and though I respect Regal, he couldn't tie Punk's boots as far as I'm concerned.
These two have fought each other a number of times in the last year, arguably their strongest times in terms of kayfabe, and the only time Regal won was after CM Punk had fought two gruelling battles and Regal had fought incapacitated people. Whenever they fought at other times, the matches were firmly in Punk's favour, and thus I think Punk would win this one quite comfortably, so I have to be a traitor here.
Yeah this is Punk. Regal is a career midcarder and a damn fine one. However, love him or hate him, Punk is a former World Champion which Regal never has accomplished. Regal is likely more talented in the ring, but he would never be booked over Punk in any company. Punk is simply a bigger star and wins here easily, as he has for the last year.
I like Punk, and in a fair fight, this match is his for the taking. He's more athletic, and quicker, than Regal, but Regal has the edge in technical ability and toughness. Punk's offense probably fits better in a TNA ring, but Regal can brawl anywhere.

With the ref's back turned, or possibly with the ref on the mat, Regal pulls the brass knucks from the tights and wins this one. If you think about him with his time in WCW, when he was one of the best heels in wrestling, than you'd have to agree.
As much as I'd like to put Regal over Punk, I can't. However, I think that mentioning Punk as a former World Champion is really pointless, since he won the title after Edge had been destroyed by Batista, and then looked really weak defending it.

I put Punk in the win column here because I think the six-sided ring works more to his style than to Regal's, plus the fact that he won the majority of their matches over the past year. Pretty simple.
We're talking prime Regal here. Regal Prime. He'd fuck Punk up ten ways from Sunday. He'd probably have a great time doing so, too. Flabby, out of shape Regal might not win, no. But a Regal that's in shape and has as much stamina as Punk would go to town.
Man, 12-6 CM Punk? No way...

The Shakespearean quesion of "What's In a Name?" comes up here. And the fact is, there is A LOT in a name. The simple fact that CM Punk is facing "William Regal" is what will likely lead to the Straightedged advancement.

Now, switch it to "Lord Steven Regal," and suddenly CM Punk is facing one of the most dominant WCW Television Champions ever, and possibly the most dominant other than Tully.

Regal dismantled opponents with a variety of stretches and submissions, elliciting a stranglehold on the TV Title for nearly a year in the early 90's, when the mid-card talent level in WCW was significant.

I voted for Regal on the strength of Lord Steven, not William, and certainly not the Man's Man.
Regals WCW work is far superier to anything Punks ever done in the ring, I'd take Regals WCW TV Championship over Punk and his ''Amazing'' World title regin. Regal is one of the greatest Heels the industrys seen and hes technically better in the ring than Punk is. People bring up Punks ROH work but its nothing special and certainly not enough to take him past Lord Regal
Yeah I think Regals peak was in WCW and he's a fine wrestler and worker, but Punks peak in my opinion was as ROH champion. ROH Punk v WCW Regal would see a win by Punk, as sad I am to be voting against Regal, it has to happen.
The way I see it, there's only two reasons to vote for Punk:

1) You like him more
2) You think that crappy run he had as World Champ actually means something.

Short of that, there's really no way Punk deserves to be voted over Regal. Regal is better on the mic, better at playing a variety of characters, better in the ring, and better to work with and develop wrestler. The only thing that Punk is better than Regal at is stealing signature moves from workers in Japan.

While he may not, Regal deserves this win.
Short of that, there's really no way Punk deserves to be voted over Regal. Regal is better on the mic, better at playing a variety of characters, better in the ring, and better to work with and develop wrestler. The only thing that Punk is better than Regal at is stealing signature moves from workers in Japan.

While he may not, Regal deserves this win.

You do make a good point about Regals versatility...he plays the British heel perfectly well, but his games as GM should that he can do a comedy character, face or heel. I also am a huge fan of Regals ring work. You're pulling me the other way now!
Sly is spot on the money. Regal was a top performer in WCW and a strong upper-midcarder in WWE. He's been King of the Ring, IC Champ, had a run as manager of "The Two Man Power Trip," made Eugene Dinsmore relevant, and was a terrific transitional GM. Everything he's touched aside from the doomed-from-the-start Man's Man gimmick has been gold.

Punk, on the other hand, is popular because of his Indy roots. He's a servicable talent, but he's not on Regal's level.

Do you want to know how I know this? Because the people supporting Punk are coming on talking about what he did with ROH - which isn't even a top-5 promotion in the World right now. Those who are backing Regal come equipped with significant accomplishments over a near two-decade career in the World's two biggest mainstream promotions.

Vote for Lord Steven Regal over CM Punk.
I'm backing Punk because of what he's done in WWE. His WHC reign might not have been important or even worth TV time, but he still had it, WWE still felt the need to give him the briefcase (rwice) over wrestlers who you'd have expected to have slightly more prestigious title reigns.

As champion he beat JBL and went to a no contest with Batista. Which more than William Regal has ever done in WWE in a longer period of time.

The only way I'd vote for Regal is if this was in ECW and he was the Real Man's Man, axe in hand.
Lol... Regal in WCW. The only thing Regal ever did in WCW that was any decent whatsoever was his TV Title reign in the early nineties where all his matches went to time limit draws. After that, he's done literally nothing. His personal life fucked up his professional one, and it showed throughout his career. He has never been seriously pushed to any World title, and his most memorable feud in WWE, during his nearly ten year run in the company now, was against a mentally handicap individual in Eugene. Seriously... what else has he done that's really meant something? Some good matches against Benoit on Velocity, okay. Some good matches when he was in a team with Dave Taylor against two guys who came from ROH (which isn't even a top-5 promotion in the World right now, so they must suck) in Kendrick and London. And that's it. In WCW, all he's remembered for is shooting in the ring against Goldberg, and that's not even a legit story to begin with.

Regal has been in WWE for almost ten years. He's been in the business as a whole for close to twenty years. CM Punk made his WWE debut in mid-2006 and has already become a Triple Crown Champion, defeat some of the top guys in the company, and headline a bunch of Raws and even a couple of pay-per-views. Before coming to WWE, he was one of the VERY few indy guys to make a name for himself. He's probably the most over person to ever really come from the indies since it came back in 2001. And the reason that was was because he's one the few guys to come from there who can cut promos and have exciting matches on a consistent basis. And when WWE signed Punk to a contract, certain people did everything they could to hold him down, but eventually, Punk’s talent, hard work and clean lifestyle overcame it all and now he’s one of WWE’s top guys and will most likely be so for MANY years to come.

Regal could only dream of having as much success as CM Punk has had.
WCW Regal would kill Punk. He'd take out his legs, ground him on the floor and that'd be the end of it. There's no way Punk wins this against early, cheating bastard, submission master Regal.
The way I see it, there's only two reasons to vote for Punk:

1) You like him more
That's not the case at all. This tournament is supposed to be discussed on a kayfabe basis. Therefore who you like more shouldn't play much if any of a factor in the way you vote.
2) You think that crappy run he had as World Champ actually means something.
It does mean something. Being the WWE World Champion is the most prestigious title you can have in the biz right now. Every wrestler dreams of being the World Champion. You can say whatever you want about CM Punk, you can't take away his accompishments.

Short of that, there's really no way Punk deserves to be voted over Regal. Regal is better on the mic
That's irrelevant. This is a kayfabe tournament about who would win in a wrestling match.
, better at playing a variety of characters
Once again irrelevant. This is a kayfabe tournament.

better in the ring, and better to work with and develop wrestler.
He may be the better worker. I don't think many would argue that with you, but if this was a tournament about who was the best worker, Hogan probably wouldn't have even made it out of the first round. This is a kayfabe tournament and kayfabe wise CM Punk has accomplished a lot more in a shorter career than William Regal has.

The only thing that Punk is better than Regal at is stealing signature moves from workers in Japan.
Once again irrelevant.

While he may not, Regal deserves this win.
If this wasn't a kayfabe tournament, I'd agree, but it is a kayfabe tournament, so CM Punk should get the nod. This isn't supposed to be a popularity contest.
So people honestly feel that CM Punk should go over William Regal?

That's ridiculous, kayfabe or otherwise. In this post, I will present arguments of both the kayfabe and non-kayfabe persuasion as to why Regal is significantly higher up on the totem pole than Punk and why he deserves a 3rd round berth.

Just remember what William Regal once said following one of his matches:

Lord Steven Regal said:
"Do you know what my New Year's resolution is going to be? To wake up a half an hour earlier so I can hate you more."

4-Time WCW Television Champion

The mid-card of WCW was pretty stacked in the early-90's, with such names as Ricky Steamboat, Larry Zbyszko, Johnny B. Badd / Marc Mero, Arn Anderson, Diamond Dallas Page, Lex Luger, Ultimo Dragon, Davey Boy Smith, Scott Steiner, and Barry Windham. Only Booker T has more TV Title reigns than Regal, while Steamboat and Arn are tied with him at 4.

The 4 men Regal defeated for the title - Steamboat, Zbyszko, Luger, Ultimo Dragon. Despite a long feud, Davey Boy Smith NEVER beat Regal for the title.

He also defended the title well. His first reign was 8 months long. His second was another 3 months, and his third another 6 months. His fourth, a feud with Ultimo Dragon, was his shortest at 2 months.

Success as a Tag Team Wrestler

Regal has won the WWE Tag Titles four times, and with three different partners - Lance Storm, Eugene, and Tajiri.

Success with other Singles Titles

5-Time WWE Hardcore Champion, though that's worthless because none of the reigns at that time lasted more than a few minutes. 4-time WWE European Champion and 2-time WWE Intercontinental Champion. And of course, the 2008 King of the Ring. Regal held the European Title longer than most during a time when bi-weekly title changes were the norm. Only D-Lo Brown has as many Euro Title Reigns as Regal does. His most recent Intercontinental title reign was 70-days long.

Regal TRAINED CM Punk!

Tell me, who will know CM Punk better than Regal, considering the fact that it was Regal who TRAINED Punk!!! In addition, Regal has been credited as the trainer of Bryan Danielson (a pretty fair wrestler, wouldn't you say?), Brian Kendrick, Chris Hero, and Samoa Joe.

Sorry is I can't count Punk's World Title win as a major accomplishment, since he attacked a prone Edge with the M.I.T.B. clause to win that title, and lost it shortly thereafter, with only a botch-fest feud with John "Bitch-tits" Leyfield in between.
it is now a tie at 17-17. I voted for Regal because Prime WCW TV Champion Regal would beat Prime CM Punk. Regal was a monster in the ring and there is now way Punk would be able to get the better of him. Ad the fact that Regal taught CM punk everything he knows so would more than likely know how to counter it and you have the winner of this match.
CM Punk, and this is coming from a guy that will say that William Regal is under rated until he's blue in the face. Simply put, Regal has never been able to break threw the glass ceiling to the world title scene, while Punk did that in probably a quarter of the time Regal has had a career.

Punk is an IC champ, tag champ, World Heavyweight Champ, ECW Champ, and 2 time Money in the Bank Winner, he has a damn impressive resume, considerign he's been in the big time maybe 3 years, I'm not exactly sure.

Is Regal as stiff as, but beautiful technician in the rign, you bet. Would CM Punk be stretched in ways you couldn't possibly iamgine, absolutely. In the end though, Punk moves on.
My God, Shocky. You disappoint me YET AGAIN.

CM Punk, and this is coming from a guy that will say that William Regal is under rated until he's blue in the face.

And yet here you are, under rating him.

Simply put, Regal has never been able to break threw the glass ceiling to the world title scene, while Punk did that in probably a quarter of the time Regal has had a career.

Whoa, Punk didn't exactly make waves in his first WHC reign. And it can even be said that the reason Punk won the titles was to a) remind fans that anything can happen on Raw, and b) give RAW a squeaky-clean figure head in the midst of the wellness issues.

Regal, on the other hand, didn't need to "break through the glass ceiling" only to fail, as Punk has thus far. Regal understood his role as a top mid-card heel, and played it to a tee. I'll take the guy who succeeds at just about everything over the guy who can't handle the sudden push.

And don't get ME wrong, I expect great things from Punk. But that's in the FUTURE.

Punk is an IC champ.

So was Regal. Twice. Held onto it, too.

tag champ.

So was Regal. Four times. Three different partners.

World Heavyweight Champ.

Granted. Though he won it over a prone and battered opponent. I marked out too, but still - how much credit can you give him for that?

ECW Champ

I'd give you hell for that, but he did win the ECW Title when the talent on the show was a little thicker.

and 2 time Money in the Bank Winner

King of the Ring > Money in the Bank. Winning 3 wrestling matches is more impressive than climbing a ladder and grabbing a breifcase when there are 7 other guys around who can help you.

he has a damn impressive resume, considerign he's been in the big time maybe 3 years, I'm not exactly sure.

Sure he does. But he lacks Regal's experience, patience, and overall talent level. They are even in strength, Punk has the edge in speed, but Regal is far superior in mat wrestling, killer instinct, and experience. Plus, if things get tough, Regal isn't above dirty tactics - cap't squeeky clean is.

Is Regal as stiff as, but beautiful technician in the rign, you bet. Would CM Punk be stretched in ways you couldn't possibly iamgine, absolutely. In the end though, Punk moves on.

Yes, moves on to the shower to contemplate how he'll try to do better next year. Regal FTW.
My issue with Regal over Punk: when has Regal ever beaten Punk on a fair playing field? The one time that I recall him beating him was in the KOTR Final. That night, Punk beat MVP and Jericho, while Regal beat Finlay who you could compare to MVP, and Hornswaggle. Regal had one match, Punk had two. Even then the final was a war. Punk's resume speaks for itself, and Regal has been little more than a jobber to the stars for the most part of his career. Punk over Regal.
My issue with Regal over Punk: when has Regal ever beaten Punk on a fair playing field? The one time that I recall him beating him was in the KOTR Final. That night, Punk beat MVP and Jericho, while Regal beat Finlay who you could compare to MVP, and Hornswaggle. Regal had one match, Punk had two. Even then the final was a war. Punk's resume speaks for itself, and Regal has been little more than a jobber to the stars for the most part of his career. Punk over Regal.

I argue that Regal's prime was 10-15 years PRIOR to the King of the Ring finals with Punk. So it's expected that Regal, at his age, would not be in the shape of a young CM Punk, whom I feel hasn't even entered his prime yet.

Please don't tell me that you think Regal, who fought 30-minute WARS with guys like Davey Boy Smith, Ultimo Dragon, and Arn Anderson in the early- and mid-90's wouldn't be able to dispatch several tough competitors as well.

KB, please don't misdirect our posters with your flawed KOTR finals logic. If this is prime vs prime, Punk technically LOST to a William Regal who had not been in his prime shape for a decade and a half. THAT is actually a great point as to why Regal should go over Punk.
Yet it was last year that he won his biggest event of his entire career in the KOTR. He did nothing of note in WCW and his IC reigns are forgettable in WWE. What is remembered however was him being the king and his time sitting on a throne before being the worst IC Champion in a good while. His physical prime was in WCW, when there was no way at all he would be booked over Punk. Now he could at least have a prayer at it, but in WCW, during his prime, where he was in the mid card forever, not a chance.

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