TNA Orlando, Round 1, Match 5: #8 Rob Van Dam vs. #57 Jamie Noble

RVD vs. Jamie Noble

  • RVD

  • The Pitbull

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Kissin Babies and Huggin Fat Girlz
The following match takes place in the TNA Region inside the six sided ring, From Orlando, Fl

#8. "Mr. Monday Night' Rob Van DAm


#57. Jamie Noble
Jaime Noble is nothing but a jobber now. He has never been anything special, or done anything special except a few cruiserweight title runs. RVD is way more talented, and would beat Noble. RVD was a world champion, Jaime Noble is a jobber. RVD wins here.
How in the world Jamie Noble became ROH Champion is beyond me. EVD has won a legit world title in his career, which is more than Noble can say. He dominated the mid card in the biggest company in the world and that's nothing to be ashamed of. Van Dam dominates here, almost as fast as he did to Santino on the Raw Special.
Jamie Noble is known for being a fantastic wrestler, but not in kayfabe terms. Van Dam was one of the best in his prime and unlike many of the ECW lot adapted to other arenas. RVD in a walk.
We're not voting based on what happens off the screen so whatever we hear about Noble being a great worker. is irrelevant. It's voting by kayfabe right? Then Jamie will get his ass handed to him. He'd get it handed even faster if it was an ECW environment. I never knew Jamie Noble became ROH Champion. If he beat me for it, I'd be ashamed. RVD is leaps and bounds better than Noble. RVD gets a much better reaction than Noble too. What has Noble done in the WWE? Not much. RVD became WWE Champion and ECW Champion at the same time. Not forgetting Intercontinental Championship, Tag Team Championship, Hardcore Champion too. This goes to RVD, no doubt about it.
Jamie Noble, while being one of the most entertaining figures on WWE and very good in terms of in ring knowledge, really han't acheived much. RVD has been hugely over and has held multiple midcard titles and the WWE title.

RVD would win quite comfortably here, and Noble wouldn't put up much of a fight at all.
RVD has Jamie Noble beats in terms of popularity and accomplishments but I will give the wrestling edge to Noble. Noble is one of the few cruiserweights that can use aerial or ground-based attacks to win matches. RVD uses his feet mostly but I believe Noble can neutralize that. Noble is an underrated performer when he's not jobbing and I believe he will beat RVD.
Dammit RVD. I wanted to push Noble!

Noble made a career of being a bruiser in a division for fliers. Based on that, I'd guess he'd have an early advantage, but RVD would take control, and turn it into a squash. He's got too much going for him to lose this match.
As much as I enjoy and root for Jamie Noble, he ain't gonna do much here. Noble will rough RVD up a bit, but RVD gains control, does some rolling thunder and nails a big 5 star and heads on.
Rob Van Dam wins this easily. Jamie Noble may know a lot of moves, but he's a career mid-carder/jobber. He rarely wins and rarely has a feud with anybody. He is a laughing stock. He is very small and Van Dam has accomplished a lot more than Jamie. RVD held the WWE and ECW Championships at the same time. He defeated John Cena for the belts. It doesn't matter how he won the match, because I'm pretty sure Noble hasn't gotten close to beating anyone of the same caliber as John Cena.

Plus, RVD can use the 6 sided ring to his advantage as he relies on the ropes for his finisher. RVD hits the Frogsplash and this one is over in 3 minutes. Noble would barely get any offense in here.
I kinda feel bad for Noble in this one. Sure both have won a world title but the difference here is that Noble has been a jobber for the majority of his career while RVD has dominated the mid card scene & has held 2 world titles at the same time. RVD wins this one as quickly as he defeated Santino maybe even quicker.
Jamie Noble did manage to win an ROH title. That automatically gains my respect. Noble is a talent in his own right, when used correctly. But there is just no way in hell he beats RVD. Not a chance. RVD simply wins every possible category that can be compared between the two. RVD takes this one easily and will fresh for his second round opponent.
I have to go with RVD here. As charismatic as Noble is, he is just too darn small to really beat anyone except by a fluke victory (or, it may be the case that WWE is brainwashing me into thinking this). Anyway, I'm going with RVD in a squash here, even if TNA would show more respect to Noble's abilities.

Pick: Van Dam
RVD wins this hands down. He's better than Noble at most things, and his athletic ability would own Noble. 6 sided ring would probably favour RVD to be honest, because he uses the ropes for a lot of his moves. Therefore, it's a quick win for RVD.
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