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TNA Needs John Cena

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Cena won't be any help as long as TNA has a PG-13 rating. This is really why WWE soars. The kids make all the difference. Parents allow kids to watch WWE because its more family oriented. Besides Cena would obviously get a make over in TNA and what the kids like is what he is right now. I doubt TNA fans would like Cena anyway.
Well, John Cena would be a huge addition to TNA but really...what could he do than stir things up for a month or two. There are only a few guys that he can have matches with that would be interesting. The same thing happened with Sting (oh, as far as popularity goes...during the Clash of the Champion I that aired the same night as Wrestlemania, when Sting and Flair battled for 45 minutes to a draw, the rating was above 5, and they were not 'mainstream'), Angle, Booker, Christian. TNA does have anything that really gets people to want to stay. Like Bischoff said about WcW..."Hogan got them to the turn the channel, but the cruiserwights kept them from changing the channel." Plus there was the whole nWo angle. As far as Cena, he is better off where he is. He is C to B level mainstream and he is in tight with the McMahons. TNA needs to utilize what they have better. Talent wise, they are fine. Creative wise...not so much.
It would def boost ratings, he is way over. All adults boo over all the kiddies, so it sounds worse then it is, but even Cena haters would tune in at least a few times.

Like I said before, Cena would go to TNA and TNA would score a record 12.2 rating, and people would still say Cena sux.
TNA needs to go all female like WWE does if they want to get any ratings. the females are the only ones that can draw and fight unlike the sucky p.o.s. guys. well they can use Y2J as well. his rants get my blood flowing in all the right places.
I think we also have to take into account that Cena might bring in a bunch of new fans but he'd drive a huge percentage of current fans out. One of the reasons people watch TNA is because of the difference in product and Cena pretty much is THE definition of WWE product right now. Yeah, Cena's big now, but if Angle's impact put their ratings up an inch, I don't know how many more inches Cena would push it.

I think Edge would have a much better impact, and he's proven his worth at carrying shitty storylines, something Cena has heretonow failed miserably at; so, maybe not immediately, but overtime Edge I think would improve TNA's product and strengthen their fan base. Cena would do nothing for TNA's product, he'd weaken the current fan base, add tons more to the fan base temporarily,who will all go back to WWE after a month or so of not being entertained by the inevitable awful Angle/Cena feud.
Steamboat Ricky is the man, and has a nice Sig to....

To compare John Cena and Sting/Kurt Angle is a joke. Both of them combined does not carry the name recognition that John Cena carries in the wrestling world or in the mainstream media. John Cena currently is arguably one of the top five biggest stars in the history of this business. He is so young, a great entertainer, gets this business, loves this business, and will never leave it. TNA gwetting him would help them tremendously BUT they never will. Cena will sign one of them life long deals to keep him with the company forever. Saying Vince doesnt like the fact that he is mainstream enough to dictatate storylines is hogwash, he loves this bus to much to do that. He is the perfect guy for sports entertainment and TNA would jump by leeps and bounds if they got him BUT they never will as John Cena will be a life long member of the WWE.
Sorry if this is a little slightly off topic but I haven't reached ten posts yet and it's kind of related. I don't think TNA needs John Cena in my opinion, but it needs something. If been trying to get back into wrestling lately and after that shitfest that was Wrestlemania am going to give TNA a good go. I loved WCW when it rivalled WWF there's something about the underdog that I prefer.

I think by bringing Cena over (not that it will ever happen) will undermine the talent inTNA already there like it has done before. But my only problem is the whole show needs something. I reside in Uk so can't talk what it's like in US. But the Impact show this week seemed to be 3 minutes wrestling, talk talk and more talk, adverts, talk talk, adverts, another shitty match, adverts, talk etc etc etc.

I was like where's the fkin wrestling!?! I think they don't need to go down the WWe route of these mic exchanges every two seconds. That's been done and seems dated know, even some fans were getting peed off saying 'get on with it'. Anther thing I missed was Angle fighting, basically I want him wrestling every week. Samoa Joe needs to get in the gym, big time! His man boobs are the only thing I can focus on when he's 'wretling'. Lame ass endings!?! At last there seemed a decent match in the Steiner brawl and then Kevin Nash uses the bar right in front of ref to end in disqualification. I know it gave the angle that Team 3d would then come in and scuffle but it was just a lame end. TNA need to start getting their shit together. We need much more quality wrestling, forget all the talking shit, I'd rather have a one hour show DEDICATED to wrestling with a bit of talk time, than what seemed like an hour and a half of rambling.

On another note, how far can TNA afford to go in the battle with WWE?? Is Jarrett the owner of the company, how deep are his pockets? How popuar is TNA in the overall picture? Will they have enough popularity and staying power to stay the course with moneybags Vince?!? Your thoughts please on all issues I've raised.
In order to be truly competitive...to be viewed in the same breath...and to genuinely be a popular alternative to WWE...TNA must find a way to sign John Cena.

WCW didn't legitimately compete with WWF until it signed Hogan...and even then...it took the nWo angle to really rocket WCW into the lead. If TNA gets other main WWE talent, it might make a little bit of difference, but Cena is beginning to be at the stage where he is transcending the business/getting over in other avenues. We know that Vince and Co. do not like this so much, as it gives talent a certain power over them.

So, when Cena has run his course with WWE...would TNA be able to snag a name like John Cena? And would that put TNA into legitimate contention with WWE?

John Cena is being pushed to the stars by the WWE because he's a company man, what do you think his "Loyalty, Hustle, Respect." stands for ? He's a corporate stooge that's bought and paid for by the WWE. If the WWE asked Cena to eat dog excrement on live TV, he'd do it without question. This is simply blind loyalty that would prevent Cena from even thinking about leaving the WWE....unless they screw him over, and that's always a possibility. But to get back to you question, TNA does NOT need John Cena, he's actually counterproductive to bring in, what TNA needs is someone of Hogan's caliber, someone that will add to the product they are pushing, someone that will bring a new core audience to TNA, and that man is none other than Steve Austin. They don't need him to come in for a long term basis, they don't need him to actually wrestle in matches, all they would need him to do is show up a couple of times, stun some people, and do some promos, THAT ALONE will put them on the map. People would tune in to see him and notice that what TNA is doing these days is pretty much the Attitude Era of the WWE, they haven't reached the storylines level yet, but they are getting there. Would Steve Austin do it ? I have no idea, depends on the money and depends on the TM agreement he has with the WWE, if he owns "Stone Cold" or not, but if the ammount is right and the time is short, he might consider it.
That's just my :twocents:
Cena would never leave the wwe as he was born to perform for it and also the wwe roster/staff are his second family therefore he won't leave to go anywhere.
First off, Jordan Adams is a moron...yeah, Triple H's 1.9 ratings on Smackdown are certainly bigger than the 3.6 Cena's gettin' on RAW...gidget. Oh, and if you claiming to be older, why do you spell and punctuate like a 10-year-old? AND you're a Cena mark. OK, done with that.

To the topic at hand, Cena would indeed be quite the cou TNA would need to compete, but you could take Cena out and easily put in a Randy Orton or Undertaker...matter of fact, there's someone who's contract runs out just after WM26 who's HEART is BREAKING to take some time off and maybe work a lighter schedule...

Shoot, who am I kidding...all the current main eventers are staying with WWE cause Vince said so, and no one crosses the boss!

Unless Dixie has a money press coming out of her Carter, they are all staying put.
Perception and Reality Check on John Cena in 3, 2, 1. The guy is a wrestling draw, but to believe that he is some mainstream icon, is believing what the WWE is pushing just a little too much. Is John Cena currently the biggest face in the current business today, possibly, but he ranks pretty low on the list right now.

Hulk Hogan: Still to this day a bigger mainstream name then John Cena
Steve Austin: Even with a failed career in acting, still a bigger mainstream name then Cena.
Ric Flair: Still willing to bet people know who Ric Flair is moreso then Cena.
Goldberg: Still willing to bet he's more well known then John Cena.
Brock Lesnar: Immensely more recognizable then John Cena.

When you're talking about wrestling, Sting and Kurt Angle are big names to people that watch wrestling, not sports entertainment. John Cena has yet to prove that he can draw outside of the huge WWE marketing machine pushing him to the moon. John Cena's movies have done terrible, his rap album, terrible. He's the top draw in what is becoming a pretty low period for the business. Essentially, He's Shawn Michaels, with a little more appeal. John Cena is a big fish in the world of Sport's Entertainment, but he doesn't have the main stream appeal we are led to believe he has.

I honestly don't think John Cena moving to TNA would do much for that company.
Let me just start off by saying that this is perhaps the most obvious suggestion ever. It's like suggesting, well, I can't make any sports analogies because only 3 out of 10 people would get them. I'm sure you get where I'm going with that and can imagine a suitable comparison in your own head.

Fact of the matter is, you didn't need to show a precedent of a company having found success after signing the competition's biggest star. It's common sense.

Of course, the added bonus is that John Cena is his real name and he's got no defined gimmick. TNA's lawyers would be breathing a sigh of relief, as would creative. I mean, you sign The Undertaker and what do you introduce him as? The Caretaker?

Of course, John Cena never will sign with TNA. It's a nice idea, if one lacking creativity.
At least 3/4's of Tna's fanbase came over because of what John Cena represents and would be turned off. How many true TNA fans do you know that like Cena? You might say well they will make it bigger with the new kids well that would just turn out worse for them because how could they compete against the bigger company for the same fanbase.

Sting is,was, and always will be bigger than Cena and any of you Cena marks who go to every message board talking crap about how big Cena is when in reality he is but another face in the wrestling world.
im sorry but i dont think cena is more over than angle and sting
first he not as good in the ring
second his lame promo are uninterresting
third you dont want the tna to become more boring that it is right now
so no tna dont need john cena please!!!!!!
see you are wrong about cena being more then angle & sting are right know . cena will be more over then angle always. cena has outsold angle for years. cena is no 1 selling guy in WWE for last 4 years.cena is better then he wrestles .WWe tells him to wrestle like that . vince is trying to make cna into hogan .also stone cold passed the torch to cena. the only way tna would get cena is because of cena's best friend who cena was trained with samoa joe.
I know about the cancer part. But from what I remember, HHH was holding down a lot of talent and RVD was one of them. Jericho seems to be another. I mean RVD does make appearances once in a while but I rather see RVD in TNA than in WWE...because I see TNA as the old ECW whereas, WWE takes the old ECW talent and used them as trash.
tna is nothing like the old ECW at all. TNA is wannabe WCW . ROH is like the old ECW ..WWE did not use them like trash . they were not as good as you think .most wrestlers from ECW were overrated & not as good as the were shown in ECW. ECW was never big time. they would have got the same treatment inWCW as WWF.sandman was never good wrestler, tna is todays WCW.While ROH is todays ECW.
Um, no. Nobody over the age of 10 cares about John Cena, and any body that cares about John Cena probably wouldn't sit through the two hours of mind numbing insulting programming that is TNA Impact. TNA doesn't need to sign anymore WWE rejects, they need to develop their own talent, or call it a day.
I don't think TNA needs Cena but they do need someone with his work ethic, marketability, and the ability to be the face of the program. I watched TNA for the first time Thursday night and feel like maybe Sting or AJ Styles could be that person.
John Cena is the next Hulk Hogan except he's the ultimate company man. Cena would never leave the WWE, especially for TNA unless Vince and he somehow had an incredible personal fallout.

Sorry, but TNA needs to develop AJ Styles into what Cena means to WWE into what Styles would mean to TNA.
LOL Cena top 5 all time? Jeebus, what kind of crack you on?

I had a wrestling company, and my plan was to make money, NOT make great wrestling like ECW, Cena might not even be in my top 10.


those are the top 4 no questions asked.

I'd want the uber babyface Shawn Michaels.

Give me 80's Macho Man

Give me Million Dollar Man

Give me Brock Lesner.

And give me Kurt Angle.

I'll take Undertaker, but he probably wont outsell Cena in merchandise, but PPV buys might make up for it.

Those are mine, that I would take and COULD and WOULD outsell Cena.

Cena is a fucking joke. I admire his dedication, I admire his love for the sport.

I also love my desire for the sport, and he kills any desire I have. He can't wrestle. Period. If you don't have the national media behind you like WWE, if you don't have A LOT of time and A LOT of money to push Cena to the moon, he wont have a high return.

And Cena to TNA would be the biggest fucking flop in the History of this business. 2 reasons.

1, It doesn't matter HOW good a talent is, if the storylines suck ass. Hogan NOR Flair could draw SHIT in WCW until the nWo angle.

2, All the little kiddies would flock to see Cena, until their parents see that TNA is PG13, and then they will pull the plug and pull the funds.

Cena is NO Hogan, he is NO Austin, hell he isn't even the Rock. And when his act gets old, he doesn't have the skill set of a Angle, or a HBK or a Bret to pull through it.
I agree. No number of WWE rejects, or top line athletes is going to do shit for TNA. TNA isn't even in a position to start going head to head with WWE on star power. They brought in a whole bunch of top WWE guys and it has meant nothing to the ratings. TNA has grown a whole .2 of a rating since all these guys came on board and for a while after they first arrived ratings were actually down.

TNA's television product has just been a lot more better on a consistent basis lately. All those stars meant nothing until TNA started giving their shows a little more logic. And besides all that, until TNA gets out of Universal, until they start pumping millions of dollars into marketing themselves and getting their name out to the masses - because as absurd as it sounds after 3 years on Spike a lot of people still don't know TNA is out there.. no amount of WWE stars jumping ship is going to mean anything.

It's like saying that if Cena and Edge went to ROH, ROH would instantly be in competition with the WWE. NO!!... until ROH gets million dollar VC funding, upgrades their lighting systems, TV personnel, new TV equipment, a proper corporate structure, heads for the 20 different intra-divisions that come with the territory and countless other variables and necessities... getting Edge, Cena or even Triple H and HBK will mean nothing.

Homegrown talent that grows and evolves of itself is the best way to go. Just like Austin and The Rock revived the WWE when they were so close to going under. But even then as the WWE was on the brink... they were ready to make the best of that opportunity.. TNA is not there just yet.
Cena is absolutely the next Hogan. Neither Hogan nor Cena can actually wrestle very well. Both were gimmicks who's ability on a mic and ability to work over a crowd were what got them over – especially with young fans.
John Cena lives & breathes WWE. He wouldn't move to TNA for all the money in the world. He's a WWE man, and it's going to stay that way. He'll retire from the ring in the WWE, and then he won't move onto a different company. What are the benefits of going down the ladder to the smaller, shitter company? Anyway, I doubt you're being serious with this thread so that pretty much ends this debate.
Guess where John Cena came from? Development. Pure home grown WWE talent who grew to the heights you see him now – OK of course there was a bit of some corporate push from behind him, but my point stands.

TNA doesn't need John Cena – they need AJ Styles, Samoa Joe, and Christopher Daniels.
First off, Jordan Adams is a moron...yeah, Triple H's 1.9 ratings on Smackdown are certainly bigger than the 3.6 Cena's gettin' on RAW...gidget. Oh, and if you claiming to be older, why do you spell and punctuate like a 10-year-old? AND you're a Cena mark. OK, done with that.

To the topic at hand, Cena would indeed be quite the cou TNA would need to compete, but you could take Cena out and easily put in a Randy Orton or Undertaker...matter of fact, there's someone who's contract runs out just after WM26 who's HEART is BREAKING to take some time off and maybe work a lighter schedule...

Shoot, who am I kidding...all the current main eventers are staying with WWE cause Vince said so, and no one crosses the boss!

Unless Dixie has a money press coming out of her Carter, they are all staying put.

If you are going to make fun of my punctuation and spelling then maybe you should use spell check first. Shawn Michaels would never leave the wwe to join TNA there would never be a reason for him too. Triple H getting less ratings on smackdown then john cena did on raw. Raw is live smackdown is taped and most people read the results of smackdown and plus it is on friday which when most normal people go out. So you really can't compare the two
Guess where John Cena came from? Development. Pure home grown WWE talent who grew to the heights you see him now – OK of course there was a bit of some corporate push from behind him, but my point stands.

TNA doesn't need John Cena – they need AJ Styles, Samoa Joe, and Christopher Daniels.

I agree with this statement instead of worrying about wwe talent they need to not let these guys go.
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