Talent Lending

As cool as it would be to see Undertaker show up on Impact and challenge Sting to a Wrestlemania match, or Kurt Angel come and challenge Brock etc.. it will never happen

How the F*ck do you know what will and will not happen?? sorry for the expletive but God some of you are thinking only in absolutes and in life the only absolute is death and taxes. Nothing's guaranteed!

Someone even mentioned a braggings right type match, will never happen. How would you book it.Vince would never allow one of his wrestlers lose to another promotion and Dixie would not let her guys lose either as it would continue to make them look weak

That was me. If you read my entire post about it, it would be a 3 on 3 elimination match, WWE picks three from it's roster and TNA does the same. If this were to happen and I'm in charge of TNA I'd gladly lay down my guys as long as it's not a squash match plus since it's an elimination match TNA guys could still go over WWE guys without winning the match making them appear just as strong. Plus the next year TNA could win.
Please go back and read my other posts if you feel inclined to debate.

The reason I said it would never happen was because of what I wrote in the paragraph after, Vince would never let his team lose to another promotion (look at how he buried the WCW/ECW guys during the invasion). And it would make TNA look even weaker then WWE then they already do. For those reasons it will never happen, unless of course WWE ends up buying out TNA

Did you read my other posts?

I'm not here to argue what Vince will and will not do, I"m not him and neither are you. What I do know about the man is he's smart enough to build this empire of his, but RAW has been sitting around a 3.0 nelson rating for what seems like forever, which I'm sure with there new direction of concerning themselves with TV ratings, can't sit well with him. Now since this initiative on TV ratings is so new maybe they might do something to surprise us and get the rating to 4.0 or better but I doubt it.

So since they are sitting at a 3.0 or worse each week, it isn't so far fetched to think that the numbers could dwindle even further. If that does happen and Vince with all his power can't stop people from switching channels might entertain the idea of Talent Lending.

Now I don't know if he would do a Bragging Rights PPV even tho I think that's the best way to go, but he might be eager to bring in the ONE WCW star that's never worked for WWE. As was stated in a Wrestlezone article(and I think Sting even confirmed..not sure) there was HIGH interest of bringing Sting in to face the Undertaker. So since we already know there's interest from WWE's point of view all we would need is for Dixie to co-sign it and if she wants her company to survive I'd believe she wouldn't pass up the opportunity.

So let's say she signs off on the deal, you know TNA would get some sort of compensation for it ala Talent Lending. So Sting faces Undertaker at Wrestlemaina and obviouslly will lose, so I would think TNA would want one of there stars to Job to a TNA star. Heck even if Christian comes back yet again as IC champ and jobs to Roode it would do wonders for TNA's credibility.

I think that this is not a bad idea. I have been thinking about this for a while and I think that TNA should 'lend' sting to WWE so he can face off with taker, come back to TNA and then WWE should let TNA borrow some wrestlers for an event and maybe with doing this, the other dream matches we want to see can happen. They should also do something with the whole HOF thing and let wrestlers from the opposing company be in the companys HOF for example: christian inducted into TNA HOF and Kurt Angle inducted into the WWE HOF.

They should keep this on a limited basis however.;)
Honestly, I think it was a simple one-time trade off that would NEVER happen again. Just by gauging Christian's lack of enthusiasm to be there, I'm also doubting he'd ever return to an Impact Wrestling ring. Although having different talents in different feds would change things up abit and offer great feud possibilities, I doubt either company would even vaguely entertain that notion.....

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