Should A.J. Styles Just Swallow His Pride and Sign With the WWE?

Are we all forgetting that A.J. has been in the WWE before? He was only there for a year but declined a more full-time contract because of his family.

It's not a matter of swallowing your pride. Swallowing your pride would imply that he has nowhere to go and would have to sign with the WWE against his will. Styles has a family he loves dearly, and the taping schedule for TNA\Impact allows him to spend more time with them. (If anything, Styles can look towards John Cena to see what happens when a married man is on the road 300 days a week.)

A.J. Styles is a big fish in a little pond, true; and maybe he could absolutely make it in WWE. (No guarantee, though.) If this were a movie, Styles would get all corrupted and become a dick to his family, only for him to realize that he was better off in the smaller, closer-knit company. Maybe in real life Styles wants the time with his family over the giant paycheck in the corporate magnate.
Did you even read anything I just said apart from Mark? When did I say I didn't want AJ Styles to try out new challenges in life? I just said he can try go to the WWE or stay in TNA. It doesn't matter where he goes because unlike you, I watch both products so I will support him no matter what.

How am I holding AJ Styles back when he wouldn't even read my comments? I also never said WWE would treat him like crap.

I bet the only word you read was 'mark'. The reason I called you a mark was because you only made this thread to bait in TNA fans to have a go at you. If you didn't want so many people arguing with you why did you put this in the TNA section?

Your so clearly a WWE mark its pathetic. I bet you target me because the amount of comments I have.
But should A.J. Styles test the waters in the WWE? A.J. is more than ready. But should or would he sign? A.J. has teased it a bit in interviews.

Is something up? Something the general public doesn't know about but is prevalent in the wrestling industry?

We read about guys like Ric Flair, Alex Shelley, Matt Morgan and Chris Sabin possibly talking to WWE at this time, right?

Why now? TNA has been there for 9 years without WWE raiding their major stars.....what's so special about now? Is something going on behind the scenes at TNA.....factors that WWE is well aware of and ready to jump on?

Could it mean TNA is close to going out of business? Honestly, I wouldn't think so because if they were, WWE wouldn't need to negotiate with these TNA stars; Vince McMahon could just wait until TNA taps out, then pick over the carcass.

More likely, it could mean TNA continues to stumble along but WWE wants to raid their major young stars in an effort to finish the smaller company off. I see no ethical problem in WWE doing this; after all, TNA were the ones to declare war a couple of years ago, stocking their roster with as many WWE stars as they could.

But I'll say this: if a TNA loyalist like A.J., Styles suddenly starts talking to WWE, I'll be almost convinced something major (and possibly final) is in the air.
Did you even read anything I just said apart from Mark? When did I say I didn't want AJ Styles to try out new challenges in life? I just said he can try go to the WWE or stay in TNA. It doesn't matter where he goes because unlike you, I watch both products so I will support him no matter what.

How am I holding AJ Styles back when he wouldn't even read my comments? I also never said WWE would treat him like crap.

I bet the only word you read was 'mark'. The reason I called you a mark was because you only made this thread to bait in TNA fans to have a go at you. If you didn't want so many people arguing with you why did you put this in the TNA section?

Your so clearly a WWE mark its pathetic. I bet you target me because the amount of comments I have.
Bruh you only have four fuck'in post! Am I suppose to be jealous or something? And I watch TNA/Impact Wrestling. So I can't be any kind of a WWE mark man. I'm trying to bait in TNA fans? Please!

You just told on yourself. Your a TNA mark, tool, and then some. Get it together with your Hulk Hogan avatar "brother"!
Bruh you only have four fuck'in post! Am I suppose to be jealous or something? And I watch TNA/Impact Wrestling. So I can't be any kind of a WWE mark man. I'm trying to bait in TNA fans? Please!

You just told on yourself. Your a TNA mark, tool, and then some. Get it together with your Hulk Hogan avatar "brother"!

And you're a jackass. If you're that concerned about what the profiles say, I have 2,327 posts and have been here far longer than you. I suggest you learn some humility. Otherwise, my rep penis might poke your eye out.

You actually think that AJ Styles jumping to the WWE would make him any bigger than he already is? The man is heading the twilight of his career. He's as old as John Cena. And you're a damn fool. TNA and WWE are very different. Him jumping to WWE would find him fixed in the midcard. Why? Not because WWE would "underuse him", I can tell you that much. It's because it's where he would fit best there. AJ Styles is the kind of performer who would wow you with his in-ring skills. Similar to the likes of Rob Van Dam, Dean Malenko, Chris Benoit, Dolph Ziggler and others like them. AJ Styles would not fit in the main events of the WWE because it is storyline heavy. Very, VERY storyline heavy. Not even TNA deems him worthy for the role of pushing major storylines, so how do you expect him do to in WWE?

He's best fit in TNA. He's the company's most respected and storied wrestler. he KNOW's TNA would throw infants and kittens into volcanoes for him. Now do me a favor and swallow your selfish, clearly biased opinion and shut up.
And you're a jackass. If you're that concerned about what the profiles say, I have 2,327 posts and have been here far longer than you. I suggest you learn some humility. Otherwise, my rep penis might poke your eye out.

You actually think that AJ Styles jumping to the WWE would make him any bigger than he already is? The man is heading the twilight of his career. He's as old as John Cena. And you're a damn fool. TNA and WWE are very different. Him jumping to WWE would find him fixed in the midcard. Why? Not because WWE would "underuse him", I can tell you that much. It's because it's where he would fit best there. AJ Styles is the kind of performer who would wow you with his in-ring skills. Similar to the likes of Rob Van Dam, Dean Malenko, Chris Benoit, Dolph Ziggler and others like them. AJ Styles would not fit in the main events of the WWE because it is storyline heavy. Very, VERY storyline heavy. Not even TNA deems him worthy for the role of pushing major storylines, so how do you expect him do to in WWE?

He's best fit in TNA. He's the company's most respected and storied wrestler. he KNOW's TNA would throw infants and kittens into volcanoes for him. Now do me a favor and swallow your selfish, clearly biased opinion and shut up.
You stay outta this The Killjoy! I was debating with someone else about something. You on here talk'in about penis's poking people in the eye in all that. I don't swing that way at all homie.

Anyways I said what I had to say for the final time! That's MY OWN opinion about it! A.J. Styles could have a future in the WWE. Since you wanna talk about body parts and such Killjoy? BUTT-OUT! And if you wanna talk on somebody like that ever again trying to defend the next MoFo, hit me on inbox next time bruh. Were adult's on here remember? But then again, I don't know you like that & I'm not trying to "MoFo".
You stay outta this The Killjoy! I was debating with someone else about something. You on here talk'in about penis's poking people in the eye in all that. I don't swing that way at all homie.

Anyways I said what I had to say for the final time! That's MY OWN opinion about it! A.J. Styles could have a future in the WWE. Since you wanna talk about body parts and such Killjoy? BUTT-OUT! And if you wanna talk on somebody like that ever again trying to defend the next MoFo, hit me on inbox next time bruh. Were adult's on here remember? But then again, I don't know you like that & I'm not trying to "MoFo".
This is I changed my signature recently. No one on the internet can stop you from posting your opinion. But when you post it in public, you run the risk of the public offering their thoughts on it. Having an opinion doesn't make it a good one.

As far as debating someone else; hardly. You made a flame post and have been called out on it. No one here cares about your post count; no one here gives a shit who chooses to use what avatar. Going for that stuff is bottom-of-the-barrel flame material, and when you use bottom-of-the-barrel flame material in public, again, you run the risk of the public offering their thoughts on it. As a poster, you do much better when you're trying to drive conversation, as opposed to trying to show off how much of a bad ass you think you are.

Bruh you only have four fuck'in post! Am I suppose to be jealous or something? And I watch TNA/Impact Wrestling. So I can't be any kind of a WWE mark man. I'm trying to bait in TNA fans? Please!

You just told on yourself. Your a TNA mark, tool, and then some. Get it together with your Hulk Hogan avatar "brother"!

I never said or tried to make you jealous about my post, just suggested one of the reasons why you targeted me. I will apologise for calling you a WWE mark if you really watch TNA but you do sound like one and the fact you completely ignore what I said in my posts and saying things I didn't say makes you come across as angry, bizarre and idiotic.

Finally how does what I say prove I'm a mark? I already told you I watch wrestling from all over the world dating back to 60's, 70's & 80's despite being only 19. You come across as pathetic making gay jokes about me and my avatar. Hulk Hogan is one of my favourites whats wrong with that?
And you're a jackass. If you're that concerned about what the profiles say, I have 2,327 posts and have been here far longer than you. I suggest you learn some humility. Otherwise, my rep penis might poke your eye out.

You actually think that AJ Styles jumping to the WWE would make him any bigger than he already is? The man is heading the twilight of his career. He's as old as John Cena. And you're a damn fool. TNA and WWE are very different. Him jumping to WWE would find him fixed in the midcard. Why? Not because WWE would "underuse him", I can tell you that much. It's because it's where he would fit best there. AJ Styles is the kind of performer who would wow you with his in-ring skills. Similar to the likes of Rob Van Dam, Dean Malenko, Chris Benoit, Dolph Ziggler and others like them. AJ Styles would not fit in the main events of the WWE because it is storyline heavy. Very, VERY storyline heavy. Not even TNA deems him worthy for the role of pushing major storylines, so how do you expect him do to in WWE?

He's best fit in TNA. He's the company's most respected and storied wrestler. he KNOW's TNA would throw infants and kittens into volcanoes for him. Now do me a favor and swallow your selfish, clearly biased opinion and shut up.

While you may have outsmarted a moron, I don't think you made a great point here. You tried to take the TNA side in this, but you did so by saying that TNA doesn't deem him worthy of main event stories despite being a great performer. In lehman's terms, you said that TNA looks at him as a midcarder and that he'd be a midcarder in WWE. If that's true, why is he better off in TNA? Certainly WWE's midcard performers are compensated better than TNA's midcard performers. Undoubtedly WWE's PPV payouts are much greater than TNA's (if they even pay on a system like that). If you are held in the same regard in both companies, you are better off in WWE and that's not an opinion.

From exposure, to financial stability, to the ability to make PPV money, the opportunity is greater in WWE. If you are AJ Styles and you truly had the option, it should be a no brainer if loyalty is taken out of the equation. Now, add in the point you made about him being in the "twilight of his career". If that's true and the onlyi discernible skill you have in this world is wrestling, wouldn't you try and make great money while you still are able to do so? If anything, being at this stage of his career is MORE justification to make the jump. The guy has a family and if he's trying to do right by them, he'd try and make as much as he can while he has that earning potential. In a business where your earning potential dramatically decreases as you age, you have to make your money while you can, so it would make sense then to go where you are offered the most money.

Now, the one thing that holds him back is the "loyalty" thing which is quite new in wrestling. After all, damn near everyone went from territory to territory, then damn near everyone worked for WCW or WWF depending on the day, and nobody felt a sense of loyalty to either because they were all in business for themselves. I still believe that to be true, but because TNA is a much smaller entity, there is some sentiment of "building up the underdog" so some guys feel loyalty to that cause. AJ might be in that group and that's some justification if he does, but you can't reason that he should stay for anything else. Anyone who will argue that his usage will be better one place or the other is merely speculating and at the very least, he'd be better off financially with WWE even if he "wallows in the midcard".
While you may have outsmarted a moron, I don't think you made a great point here. You tried to take the TNA side in this, but you did so by saying that TNA doesn't deem him worthy of main event stories despite being a great performer. In lehman's terms, you said that TNA looks at him as a midcarder and that he'd be a midcarder in WWE. If that's true, why is he better off in TNA? Certainly WWE's midcard performers are compensated better than TNA's midcard performers. Undoubtedly WWE's PPV payouts are much greater than TNA's (if they even pay on a system like that). If you are held in the same regard in both companies, you are better off in WWE and that's not an opinion.

From exposure, to financial stability, to the ability to make PPV money, the opportunity is greater in WWE. If you are AJ Styles and you truly had the option, it should be a no brainer if loyalty is taken out of the equation. Now, add in the point you made about him being in the "twilight of his career". If that's true and the onlyi discernible skill you have in this world is wrestling, wouldn't you try and make great money while you still are able to do so? If anything, being at this stage of his career is MORE justification to make the jump. The guy has a family and if he's trying to do right by them, he'd try and make as much as he can while he has that earning potential. In a business where your earning potential dramatically decreases as you age, you have to make your money while you can, so it would make sense then to go where you are offered the most money.

Now, the one thing that holds him back is the "loyalty" thing which is quite new in wrestling. After all, damn near everyone went from territory to territory, then damn near everyone worked for WCW or WWF depending on the day, and nobody felt a sense of loyalty to either because they were all in business for themselves. I still believe that to be true, but because TNA is a much smaller entity, there is some sentiment of "building up the underdog" so some guys feel loyalty to that cause. AJ might be in that group and that's some justification if he does, but you can't reason that he should stay for anything else. Anyone who will argue that his usage will be better one place or the other is merely speculating and at the very least, he'd be better off financially with WWE even if he "wallows in the midcard".
So I guess that I'm the "moron" in this huh? Atlease you watered it down. But anyways.

I was just stating the obvious about the career of one A.J. Styles. It's good that Styles is a loyal person. He's been with TNA for ten years now. But is that something to be proud of? I think that A.J. Styles should be marketed on a much bigger stage than TNA across the globe. And the WWE is the perfect place for him!

Of course Styles isn't going to receive that big Sheamus-like push. But Styles is still young enough to climb the WWE ladder and be a major player in the WWE main event scene. I could see Styles feuding with the likes of Punk, Jericho, Bryan, Christian (from their TNA days). But I don't know what it is with you real die-hard TNA/Impact fans? That's why I'm using the word "mark" alot here.

I'm bout to watch this good Heat/Celtics game right quick. So all the TNA/Impact marks can go to hell!
So I guess that I'm the "moron" in this huh? Atlease you watered it down. But anyways.

I was just stating the obvious about the career of one A.J. Styles. It's good that Styles is a loyal person. He's been with TNA for ten years now. But is that something to be proud of? I think that A.J. Styles should be marketed on a much bigger stage than TNA across the globe. And the WWE is the perfect place for him!

Of course Styles isn't going to receive that big Sheamus-like push. But Styles is still young enough to climb the WWE ladder and be a major player in the WWE main event scene. I could see Styles feuding with the likes of Punk, Jericho, Bryan, Christian (from their TNA days). But I don't know what it is with you real die-hard TNA/Impact fans? That's why I'm using the word "mark" alot here.

I'm bout to watch this good Heat/Celtics game right quick. So all the TNA/Impact marks can go to hell!
That's why I called you a mark earlier it's because you assume that everyone that doesn't agree with your opinion is a TNA mark. If you didn't want so many of them arguing with you, why did you put this in the TNA section, better yet why did you make this thread at all?
I think a lot of people are missing a huge point here. People think that IF AJ were to jump to the WWE, they would get the TNA version of AJ but only in WWE.

Not happening.

See, you won't get AJ Styles, The Phenomenal One, with all his brilliant moves and sweet matches in the WWE. You will most likely get Alex Jones, this great kid who flies around the ring and is so exciting to watch, with his "educated feet" and he's like a "video game character".

One half of AJ's whole appeal and gimmick IS the fact that he has been in TNA since day one and that he was one of the key figures that helped built the company. The other half is his abandon and freedom in the ring which translates into amazing matches.

Clearly if he goes to the WWE they will absolutely NEVER acknowledge his accomplishments in TNA and his importance to that company. The most they'll do is simply mentioned he's a star from another company, and I doubt they'll even do that. Half of AJ Styles - gone.

Then you have AJ's moveset, his creativity and his storytelling. Out the fucking window. AJ will have to adjust to WWE's standards, wrestle WWE's style, tell WWE's stories. In addition, AJ will have to study scripts, rehearse and do all the stuff WWE makes their superstars (I hate that fucking term) do. As we all know AJ is not exactly the next Pacino. He's fake as FUCK in TNA where his promos are not scripted and man oh man is he going to blow in the WWE.

With that said, you hinder AJ's freedom in the ring and you chain him in your bullshit scripts, causing him to cut dreadful promos for maybe even more dreadful storylines, thus giving creative a reason to stuff his ass in the mid-card, job him out and basically wreck his image among the people who know him.

Moreover, AJ is I believe 34 or 35. I'm sorry, unless WWE is planning to bring him in and push him STRAIGHT into the Main Event and book him as a big shot for the next five years, AJ Styles is in no position to be re-created. It took him 10 years to get to where he is now, he can't afford to start all over again. It's not even about condition. AJ is barely any slower or less agile than he was in 2003-4, that guy will go for years. It's a career issue.

And talking about shooting AJ straight into the Main Event, WWE won't do that. He'll have to start from scratch. It's not because WWE doesn't recognize his talent, it's because there is NO money in that. There has NEVER been a lot of money in AJ period, but for WWE to have him come in and start feuding with the big boys off the bat he'd have to be a huge star and as of this writing, TNA is a fart in the wind for WWE, thus MOST of WWE's audience have no fucking clue who he is or do, but can't appreciate him truly since they're not too familiar with AJ.

So what do we end up with? Alex Jones, limited moves, hindered promo ability, mid-carding his ass off at 35 years of age hoping everything works out. You'll do that shit for money? You'll ruin everything you worked for in TNA for cash? And why are we assuming he's not getting paid well in TNA?

At the end of the day, AJ in WWE will fucking SUCK. We'll be able to see the strings, we'll know these moves are not his own. Let's face it, there's not a single TNA fan out there who wants to see AJ working for the man and the lot of WWE fans want to see him in TNA so they can boast and feed their superiority bullshit in order to shove the fact that they "stole" AJ away from TNA.

AJ shouldn't swallow his ego, the OP should just ... swallow.
I think a lot of people are missing a huge point here. People think that IF AJ were to jump to the WWE, they would get the TNA version of AJ but only in WWE.

Not happening.

See, you won't get AJ Styles, The Phenomenal One, with all his brilliant moves and sweet matches in the WWE. You will most likely get Alex Jones, this great kid who flies around the ring and is so exciting to watch, with his "educated feet" and he's like a "video game character".

One half of AJ's whole appeal and gimmick IS the fact that he has been in TNA since day one and that he was one of the key figures that helped built the company. The other half is his abandon and freedom in the ring which translates into amazing matches.

Clearly if he goes to the WWE they will absolutely NEVER acknowledge his accomplishments in TNA and his importance to that company. The most they'll do is simply mentioned he's a star from another company, and I doubt they'll even do that. Half of AJ Styles - gone.

Then you have AJ's moveset, his creativity and his storytelling. Out the fucking window. AJ will have to adjust to WWE's standards, wrestle WWE's style, tell WWE's stories. In addition, AJ will have to study scripts, rehearse and do all the stuff WWE makes their superstars (I hate that fucking term) do. As we all know AJ is not exactly the next Pacino. He's fake as FUCK in TNA where his promos are not scripted and man oh man is he going to blow in the WWE.

With that said, you hinder AJ's freedom in the ring and you chain him in your bullshit scripts, causing him to cut dreadful promos for maybe even more dreadful storylines, thus giving creative a reason to stuff his ass in the mid-card, job him out and basically wreck his image among the people who know him.

Moreover, AJ is I believe 34 or 35. I'm sorry, unless WWE is planning to bring him in and push him STRAIGHT into the Main Event and book him as a big shot for the next five years, AJ Styles is in no position to be re-created. It took him 10 years to get to where he is now, he can't afford to start all over again. It's not even about condition. AJ is barely any slower or less agile than he was in 2003-4, that guy will go for years. It's a career issue.

And talking about shooting AJ straight into the Main Event, WWE won't do that. He'll have to start from scratch. It's not because WWE doesn't recognize his talent, it's because there is NO money in that. There has NEVER been a lot of money in AJ period, but for WWE to have him come in and start feuding with the big boys off the bat he'd have to be a huge star and as of this writing, TNA is a fart in the wind for WWE, thus MOST of WWE's audience have no fucking clue who he is or do, but can't appreciate him truly since they're not too familiar with AJ.

So what do we end up with? Alex Jones, limited moves, hindered promo ability, mid-carding his ass off at 35 years of age hoping everything works out. You'll do that shit for money? You'll ruin everything you worked for in TNA for cash? And why are we assuming he's not getting paid well in TNA?

At the end of the day, AJ in WWE will fucking SUCK. We'll be able to see the strings, we'll know these moves are not his own. Let's face it, there's not a single TNA fan out there who wants to see AJ working for the man and the lot of WWE fans want to see him in TNA so they can boast and feed their superiority bullshit in order to shove the fact that they "stole" AJ away from TNA.

AJ shouldn't swallow his ego, the OP should just ... swallow.

This is exactly what I expected out of you. That's not a positive or negative sentiment, just that you are incredibly predictable. You have this set way to think and no matter what happens, you stick to it. Noble I suppose, but oh so wrong in this case.

If you read what I wrote, you'd see a fair assessment of AJ Styles in WWE. It's not a wrestling mark take and it's not a TNA mark "they're gonna screw him up!" take. In its simplest terms, AJ Styles is a midcarder in TNA and that's where he's going to be for the forseeable future. He's not the face of the company despite what fans want and he's not a main player in what they are doing. To put it in perspective, the only person to lose cleanly to Bobby Roode during this title reign is AJ Styles. What that means is that he's good enough to put in there but not good enough to look as good or better than the champ as a face. That means jobber to the stars/midcarder.

My argument is that if AJ is able to obtain that same role in WWE which is not that hard to fathom, he'd be better off in WWE. First off, let's talk about why it's not hard to believe AJ would be at least a viable and visible midcarder in WWE. To start, this isn't 1991 and being AJ's size isn't a hindrance. Considering he's bigger than main eventer Daniel Bryan, it can't be. He also has name recognition. This isn't Chris Harris who no wrestling fan gave a fuck about outside of his tag team, this is AJ Styles. While he's not "WWE popular", enough people know about him. CM Punk and Daniel Bryan were indy popular which is less than TNA popular and that built in popularity helped them. I'd imagine the same would hold true for Styles. People are smarter these days and they'd be excited to see AJ in WWE.

Right off the bat, that popularity would make him a viable midcarder. As for the "moveset" argument, Evan Bourne was allowed to do a shooting star press because he proved he can do it without botching. Same goes for Justin Gabriel and the 450. If there's something AJ wants to do and he's consistent with it, he'll get to do it. I'd think AJ's athleticism (while he still has it) is marketable so why not let the fans pay to see it while he's stll got it?

I wouldn't worry about the match side much. Again I point to Daniel Bryan. He decided on his own to go to developmental to make sure he understood the WWE style and it has paid off. He has put on some great matches and he is at the top of cards now putting on matches people are paying to see. If DB can do it with NO prior TV experience, AJ can do it.

All of this is fodder though. I mean, let's assume that he's Kofi status in WWE. A reliable midcard face who puts on fun, solid matches and can get a midcard title at any time (he'd get one likely within months of his arrival but that's not that important to the argument). He's in that position in TNA and they don't have a viable midcard title at the moment. Essentially he's in midcard feuds with the SAME GUY and putting on the same matches he has for years. This "he built TNA" stuff is great, but management today doesn't see it and doesn't care. He's a midcarder there and TNA midcarder < WWE midcarder. As a WWE midcarder, he'd have more exposure, more visibility, more of an opportunity to make money for his family, and everything that goes with that. Basically your profile is much greater. With Impact going live, the schedule at TNA isn't going to be much greater so there isn't that anymore and like I argued earlier, lets say AJ wants to retire by 40 or so. For the next 5-6 years he could either work TNA midcards and make ok money or work WWE midcards and MAYBE some main events (again if DB can do it, why not AJ) and make A LOT more money doing so. The years would be better spent in WWE where he might be able to make enough money to retire at a young age and be there for his family.

The only reason to think that this life isn't available to him is to maintain an anti-WWE sentiment like you clearly have. To think "he'll be changed and this and that BOO HOO". Thing is, WWE might be a lot of things, but stupid businessmen isn't one of them. They know that AJ Styles is a known name to wrestling fans and they'd capitalize on that while they could. He wouldn't be some nobody starting from scratch. He might get a name change but Daniel Bryan did and he's doing ok. People still know him and the crowds would dictate whether he should be pushed and the crowds would undoubtedly react to the guy.

All I'm saying is that he's a husband and father. You have formidable years of providing in this life. It's nice to have loyalty but if you were given the opportunity to provide more for your family and it didn't involve doing something illegal, would you do it? Most people would and I think AJ would. It's not a negative thing to think that way and while I don't know if the opportunity exisits, I wouldn't fault AJ Styles if he ever came to the WWE to better feed his family. He certainly would be able to do so and I think it would actually help his career profile, not hinder it.
I wouldn't take a chance if I was Styles. Why would he? He is making good money and doesn't have to do as much as he would in the E. Plus, if his wife is making good money, why take the chance and have to relocate?

It's the bigger pond, of course, but there is a big chance he doesn't make it. And plus, with all the repackaging Vince would do, it wouldn't be worth it.

Someone brought up AJ's age. He's only 35. He still has a good 10 years left in him.
Because aj has been there since day one.
wwe has took tna orignals before but he is top dog at tna.
at wwe it will be starting over again.
AJ is my favorite in ring performer. The best in the ring in my opinoin. His mix of speed, athleticism, phenomenalness, wrestling skills, bomb look, and redneck toughness make for a hell of a combination.

The Phenomenal defiantly isn't a moniker. and if I was AJ Styles at this point in the game... THERE IS NO WAY IN HELL I GO TO WWE... UNLESS...

-I get at least $100,000 in a year
-I get to be "The Phenomenal One" AJ Styles... instead of Styles Ja.
-And your booked properly according to your talent

That's what WWE must meet in order for me to be happy with an AJ Styles jump over. Otherwise... WWE can kiss his ass because AJ Styles IS more over in TNA than the WWE would even know what to do with him.
what would be the point of AJ going to the wwe all vince would do is job him out for the first few months because he worked for the enemy. if AJ ever left Tna i am sure he would go work for roa.
AJ Styles has been in TNA since the beginning and he won't leave now just after the first ten years of TNA. He's in a rivalry with Kaz and Daniels and just got the tag team titles from them. He's in the main event picture and I think he will gain the world heavyweight championship sooner or later because of his significence to TNA. AJ will never go to WWE because TNA is his life and WWE would use him like Heath Slater or Ryback. This is why I think AJ will never leave TNA.
In a word: NO! AJ should never go to the WWE. Why? Look at how WWE screwed up former TNA/ECW/WCW talents and missed opportunities on them. AJ will always be relevent in TNA no matter where he is on the card. I can't expect the same out of WWE because they only keep people they established on top for the most part[with a few notable exceptions like CM Punk or Daniel Bryan]. Styles is better suited in TNA because he will always be allowed to be himself in Impact Wrestling. WWE would most likely stick him with some God-awful name and put him with the undercard and keep him away from main-eventing, which would be his reason for going to WWE to begin with. Lose-lose and Styles couldn't really gain anything by jumping save maybe having a good Wrestlemania match.
"The Phenomenal" A.J. Styles has been with TNA/Impact Wrestling since the days when they were NWA-TNA wrestling. Ten years strong as the backbone of TNA wrestling. But should A.J. Styles test the waters in the WWE? A.J. is more than ready. But should or would he sign? A.J. has teased it a bit in interviews. But as soon as Hulk Hogan, Eric Bischoff, Ric Flair became apart of TNA. People started to get in A.J.'s ear about the WWE in a negetive way (Smh).

A.J. Styles believe's that TNA wrestling is a second family to him. But in life family members have to go on their direction. Many wrestling fans see A.J. Styles as a big fish in a small pond. A guy who has done everything in TNA that there is to do.

So should A.J. Styles just shallow his pride and sign with the WWE?

Styles wrestled in WCW and the WWE both for a short time before he joined TNA.
AJ wrestled in WCW for a short time before the WWE purchased it and then wrestled for the WWE a few times on their smaller shows. Styles was pretty muched dropped right away.

In my opinion, Styles should go wherever he is going to benefit the most and I believe the WWE would be able to provide him with the most amount of exposure so if the 'want' is there in both parties then an agreement would be made.

I'm not sure what the WWE would do with Styles at this point besides have him fight for the IC title. He could never have main event status like he did with ROH and NWA/TNA. He might pick up a run in the WWE at some point and it would be exciting (to someone) for a while but I dont see him being in CM Punks place soon.

In my opinion, the WWE should pick up on the cruserweight division so that they can exploit guys like AJ Styles, Christopher Daniels, Samoa Joe, Austin Aries, Sin Cara, Rey Mysterio, Gabriel and the list could go on and on if you want to talk about some of the people that are in and out of AAA like Psychosis, LA Park, Supercrazy ect.

+ All of the new an inspired
He could never have main event status like he did with ROH and NWA/TNA. He might pick up a run in the WWE at some point and it would be exciting (to someone) for a while but I dont see him being in CM Punks place soon.

In my opinion, the WWE should pick up on the cruserweight division so that they can exploit guys like AJ Styles, Christopher Daniels, Samoa Joe, Austin Aries, Sin Cara, Rey Mysterio, Gabriel and the list could go on and on if you want to talk about some of the people that are in and out of AAA like Psychosis, LA Park, Supercrazy ect.

That an ironic statement. Because there are alot of similarities between AJ Styles and Punk/Daniel Bryan. All three have made a legendary reputation on the indy circuit and are awesome talents that belong in any fed's main events. To claim Styles could "never have main event status" in WWE is simply wrong. He's definetely great enough with his sheer wrestling ability to come in right away and make a big splash in a stale company. However, that's why I said in my earlier post that Styles should never go to the WWE.

Why? It's simple. They'll never see anything special in him or worthy enough of being World Champion/WWE Champion. To them, he'll be just another cruiserweight who could never measure up. Imagine if WWE had've taken that stance on smaller guys throughout their history. Guys like Guerrero, Mysterio, Jericho, etc would've never shattered the glass ceiling and never made their hall-of-fame career. WWE took chances on them and it paid off. I don't believe they'd do the same for AJ and it wouldn't justify him jumping ship to WWE. He has and will always be the face of Impact Wrestling reguardless of who's World Champion.
That an ironic statement. Because there are alot of similarities between AJ Styles and Punk/Daniel Bryan. All three have made a legendary reputation on the indy circuit and are awesome talents that belong in any fed's main events. To claim Styles could "never have main event status" in WWE is simply wrong. He's definetely great enough with his sheer wrestling ability to come in right away and make a big splash in a stale company. However, that's why I said in my earlier post that Styles should never go to the WWE.

Why? It's simple. They'll never see anything special in him or worthy enough of being World Champion/WWE Champion. To them, he'll be just another cruiserweight who could never measure up. Imagine if WWE had've taken that stance on smaller guys throughout their history. Guys like Guerrero, Mysterio, Jericho, etc would've never shattered the glass ceiling and never made their hall-of-fame career. WWE took chances on them and it paid off. I don't believe they'd do the same for AJ and it wouldn't justify him jumping ship to WWE. He has and will always be the face of Impact Wrestling reguardless of who's World Champion.

I agree. With this kind of gimmick that AJ Styles has now, and the kind of angles he's been involved in - he is going nowhere in the WWE with that kind of gimmick.

If you want to reach the top in the WWE you need a good solid plan and a storyline. Look at Cody Rhodes, he is so desperate he is handing out paper bags and wearing a stupid looking mask.
I am content that TNA finally started using Styles in a big storyline once again. Although I hate the whole AJ/Dixie storyline and think most fans see through that. Styles would never cheat on his wife for that ugly dumb broad. Money or no money. That's the TNA trade-off unfortunately. Styles is in the main focus again, but, at the cost of his image[which is everything these days]. Whomever is responsible for this storyline should be shot for sheer stupidity. Too bad there's no such thing as a firing squad for dumbasses; there'd probably be too many to hunt down within TNA anyway :)
I am content that TNA finally started using Styles in a big storyline once again. Although I hate the whole AJ/Dixie storyline and think most fans see through that. Styles would never cheat on his wife for that ugly dumb broad. Money or no money. That's the TNA trade-off unfortunately. Styles is in the main focus again, but, at the cost of his image[which is everything these days]. Whomever is responsible for this storyline should be shot for sheer stupidity. Too bad there's no such thing as a firing squad for dumbasses; there'd probably be too many to hunt down within TNA anyway :)

Can we say for certain that AJ is actually cheating with Dixie. I may have missed it, if so i need to pay more attention, but i dont think either AJ or Dixie have admitted they have had a relationship. There have been strong suggestions that this has been the case, and evidence shown/heard which points in that direction but from what i believe no confirmation. On the last Impact Dixie said she would tell everyone what exactly was going on so other people dont carry on getting hurt.

Maybe her/AJ do have a secret, maybe she has confided in AJ as the supposed face of the company regarding something that affects the company and the people within it. It is impossible to state until we are given confirmation that her and AJ have actually been up to someting that this storyline is unbelievable and stupid. Maybe you have been to quick to judge and have bought into the direction that TNA wanted to take the majority of the audience down before changing it up at the last minute with something far less expected. I guess we will see this week.
Why? It's simple. They'll never see anything special in him or worthy enough of being World Champion/WWE Champion. To them, he'll be just another cruiserweight who could never measure up. Imagine if WWE had've taken that stance on smaller guys throughout their history. Guys like Guerrero, Mysterio, Jericho, etc would've never shattered the glass ceiling and never made their hall-of-fame career. WWE took chances on them and it paid off. I don't believe they'd do the same for AJ and it wouldn't justify him jumping ship to WWE. He has and will always be the face of Impact Wrestling reguardless of who's World Champion.
I don't get how you can mention Daniel Bryan, Rey Mysterio, Eddie Guerrero, and Chris Jericho as people who have 'broke through the glass ceiling', and yet AJ Styles is 'another cruiserweight who could never measure up'. The 1990's are over. You don't have to be 6'6", 265+ lbs., with enormous pecs anymore. Maybe it's a TNA/IW thing? I think not, for the WWE took Christian, and instead of burying him turned him into a World Champion. Christian isn't exactly a big guy either.

It's the most popular argument on these boards, that AJ Styles would be mistreated by the WWE because he's not a big guy. It's not surprising on these boards that the most popular argument makes the least amount of sense. What I don't get is how you can list all kinds of smaller guys that have won the WWE title, and then say "oh, but not AJ, he's too small."
If you want to reach the top in the WWE you need a good solid plan and a storyline. Look at Cody Rhodes, he is so desperate he is handing out paper bags and wearing a stupid looking mask.
Hasn't done that for a bit, but it worked. Cody Rhodes went from being Legacy's weak link to the guy that many posters (see the poll in the General Wrestling section) think will be the next guy to win his first world championship.

If you want to get by in any professional wrestling organization, you need a story. Just being a character without a story arc comes after you're already famous. It's something that gets fans interested in you, and the amount of people that value in-ring ability is small and getting smaller. (You don't have to be great in the ring anymore; you just have to not suck, and hit your emotes properly.)

Which is not to say AJ Styles wouldn't get a storyline. Daniel Bryan's had several since he walked in the doors. For some reason, people have this bizarre idea that the WWE would pick up AJ Styles just to bury him on a shelf somewhere; which I think has less to do with the practices of the WWE, and more to do with people desiring a performer in their particular brand of professional wrestling.

And all this discussion is totally moot, because AJ Styles is under contract until 2014.

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