AJ Styles: Why Can't He Break Out?

the problem is that he has been too good and too cosistent for too long, and in doing so has become stale. he's never been out of action for any extended period of time and the fans take him for granted. he needs to go away for awhile. maybe down to AAA like Hernandez or over to NJPW. not only would this allow him to further his development, but his eventual return to TNA could be an event that gives him superstar status.
Besides Rey Mysterio, when has there ever been a WWE champion as small as AJ Styles? In a sport that relies on suspending a fair amount of disbelief in order to get people to accept a simulated fight as "real," history shows that small men have a huge mountain to climb.

AJ is a legit 5'11'' 215-220 lbs.

Benoit was about 5'11'' 230 lbs.
Jerichico is about 6'0'' 225 lbs.
HBK is about 6'1'' 225 lbs.
CM Punk is about 6'1'' 220 lbs.
And those are all billed sizes, which may be a little generous in a couple of cases.

Yes the WWE has always been a big man's game, yet there have been plenty of guys similar to AJ's stature that have broken through to win world titles.
I don't exactly understand the question. What does the OP mean by "breaking out"? AJ is still the biggest star that TNA have produced and whenever you talk about TNA the first name that springs to the mind of a wrestling fan is that of AJ Styles. Among other things, he was also the PWI wrestler of the year in 2009, the first man from TNA to be so.

He has already played the biggest face of the company on a number of occasions and it figures that he cannot play the top heel of the company. Now I am fine with that. It is not only his lack of charisma that is preventing him from playing a successful heel, it is also the fact that very few TNA fans are ready to wholeheartedly boo him. That is why he is playing a midcard heel at this point and from the booking, it seems that he will be turned face soon. In the meanwhile TNA are elevating the likes of Mr Anderson, a charismatic guy who deserves the push he has been getting.

Breaking out does not imply that AJ has to be the focus of the show all the time. If he is taking a backseat to let some other deserving wrestlers to get pushed, I would respect him even more for that. It would be interesting to see though that who will be the top face of TNA once AJ turns face. Anderson might be more charismatic but I believe that TNA's fans respect AJ more.

Also while his somewhat average but ever improving mic skills might mean that he won't be able to play a convincing heel, I doubt if they will stop him from playing a convincing face.

I feel that AJ's heel turn was neccesary. He is a huge face in TNA and with him as face, I do not think that Anderson would have been where he is at the moment.
AJ is probably the most famous wrestler in North America who has not worked for the WWE or WCW. And I would wager that AJ is more well known than Daniel Bryant or CM Punk were before joining the WWE. At the risk of angering the TNA marks who spews bile all over the forums anytime anything derogatory about TNA is said, TNA just isn't a big enough player for AJ to quite reach the status of a WWE performer. That being said, he's done as well as anyone could without that exposure.

If there is a problem with AJ's status within TNA itself, it probably has something to do with the fact that for as many times as he's pushed, he's constantly placed back in the role of a subordinate to (generally less talented) major WWE/WCW acquisition's. Regardless of accolades, a wrestler won't be viewed as a big deal by the audience unless they act like it and are treated as such by the bookers.
I think that I pretty much have to agree with Kofi Oron's post on the 1st page of the thread. If AJ Styles wrestled in the WWE, if he had that sort of major platform to work with, then I have little doubt that he'd be a huge star in wrestling today.

The WWE is the biggest company in the world, they're synonomous with professional wrestling in the minds of most American fans and many fans around the world. The WWE is a huge machine that's able to pump out wrestling stars known across the world. Generally speaking, Styles has done the best the he can possibly do given the platform that he has to work with. People still see AJ Styles as the face of TNA and rightly so. He's the most beloved "homegrown" star in the history of TNA and he'll always have that no matter what.

The problem isn't Styles, it's the fact that he's in TNA that has mostly to do with him not a "big star" in the same sense as an Edge or Rey Mysterio or John Cena or others. TNA isn't on the same level as the WWE in terms of audience size and sheer overall notoriety and that's not really something that you can blame AJ Styles for. TNA has literally brought in some of the biggest names in professional wrestling history to take the company to the "next level" and it hasn't happened. Compared to the likes of Sting, Kurt Angle, Kevin Nash, Eric Bischoff, Ric Flair, Hulk Hogan and many others; AJ Styles is a "nobody' comparatively speaking in terms of star power.

Will AJ Styles be the sort of "star" that most think he should be or deserves to be? That's hard to say but if I were to hazard a guess, I'd probably say no because Styles will still be in TNA for many more years to come. If it does take many more years for TNA tor each that "next level", Styles probably won't be the one that ultimately takes TNA there. He'll be looked at as a TNA legend, someone that's paved the way for others but he won't be the "Hulk Hogan" or "John Cena" of TNA Wrestling if the company grows to a size at least somewhat comparable to the WWE.
Before I started watching TNA almost 4 years ago I knew who AJ Styles was. And that was without any wrestling knowledge at all of the last few years because I stopped watching WWF/E around 2002/3. He has it all and when I think of TNA I think of AJ. He may be on the backburner now but If theres one guy thats gonna end up killing Immortal id put money on it being Styles. Hes got all the tools, look, athletic ability, and I dunno why people still trash his mic skills because they are leaps and bounds better than MOST people I hear today.
AJ Styles can't break out? He hasn't already? Really? What about Chris Jericho? He never broke out? Rey Mysterio? Just because he's in the main event for some time and then returns to the mid-card, doesn't mean he hasn't broken out. If anything, it proves how good he really is. People adore to preach about how Chris Jericho is the best in the world. I see AJ Styles doing the very same thing Chris has been doing for years. When WWE's tag team division was in need of a boost (and actually decided to give a damn), who'd they call? Chris Jericho. When the Intercontinental Championship was in need of credibility, aside from Rey Mysterio, who did they call? Chris Jericho. When a good main event was needed for Wrestlemania and Edge was soon to come back, who did they call? Chris Jericho. Now lets copy and paste. When TNA needed somebody to be the big face against the MEM, who'd they call? AJ Styles. When TNA's TV title was dwindling, who'd they call? AJ Styles. When TNA wanted to push Jay Lethal, who'd they call? AJ Styles.

AJ Styles hasn't broken out? A call BS. AJ Styles is TNA's personal clean up hitter. When the best is needed, the best is picked. And that's AJ Styles. Just because TNA has decided to push Anderson, Hardy and Morgan, doesn't mean AJ hasn't been fully developed. He's in their back pocket. When needed his trump card is played. And wins.

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