AJ Styles Pinned; What Does His Future Hold?

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I think AJ is gonna leave for a bit and then come back to the X-Division. RVD is the division right now, AJ built the X-Division and can bring some star power to it.

What the hell does that have to do with a loophole? At Destination X the new rule states every year the X-Division champ has the right to trade his title for a WHC match at the PPV. I think this is how AJ will get his next shot.

I like this idea a lot. I could definitely see him losing to Daniels, and taking some time away only to come back and get into it with RVD. Like LegendKiller said AJ built the X division, and it would make a lot of sense for him to come back and claim the division again and taking the title. Then when Destination X comes around he is still the champ, and there is the loophole. I like this idea the best so far. Until I saw this post I would have said he was the front runner for the BFG series next year, but I think this might be a better way to do things.
There are loads if things they can do with him;

He could feud with Samoa Joe for the T.V title to make the mid-card division stronger and the T.V title more relevant.

He could go back to the X-division to give Rob Van Dam some competition or to help him out with Joey Ryan and Matt Morgan.

Finally, he after a year of suffering, he could win the Bound For Glory series 2013. It will put him back in the heavyweight division and would be a great way to put guys like Austin Aries over who he should face in my opinion at BFG 2013 because again, will put Aries over, would get Styles that comeback that he turkey deserves and it would be a great match.:shrug:
Well we know now that he is going to feud with danials one last time, which is good for a couple of reasons. The first being that you are going to get a least one five star match at the next PPV and the second is that your not going to see AJ turn heel. Every time AJ turns heel its just plain awful and never works and this time would have been no different. I think there are two different ways TNA could take AJ over the next year and both ways lead to Styles getting a shot at the world title. The first would be to have AJ go after the X division title. Styles really helped put the X division on the map in the first place and having a big name like him in the division again would really help put the division on the map. Also if AJ is the X division champion by the time destination x comes around then that means he gets a shot at the world title and would give tna a way around him not have a title shot until bound for glory. The second way would be to have AJ go on a winning streak to build up momentum heading into the bound for glory series, which AJ would then go on to win. While there other direction in which TNA could take AJ, I believe these two options would be best in the long run.
I can see AJ leaving TNA for a long time if not for good pretty soon.

He and to an extent other originals have been treated terribly due to Hogan's hard one for himself and other WWE washouts.
Styles going after the X title because he can't go after the World title, not because he wants to go after the X title kind of makes the title and the entire division look second rate in my opinion. It is like hooking up with an ugly chick because she's easy and you don't have a chance with the chick you really want. I know the X division is lower on the totem pole than the World title scene, but TNA have always prided themselves on the strength of the X division and have always claimed that it is basically just as important, if not more important than the World title because the X title was what TNA built there name off of and what got people hooked on the product in the first place. A few years ago when Styles returned to the division because he wanted to, it made sense and was awesome. Styles returning to the division because he has nothing better to do and needs to kill time just seems kind of dumb to me. Honestly, I think the whole stipulation of somebody being out of the World title scene for a whole year is actually really stupid. No matter what that person does in that time, it is basically just going to be seen as filler until they are able to wrestle for the title again.

Styles is a World title guy, as is RVD and I don't think either of them should be being looked on to carry the X division right now. I think the division should be built around hungry up and comers that have something to prove and really, truly want to be the X division champion. The X division should be built around the guys who are going to take TNA in to the future, not guys who's best days are behind them. Not to say Styles doesn't have a lot left in him, but he has nothing to prove by winning the X title. A lot of people shit on Ion but I really liked him as champion. He was a fresh, homegrown talent that I think they should have kept building up, instead of having him lose to RVD and take it like a bitch. Ion should have feuded more with Kenny King or the returning Chris Sabin or cheated to beat RVD and then lose the title to him. Just building him up for months only to lose to RVD with less than a months buildup was disappointing in my opinion. The indies is packed right now with the best talent since maybe ROH circa '04 and there is absolutely no reason the X division should be as weak as it is right now. TNA have way too many World title contenders and not nearly enough guys to make a credible X division. As a result, we get RVD holding the X title based on the name he has, not because people are blown away by his work and can't wait to see what he does next.

Anyways, I have no idea where Styles goes from here but I hope it isn't the X division as that just seems like a step down for him and a step back for the division.
Something that hasn't happened as yet since the return of Austin Aries is a feud between 'The Greatest Man That Ever Lived' and 'The Phenomenal One'. Given that both are now at the back of the World Title queue, I can see both trying to find the quickest way to get to the head of said queue ASAP. The best way to do that is the Destination X cash in of the X-Division Title for a World Title shot. Using this scenario, TNA can avoid making AJ a heel and create a series of PPV match stealers (Lockdown... *drool*).

Samoa Joe is doing a great job with the TV Belt but, except for the (always) brilliant bouts it would facilitate, there is no logic behind AJ taking this route. Likewise, the Tag Belts don't really make sense as the reason he went after them the last time was because of his feud with Daniels & Kaz, which I think we can all agree has been exhausted and should end at Final Resolution. The BFG redemption idea has merit but isn't exactly original given that James Storm has just taken that route. This would only leave the Aces & Eights storyline as a feasible way forward, which could be an option in the short run but he'd be operating behind Hulk, Sting, Bully and Kurt - not really a strong position.

For me, the only strong way to bring AJ forward is via the division that he was synonymous with for several years against the guy who managed to elevate himself as it's champion despite having no realistic competition.
You know what, loopholes are fun. So maybe, just maybe if Styles did go back to the X division and he was the champ going in to Desination X, that might be interesting.

With Aces and Eights trying to take over though and Styles being Mr. TNA and being free from any prior obligations holding him back, like say having a child out of wedlock, wouldn't it make sense for him to try and stick up for the company he helped build? Depending how long they're gonna drag this Aces and Eights thing out, having Styles fight them could just take us right up until BFG '13.

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