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TNA is a Rest Haven For Former WWE Talent

I dont think its so much the Ex WWE guys going to TNA its the fact TNA always seem to put that ex talent above the talent they already have. Look @ Jeff Hardy,Matt Hardy & Kennedy all put stright on the Upper Mid/ Main event scene stright away. It seems ooo your a WWE Reject we will put you in the upper card .

Then they also get that ex Talent to Bash WWE or VKM, HHH to make them seem its a big deal that they are in TNA and TNA is so great and TNA locker room is great.

There is not one of the releases that i give 2 shits about if they are on Impact,Smackdown,Raw,Superstars,ROH

The one and only talent lose WWE had to TNA was Angle the rest are all even to old to care about or just not that good
I dont think its so much the Ex WWE guys going to TNA its the fact TNA always seem to put that ex talent above the talent they already have. Look @ Jeff Hardy,Matt Hardy & Kennedy all put stright on the Upper Mid/ Main event scene stright away. It seems ooo your a WWE Reject we will put you in the upper card .

Then they also get that ex Talent to Bash WWE or VKM, HHH to make them seem its a big deal that they are in TNA and TNA is so great and TNA locker room is great.

There is not one of the releases that i give 2 shits about if they are on Impact,Smackdown,Raw,Superstars,ROH

The one and only talent lose WWE had to TNA was Angle the rest are all even to old to care about or just not that good

I see we've got ourselves another dude commenting on TNA when he doesn't actually watch it. Because if you did watch it you'd realise Mr Anderson came in as a mid carder and WORKED his way up to the main event. You'd also realise the Hardys are not even on iMPACT!

And if they were on iMPACT! why wouldn't Jeff be a main eventer and Matt an upper mid card guy? That's exactly what they are! You don't sign a main eventer (Jeff) and say "sorry you happened to have competed for WWE in your career so I'm gonna have to stick you at the bottom of the card." That just makes you a total nob head who knows nothing about the wrestling industry.

And how the hell can someone be "too old to care about?" That makes absolutely no sense at all. A wrestlers age has nothing to do with how entertaining they are. Does it matter if Ric Flair is 22 or 202? Of course not, he's entertaining and that's all that matters.
i cant believe people still bring this up. its a point made by morons. and happens to be the one of the biggest reasons why the iwc is frowned upon by many in the industry. no doubt the same people who looked on with glee when vince killed, wcw, ecw and the territory system.

wwe's hottest commodity at the moment (in manys' eyes) plied his trade in tna along with roh. the undertaker was in wccw, wcw & njpw before he decided to head to wwf. stone cold, future chief of wwe triple h, etc, etc, ad nauseum.

ron "the truth" killings showed his finest work in tna. before taking the money, to have years of being treated like a jukin and jivin, white glove wearing stereotype in wwe. what's up? blind eyed hypocrisy amongst wwe fanboys who cant see the obvious.

i tell you what. the next chance you get to meet a kurt angle or in fact any wrestler. bring up your point, and i can safely say you will get laughed at, ridiculed and probably have to make yourself scarce rapidly.

time for some to ask themselves. are they fans of wrestling? or if they are just blinded by the glitz and glamour of wwe, and buy into vince's decades long propaganda that its 'wwe or nothing?'
IvoryHHH... WTF are you talking about? If you watch TNA on a regular basis... since when have they bashed the WWE? You are obviously a huge WWE mark. You love Jon Cena and their excellent Diva's and Tag-Team divisions.

Robert Roode, A.J. Styles, and Kaz tried out and were rejected by WWE. Impact is not a "Rest Haven" for former WWE wrestlers. I don't see RVD, Kurt Angle, and Mr. Anderson "resting" at all. They are all kicking ass and taking names! Not to mention the re-birth of Mickie James and Tara!

Wrestling Matters because God/Vince dropped it from his companies name.
iMPACT WRESTLING blah...blah..blah

i proved the point tht week n and week out they're bashing on wwe but now i dare say that i like TNA a hell of a lot more then WWE had the moment but yes yes tna does bash on wwe. fact of the matter is JOHN CENA is the face of "Sports Entertainment" which includes iMPACT WRESTLING BROTHER...shocking i know but not surprising...10000 to 1000?
A lot of these so called wrestling fans really don't care about the wrestlers, and whether or not they can take care of their families. Especially these "WWE Reject" people. Either that, or they don't know much about wrestling to begin with. If they did, they would know that in the 90s when their were 3 prominent promotions, most wrestlers worked for at least 2 of them.

The biggest reason I root for TNA to be successful is because one day, I want wrestlers to have 2 good options to make a living. So I've got no problem with people getting fired from WWE going to TNA.
A lot of these so called wrestling fans really don't care about the wrestlers, and whether or not they can take care of their families. Especially these "WWE Reject" people. Either that, or they don't know much about wrestling to begin with. If they did, they would know that in the 90s when their were 3 prominent promotions, most wrestlers worked for at least 2 of them.

The biggest reason I root for TNA to be successful is because one day, I want wrestlers to have 2 good options to make a living. So I've got no problem with people getting fired from WWE going to TNA.

Yeah, but WWE fans are like the Tea Party, they don't accept anything outside of their little world. As i said before, when a wrestler( oups i said the W word) is fired or leaves the WWE, TNA or ROH are the best options for them. So what if TNA get WWE wrestlers? Those wrestlers have fans, so those fans ( even if its just 100) its 100 more TNA fans than they had before right?.
People move from job to job. Unless u are lucky enough to find a stable work place that u love u are going to move around. I am a chef. My average stay at a restaurent is about 2 years. I move on for a number of reasons sometimes it's the money but most of the time its because of a chance to show my skills in a better way. It's no different in wrestling. No matter how much of a top star u are that star will fade and someone else will take that place.
Ur choices are to take a demotion or move to a place that will highlight ur skills. Its the way the business works. How many of the long time players in any wrestling company are still on top. With the possible expection of the Undertaker not many. They leave and come back when the timming is right.

Yeah, but WWE fans are like the Tea Party, they don't accept anything outside of their little world. As i said before, when a wrestler( oups i said the W word) is fired or leaves the WWE, TNA or ROH are the best options for them. So what if TNA get WWE wrestlers? Those wrestlers have fans, so those fans ( even if its just 100) its 100 more TNA fans than they had before right?.

Actually TNA fans are like liberals. They bash the WWE for exery minute thing, yet overlook their own company when they multiply the same faults. Raw has too much talk, even though iMPACT had shows that were 1 hour and 45 minutes of talk. WWE has short matches, yet TNA PPV's have had championship matches less then 30 seconds in length. Don't even start that when a WWE wrestler leaves schtick, when tNA fans fueled all threads about Amazing Red, Jay Lethal and Gen Me being totally nothing after they left. The difference is neither TNA wrestler will ever be a WWE Main Eventer...
I see we've got ourselves another dude commenting on TNA when he doesn't actually watch it. Because if you did watch it you'd realise Mr Anderson came in as a mid carder and WORKED his way up to the main event. You'd also realise the Hardys are not even on iMPACT!

And if they were on iMPACT! why wouldn't Jeff be a main eventer and Matt an upper mid card guy? That's exactly what they are! You don't sign a main eventer (Jeff) and say "sorry you happened to have competed for WWE in your career so I'm gonna have to stick you at the bottom of the card." That just makes you a total nob head who knows nothing about the wrestling industry.

And how the hell can someone be "too old to care about?" That makes absolutely no sense at all. A wrestlers age has nothing to do with how entertaining they are. Does it matter if Ric Flair is 22 or 202? Of course not, he's entertaining and that's all that matters.
So just because somebody's opinion is different from yours that means that there the ones who are in the wrong? That isn't right!

And as far as wrestlers (yeah I said it) jumping to the next promotion and the newer promotion starting the new guy or girl with a clean slate in the company can or can't sometimes be a good thing. Like in '98 when Bret Hart signed to WCW. With Bret being a certified main eventer, it was Eric Bischoff back then who made Bret climb the ladder all over again in WCW as a mid-carder going back to the main event in wrestling. That wasn't a good business move at all. And Bischoff insulted Bret Hart and his fans all at the same time by doing that.

And as far as age goes. Your right, it really doesn't matter what age you are in wrestling as long as you can still put on a good showing. But in the WWE there is this little thing called "the youth movement". So you would have to talk to chair Vince McMahon about that subject buddy, not us.
And as far as wrestlers (yeah I said it) jumping to the next promotion and the newer promotion starting the new guy or girl with a clean slate in the company can or can't sometimes be a good thing. Like in '98 when Bret Hart signed to WCW. With Bret being a certified main eventer, it was Eric Bischoff back then who made Bret climb the ladder all over again in WCW as a mid-carder going back to the main event in wrestling. That wasn't a good business move at all. And Bischoff insulted Bret Hart and his fans all at the same time by doing that.
And you people complain when TNA main evented RVD, Mr. Anderson, Kurt Angle, Jeff Hardy? Lol

Tell me one person, TNA or any other promotion signed that was a main eventer and got sent to midcard?....Oh wait....That's right. WWE does that.

And as far as age goes. Your right, it really doesn't matter what age you are in wrestling as long as you can still put on a good showing. But in the WWE there is this little thing called "the youth movement". So you would have to talk to chair Vince McMahon about that subject buddy, not us.
Yeah, how is that youth movement going?

WWE still relies and depends on Orton and Cena. Nobody gave a shit about Swagger, Sheamus, Barrett, Kingston, Truth or Miz title reigns or attempts at main eventing. Nobody.

Keep bragging about a movement that is going nowhere. 80% of the youth movement is in the fucking midcard.
So just because somebody's opinion is different from yours that means that there the ones who are in the wrong? That isn't right!

No, of course not. No ones opinion is wrong, it's their opinion. It's not wrong, it's not right. The post made no sense and I simply stated why that was so.

And as far as wrestlers (yeah I said it) jumping to the next promotion and the newer promotion starting the new guy or girl with a clean slate in the company can or can't sometimes be a good thing. Like in '98 when Bret Hart signed to WCW. With Bret being a certified main eventer, it was Eric Bischoff back then who made Bret climb the ladder all over again in WCW as a mid-carder going back to the main event in wrestling. That wasn't a good business move at all. And Bischoff insulted Bret Hart and his fans all at the same time by doing that.

Dizzy, above, has pretty much covered this.

And as far as age goes. Your right, it really doesn't matter what age you are in wrestling as long as you can still put on a good showing. But in the WWE there is this little thing called "the youth movement". So you would have to talk to chair Vince McMahon about that subject buddy, not us.

And this, but again I'll ask: how is this so called "youth movement" going? It's going no where. WWE are losing fans and people are losing interest in their product. They are not gaining any fans. You can say their popularity is down due to fans growing up and realising it's not aimed at them but I digress. Why do you think I stopped watching WWE? Not because I'm in my 20's and I'm not their target audience, but because I didn't know or care about any of the guys on the roster. I would watch a match and not care who won, unless his name was Undertaker (and funny enough he's probably the oldest guy on the roster). What's the fun in watching wrestling if the characters aren't interesting and they don't get you invested in wanting to see them win?
TNA should make it a pride to not using WWE talent. Even less giving them championshion reigns. They should send the perception outthere that they are completly different and that TNA wrestlers are superior to guys from other feds and that guys from other feds would only be viewed as second class citizen to TNA guys. You never job Joe to RVD. You never job AJ to RVD. You never job Joe to Kurt Angle. TNA wrestlers must always always be on top. And if you don't agree with that well, you're not a true TNA fan.

I've seen what happened to WCW and I don't want to see it happen again.
The problem is that everyone here (and worldwide) want 2 places for wrestlers to work. We had it, and then it went away. Today, there is truly only 1 place to be, and no matter who you are a fan of, tht is the WWE.

If you, as a wrestler, ever make it there... you try your best to stay. If you get let go, your main purpose is to make it back.

TNA fan, WWE fan, or even ROH fan.... you still have to admit, if you want to be the best at your craft/make some money/be on TV/name on a T-shirt....etc... you must be in the major league.. and that is WWE. Neither TNA nor ROH have it. And like most of you, I really wish one of them would get it.

But the more I read on here, the more I realize, some peoples minds will never be changed no matter what. HOWEVER, the absolute truth when it comes to employment of wrestlers/entertainers/superstars (or whatever they decide to call them) the WWE is the place to be. (Unless of course you are Sting... then the rules do not apply to you :rolleyes:)
Actually TNA fans are like liberals. They bash the WWE for exery minute thing, yet overlook their own company when they multiply the same faults.
I can't wait to hear this.
Raw has too much talk, even though iMPACT had shows that were 1 hour and 45 minutes of talk.
Exaggerating much?
TNA PPV's have had championship matches less then 30 seconds in length.
So has WWE. What is your point?
Don't even start that when a WWE wrestler leaves schtick, when tNA fans fueled all threads about Amazing Red, Jay Lethal and Gen Me being totally nothing after they left.
Because they are? Nobody is going to want to see Jay Lethal main eventing. Gen Me was labeled "The Light Hardy Boyz" for awhile now. They were great in the ring but nobody liked them outside of it. I couldn't stand their heel acting either.

The difference is neither TNA wrestler will ever be a WWE Main Eventer...
R-Truth would like to have a word with you. Christian would like to have a word with you.

And nobody in WWE wants to push the talented guys they get from TNA. You just failed with this attempt at a WWE vs. TNA argument. Try again.
if tna is a rest haven for former wwe talent, then wouldn't you call wcw the exact same thing? because wasn't the whole monday night wars concept built around former wwe talent? if people like you started calling wcw a "rest haven for former wwe talent" like you're doing with tna wrestling the only difference between wcw being a "rest haven" for wwe talent and tna wrestling is that wcw was better than the wwe for a period of time...tna.....is not. and besides in your mind of the minds of people like you tna would be a rest haven for former wwe talent....but to the former wwe talent you speak of, it's just another paycheque.
No, of course not. No ones opinion is wrong, it's their opinion. It's not wrong, it's not right. The post made no sense and I simply stated why that was so.

Dizzy, above, has pretty much covered this.

And this, but again I'll ask: how is this so called "youth movement" going? It's going no where. WWE are losing fans and people are losing interest in their product. They are not gaining any fans. You can say their popularity is down due to fans growing up and realising it's not aimed at them but I digress. Why do you think I stopped watching WWE? Not because I'm in my 20's and I'm not their target audience, but because I didn't know or care about any of the guys on the roster. I would watch a match and not care who won, unless his name was Undertaker (and funny enough he's probably the oldest guy on the roster). What's the fun in watching wrestling if the characters aren't interesting and they don't get you invested in wanting to see them win?

1. You and Dizzy need to get a room.

2. If you choose to stop watching WWE TV, that's fine for whatever reason.

3. The "Youth Movement" was design to make new stars for a new generation, unlike TNA. Who still has wrestlers like Sting as their world champion. Is it me, or just people like you and TNA need to let the past be the past and let WCW rest in peace.

Nobody wants to see the same ol' thing over and over day in a day out.
Without the youth movement, we wouldn't have seen the Miz as WWE champion. We wouldn't have seen the rise of Alex Riley wouldn't we?

So when it comes to TNA He's Phenomenal, don't believe the hype. But if you want to continue to be this mark for Vince Russo and company. Go right ahead! TNA knows that they got the stinct, and everybody can smell it.
3. The "Youth Movement" was design to make new stars for a new generation, unlike TNA. Who still has wrestlers like Sting as their world champion. Is it me, or just people like you and TNA need to let the past be the past and let WCW rest in peace.

No TNA are not making a new generation of stars (Gunner, Crimson, Austin Aries, James Storm, Robert Roode, Matt Morgan (had it not been for injury) the list goes on. But TNA don't feel the need to give them all a run with the World Title and call it a "Youth Movement". And by all accounts there are no new stars (it's still Orton and Cena) in WWE and whoever may have had a push isn't doing much now. And Sting was a great Champion, the character he's evolved as of late (see nothing to do with WCW) has been entertainment personified.

Nobody wants to see the same ol' thing over and over day in a day out. Without the youth movement, we wouldn't have seen the Miz as WWE champion. We wouldn't have seen the rise of Alex Riley wouldn't we?

I didn't see it so I can't answer that but I'll read the next RAW report and see what they are doing. It's not a "Youth Movement". It's give him the Title and then put him back where he was.

So when it comes to TNA He's Phenomenal, don't believe the hype. But if you want to continue to be this mark for Vince Russo and company. Go right ahead! TNA knows that they got the stinct, and everybody can smell it.

If I see something I like on Telly, I watch it. Do you really think I care who writes the program? Robbie E could be writing it for all I care, if I enjoy what I see I'll watch it.
3. The "Youth Movement" was design to make new stars for a new generation, unlike TNA. Who still has wrestlers like Sting as their world champion. Is it me, or just people like you and TNA need to let the past be the past and let WCW rest in peace.
WWE outta let the Attitude days rest in peace too. I'm still scratching my head wondering what Taker and HHH were feuding over. Not to mention why The Rock, Steve Austin and Shawn Michaels keep showing up. Seriously, if by "let WCW die" you mean drop the legends TNA has clearly, you're just being a rather selfish jerk. Who gives a shit if Sting and Hogan are in charge of TNA? It's still entertainment to people. The only people who feel the need to compare TNA to WCW are the idiots that come here and can't seem to let go of the past and grasp into reality. WCW is dead. Is it really so bad to have a replacement?

Nobody wants to see the same ol' thing over and over day in a day out.
Without the youth movement, we wouldn't have seen the Miz as WWE champion.
Yup. Feuding with Randy Orton, John Cena and The Rock. Talk about youth. Thing you should know. You can't have the young without the old.

We wouldn't have seen the rise of Alex Riley wouldn't we?
What rise? The passing feud with The Miz? That's a rise? Move over Brock Lesnar.

So when it comes to TNA He's Phenomenal, don't believe the hype. But if you want to continue to be this mark for Vince Russo and company. Go right ahead! TNA knows that they got the stinct, and everybody can smell it.
I swear to God I can't comprehend the underlined part. And who the hell mentioned Vince Russo? How about I just enjoy the product and not be a blind hypocrite?

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