TNA midcard title?

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Pre-Show Stalwart
I know people say that TNA has enough belts as it is. I consider those IWGP or whatever belts they are as props and nothing more for the TNA guys. I think the Legends belt should fade away when the MEM storyline goes away. Do you think that there are enough wrestlers on the roster that there needs to be a way to showcase some of these guys that arent quite x division or ready for the world title.
I was thinkin that TNA should work out a deal with TIVO and have a TIVO title for this day in age TV title. Center it around the idea that the matches are so high flying and have so many amazing spots that you will have to rewind it to believe what you just saw. Have it be defended every week on Impact. That may sound ******ed but I dont know just throwin it out there. I dont know what the WWE has copyrighted or what have you, but if there was a midcard title, what would you call it and what guys should be wearing it?
I don't think there's enough talent yet. But they are expanding each day. Most of the talent is either world or x division guys. Maybe some sort of hardcore title. Have Mick give it to Abyss. Like Vince did for mick. I agree that the Legends should end with the MEM. Unless they keep the title only on the legends. But are there even enough? Some sort of T.V. champ would be nice. Guys like Rhino, Creed, Abdul Bashir, Daniels, Dr. Steve, D'Angelo, Jesse Neal, Cody Deaner, Shark Boy, Kyoshi. This would give them the chance to move up on the card. Plus when they move up. It gives new, x and none x division guys, a chance to shine. Plus when teams take singles paths, like L.A.X. It gives them each a different path to choose. All in all it sounds like a good idea.
No way, terrible idea. The last things TNA needs is another title, they have more than enough as it is. Having 3 male singles titles is even a stretch, so if they were to get rid of the Legend's Title, I don't think they should worry about replacing it with a new one.

As for the idea of a Tivo Title, it's pretty creative, but it's the exact same thing as the X-Division title. Why would TNA create an all new title when they already have an existing one with history and prestige? TNA doesn't need a new title, and if they do get one, it shouldn't be an X-Division rip off.
They should morph the Legends title into something equal to the US or Intercontinental. Seperate the X Division from the rest of TNA, and drop any plans for a knockout tag team title.

Let the higher guys fight for the World title, Mid carders fight for the revamped Legends title, the gals for the Knockout title, tag teams for that tital, then have X-Division guys only fight other X-Divison guys for a chance at the title.
TNA already has five championships. I think Mick Foley said it best when he was on-screen wwe commissioner when he said that championships no longer had meaning because everyone and their mother had one. TNA has four singles championships and a tag championship, that is enough. Any more and it will begin to delude the product. Then if they start adding more after that you will see Daniels playing both himself and Curryman during one two hour show just so he can hold two belts. You don't need to delude a product with so many championships they have no meaning, that would only hurt the product.
I was thinkin that TNA should work out a deal with TIVO and have a TIVO title for this day in age TV title. Center it around the idea that the matches are so high flying and have so many amazing spots that you will have to rewind it to believe what you just saw.

What you just described there is X Division championship. TV title is a good idea but I think it would work a lot better for WWE than TNA due to WWE having 3 television shows and all. TNA has a lot to show and only 2 hours/week to do so. So trying to push the World title, X Division title, 3 different sets of tag titles, Knockouts title, Legends title and TV title would really wash down the product. WWE can get away with having 8-9 different belts because they have 5 hours of TV time/week to work with. But TNA in my opinion should go in another direction and focus on the World title, X Division title, 1 set of tag team titles and the Knockouts division. That way they can give good TV time to each division and produce more in depth story lines.
I think they could pull it off under some set conditions. They need to drop the IWGP tag titles. They don't really relate to TNA at all. Also, instead of inventing a new title, I don't think they need to kill the Legends title along with the MEM. They simply need to re-name it and set it up as a mid-card title. Foley was right in saying titles aren't prestigious anymore. I think they need the TNA Heavyweight title, the Knockouts title, the TNA Tag titles, the new Knockout Tag titles (which I'm actually excited females have a chance at tag titles), the X-Division title, and a midcard title. 6 is more than enough. I think the new mid-card title should be kept as a TV title though.
The Legends Title is supposed to be the midcard title but the problem is the name of the title. It is called the Legends Title and that makes it seem more like a division title than a midcard title. I always thought the perfect way to get rid of the Legends Title or The X-Division Title (get rid of the X Title of no death to TNA wait hear me out) would be to have a Champion vs. Champion match and unify the titles if the X-Division Champion wins that match the next week on Impact start a TV/North American/Americas whatever Title Tournament. If the Legends Champion wins then next week on Impact start a Light Heavy/Cruiserweight/Welterweight Title Tournament.
The legends title will end up on a "face" legend, who will then have a unification match with the World Title, which will be held by a MEM member, ie winner takes all. Ideal person for this would be goldberg vs Sting.

The MEM lose the heavyweight title and split up eventually, ending that stable.

Im surprised noone else sees itcoming, the bookers should know no stable lasts forever, just look at the NWO, DX(before it became overused every time Triple H needs some more merch pennies) and the ECW originals.

As for a hardcore title, it will be good, oh, for around 3 months. Abyss has got the stigma of being a hardcore stunt wrestler, which would have been fine 10 years ago. Now its just, crap.
As of right now, TNA has the World Heavyweight, World Tag Team, X-Division, Legends, TNA Knockout, IWGP Tag Team and soon to be TNA Knockout Tag Team Championships on their roster. I know they don't own the IWGP straps, but they're using them right now at any rate. The Knockout tag titles will bring the current tally up to 7 in total.

I don't know when TNA is going to be implementing that new show of theirs. I'm guessing it'll be at least several months off. But, until it does air, the championship scene is just one huge clusterfuck. When the Knockout tag titles become active, that'll give TNA almost the same number of titles that the WWE is using but with only a third of the WWE's weekly television air time. There might be weeks in which holders of certain titles don't even appear on tv or have anything to do.

So no, the very last thing TNA needs to do right now is to add another championship to a currently very overcrowded scene. Personally, I think they ought to scrub the Legends title and send the IWGP tag titles back to New Japan. I'm sort of excited about the Knockout tag titles to some degree because, sometimes, the Knockout segments are the most entertaining part of Impact.

TNA has a midcard's called the X-Division belt. I don't care if it is its own division, it's still on the mid-card. Thus...x-division belt = midcard belt. Another title would be instantly a low-midcarder belt.
I do think TNA needs one more belt like a TV title or something like that. Someone mentioned that the X-division title is the mid-card title. I agree with that somewhat but the X-division title is equivalent to the Cruiserweight title with a bunch of lightweights fighting for it even though Joe doesn't fit that category. By having another title, there could be some guys getting TV time that don't get it right now and I'm all for that. Someone also mentioned that TNA doesn't have enough wrestlers to have another title. They have over 60 on the roster. I believe that's enough, don't you?
I do think TNA needs one more belt like a TV title or something like that. Someone mentioned that the X-division title is the mid-card title. I agree with that somewhat but the X-division title is equivalent to the Cruiserweight title with a bunch of lightweights fighting for it even though Joe doesn't fit that category. By having another title, there could be some guys getting TV time that don't get it right now and I'm all for that. Someone also mentioned that TNA doesn't have enough wrestlers to have another title. They have over 60 on the roster. I believe that's enough, don't you?

Yes...and how many cruiserweights are in the main-event? None...unless you count AJ Styles as one. some is merely a midcard it is being competed for on the midcard.
How is the X-Division Title a mid-card title just because it is on the mid-card so at the Pay Per View a few years back when Raven defended the NWA Title against Abyss and Joe/Styles/Daniels were the main event for the X Title was the NWA Title a mid-card title? If the X Division Title is the first match and then the legends title second match and then the Knockouts Title is in the middle of a pay per view is the Knockouts Title a mid-card title. I say no to me the X-Division Title is a Division Title the Knockouts Title is a Division Title. The Legends Title should be a Division Title while the TNA Heavyweight Title is the main event title. The way I view it TNA has four division titles (X-Division, Knockouts, KO Tag, and Legends) one main title (TNA Heavyweight) and no midcard title.
It really boggles my mind why people always want more belts added to any promotion. Right now TNA has enough belts, more than enough with the amount of time they have to promote them each week. The Legends title was brought in to be a "midcard" belt. You don't have to be a "legend" to win it, and it's just a prop used to give guys not doing anything something to fight over.

And thw X belt is also pretty much a midcard title. I mean even the WWE couldn't handle and properly write and promote for alot of belts, and they have 4 TV shows. Another belt added would be useless, be another pointless prop, contribute nothing to the show, and devalue the rest of the titles more. I honestly see no upside at adding another belt, unless they get more TV time, and even that would be stretching it.

You can have great, interesting, feuds without it being for a title, and this is what TNA should do. Focus on creating interesting storylines and feuds, not just relying on the title as a "feud starter".
I believe what Steamboat Ricky said was true, the X Division Title is the midcard belt of TNA. Despite the fact that those who compete for it seem to mimick the crusierweight division that WWE had a while back, the whole of TNA's midcard is full of these wrestlers. You men like Jay Lethal & Consequences Creed that define the nature of the division.

The show has now got one ME title, one upper-midcard title, a midcard title, a mens tag titles, the womens title & the womens tag titles... alongside the IWPG [I think] championships held by the British Invasion. That is too many championships already for a company who only has one show running at the moment where a lot of talking occurs. Adding yet another title would be a mistake at the moment as the new title will probably wither away into the lower midcard area. Unless once they make two shows they separate the midcard titles, even then its a stretch, no more new titles should be added to the fray.
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