The Best American Midcard Title Ever

What is the best midcard title ever?

  • Intercontinental Championship

  • United States Championship

  • ECW TV Championship

  • WCW TV Championship

  • X-Division Championship

  • Hardcore Championship

  • European Championship

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I make you look like an idiot at the bottom of the first page.
Really? You said you had seen some matches from "each U.S champ". I'm really finding it hard to believe since Terry Funk won the title in 1975 for less than a month. Footage of his title reign has never been shown, and to my knowledge, was never even recorded. He then again won the title at an non-televised house show in 2000. So if you've seen some matches from each US champion, what matches exactly did you see from Terry Funk while he was the champion?

Better yet, did you see anything from Bobo Brazil's title reign? What about Mr. Wrestling's? Blackjack Mulligan?

I had meant that from the matches I've seen, I preferred the U.S. title matches, leading me to like the U.S. title better.
No you didn't:

Second of all, I have seen some matches of each as the U.S. Champ, so I know what I'm talking about.
If that's not what you meant, maybe you should be more specific next time.

Matt, it seems you have somewhat missed the point of this thread
Yet I've justified my reasons for choosing what I chose and debated with other people on the matter.

Isn't that the point of the thread?

Don't come on here and say that I haven't seen all those matches of U.S. champs for me to make an opinion. Have I said that to you?
Yes. You said you have seen some matches from each US champion. I never said that you claimed you saw every match from each US champion did I?

Also, if you think that was a personal attack
Calling someone an 'asshole' is a personal attack. Simple as.
Really? You said you had seen some matches from "each U.S champ". I'm really finding it hard to believe since Terry Funk won the title in 1975 for less than a month. Footage of his title reign has never been shown, and to my knowledge, was never even recorded. He then again won the title at an non-televised house show in 2000. So if you've seen some matches from each US champion, what matches exactly did you see from Terry Funk while he was the champion?

Better yet, did you see anything from Bobo Brazil's title reign? What about Mr. Wrestling's? Blackjack Mulligan?

No you didn't:

If that's not what you meant, maybe you should be more specific next time.

Yet I've justified my reasons for choosing what I chose and debated with other people on the matter.

Isn't that the point of the thread?

Yes. You said you have seen some matches from each US champion. I never said that you claimed you saw every match from each US champion did I?

Calling someone an 'asshole' is a personal attack. Simple as.

Captain, you are the one who mentioned Terry Funk, not me. And once again, yes, I was talking about the matches I've seen of the guys in my list. In my list. Yes, you read that right. Was Terry Funk in my list? Nope. Must not of been talking about his matches then. Have I seen him involved in U.S. Title encounters,? Sure, not while he was champion, but they were televised matches on MyTVNetwork's Big Time Wrestling. And they were from the 80's. Also, I'm sorry that you felt that asshole is a personal attack. Where I come from, the real world, asshole is hardly a personal attack. I've got a couple of people that have already read the post, and think I was just being funny, but obviously you are a sensitive person, so I'll call you Captain Daffodil from now on, you big silly nit picker. Have a gosh darn beautiful day, Captain Dafodil. (Next time, when I give you positive reputation just for the heck of it, don't give me negative reutation as a way of saying thank you. It sends mixed messages.)
The IC title is overrated. Always has been. Bar a couple of great title reigns it's not been special. It's hardly been the title that's produced the best, most underrated matches ever.

You might remember a couple of champions, but do you remember throughout their reigns?

Honky Tonk Man has the longest reign. But what did he do with it? He certainly didn't have great matches. The highlight was Warrior beating him quickly.

In fact, I'm gonna say it. The Warrior vs. Rick Rude is the only IC feud worth remembering.

I'm going to have to disagree with you on the point of Rick Rude and Warrior being the only memorable feud. Even as a 5 year old kid, I vividly remember the Savage vs. Steamboat feud which culminated at WM 3.(I also remember dropping a flying elbow on my brother while leaping from the armrest of the brand new family couch, and breaking it in the process.)

Razor Ramon vs. Shawn Michaels, Diesel, and Jeff Jarrett in the mid-1990's

Late 1990's
Austin vs. Owen Hart
Austin vs. Rock
Rock vs. HHH

Y2J vs. Benoit vs. Angle in the early 00's

I'll admit that while I have always been an IC title fan over that of the World Champion, the quality of the matches hasn't been that great in recent years. Also the fact that it hasn't been defended on a Wrestlemainia since Wrestlemainia 18 lessens the value of the title. Hell I remember when as an established Main Event star, HHH beat Chris Jericho for the IC strap in 2001, and it instantly regained any and all credibility for the time being. I think that is what they are hoping to do with Jericho right now, and he is giving guys like Hardy and Umaga the matches of their lives.

As to which is the better mid-card title I am going with the IC as a favorite, but I think it relates more to taste between old NWA/WCW and WWF/WWE. A lot of times, a title belt is put on an individual to help make him, but as in the case I stated above, to put a title on an established high quality competitor can instead make the belt. Both belts are guilty of being carried by people who didn't deserve them, and have had their meaningless streaks. Anybody remember when the WWE unified the IC belt with the WHC and dissolved it in 2002? Or the numerous 1 day title reigns of Raven, Goldberg, Luger, Benoit, and Funk as mentioned in previous posts?

In the end it's personal taste, because both have had their highs and lows, but as the 3rd longest reigning US Champ in history, MVP is really putting some stock back into that belt currently. Hopefully Jericho can do the same thing with the IC.
the IC title for sure. it has been used as a stepping stone for midcard wrestlers to see if they can make it to the next step and become world champions.

if you look at the list of wrestler who have held the wwe or world title and overwhelming majority have held the title, thus making the IC belt important because it is a good measuring stick of how talented a wrestler is. sure this isnt always the case as people like dean douglas, the mounty and marty jannety have held the belt but for the most part it has been accurate.

i dont think the wcw tv title or the euro championship should even be included because they were steppign stone belts for the ic or us championship
My vote is for the Intercontinental title, mainly because of four men. Ricky Steamboat, Randy Savage, Shawn Michaels, and Razor Ramon. Based on the names listed, you know where I am going with this. The Intercontinental title was at stake for two of the single greatest matches in WWF/E History. Of course, Savage/Steamboat from WMIII, but also the HBK/Razor ladder match. I would also disagree with Wrestlingfan701 about the relative value of the IC and US titles...Matt Hardy is regarded as a better wrestler in the WWE than Chris Jericho? REALLY? The US title also has had some "we have to give it somebody" title holders, who have never gone on to a World level title...among them:Matt Hardy, Finlay, Orlando Jordan, Rhyno, Tajiri, Kanyon (FREAKING KANYON!) General Rection, (seriously) Lance Storm, David Flair, Mongo McMichael, Dean Malenko, Konnan, One Man Gang, Blackjack Mulligan, Mr. Wrestling??? Sure, the IC has had some dud champions, but, so has the US title.
I'm definitely going to have to go with my favourite belt ever; the intercontinental. I love matches for this belt. I love seeing people feuding for this, often I have found it to be more entertaining than the WWE championship. When new contenders step up for this belt yuo can see the happiness in their faces, or rather you can see how proud they are that they have reached a level widely renowned as the closest stepping stone to the WWE championship.

When you factor in how many greats have won this belt before, or even after, them winning the WWE championship you can't really argue about how great it is. It's a really prestigious belt, and one which I can never see the WWE getting rid of. The others, I think the WWE will replace or lose at some point, but Intercontinental says something which no other does. It holds much history in the belt.

On a different note, I loved the Hardcore championship due to the 24/7 rule. I used to love tuning into WWE and seeing who had won the belt this week, and the videos of pinning a star in their house/shopping etc were really original and entertaining. It isn't the best midcard title ever but it deserves a special mention.

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