Best NWA champion ever

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As you may or may not know, the NWA title is the wrestling belt with the most history behind it. The NWA title has been held by people such as Lou Thesz, Buddy Rogers, Dory Funk Jr., Harley Race, Jack Brisco, Terry Funk, Dusty Rhodes, Ric Flair, Kerry Von Erich, Rick Steamboat, Sting, Shane Douglas, Chris Candido, Sabu, etc. Who do you think is the best NWA world heavyweight champion of all time.

My vote is for the one and only, Nature Boy Ric Flair. I just don't think there ever was or ever will be anyone better than him. He had the most charisma any wrestler has ever had. He had one of the best in-ring ability's ever. He had it all. He is the best wrestler of all time. WOOOOOOOO!
While I’ve heard great things about guys like Thesz, Rogers, or Brisco, I am simply too young to have seen any of their matches. The best NWA champion I’ve seen is, without a doubt, the “Nature Boy” Ric Flair. Flair has had so many legendary title feuds and memorable matches over the years (Race, Rhodes, and Steamboat, etc). Flair to me is the greatest performer in the history of professional wrestling, who combines showmanship with great wrestling ability, and who is still capable of putting on a great show in his 50's.
yeah, Flair definetly

honestly, other than Flair, nobody really had a tight grip on that title (i am only 30, so i too am too young to have seen Race, Funks, THesz, etc.)

guys like steamboat, sting, luger, garvin, etc. held the title only briefly, then the wcw withdrew from the nwa...i personally wouldnt mention shane douglas or chris candido in the same breathe of nwa champions as the historical figures...TNA is only four years old so asking who the greatest champ is in this era is sort of a moot point considering Jarrett wont let anybody else hold for more than a few months.

Ric Flair was the heart and soul of the NWA
Rated R Superstar316 said:

Please elaborate since this is a discussion forum. Simple name dropping in a thread like this do not generate discussion. Just so you know spamming can result in banning (and you have been around long enough to know better). So back up your answer or it'll be considered spam. Thank you.
peopleschamp said:
Please elaborate since this is a discussion forum. Simple name dropping in a thread like this do not generate discussion. Just so you know spamming can result in banning (and you have been around long enough to know better). So back up your answer or it'll be considered spam. Thank you.
People like WWE over TNA. If it's possible for someone to actually think that, that mindless reality TV show that WWE calls wrestling is better than TNA, then why is it impossible for someone to think that Sabu is a better wrestler than Ric Flair, Harley Race, Dusty Rhodes, and about a million other wrestlers that truly are ten times better than Sabu ever has been.
K.O. Pro #1 said:
Dusty Rhodes or Ric Flair

peopleschamp said:
Please elaborate since this is a discussion forum. Simple name dropping in a thread like this do not generate discussion. Just so you know spamming can result in banning (and you have been around long enough to know better). So back up your answer or it'll be considered spam. Thank you.

:headbanger: :headbanger: WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO the Nature boy Ric Flair. and that's that's.:headbanger: :headbanger:
How can you say Flair is the greatest wrestler ever... In his whole carear he's had a total of maybe 6 moves he's ever done... Being that I'm to young to have watched the old NWA days... Im gonna have to say someone from the current NWA-TNA... And I have to say Jarret... Just because he's always on top and he's established himself as one of the most hated wrestlers in the Biz...
Probably Ric Flair or Ricky the Dragon Steamboat both were extremely talented and had great wrestling abilty they had a great cage match at starcade 82(an old tape of my dad's)
Flair was their greatest champion in my opinion. He had so many great feuds in NWA alone. Flair vs. Steamboat produced some classics.

Terry Funk, Dusty Rhodes, & Harley race as well.

You also do have to consider Jarrett w/ 6 title reigns over the better part of 4 years.
jeff jarrett because he probley held it more then anybody but i dotn knoe so w.e
PauLwaLL50 said:
How can you say Flair is the greatest wrestler ever... In his whole carear he's had a total of maybe 6 moves he's ever done... Being that I'm to young to have watched the old NWA days... Im gonna have to say someone from the current NWA-TNA... And I have to say Jarret... Just because he's always on top and he's established himself as one of the most hated wrestlers in the Biz...

I will agree with you on flair only having like 3 moves. Most 80's guys are a joke when it comes to moves.
Jarrett has to be right up there love or hate him. He is the ONLY man that got the most prestigious title in wrestling (other than the old WWF WCW titles) and got it to be used EXCLUSIVLY on his wrestling promotion! Now thats pretty damn cool!
PauLwaLL50 said:
How can you say Flair is the greatest wrestler ever... In his whole carear he's had a total of maybe 6 moves he's ever done... Being that I'm to young to have watched the old NWA days... Im gonna have to say someone from the current NWA-TNA... And I have to say Jarret... Just because he's always on top and he's established himself as one of the most hated wrestlers in the Biz...
doublej_TNA said:
I will agree with you on flair only having like 3 moves. Most 80's guys are a joke when it comes to moves.
Jarrett has to be right up there love or hate him. He is the ONLY man that got the most prestigious title in wrestling (other than the old WWF WCW titles) and got it to be used EXCLUSIVLY on his wrestling promotion! Now thats pretty damn cool!
To criticize Flair for having just 3-6 moves is totally ludicrous. Wrestling is not a video game where you try to hit as many moves as possible during a match. Wrestling is about psychology, pacing, and story-telling. Someone can have 100 moves in his arsenal and still be a horrible wrestler. It’s not about the number of moves you can perform, but how you perform the moves and use these with purpose. And nobody did it better than Flair.
Ric Flair. His matches with Race, Rhodes, Sting, Steamboat, Funk, Windham, Piper, and Morton were great. There is only one Ric Flair and the rest are second best.
peopleschamp said:
To criticize Flair for having just 3-6 moves is totally ludicrous. Wrestling is not a video game where you try to hit as many moves as possible during a match. Wrestling is about psychology, pacing, and story-telling. Someone can have 100 moves in his arsenal and still be a horrible wrestler. It’s not about the number of moves you can perform, but how you perform the moves and use these with purpose. And nobody did it better than Flair.

I was never dissing Flair. IMO he is the best of the best!! I will agree about the 100moves. guys are know for the same things they do and thats why flair is soo great!
sabu because i love hardcore wrestling & sabu is a hardcore legend
Folks, don't be swayed by the sad joke that is Ric Flair today. I feel Ric should have retired and taken up managing about 5 years ago.

Ric Flair in the mid-80's really was fascinating to watch. His matches rate among the best ever; he could make any turd look like a diamond in the ring. His mic skills were spectacular; he is te best ever at making viewers thoroughly hate his guts based solely on his interviews.

The Ric Flair I remember, the one who coined the phrase "To be the best, you gotta beat the best" while using the help of Ole and Arn and Tully to keep his title, is the best NWA champ ever.
I don't think Jarrett is even close to the greatest becuase all of his title wins and defenses come from cheating and hitting people with guitars. He couldn't win a match clean like Flair if his life depended on it.
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