TNA Considering Getting Rid of the TV Title

As has been the case with this title or with any title, it comes down to one principle: if you don't treat it like something important, no one is going to care about it and the title will mean nothing.

D-Von defended that title against Robbie E probably six or seven times. When D-Von won the title, he came through the crowd to answer an open challenge after a long delay. Basically what they were saying was that the title wasn't important to any of the big names and only a guy doing nothing would want it. Now it's hardly ever defended on TV and the whole "it's defended every week" rule lasted all of a month. There can still be value to the title if it's defended and TNA has the roster to support it, but they just won't do it. If they won't do it, then there's no point in keeping it around.
Robbie E
Robbie T
Garrett Bischoff
Chavo Guerrero
Chris Sabin
Chris Daniels
Doug Williams
Eric Young
Kid Kash

Look at that! Plenty of talent to build a whole division around. And you can do it without upsetting the X-Division or main event rosters.

I see where you're coming from, and I tried proving the same point a while back, but most of these talent need to devote time to the X Division, and the others don't belong anywhere near gold.

What I think should be done is let guys like Anderson, Styles, Van Dam, and Aries hold up the TV Title division. Then, you can put in guys like Magnus, Crimson, and Gunner who have potential, but aren't ready just yet. When you mix and match the upper and lower cards, some newer faces can get over. This could save the TV Title. There is to much talent that fits between the X-Division and the Main Event. The TV Title needs to stay, and become more prestigious, to help get these talents over and provide more interesting and meaningful feuds.
Impact Wrestling is truly missing out on a major opportunity here. The Television Title could be the TNA equivalent of WWE's IC Title. A testing point for those being considered for future world title advancement. It would prove these potential talents or disprove them. Plus, it gives these undercard talents a title and much needed television exposure. This move would not surprize me though, because TNA has a history of being consistently inconsistent.
As many of you know, I’m a fan of Titles and Stables. Deactivating a Title and disbanding a Stable are two things I’m always against, though I understand the reasoning behind these events every time they occur.

TNA’s idea of considering retiring the TV Title is wrong. When the WWE retired of the Intercontinental and United States Titles, what happened?? They ended up reactivating the Titles the following year.

I think the TV Title should be renamed back to being the Legends Title or the Global Title. To me, “Television Title” feels like a 3rd tier Title, like the WWE European Title or the WCW Television Title, below the Intercontinental Title and the United States Title, respectively. I’d even call it the United-Continental Title (or Inter-States Title), as a shot at the E. HAHA!!

Just don't get rid of the Red Strap!!
It doesn't make sense to me to just drop the TV title. Like everyone else has said, you have a waste with the KO tag titles, which haven't been defended in months, not to mention that half of the champs is male. You have a plethora of talent that are capable of holding the strap and making it mean something, much like all the secondary titles of the 80's and early 90's. This just sounds like utter laziness on TNA's part if this is true.
They should make things interesting and give us a "hardcore" title if they are getting rid of the TV title, which I think would be a mistake, the whole purpose of that title is that it is a non-PPV title, meant to be dropped at any moment..
They should make things interesting and give us a "hardcore" title if they are getting rid of the TV title, which I think would be a mistake, the whole purpose of that title is that it is a non-PPV title, meant to be dropped at any moment..

I don't mind the occasional Hardcore match, but I don't think a hardcore title would draw anything. Hardcore matches should only be used at the end of a fued as a last option. If TNA starts having hardcore matches every week (like ECW and to a lesser degree WCW and WWF) the audience becomes desensitized to the chaos that is happening. Hardcore is okay once in awhile, but its use as a constant attraction is over and is better left as a product of the mid to late 90s.
Yes and No to the idea, Yes because the title has been pretty meaningless since EY won the title last year, I thought that Devon would restore some prestige to the title, which he did, but not enough.

I'm against the idea for the 1 reason that TNA dosen't have a mid card championship, sure you have the X title, but thats more of a cruiser weight belt, and is for more stip matches, as a mid card title would be for regular pro wrestling matches.

If you can get someone good on that TV title, the 1st part is voided out, and TNA has a good mid card championship.

Now if Devon is leaving TNA this is what you do.

Start a traditional 8 man tournament ending at the following PPV, just a regular tournament you can make the final a stip match, but not the others, now comes the interesting part.

The 8 men would be TNA tag teams.

I kind of find this interesting, but i know someone could do better, my picks would be Chavo and Hernandez, Kash and Gunner, E & T, and once he becomes a regular competitor, I'd like to see a team of Joey Ryan and Zema Ion, but thats just me
Keep the TV Championship Belt (excellent mid card title) and can be held by several competitors throughout the year. Scrap the KO Tag Team Belts (they are meaningless) there is not enough KO's to justify keeping them. They should add a TNA United States Championship Belt, it would give the upper tier competitors the championship needed to boost them to the #1 contender for the TNA World Championship.

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