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TNA Lethal Lockdown - Team Hogan vs. Team Flair

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Dark Match Winner
Team Abyss vs. Team Sting

So who do you guys think will be on each team?

I'll start with Sting's team. I could see it being a few different members. I definitely think Desmond Wolfe will be on his team, if they're doing five members. I could see the Wolfpac being apart of Team Sting as well. Another option before Hernandez was hurt, was Sting, Wolfe, Morgan, & Beer Money. This would mean that Team Abyss would be Abyss, Jeff Hardy, Jeff Jarrett, RVD, & Hernandez.

Team Abyss I think will definitely have Hardy & RVD on it. I think if it's the Wolfpac is on Team Sting, then Eric Young will be thrown in there as well. That leaves Desmond Wolfe left for Team Sting, and I don't know who they could have as the fifth member. Possibly a returning Samoa Joe, or even Jarrett himself, or even and I don't like him, but Rob Terry. Putting him in this kind of match helps put him over more, and he doesn't have to wrestle as much. They could have him come out at the end, and even when he is in there, they wouldn't have to focus on him much.

What do you guys think?
Hmmm. Hard to say. There are A LOT of options they could go with here. The WCW fan in me is really hoping for an NWO wolfpac reunion with Sting, Nash, Hall and Pac, but who would the fifth man be? It could be Wolfe, Anderson, hell, I would even mark out for Bischoff to get in that mix. Seriously.

Now Team Abyss is even more troublesome because there are so many faces to get involved, but my money is on Abyss, Hardy, RVD, EY and either Jarrett, Big Rob, Angle or a returning Samoa Joe. They would seriously need to do like a 10 on 10 match just to give all the big names they have in this company right now something to do. But assuming that this is gonna be THE lethal lockdown match, it'll have to just be 5 on 5, wouldn't it?

Anyways, I'll make a solid 5 on 5 prediction:

Team Sting will be Sting, Desmond Wolfe, Beer Money and Mr. Anderson.

Team Abyss will be Abyss, Hardy, RVD, Angle and Double J.
(Yeah, I said it!!!!!!)
When I first read it I was worried that AJ was being included in the match and thus taking away Pope's main event title shot (by the way, why on earth was the man headlining the next PPV not on the last one?), which would suck royally with Hogan derailing the existing plan in favour of his "Abyss is going to be my John Cena" project. If we assume Pope vs AJ is still going ahead then I'll move on to talk about the Lethal Lockdown match.

Beer Money would make a great edition to the new Horsemen group they're assembling, just like America's Most Wanted were great in Planet Jarrett. That would be Sting, Wolfe (seems a certainty), Beer Money vs Abyss, Hardy, RVD.... Joe? He's been away for a while, he could return and clean house on Team Sting, saving Team Abyss and become the final man in the match.

If we had to make it a 5 on 5 then I'd say throw in someone like Tomko or Rhino and either Jeff Jarrett or Shannon Moore, because I'd rather MCMG got their title shot at Lockdown than on Impact (unless, heaven forbid, they win the titles and defend against another team at Lockdown, in which case go ahead and put Morgan and Hernandez on each team to round out the numbers).

There's a lot of if's in there, the most significant one being what they do with Morgandez. Morgan put Hernandez out of action, so it suggests he'll be gone a while, return, want revenge and they'll end up either facing off one on one at Lockdown or as members of Team Sting and Team Abyss. That would be robbing MCMG of ANOTHER title shot, they don't get many on PPV after all. Morgan could demand Hernandez help defend the belts on Impact, refuse to tag in and let the Guns pick apart an injured Hernandez, which wouldn't hurt Super-Mex as he's "injured" and got no help. Then the titles are off them and they can move forward without unfinished business.

If Beer Money go in I think Jarrett has to go in, because then it's one old-timer per team, and he's been having issues with them lately, alongside Hardy and RVD. Tomko and Rhino have been part of Bischoff's group with Wolfe, so one or both of them may end up on the team. The group took out Joe nearly 2 months ago, it's the second main PPV, he's due back and I think he'd be a good member of Team Abyss,

I say keep the Band and the Horsemen group as separate entities, because the Band/Wolfpac are supposed to be a rebel group who work for no-one, they wouldn't suit taking orders from a man that single-handedly took them all out in the 90s. But them in a match with Eric Young and two random friends of his.
IMO Team flair will have Sting,Desmond and wolfpac while team hogan can have abyss,jarrett,young,rvd and hardy.If they are looking to keep wolfpac out then Beer money can get in removing young from the scene but i would like to see wolfpac no matter it looks weak on paper in 2010 but they can still draw old wcw fans.
i think team sting will be sting,matt morgan,wolfe,and Beer Money and i think team abyss wil be abyss,hardy,rvd,jarret,and hernandez

i have also read on some of these other post that the wolpac would team up with sting but i think they will face eric young and two other guys and i would think that it would be someone like samoa joe and maybe a returning petey williams or the fallin angel
I think that the Wolfpac should stay out of this match and find another 3 people to do a 6 man tag with...they are a huge draw and they need to be involved in their own thing and not get lost in the shuffle that is the Lethal Lockdown match...I think that Sting, Wolfe, Beer Money and Anderson vs Abyss, Angle, RVD, Hardy and the returning Samoa Joe...
Team Flair vs. Team Hogan, but neither are wrestling. They must be saving each of them for a special edition of iMPACT! Wouldn't it be a good oppertunity to get them both on PPV wrestling for a change? It's not like they won't have 8 other wrestlers doing their part in the match, Hogan would only have to be in it for a matter of minutes.

Early prediction, two rings.
Since pope will fight AJ and Angle V.S Anderson is supposed to be announced soon i see the teams going like this

Team Hogan:Abyss,RVD,Jeff Hardy,Hernandez&, Jeff Jarret

Team Flair:Sting,Beer Money,Matt Morgan,Desmond Wolf.

Jeff Jarret wont have anything better to do so they would put him in the match.Hernandez and Morgan will continue their feud so instead of giving them their own match they should just be added to lethal lock down.RVD and Hardy will counteract beer money because they don't have their own feuds yet.

I for one am really excited about this match.I feel getting Hogan and Flair out of the ring will really let the young guys shine.However the match is at a sever lack of speed IMO
Hey Yo!
So as everyone probably knows it's going to be Team Hogan vs Team Flair with Sting being the captain of Flair's team. Now what i have come to realise out of this and i hope it doesnt happen but is Sting being bred to be a huge face again? Me personally i love how TNA is handling the Sting character its almost a tad like the crow gimmick.
So what do you think is this all going to culminate in a major Sting face turn?
.Tha Wolfpac.
Why's everyone saying 5 on 5 all of a sudden? Lethal Lockdown's been 4 on 4 the past few years, I swear, and that's worked fine...

Anyway, sticking with that, my prediction for the two teams is just blindingly obvious. Abyss captains a team consisting of Jeff Hardy (freaking legend), RVD and Jeff Jarrett against the Stinger, Desmond Wolfe (another legend) and Beer Money. That pretty much makes perfect sense to me, and I don't see the point in adding to it. If it has to be 5 on 5, then I guess Hernandez and Morgan take the spots for TH and TF respectively. I'm intrigued to see how the match itself plays out though, and particularly interested in what this year's big spot will be now AJ Styles isn't in the match. I'm assuming Jeff Hardy's taking the bump.
Well based on what happened on this past week's iMPACT, it looks like Jeff Jarrett will be one of the members for Team Hogan. Because match was announced as 4 on 4, I thought the Wolfpac would've joined Team Flair and it would be Hardy, RVD, and EY on Team Hogan. This isn't to say that the match can change considering that both Lethal Lockdown 2007 and 2008 both featured 5 on 5 matches.

As of right now, I can see Hardy and RVD joining Team Hogan but that would leave EY out of the match which I don't see happening right now. Perhaps the Wolfpac can still join Team Flair but again, that would leave EY with nothing on the card. Perhaps Desmond Wolfe will join Team Flair considering the issues he's had with Abyss recently and maybe Beer Money as well due to issues they've had with Jarrett.

Only time will tell.
The teams are really quite obvious. Team Hogan already consists of Abyss and Jarret so they other two members will be Hardy and RVD seeing as they are probably TNA's biggest stars and leaving them off would be stupid. Team Flair will have Wolfe added because Wolfe, Flair and Styles are BMA's. I see the other two members being Beer Money as they have had problems with Jarret, Hardy and RVD. If these teams are correct then it looks like a pretty star studded match.

It'll probably be a cluster fuck like most years but they're always fun, RVD and Hardy should do some spots with Hardy probably killing themselves. I think the faces will win so Hardy and RVD continue to be on a nice streak and to push Abyss a bit more. He'll end up getting the pin. This match looks good and should be very fun.
According to a Facebook update from TNA, Flair is set to reveal the rest of Team Flair on iMPACT! tonight.

I'd imagine Wolfe would make the cut, as well as Beer Money, Inc. who are obviously getting the push as the top heel tag team in the company.

Like TLC noted above me, Hardy & RVD are likely to get the last two spots on Team Hogan so as to get them on the card for the Lockdown PPV seeing as neither has a feud going on otherwise (whatever happened to that Sting/RVD bout, eh?).
So they haven't officialy announced the participants even though it's obvious who they're going to be? That's pretty stupid, but whatever. What are the stakes for this one? Nothing really? At least Hogan and Flair aren't wrestling.

I'm thinking that team Flair will be winning here. People need a reason to care about Sting being a heel since he hasn't really done much recently, and the other 3 guys are kind of just there. RVD and Hardy are already way over, Abyss is pointless, and it will continue the whole "JJ getting screwed" thing. Plus, Hogan needs to lose something at some point. Match will probably be a clusterfuck though, you can be sure of that.
Team Hogan vs. Team Flair. First, let me say, I love this match!! Using a very good mix of 4 TNA Originals with 3 of the most popular IWC Stars currently not in the WWE, Jeff Hardy, Rob Van Dam, and Desmond Wolfe, add one Icon, and dividing them up into two teams using the only two names in the world that was/is/will forever be Professional Sports Wrestling Entertainment as the Teams’ names is flat out genius. I’m not just another TNA mark, I’m a WWE / TNA SMark.

One question, is it just me, or when you hear “Team Hogan vs. Team Flair” do you think of this Dream Match??

NWA / WCW’s Four Horsemen
“The Nature Boy” Ric Flair, “The Icon” Sting, “The Total Package” Lex Luger, and “The Enforcer” Arn Anderson (with Barry Windham and Sid Vicious)


WWF’s Ultimate Mega Maniac Powers (Bucks)
“The Immortal” Hulk Hogan, “Macho Man” Randy Savage, The Ultimate Warrior and Brutus “The Barber” Beefcake (with “The Million Dollar Man” Ted DiBiase and Andre the Giant)
Obviously Sting is gonna turn on Team Flair and join up with Team Hogan. If you can't see that coming you haven't watched enough pro wrestling. Team Hogan will beat Team Flair due to Sting turning on his team.
I had given my prediction to Team Flair over in the predictions contest thread, but this is one of the rare cases when my mind changes before posting my official predictions in the PPV section. I agree with Battlez. Team Hogan will win due to a Sting face turn because Sting siding with Team Hogan would make a lot of sense, and it'd be yet another cool moment as well. We also do not know which side gets a 5th person added to their team nor do we know who that person will be. If I had to guess then it will be Samoa Joe. I think this will be a fantastic match. There are a lot of big names in this match and I expect for it to be the match of the night, no questions asked. I can't wait!

Team Hogan will defeat Team Flair.
Stupid, dont care. No one has any real reason TO be fighting, besides Hogan and Flair, Abyss is fucking painfull to watch, Hardy and RVD are underbooked, and we have YET to hear ANYTHING from Sting. The only way this could be saved is if Sting turns on Flair, having used the whole thing as a set up. I guess that would be mildly nifty.

Anyway, some of the most shit, careless workes in all of the biz in this one, so it should be an abominable clusterfuck for the ages. Maybe mildly entertaining.
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