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TNA Has Died... Almost


Getting Noticed By Management
For the most part I wouldn't really say I was ever to much of a TNA fan, I was a fan of the old guys they had around just to see if they could make the show better, to be 100% honest I knew of TNA prior to Hogan but ignored it, and went back and watch old episodes leading up to the Hogan era. SO when I first started watching it I liked some of the young talent like Black Machismo, Hernandez, Beer Money and AJ Styles. Then over the time other wrestlers came in that I liked in the past like Hall, X-pac, and Anderson.
I watched and defended it against the WWE fans because they are blind they can't see the WWE doing the same thing. Old guys taking spots from young (example: Cole and Lawler match) this space could have been filled by better younger talent. More examples ( JR and Lawler vs Whoever, Bret Hart lame return to pretend wrestle) are they exactly the same, not really since sting is on TV every night and the main event. So you'll take that as not even close and run with it. But WWE has the Muppets...I'll take a wrestler over the muppets any day.
Now TNA is got boring beyond Tivo space, I found myself watching X factor with my wife over watching Impact wrestling....or is it TNA I am not sure any more either. It is called impact, the website says Impact but they can't get Kurt Angle a shirt that says it he is wearing TNA shirts. Even the morons at TNA/Impact aren't sure what it is. I heard someone call it a transition period, how long will that drag out. Remember when WWE did it, it was overnight.
TNA isn't worth watching because _____________________. I am sure many of the 10%ers will just say "it sucks" the classic moron anwser. But look at the big picture they're top star is over 40 and raging drunk, just see how many times his twitter has been hack ( note to Angle: Password, it's a good password), and his DUI's. For being a jerk and a drunk TNA has awarded him a championship title and a 3 year contact extension. Then their is the pot head RVD who will be back at the top again one day since he rarely loses matches, clean. Jeff Hardy with everything the Hardy's do you would think they would get this two guys out but no lets give them another chance. Then you take all the Mexicans and make them a stable....What is next taking the two black guys and making them a tag team....Ooops already did that too, They did it with the Europeans but broke that up are they trying to build different race stable to she what works?
I have a few question I don't understand...
Why isn't crimson in Ink Inc? ( he has tattoos)
Why are Devon and Pope a tag team? Is it a black thing or a testify thing?
Why take the BEST tag team in the company ( beer money) and break them up before their is a legit heir to the throne?
Why is drug and alcohol abuse awarded in TNA? are they fishing for Scott hall and Jake the Snake?
Why put AJ styles in a pointless stable that doesn't help their friend? ( Styles getting beat up by Lynn and Daniels)
This is probably most important question of all.
Why the hell would anyone waste their time watching TNA/Impact wrestling when you can read wrestlezone and see what is going to happen for the next 2-3 weeks in advance?
I have a few question I don't understand...
Why isn't crimson in Ink Inc? ( he has tattoos)

He doesn't have enough punk points. Also, I believe it's because he's currently getting built up as a singles star.

Why are Devon and Pope a tag team? Is it a black thing or a testify thing?

This one I'll give you; many promotions simply do not know how to market black stars without making "being black" the gimmick in and of itself.

Why take the BEST tag team in the company ( beer money) and break them up before their is a legit heir to the throne?

I wasn't aware that Beer Money had actually been broken up. I don't think they are. Are you making serious questions here?

Why is drug and alcohol abuse awarded in TNA? are they fishing for Scott hall and Jake the Snake?

What more do you want? Matt was fired and Jeff was cut from the schedule until he got his shit together. Angle's court case is up in the air, with his defense seemingly iron clad based on the laws of alcohol testing. Can't punish a guy for a crime he hasn't been punished for by the authorities. I think it's known that they have some problem children, but cutting them at the first sign of trouble is rather stupid. WWE lets the guys get a few chances; why aren't you calling for Riley and Santino to be fired as well?

Why put AJ styles in a pointless stable that doesn't help their friend? ( Styles getting beat up by Lynn and Daniels)

I can't speak on AJ. I'm not really a big fan of his, beyond one or two great matches I've seen from him well over a year ago. He's alright, in fact he's probably better than that. I'll agree the whole Fourtune/Immortal shit has been a fiasco, though.

This is probably most important question of all.
Why the hell would anyone waste their time watching TNA/Impact wrestling when you can read wrestlezone and see what is going to happen for the next 2-3 weeks in advance?

Why does anyone watch Smackdown when there are spoilers up days before? Answer: people like it. Sure, Impact Wrestling is far from perfect, but so is most everything else. I'm one of the first guys that will happily point out what TNA is doing wrong most of the time, but I'm not going to pretend like they are dead or dying when they are still doing fine. People put too much stock into ratings as being the be all end all measure of worth. Enough people like them and go to their shows to keep them in business. Isn't that enough? I get that you are trying to approach this from a slightly more mature angle than most, but this is still all fanboy hyperbole. It's a show. Get over it. If you don't like it, watch whatever you wish to with your wife. Not the end of the world, dude.
My opinion of TNA is this: look at WCW right around 2000 and then compare it to TNA. There you have it. History is repeating itself. Listen to the wrestlers, they're saying the same thing. They don't know what's going on half the time because they get 5 different answers from 5 different people. The old guys won't get out of the way. Same shit, different day. I'll admit, I enjoy watching Sting and the Knockouts, and I like some of the young guys(Styles, Morgan, Austin Aries), and Bully Ray is really good as a heel....but....other than that, they don't have a lot going for them right now. I hope they right the ship, but.....it's another wrestling organization getting money from a multi-milllion dollar corporation. We've seen this movie before.
Why isn't Crimson in Ink Inc? (he has tatoos)

Why would that make sense? Mr. Anderson has tatoos, would he fit well with Shannon Moore? How about Hernandez, Gunner, ODB?

Why are Devon and Pope a tag team? Is it a black thing or a testify thing?

A question that could have many answers, It could be that they have the same skin tone. It could have something to do with them having that program together a few months ago, or (like Air Boom) be two talent that creative just mashed together and it worked out .

Why take the best tag team in the company(beer money) and break them up before their is a legit heir to the throne?

I think someone hasn't watched Impact in a while. It seems that Beer Money is still together to me.

Why is drug and alcohol abuse awarded in TNA? are they fishing for Scott hall or Jake the Snake?

I haven't seen drug and alcohol abuse being rewarded, more so the talented wrestlers who do abuse substances being rewarded. Kurt Angle is the top guy in the company right now, and (innocent until proven guilty) has the title becuase of that. How long was it that Jeff was off TV? It took awhile becuase he needed to get his life straightened to do so. Unlike his brother, Jeff actually can draw and derserved to have a second chance.

Why put AJ styles in a pointless stable that doesn't help their friend? (Styles getting beat up by Lynn and Daniels

You answered your question inside your question. Fourtune is pointless as they really haven't done anything and the whole Immortal vs. Fourtune was a flop in every sense of the word.

Why the hell would anyone waste their time watching TNA/Impact wrestling when you can read wrestlezone and see what is going to happen for the next 2-3 weeks in advance?

Oh, I don't know, maybe it's the same reason people watch smackdown when they have spoilers for that too? The same reason people watch RAW when the results are posted the night of the event? The wrestling, the entertainment, the fact that they don't get some other guys possibly incorrect analysis of what's been happening?
Why do people watch TNA? Maybe because they like something other than WWE? I happen to enjoy TNA way more than WWE at the moment. What does WWE have going on that is so exciting, besides the CM Punk storyline? Yeah, absolutely nothing. Besides Punk's story, WWE is pretty boring. I'm enjoying see the "old farts" right now because once they're gone, it's gonna suck.

And i know for a fact that everyone who complains and cries about the Hogan's and Sting's still being active will complain about not seeing them anymore once they're gone. So enjoy them while you can. I sure do :)
Kizzani, no offense but what the hell have you been watching and thinking? you complain about Devon and Pope being a tag team because they are both black (oh no, two black wrestlers teaming together) but then you want to put Crimson with Ink Ink just because he has tats? Beer Money has not broken up and there is no reason to think that they are going to. If they wanted to do that, they just would have had James Storm turn on Bobby Roode this past Thursday. There is no reason why Roode can't become Champ and Beer Money remain a team - it is only those who believe the gospel according to Vince who think that a tag team must break apart when one member becomes World Champ. How is drug abuse being rewarded? Matt Hardy was fired, Jeff Hardy hasn't been on tv for months and Kurt Angle wasn't actually drunk. what's the reward? and don't think wwe hasn't rewarded people for bad behaviour - Orton was a true prick a few years back and they still pushed him. Shawn Michaels himself said he was a pain in the ass and yet look how his career went during the 90's. and as for the wwe transition being overnight, what transition are you talking about? yeah, they switch it up real fast when they want to but it took years to get from the attitude era to what we have now - nothing was overnight. even to get to the attitude era, it took a few months.

is TNA perfect? no, not even close. they have major creative issues and a lot of people on staff who should have been gone a long time ago. but you know what? wwe isn't perfect either. Cena is starting his 12 title reign. Odds are Orton will be starting yet another one within a couple weeks. they are rushing through a potentially great CM Punk story. the pg rating has nothing to do with it - vince is losing touch with his audience because he is not only aiming towards kids, he is catering towards them and making dumb decisions. at least tna is trying to be a more adult product. yes they need to make major changes and hopefully when october comes, bischoff and hogan will be gone and they will finally grow up and push their own guys like they should. the solution for you is simple - if you don't like it, keep watching x-factor. i have stopped watching wwe because i feel it isn't for me anymore. why put yourself through misery and watch tna if you don't like it?
My opinion of TNA is this: look at WCW right around 2000 and then compare it to TNA. There you have it. History is repeating itself. Listen to the wrestlers, they're saying the same thing. They don't know what's going on half the time because they get 5 different answers from 5 different people. The old guys won't get out of the way. Same shit, different day. I'll admit, I enjoy watching Sting and the Knockouts, and I like some of the young guys(Styles, Morgan, Austin Aries), and Bully Ray is really good as a heel....but....other than that, they don't have a lot going for them right now. I hope they right the ship, but.....it's another wrestling organization getting money from a multi-milllion dollar corporation. We've seen this movie before.

That is pretty much the entire reason I don't like TNA currently. They have all the aspects to be a unique brand, but they'd rather have H/B do a bad WCW impression. Not to mention they have some of the best wrestlers in the pro wrestling industry. But, since they aren't used, it's a well kept secret. The casual fan now would have no idea how talented the TNA originals are unless they watched old dvd's. TNA is quickly becoming what WCW was in the last few years before it was sold. H/B/R are calling the shots and letting their ego's blind them to how TNA should be run. Which is pathetic, b/c if changes aren't made, then we all know how this will end. Vince McMahon will own it, or let it go under completely. And if things aren't drastically changed, I wouldn't be sad to see it go. It's nice to have an alternative wrestling company, but TNA isn't even on WWE's level. Heck, I'd rather see ROH become the number two promotion if TNA can't get a handle on making terrible decisions...
I continue to watch TNA because it is a good company that deserves better than it's giving right now. Styles, Storm, Roode, Kaz, Daniels, Samoa Joe, etc have all worked extremely hard to help shape TNA into the Impact Wrestling product it is today. Their hard work should not be destroyed because Hogan/Bischoff/Russo made bad decisions that hurt the product. And Impact Wrestling can offer a great alternative to what WWE is doing. If they go back to emphasis on wrestling over entertainment, they can be great and carve out their own identity.

TNA is not dead and hasn't almost died either. It's simply a wrestling company that was sold on two people who claimed to be able to help. They didn't sadly. Add in Russo and his unorthodox booking methods and you get a horrible facsimile to WCW and not in a good way. Once the management changes, the booking improves, and IW uses their original creations, they'll improve by merit and hopefully take that next step in evolving into WWE competition that it can and should be.
The OP is a great example as to why Earth is a shithole. People see and believe they comprehend by sight only. But sight is just 1 of the 5 senses. It alone cannot explain to you the inner workings of an entire organization. But then again, how can a smark be a smark of he isn't speaking with his ass. Should Kurt have been fired or punished after his DWI? I don't know. Then again, that makes me question why we kept Bill Clinton after he had scandalous affairs with an intern. Why Cuba kept Fidel Castro even though he was being a Dick. They are showcases. You are a window shopper. You only see what's on display and have zero clue about product other than what's on showcase.

Don't like TNA? Tough noodles. It's not on primetime because of a government conspiracy. Some people like it. You know. Because people like to have a choice. And they choose TNA.
I dun no bro, TNA sux and died a lung teim ago, no 1 even watchez dis show now you no, its just like bad and gets worse an gets worse every teim I watchez it. I'ma read dem wreztlezones reports from now on do cuz u say dez betta den da show.

What is is, the 1 millionth "TNA is dying/dead" thread ever made? Stop talking about things you have no clue about OP.
I'm not even going to bother quoting individual parts of ... that ... and prove him wrong. He does it himself. Ugh, people like you are making all of the IWC look like a bunch of jobless, immature pricks who have nothing better to do than act like they know something when in actuality more than 80% of us have never been to an indy show let alone worked at one let alone worked for a major pro wrestling company. Even more than that don't have the education it would take to properly assess a company's well being and even if we did we still couldn't do it because TNA is a private company and they don't release any numbers and the very basis of every legit research are actual numbers and bonafide facts. Otherwise the research is thrown into the garbage. What you're providing is an opinion. A shitty one, too.

But, enough about that. I have only one thing to add.

Wow, I dont really think there is much need to stick the knife into the OP much more, you guys seem to have done the job for me. I would just add though that you really shouldnt call people 'morons' when your posting is so illiterate that its virtually impossible to read. I know we cant all be college professors but dont call people morons and then write like that.
Anyway, in an effort to keep a sensible discussion going. No TNA isnt dead, I think a couple of months ago maybe it's relatives were being called and told to expect the worst but since then it seems to have had a recovery of sorts added into this is the very strong possibility that Bishoff and Hogan are on their way out. I posted in another thread how I think that the Hogan gamble hasnt worked but I really do feel that maybe this is the positive move TNA needs. Hopefully the whole Immortal/Fortune thing will go away as a result and the younger guys (who are getting more of a chance in recent times) will be given that time to show their skills and run with the ball.
The OP....Wow, just go back to watching WWE.

Why isn't Randy Orton in Ink Ink? Ask yourself that question.

Why is it so hard to comprehend, POPE teaming with a guy who last time he was a singles wrestler went under the name REVEREND Devon. If you cannot put two and two together then I think WWE is the right show for you.

I'm not even going to bother watching the rest. If you don't like it, go turn the fucking channel. Nobody cares if you feel it's boring but it's far from dead considering it's been achieving positive reviews and doing everything the IWC wanted.

WWE is a fucking mess and you do not see me creating threads about "WWE is dying" despite the fact it's clear they are losing interest and will continue to bring in Rock, Stone Cold to attempt to keep people liking them.

TNA is currently pushing homegrown talent, doing some good storylines, pushing the PPVs correctly, touring, more wrestling adding less graphic content within their shows without going overboard.

If you honestly don't like it, just leave and stop watching. The simple fact, you posted a rant and it totally proves you do not watch the recent shows just prove your trolling.

My opinion of TNA is this: look at WCW right around 2000 and then compare it to TNA. There you have it. History is repeating itself.

Oh really? I thought WCW in 2000 was going downhill after being on top of the hill? TNA hasn't hit the top of the hill. WCW was a 16 year old company while TNA is a 9 year old company. Totally repeating itself, right?

Let's not forget the fact TNA has grown in many ways this year while in 2000, WCW was slowly falling off. Great logic.

The NBA is losing money, so let's compare it to WCW! right?
Listen to the wrestlers, they're saying the same thing. They don't know what's going on half the time because they get 5 different answers from 5 different people.
Listen to the wrestlers? Who the fuck said anything? You are creating shit.
The old guys won't get out of the way. Same shit, different day.
Isn't that the same shit WWE is doing with Mark Henry, John Cena, Randy Orton, Triple H, Kevin Nash, Undertaker, The Rock? ARE YOU SERIOUS?

I'll admit, I enjoy watching Sting and the Knockouts, and I like some of the young guys(Styles, Morgan, Austin Aries), and Bully Ray is really good as a heel....but....other than that, they don't have a lot going for them right now.
If you honestly have to admit, then you honestly need to fuck off and go back to the WWE forums. I understand this is a matter of opinion but for god sakes, you sound like a total mark that has to admit to enjoying something from another company. Which is pathetic.

Austin Aries, Bobby Roode, Crimson, Gunner isn't good enough?
I hope they right the ship, but.....it's another wrestling organization getting money from a multi-milllion dollar corporation. We've seen this movie before.
It's funny you should say that. Totally proving my point.

Let's take a look at WWE. They are losing ratings, they are losing attendance, they are drawing low buyrates, they are okay with going into DEBIT for a Network that most americans will not pay for. They also, removed Superstars because of low viewership. We've seen that before, right?

WWE totally has overbooked the main events of SummerSlam and Night Of champions. None of the storylines make sense like Nash texting himself through Triple H's phone. The conspiracy of ...What?

Tell me, what "Young Guy" that is being used greatly by WWE? Nobody seems to speak up when they run an angle we've seen done TWICE before with Sin Cara vs. Sin Cara despite the fact it is OBVIOUS who is the real one. Yet, Undertaker vs. Undertaker was done in 1995, Kane vs. Kane was done in 2006 and you are telling me they will be used better in WWE? While WWE loses money and convinces people like you that believe they are doing well? Lol

TNA has out drawn WWE's Live event attendance 5 times. TNA outdrew SmackDown's attendance TWICE in the same month but they are going down hill like WCW? :lmao:

I have no problem with WWE but if you honestly think they are doing anything better, you are not a smart individual.
WOW. just wow.

the OP diesnt even ask questions that make sense. shows you how much of impact wrestling he has watched latley. It has been a half decent show sunce destination X. At least it is better than what we were getting last year.
I haven't seen drug and alcohol abuse being rewarded, more so the talented wrestlers who do abuse substances being rewarded. Kurt Angle is the top guy in the company right now, and (innocent until proven guilty) has the title becuase of that. How long was it that Jeff was off TV? It took awhile becuase he needed to get his life straightened to do so. Unlike his brother, Jeff actually can draw and derserved to have a second chance.

Innocent Until Proven Guilty applies to a courtroom, not common sense. And even then, a person charged with a crime can spend years in jail before being convicted/acquited.

Plus, Angle has been charged multipe times over the past month and even more since he's been in TNA.

Also, RVD is open about his drug use, yet nothing has been done to him. They apparently haven't even told him to stop mentioning his pot use.

And this isn't Jeff's second chance, it's his 5th or 6th. I think that's the problem people have with his situation. This isn't one of those "give him a second chance" situations.
Innocent Until Proven Guilty applies to a courtroom, not common sense. And even then, a person charged with a crime can spend years in jail before being convicted/acquited.

Uh No. PLENTY PLENTY PLENTY of people are arrested, brought to court, charged and continue to live and go to court off and on until something is done. Only, murders are arrested and kept in jail until trials.

Plus, Angle has been charged multipe times over the past month and even more since he's been in TNA.
Multiple times ? Because It's been only one. I would know since I post news reports on one of the forums I run. Nice try.

Also, RVD is open about his drug use, yet nothing has been done to him.
Open? He hasn't said anything about weed since coming to TNA and if he did, it does not mean he's smoking it while working for the company. You can talk shit about RVD but the main puts business first. He's not some 20 year old kid going to smoke before and after a match.

They apparently haven't even told him to stop mentioning his pot use.
You apparently are making things up because there is no mention of this.
And this isn't Jeff's second chance, it's his 5th or 6th.

2004 - he walked out of the company in a controversial manner.

2011 - he pulled the infamous stunt at the PPV.

Those are TWO chances right there. Anything done in WWE does not count when it comes to TNA.

I think that's the problem people have with his situation. This isn't one of those "give him a second chance" situations.

I find it funny everyone isn't supposed to give him a shot while sports players are killing dogs, getting busted for roids and they can easily get a second chance.

Austin Aries got a second chance after he was fired for being a dick backstage and promoting ROH within the company. I guess, he shouldn't have gotten this 2nd chance right?
I've only been watching wrestling for two years and the omly reason I knew RVD smoked pot was during a reference on Impact.

Hardy was arrested. Does that not count as #3? #4 was the Southwest Airlines incident.

Angle was arrested in March and then again in September. That equals two. Its also his fourth since 07.

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