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The Band is TNA biggest thing going.

AJ Styles---average talent but is boring without Flair
The Pope---he is ok but is nothing more than a mid carder
Abyss--Hogan successfully destroyed his character just release him plz
Desmond Wolfe--????? why all the hype he isnt great at mic or ring skills.

Aj Styles vs The Pope match was last in the polls...........thats the next PPv main event? It cannot even beat out the knockouts or red/morgan vs mcmg match?

AJ Styles average? I wanted to stop reading right here and not even feed your troll self but i have too..

Pope only a mid carder? I think Russo might have more knowledge of wrestling booking than you..

Abyss- I agree, his character sucks..

Desmond Wolfe not great in the ring? You are seriously mentally ******ed if you don't think this guy is great. I take it you've only seen Impact since Hogan took over... because there is no way you saw his feud with Angle if you think he isn't good in the ring. Go to youtube and watch his ROH matches.. the guy is golden in the ring and brilliant on the stick..
The Band serves two purposes:

1. getting the younger and new talent over

2. getting newcomer fans to check out tna

At least, thats what they should be there for in my opinion.

Pope is definitely a superstar in the making.

I think Wolfe has the potential to be a great heel although his gimmick right now is just kind of "blah" to me.

Mr. Anderson is solid in the ring and excellent on the mic.

Matt Morgan has MONSTER potential and I really hope they push him properly.
I really think that the Band is not the biggest thing in TNA right now. The Band is just there to bring back the tag team division and start some new feuds with other tag teams in TNA. Other than that I think that's it. They get tons of attention, because of all the good promos that they cut. Their wrestling skills are kind of stale, but like I said The Band is just there to bring back the Tag Team division.
Ok what the hell are you smoking. Your mind is warped.

1 - The Band or the NWO Wolfpac as they are really called are not the biggest thing going in TNA. I have no idea where you got that. In WCW the NWO was the biggest thing because they took over the show. Now the Band is barley on.

2 - On your wrestlers. AJ is wonderful, he's terrible with Flair. He's not boring he is just bad. Pope I agree is average but has great mic skills. Wolfe on the other hand is where you are clearly wrong. Just watch some of his moves in the ring, hes a technician not a high flyer. As for his mic skills, hes actually pretty good. He's better than Hernandez or Rob Terry. Abyss is just dead weight now. TNA won't release him, but after Hogan leaves in December, Abyss needs to go back to his old self.

I think Anderson is great, but he's not the savior of TNA. I think that goes to Hardy or RVD just because of how over they are with the fans.

All of the fussing of the internet fans in these forums about all the old guys? I am tired of it. Your misguiding a small crowd that may believe Aj Styles and these young guys could possibly be even a small amount of interesting..lol

look on the TNA website the current poll is what match was your favorite from TNA Impact and guess who is winning?

THE BAND vs Team 3D....with 672

They even beat out Angelina Love vs Velvet Sky which suprises me even.

It is clearly a fan base wanting to see the band and these old guys. No matter how fat Scott Hall is or how slow Nash is or even how bad Syxx Pac is on the mic. The TNA fan base knows its still more interesting than AJ,The Pope,Wolfe or Abyss.

I've said it before the old guys are the only thing keeping TNA remotely interesting. They still have no chance in hell of beating WWe just because WWE has a loyal fan base and has been around for years.

I think TNA is miles ahead of WWE myself but if those old guys like Sting,RVD,Hogan,Flair and of course the band left I would go with them.

Other than the band Mr. Anderson is the TNA savior....

Sooner or later Bishoff and Hogan will have to get on "The Band" wagon yes pun intended and regroup the best stable in wrestling. Have them take over TNA with Dixie and Jeff doing there best to fight them off.......

AJ Styles---average talent but is boring without Flair
The Pope---he is ok but is nothing more than a mid carder
Abyss--Hogan successfully destroyed his character just release him plz
Desmond Wolfe--????? why all the hype he isnt great at mic or ring skills.

Its just ashame they are not using one of thier best mic guys Raven.....

Old TNA guys are whats keeping the other wise uninteresting company floating!!

Hall vs Aj Styles for the TNA title would be awesome..lol

but seriously what do you guys think? How can you disagree really?

Aj Styles vs The Pope match was last in the polls...........thats the next PPv main event? It cannot even beat out the knockouts or red/morgan vs mcmg match?
Best thing going in TNA? Not near it. And I'm still a HUGE mark for the nWo.

Times have changed.

And let's get one thing straight, with or without syxx-pac, honestly the guy is a non-issue, he doesn't matter. But if Hall/Nash want to be a group - The Band is nothing without Hogan aligned with them.

I think they can be quite entertaining and useful if Hogan turned heel, took a dark control of the company and used Hall/Nash as his way to get his point across in the ring. Body guards, go to men, kinda how Beer Money is for Bischoff.

Let them stand one on each side of his desk, all 3 in dark shades when someone comes into his office to voice a concern, etc. I think it would be quite entertaining and I think it's a helluva a lot better than what the 3 are doing now. The Band ....do they even get t.v anymore? And Hogan...I miss Hollywood, I miss the beard, the red and yellow has to go, it's not 85.
So no one knows why THE BAND is not known as the WOLFPAC in TNA anymore?? I thought the WWE didn't own the Wolfpac trademark...?
Guess they do. Oh well...

Looks like Eric Young will be the third guy to show up with them during the next set of tuesday tapings (they're never booked for live episodes if you've noticed)
Guess they do. Oh well...

Looks like Eric Young will be the third guy to show up with them during the next set of tuesday tapings (they're never booked for live episodes if you've noticed)

oh for goodness sake, no more Eric Young. this guy fucking blows. i was happy as hell that Nash turned on him and powerbombed his ass. if there in fact is gonna be a third member to replace Pac, why not Matt Morgan ? I think this storyline TNA is using with him selecting a new tag partner every week to defend his tag titles is bullshit. if you can't find a replacement for Hernandez, strip him of the belts ! shit, poor Doug Williams gets stuck in Europe and they stripped him of his X-Division title while he had it in his luggage, lmao. Teams like Beer $$ and MCMG would be better suited as TNA Tag Team Champs. getting back to the Blueprint, since Hogan & Flair have been given teams, why not include The Band ? Those NWO guys still attract alot of attention and have a shit load of fans everywhere they go. i think plugging in a young, big s.o.b like Morgan with the Wolfpac would fit perfectly and should increase everyone's interests in their fued with those fat slobs 3D
Was rather happy to see The Band back together. Somehow, I prefer seeing old stables back rather than individual wrestlers. Imagine signing scott and no sean or vice versa. But yeah, for the TNA "shakeup", this is the best thing for me now. And the Nasty Boys sucked =/
oh for goodness sake, no more Eric Young. this guy fucking blows. i was happy as hell that Nash turned on him and powerbombed his ass. if there in fact is gonna be a third member to replace Pac, why not Matt Morgan ? I think this storyline TNA is using with him selecting a new tag partner every week to defend his tag titles is bullshit. if you can't find a replacement for Hernandez, strip him of the belts ! shit, poor Doug Williams gets stuck in Europe and they stripped him of his X-Division title while he had it in his luggage, lmao. Teams like Beer $$ and MCMG would be better suited as TNA Tag Team Champs. getting back to the Blueprint, since Hogan & Flair have been given teams, why not include The Band ? Those NWO guys still attract alot of attention and have a shit load of fans everywhere they go. i think plugging in a young, big s.o.b like Morgan with the Wolfpac would fit perfectly and should increase everyone's interests in their fued with those fat slobs 3D

I agree, although I think Young could go far, he's not a good fit for the Band. Morgan would be a great fit considering he's already a heel..

I didn't know that Pac would be replaced for good, is he officially off TNA?
The fact that TS is posting about RAVEN as the best mic skills is sad. Raven hasn't had mic skillls since ECW, because ECW had ZERO talent on the mic. Also Flair is there because of AJ. I agree with Abyss, but don't cut him, he is a good talent, just use him in the proper manner. Just get eazy e to get some good stories goin. The band would be good if they had just HALL and NASH, also get Kid to be just Kid aka 123 Kid. 4 LIFE. Just my 2 cents.
glad to see my boys from the NWO are the new TNA Tag Champs ! Morgan walking around with 2 belts was foolish looking. well i can't wait to see next week's Impact
"The Band", the name needs a change...but the fellows in it are still better than ever. Is it me or does Kevin Nash have a strong resemblance to Wade Garrett from "Road House"? Badass.

The Dudley Boys or "Team 3D" need to get lost. They chuck the Nasty Boys but keep the Dudley Boys? They're the same! At least the Nasty Boys had Jimmy Hart on camera...

Glad the Wolfpac are getting a decent push again. I like Beer Money (even though I think the name is beyond stupid) and the Motor City Machine Guns are great too...the name's alright...much better than Beer Money...but they don't really talk at all...they should utilize the good tag teams they have in there. Bring back some of the stuff that WWE ruined. The Global Championship needs another name change...what's the difference between Global and World? They need some kind of Intercontinental Belt and actually use it. The WWE pretty much made that belt useless. You're better off without it than with it these days...

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