TNA Filming iMPACT! from Wembley Arena in London on 1/28

It's Damn Real!

The undisputed, undefeated TNA &
Per Dixie Carter's Twitter account:

BIG NEWS FOR TNA. We will film Impact from Wembley Arena in London on 1/28! Cannot tell you how excited I am! Details to follow. PLS RT
Wow. That's a pretty big arena.

But TNA is popular over here, so they'll no doubt pull it off.
Awesome!!! Just checked for tickets and i can only get upper floor seats (That was when it was just a house show) so now that its been confirmed as a TV taping those will sell for sure. It should be full of fans wish it was closer to home though as i would have gone.
I think I'd rather see a house show. Those last two were top notch. Impact? More variable.

I dunno, they'll likely pull out all the stops for their British faithful.

Supposing they can fill Wembley.

Surely that'll be an attendance record for them?
They already came close to filling Wembley Arena, which is their existing attendance record. I helped them accomplish that; I was there. For the record.

Also, the distinction between Wembley Arena and Wembley Stadium should be made before anybody makes themselves look a bit silly. Wembley Stadium is much, much larger.
This will either have great rewards or will not work out well for them.

It's always great to see TNA expand into other countries but thats a 12,500 seat arena, TNA has never done half that at any point in their existence. They are popular over there and I wish them the best, I guess only time will tell to see if it was a good idea or not.
Their house shows there have been OK. The last one was pretty shoddy but the two prior to that were great. This is what I get for deciding not to go this year. I'm kind of glad. Impact will probably suck. The matches just won't be as good.
I knew it. How could they pass up the Maximum Impact tour without one Impact episode? It's their best thing going ticket sales-wise.
Well they passed it up two years in a row. This was going to happen eventually. They need to bring a PPV over here.
Well they passed it up two years in a row. This was going to happen eventually. They need to bring a PPV over here.

How would they do a PPV over here? Make it a free special on Spike like the UFC events in England? Or do it live at 1am so they can still sell the PPV in the US.

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