TNA Filming (1/28) iMPACT! From Wembley Arena in London!


Occasional Pre-Show
I'm not particularly sure how many episodes of Impact they'll be taping (I'd assume two), but it's going to take place on January 28th at Wembley Arena in London. Dixie announced it on Twitter this afternoon.

Obviously, this is a pretty big deal for TNA. I've seen some YouTube footage of their house shows over in England and the crowds are usually red hot. I can say with a lot of certainly that the shows at Wembley will be a lot better than the shows at the Impact Zone.

I'm really excited for this. I'm really hoping that we get at least one television taping a month from TNA in 2012. As most people can tell, there's a huge difference between the shows in Orlando and the shows that were taped on the road.
Not only are the UK crowds hot, but TNA draws and is supported heavily there, which should make for a tremendous television product — miles greater than what they are able to put together at the iMPACT! Zone. I'd imagine a lot of fans are going to be shocked at the response TNA gets. This is tremendous news.
This is tremendous news for TNA. TNA is very popular over in the UK and the Wembley arena is home to TNA's largest attendance ever with around 10,000 for a house show. The crowds should be electric and it will make for a great atmosphere and any time that TNA can tape outside of Impact zone and tape a show on the road that is a huge plus and it makes for better and more enjoyable shows I can't wait to see how his will look on TV.
THIS IS GOING TO LOOK EMBARRASSING FOR iMPACT wRESTLING, unless they csan draw 20-30 thousand people. On tv, when an arena looks empty, it makes the product look second rate. Maybe Dixie will be smart and give away tickets to the show, hell thats what they do at Impact. A company needs revenue streams, giving away tickets to tv shows is ridiculous but TNA have an inclination to burn money. I really hope these tapings do well for TNA, hell Id suggest they go there once a month, film all four episodes of Impact for the month and hold the ppv in a 20k arena in the US. This way, fans only have 12 opportunities to see TNA live in the States, if there product look sprofessional at Impact, ticket sales will increase. England is a hotbed for old WWE talent, so they will need to flood their card with former rubbish broken down WWE talent to draw crowds. This in turn will destroy the product too, so good luck Impact Wrestling
It's going to look embarrassing for Imapct if they don't draw 20k-30k? Were the Impact shows that were taped other than Orlando perceived as an embarrassment? I certainly don't think so. They draw 10k for house shows. That's a fine number itself. I would imagine they would get more than that for a television taping. TNA is a hot commodity in the U.K..

I don't see how doing live tapings in England correlates to the destruction of TNA. I can't see how this can't be anything but a good thing for TNA.

What makes you think TNA will have to give away a lot of tickets?
Some of you guys are thinking of the wrong arena


That's Wembley Stadium that has a capacity of 90K this isn't the place where they are holding the Imapact tapings.


That is Wembley arena it has a capacity of 12,500 this is where they will be doing the Impact taping and as of today the only tickets left are upper floor tickets which they should be able to sell now because of it being confirmed as a TV taping.

Anyway this is going to be great for TNA us fans over here in the UK are always hot crowds and hell i would have gone if it wasn't far away.
Oh how I've longed for this day!

Thank you TNA!

For the last few years, I've been seeing the rabid UK crowds (that are also MUCH larger than their typical American crowds) and wondered why they didn't just tape a show or two here. Hell, they have such a large fanbase, throw an entire PPV and it'll be their biggest yet!

The only downside is that being located in the Midlands, I went and booked tickets for the Nottingham show instead *sigh*.

Even so, I can't wait to see the Wembley taping air. You Americans are gonna freak at the difference we make!
I wish TNA would do this for all Impacts and PPVs. The Impact Zone crowd either cheers everybody without regard for their face/heel status or doesn't react at all. TNA's Final Resolution PPV last month was sabotaged by the dead crowd.

I don't think it would be a good idea for TNA to do a PPV in the UK. If it airs on tape delay, the spoilers will already be all over the Internet which would make the buyrate even worse. If they air it live in the US, it will either air in the afternoon or it will have to start at 1 AM in the UK.
It's been confirmed they're filming two episodes of Impact from this event.

Something tells me they'll hot-shot a title change. Any time they go to a big arena, they prepare a massive twist and a title change.

Last March they were in an arena, Sting came back and won the title.

Last October they were in an arena, Bobby Roode betrayed James Storm and won the title.
If the are planning on having a new wrestler come in this would be the place to do it. They will get the proper reaction and it would come off as a big deal.

DH Smith
Chris Masters
John Morrison

I expect one of those names at this taping.

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