****tish much?

Dark Blaze

Say what I want, when I want.
So today, I saw 2 of my exes, both came to visit me at my house (I love being on vacation). These were 2 girls who gave me so much stress when I was actually with them, one came over earlier in the day and we spent alot of time holed up in my room, until the other called my phone (the one that was on me at the time saw, so that kinda killed the mood, whatever), we still continued a bit 'til she left.

Less than 30 minutes later, the other ex comes to visit me, and I kiss her, would have done more but she had to rush to a class...anyway...

For doing those things with two different girls in less than a span of an hour, and having a girlfriend....am I a ****?:headscratch:
Just wanna add that those two girls both cheated on me on multiple occasions when we were together:p
So cheating on YOUR girlfriend is a good way to get back at them?

Yeah, that's the little tidbit that makes me feel guilty:p

But that relationship's been breaking up for quite a while, I just don't wanna end it 'cause the last time I did, and I swore not to do it again...I hate breaking promises really. Stupid reason I know. I'm a bad badd person.
Fuck, here comes another time where I contemplate whether or not to break up with her...I hate break ups with a passion:(
But you thought it necessary to break trust rather than break a promise?

More like going to someplace where I felt happy, I feel happier being single, but there are times I just want a relationship and I think I rush into one...which I did here....and now I'm regretting it.
Blaze.. I just want to point out that even though your ex's cheated on you.. kissing and/or doing stuff with both of them now, whilst cheating on your current girlfriend isn't getting back at your ex's. Its actually hurting your current (faithful?) girlfriend.

Its human nature to have impulses. Its whether or not you follow those impulses. Everyone looks, but only a select few go beyond that into touching.
Yeah Will, I get what you, Ricky & Polley are saying but those exes were special, one was my first girl I ever felt so strongly for, the other was my most recent ex, which was my longest lasting relationship, successful 'til the point of cheating.

It's not that I don't like my current, it's just that most of the damn time she pisses me off, there are the good times with her, and the really bad times and I just don't know what the hell to do.

The first time I broke up with her was because we were just getting on each other's nerves, I thought I was ok about it, but then I felt so damn guilty that I had to get back with her, and I don't want that.

I don't know what the fuck to do.
It doesn't really sound to me like you have to worry about making a decision. As soon as girlfriend finds out what you did, she'll be making the decision for ya.
It doesn't really sound to me like you have to worry about making a decision. As soon as girlfriend finds out what you did, she'll be making the decision for ya.

Lol, don't think I'd mind that much, would make it easier for me. But whatever, imma do it later, gone to take a nap....later all...see ya in the LD.

Btw, thanks everyone.
I slept with three girls in the last 2 months. Afterwards, they get back with their exs. They only wanted me for my legendary penis. I am a ****.
So Derf is a sexy doofus with a legendary penis.

Twenty years from now, he's gonna be a tall tale as famous as Paul Bunyan. We'll all tell our grandchildren the story of Derf, the sexy doofus with the legendary penis. They say he sweat straight vodka, and slept with thousands of women. They say George Lucas got the idea for Star Wars by listening to Derf talk in his sleep, and if you put a phonograph needle to his nipple, it'd play Come on Eileen by Dexy's Midnight Runners.
Hopefully, but she didn't have an outburst like I thought she would.

All she asked me was why I lied to her (because she had asked me a few weeks ago if i was with her for wanting to be with her or because she asked for a second chance) I explained why...and all she said was "that's ok lauric". Freaked me out a bit.

The last time, she cussed me up, called me selfish etc.
So today, I saw 2 of my exes, both came to visit me at my house (I love being on vacation). These were 2 girls who gave me so much stress when I was actually with them, one came over earlier in the day and we spent alot of time holed up in my room, until the other called my phone (the one that was on me at the time saw, so that kinda killed the mood, whatever), we still continued a bit 'til she left.

Less than 30 minutes later, the other ex comes to visit me, and I kiss her, would have done more but she had to rush to a class...anyway...

For doing those things with two different girls in less than a span of an hour, and having a girlfriend....am I a ****?:headscratch:

Um no. I'm a ****. I slept with my ex, and then a chick who I was screwing around with, and two cougars all within the span of 8 hours. And that was just THAT time. lol
Blaze69 I dont think that makes you a ****, I think it makes you a pimp. You are now my idol. :)

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