Time to step up


Dark Match Jobber
Do you think TNA stars LAX, the naturals, Sonjay Dutt, Diamonds in the Rough, and many others are stepping up.

I think the TNA Tag Title division and the X-divisions have evolved.


Superficial Onion Bless
It's not about LAX stepping up. TNA simply needs to give Homicide 15-30 minutes with guys like Ki, Joe, Daniels, Styles, etc. AKA, guys Homicide has been working with for the last few years on the independant scene. Homicide is getting the Austin Aries treatment and it sucks.

Sonjay Dutt is going to get pushed to the moon in TNA, as before Slammaversary; he was just kinda there. Now he's just behind Low Ki (Senshi) for the X-Division title.

As for the tag division. I don't see The Naturals holding the tag belts until Styles/Daniels drop them. The way for the tag division to step up is to bring back a team that's evolved into THE best tag team in the world today. The ROH world tag team champions, Austin Aries and Roderick Strong. If I were TNA, I'd also try to acquire the services of Jay and Mark Briscoe, the Briscoe Brothers. That would be quality tag team wrestling.

Diamonds In the Rough are alright, but TNA needs to let Elix Skipper back into the X-Division.
The guys who need to step up inTNA are guys like Monty Brown. The younger guys like Sonjay and the Naturals are the future of TNA and will get their shots. They always bring 100% every time. Its guys like Brown and others who don't have a lot of ability in the ring who need to improve their skills in order to have better matches.
I think they are starting to push some of the younger stars now in TNA for example Senshi.

I don't know how successful they will be, there needs to be a fine balance between pushing new stars and the more established ones in my opinion.

Time will tell I guess!
It's not a matter of Senshi/Low-Ki being pushed. If he didn't dedicate most of his time in the last few years to Pro Wrestling NOAH in Japan, he'd have been X-Division champion many times by now and you would have probably seen the Ki/Joe face off that was one of the greatest matches in ROH history.

The only names in TNA that really need to "step up" are Brown, Team 3D, and Roode.

Jarrett and Sting should just hang it up.
Sting yes Jarrett no , i am sorry Jarrett still has years in the tank yes he does need to prove to us again he is worth our time corrnette can place him at the bottom and he has to work his way all the back to the top, the king can get knocked off the top only to want to climb back to the top even more
cosmonaut said:
The only names in TNA that really need to "step up" are Brown, Team 3D, and Roode.

Yes bobby roode does need a push he's got a mean look
don't be surprised to see him leave team canada 4 better things.

anyone else think coach d'amore needs a push?:lmao:

cosmonaut said:
It's not a matter of Senshi/Low-Ki being pushed. If he didn't dedicate most of his time in the last few years to Pro Wrestling NOAH in Japan, he'd have been X-Division champion many times by now and you would have probably seen the Ki/Joe face off that was one of the greatest matches in ROH history.

The only names in TNA that really need to "step up" are Brown, Team 3D, and Roode.

Jarrett and Sting should just hang it up.

I agree with you about JJ and Sting feud because it is getting old
BUT these are the guys that are going to get the people flipping channels and say "hey thats Sting, or whats jarrett doing (love or hate him) on here" TNA really needs these guys to carry the weight at least until the ratings hit 2.0 AND definatly if they start touring for PPVs in other arenas, Im sorry but im not going to spend $20 a ticket for people i dont know, Hell I really wouldent do it for smackdown or ecw either!
Akine82 said:
Sting yes Jarrett no , i am sorry Jarrett still has years in the tank yes he does need to prove to us again he is worth our time corrnette can place him at the bottom and he has to work his way all the back to the top, the king can get knocked off the top only to want to climb back to the top even more

Sting is only there until the end of 2006!! Lets enjoy him while we still can!
JJ i will agree with you! He is awsome but I honestly think he needs to go back to the X-d to show people he is for real, AND put the guitar away for a while
YES YES AND YES Doublej_tna is right about that JJ X-Divsion champion, and he earned it the hard way
Jeff Jarrett is absolutely terrible. His in ring ability is almost non existant, and I'd rather watch a potato with a mic than one of his promos. At least potatoes taste good.

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