LAX, MCMG, & Dutt Leaving?

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SmackDown! is MY Show
Source: Wrestling Observer Newsletter

Several TNA wrestlers have expressed about leaving the company as of late. Those wrestlers include Homicide, Hernandez, Sonjay Dutt, Chris Sabin and Alex Shelley.

Upper management has asked all of them to stay until the two hour shows start (tapings are being held this Monday and Tuesday), at which point they'll get more television time.

A few of the wrestlers in question are interested in leaving TNA for Japan.

I have to say that TNA has turned LAX into a jobbers and same thing with the MCMG. Lets face it Dutt is nothing more than a jobber and only appears to help out Machismo. I for one be pissed about these 5 going well mainly the LAX and MCMG as i have never been real high on Dutt but he is a solid performer so that be a loss for TNA.

LAX has been on the downfall ever since they lost the tag team titles to Team 3D at Lockdown. Then Konnan leaves and LAX gets buried and now they job and Homicide and Hernandez are awesome performers and deserve a spot where they can shine just not put over the Dudleys and Steiners as well the same for the MCMG.

Both Shelly and Sabin have been pushed to doing dark matches and not even appear on TV. Hell Sabin was the X division champ for the early part of the year and since then he is no where to been.

It amazes me how TNA will go out of their way to put teams like Dudley's and Steiners over when teams like LAX and the MCMG are the future and put on a better show. Hopefully with the extra time they get to shine as that be a big loss if they go.
If LAX and MCMG do leave I hope they go to ROH, the ROH crowds love all four of these guys and ROH will put these guys in great matches, gotta say if they are allowed to leave it will not make me a happy fan, cause I don't want to watch Team PACMAN, VKM, Team 3D, or the Steiners, those teams are all bland, boring and past their primes, TNA really needs to rake advantage of LAX and MCMGs as they are the future of the company's tag division imo,

Dutt, well meh, I don't know what TNA could really do with him, other than have him in supporting roles, I don't think he would be missed if he left, most of the jtime I forget he's even there till someone mentions him
I am not shocked about LAX seeing how (according to older reports) they were considering to call it quits along with Konnan, however Konnan suggested to not follow his decision and to stay with TNA.

It's a shame that one of TNA's actual creative stables, LAX was demolished and most likely soon to be vanished.
I don't really see anything coming from this story. We have constantly heard of stories of top tna stars wanting to leave. Christopher Daniels name was floating around a few months back and Senshi. You hear so many of these stories mostly nothing ever comes of it. The last set of realeses didn't really affect tna at all.
If all the stories of tna stars wanting to leave had merit than over half the roster woud be gone. Also, if they really do want to leave because of lack of tv time, then they will likey stay because of the 2 hours.
I think we all can understand that we have heard rumors like this for months now that several stars have been unhappy, but this is when we can start to see who is serious and who is not. With the 2nd hour coming up we will see if NA lives up to its promises to its stars and if does i think we could see these 5 be quit but if not they could very well leave.

Now again these are rumors but once that 2nd hour is here we shall see who is really serious bout staying and going. But LAX & MCMG but a huge loss
I think that once the two hour shows start going, LAX, MCMG, and Dutt will have more screen time, but TNA will just job out LAX to like The Steiners, and MCMG to 3D or VKM, and Dutt will just follow Machismo to the ring. I think they all are going to leave, if they do, they have a few options,
ROH: They are always loved in ROH, and could go back like that.
or, WWE: Like in The WWE forum, at the UWF (I think) Show recently, TNA stars and WWE Stars were not only at the same place but they were wrestling each other, I think WWE is looking for X-Division Stars for the cruiserweight division (Dutt) and The Tag Team division needs work (LAX and MCMG) it could be their time to shine, but i'm not sure that WWE would use them right, and might give them dumb gimmicks, so its kind of unsure either way...
WWE: I think WWE is looking for X-Division Stars for the cruiserweight division (Dutt) it could be his time to shine, but i'm not sure that WWE would use them right, and might give them dumb gimmicks, so its kind of unsure either way...

I'm realitivly new to these forums and have never posted before, but this thread got my attention. I for one would not be supprised if Dutt was to leave TNA and jump ship to WWE, that they might put him in some dumb angle with The Great Kahli since they are both currently the only 2 Indian Starts on the 2 major promotions (TNA/WWE). Now, I think Dutt is a very talented smaller wreslter, but to pair him up with that no talent wanna be wrestler?
I'm realitivly new to these forums and have never posted before, but this thread got my attention. I for one would not be supprised if Dutt was to leave TNA and jump ship to WWE, that they might put him in some dumb angle with The Great Kahli since they are both currently the only 2 Indian Starts on the 2 major promotions (TNA/WWE). Now, I think Dutt is a very talented smaller wreslter, but to pair him up with that no talent wanna be wrestler? If they do, heres what Dutt should do to Vince. :dark2:

well let me be the first to welcome you to WrestleZone, these are the best wreslting forums i've seen, anyway, ya, thats probably wat would happen, and if Samoa Joe went over there, he'd probably end up teaming with Umaga or something stupid.
Meh. I dont care. I'd much rater see them in companys that will showcase them properly. If Hernandez leaves I can certainly see WWE being intrested. Dont think they would ebe intrested in any of the others though. It's just a shame that Shelley & Sabin probably wont team with each other if they go to different companies, at least not frequently.

Maybe TNA will take the hint and promote some stars that can carry the company into the future, instead of quick fix wrestlers like Rhodes, Rikishi etc.
I'm in two minds about this one. On one hand, I'd rather they not be in a place where they're going to be jobbing to VKM (VKM! Jesus Christ!), but on the other, I'd rather they'd stay in a place where I can watch them every Saturday night.

Now that they've done this, maybe TNA will come through with the promise of giving them some more exposure. I think that LAX are a very popular tag team, and they're just being pissed on after all the years of hard work they've put in on TNA. It's like, "OK, we have the ratings, you can piss off now, I think I can see Rikishi coming." MCMG are very talented, they could be (or maybe already are, in the Impact Zone) the next Styles/Daniels. They're real up-and-comers. As for Dutt, that guy is definitely talented, that's for sure, but TNA doesn't have much invested in him, nor do any of the TNA fanboys even. Unless they're planning something with him, he's got fuck all leverage. He could be big, if they put the X Division back together, but right now he's not.
What needs to be realized is that TNA cannot "push" every single wrestler and every single stable every single week. TNA has always booked similar to the way they are now. Give someone a decent push, and then use them to give someone else a decent push, while having the first kind of fade into the background for a while. It is good booking, for a company who only has an hour each week to promote to the next PPV. It gives each performer exposure and credibility, without really hurting them.

Take LAX for example. Look how strong they were booked in 2006. They won numerous tag titles, and were one of the biggest things in wrestling. Fans respect them, know they are good, and want to see them. However, to give others a push too, they kind of moved them to the background. But, ask yourself this question. Has LAX been in a feud that they constantly put over another team? No, of course not. TNA is not burying LAX, they are just kind of putting them on the backburner.

Same goes with MCMG and Dutt. Alex Shelley got a HUGE push in 2006. First with the camera deal with Jarrett and Sting, then with Paparazzi Productions. Chris Sabin was multiple time X-Division champion in 2006 alone.

Those guys got their pushes, and now they are kind of fading in the background for now. But, there will be a time again, where they get their next push.

It's not really that uncommon of booking.

As far as them leaving, it would be silly for them to leave, and personally, I think this report is probably B.S., and just a "reporter" injecting their own opinion into something. It's kind of funny that no one ever talks about the interview that was done with James Storm in which he said that morale in TNA isn't that bad, nor the writing Samoa Joe did where he says just because he doesn't refute rumors, doesn't mean they are true.

Again, I'm calling B.S. on this one.
I think that the WWE should sign LAX and MCMG to amp up their tag division. Raw took all the tag teams away from Smackdown and now the only legit team that Smackdown has is Deuce and Domino. They should bring in LAX as faces and let them feud with Deuce and Domino for the tag titles. I also think that the MCMG should be brought in to create a tag division in ECW to make ECW more entertaining.
I think that the WWE should sign LAX and MCMG to amp up their tag division. Raw took all the tag teams away from Smackdown and now the only legit team that Smackdown has is Deuce and Domino. They should bring in LAX as faces and let them feud with Deuce and Domino for the tag titles. I also think that the MCMG should be brought in to create a tag division in ECW to make ECW more entertaining.

I was thinking the same thing except for mcmg in ecw (when they took the majors off they ended any plan of tag teams on that show) I think both could be brought to smackdown to get the tag team division rolling again, especially since the majors aren't being pushed at all.

I personally think all the wrestlers who want out should get out. Even if WWE doesn't sign them they could atleast go back to ROH or something.

And TNA isn't putting guys on the "backburner" which is obvious by the fact they're signig every wwe reject there is. They just don't want to push there originals anymore
ya im calling a B.S on this one too, we've seen so many rumours like this and if all of them were true then i doubt TNA would still have so many of their roster...

and they arent getting buried, like sly said, they just arent being used at the moment, 2006 was a great run for shelly, sabin, and LAX... i hope that with the 2 hours we start seeing more of them again, and im 99% sure TNA will back up what they said and give their other talents more tv time with the 2 hours

u dont think TNA wants to show off their x division?? why do u think that at ppvs the x division always gets a great match?, they just dont have build ups cuz they only have 1 hour to focus on the heavyweight belt, with that being said, im certain that TNA will give the MCMG and LAX another decent push next year, they realize how talented these guys are and i doubt they would trade them for steiners, 3D, and VKM....

oh as for dutt, with this new gimmick i can easily see a feud between him and black machismo in the future, like maybe next year, dutt always gets the crowd pumped in his matches, sure most of the x division does that but i think he stands out from some of the guys there, i really enjoy dutts matches hes probably one of the best x divisioners in TNA i hope he gets a decent push in the future....
The one thing i hate about TNA is kevin nash and the fact that he thinks that the x division needs gimmicks to get over, they have a style that can be used again and again to show how damn good they are, give these guys more time and more promos, then see what they can do create more feuds and better storylines for example they put the black machismo over when he pinned angle clean and what did they do after made him job like an idiot on impact next week its stupid and they need to start thinking about more long term storylines, lets just hope they push these guys better if they stay if not maybe they will be a better asset to the wwe.
There's also good wrestlers who I like 2 see that are practically turned into glorified jobbers....AJ Styles & Petey Williams. It would really suck if those previously mentioned left TNA. I want TNA 2 succeed badly. I don't have ROH where I reside.
The problem I see with the guys who are complaining and wanting to leave is that they are very replaceable. I don't see any reason why any of the four couldn't be huge stars as LAX was crazy over and The MCMG's are one of the best teams out there but, if TNA were to let all four of them go how hard would it be the find replacement's for them? In all honesty not very hard. The one problem with TNA is that not one star has step out of the pack. A.J. Styles and Samoe Joe seemed like they were but they kinda just seem there as well. It might not be a terrible idea for TNA to let some guys go and take their chances at developing some new talent former WWers or Indy wrestlers.
TNA would have to be completely idiotic to let any of these guys go. All the wrestlers mentioned are synonymous with TNA. I have nothing against TNA developing or pushing former WWE talent, but I think it's crucial for TNA to give the same push to their "home grown" talent. LAX, MCMG and Dutt are some of the best young talent out there today and TNA needs to hold onto them by whatever means necessary.
Apparently, TNA is only interested in old, crappy WWE wrestlers now. That promo time that VKM used to say they are "serious now" could've been used on a team that people care about (LAX, MCMG, anyone else). That shit was lame. Why the hell did they think Rikishi was a good idea? He sucks! I used to look forwared to Impact every week and now it's becoming as dumb as RAW. With the exception of Judas and Jimmy Rave, the guys they've brought in lately have been washed up trash.:twocents:
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