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Time for Matt Hardy to be given a BIG Push

I agree 100%. Matt Hardy deserves a huge push. I thought it would happen back when he had that feud with Edge back in 2005? If WWE wants to keep Matt Hardy from jumping to TNA with Jeff, they need to do something with him now. Matt is one of the hardest workers in the WWE, and he is long overdue for a world title reign. Not only is he one of the best in-ring performers the WWE has, he is one of the nicest guys you will ever meet. I had the opportunity to meet him about a year ago, and he was so full of life. I think that if there is one performer the WWE should push to the moon, it shouldnt be Kofi, or Sheamus, or McIntyre, But it should be Matt Hardy V1.
When it comes down to whom I think should get a push into the main event, I always ask myself one question. That question usually sets aside the real players from the pretenders and that question is "Would I buy it?". I personally think that the matt Hardy situation is one that will never improve. He has been in the doldrums of the WWE for over 10 years now and he is is likely going to miss his chance. He reminds me a lot of Kane at this stage in his career. Of course, Matt still has a lot of his career to go but I don't think he is ever likely to get that final push into the main event. This is a shame because I think that I would buy him going into the main event. I could see him going up against Batista, CM Punk, Rey Mysterio and more importantly, The Undertaker. Whilst he may not seem as though he could put in a good match against Taker, I would have said that exact same thing about Edge a few years ago. The WWE used Edge well and built him into a guy that we think can take on anyone. If they tried to do the same thing wiht Matt Hardy, I think it would work.

However, as I say, he has missed his chance. His brief feud with Jeff was that chance. He got a new look and he looked more like a main event character. Then he broke his arm and all of the momentum he had just disappeared and the WWE put their faith in someone else. It is a shame because I think that he does deserve it. He has ploughed away with their angles for years now and has gotten nothing but a United States Championship out of it.
what was the point of that heel turn if he didn't main event and didn't win a world title?

Anyway, another right time for him to win a world title was when Punk defeated Jeff. He could've defeated him for the title and the fnisher could've been a Swanton, y'know like "for Jeff" .

His best gimmick was that "The Man Who Will Not Die" one he had while feuding with Edge. I think they should let him do a gimmick of his own, like that Angelic Diablo one he was gonna do for indies. Or hell, bring back his V1 gimmick, that was a much too sweet gimmick they wasted on the cruiserweight division. With Shannon by his side, he could've won a world title back then too.

He's a great wrestler that did a lot for the company and needs the push. sure he's a bit out of shape now, but that's the company's fault for not using him when he was at his best.
Yeah, Matt deserves a big push......a big push out of the WWE! Let's face it, the only real & tangible success he's ever had has been when he's been wrestling with, against or on behalf of Jeff.The only reason he made back on to SD!& on WM25, was because he was feuding with Jeff. When he came back from injury in 2009,his whole return was based aroung Jeff& the HardyBoyz. A heel turn won't help him.They dropped the ball on Matt when they traded him to RAW in late 2003.He was on a roll on SD!, But he was moved to RAW, got squashed by Goldberg & then they turned him babyface for that stupid Kane/Lita marriage angle.After that its was all downhill.The only thing that can save him if Jeff Hardy re-signing with WWE.Maybe he can cop a PPV stop in a tagteam match.

To prove my point: How lame was it that when Jeff got arrested last year on drug charges, they had to pull MATT from TV & house shows? If Matt was a legit superstar, it wouldnt have mattered.
I never really seen the potential in Matt Hardy that others claim, I don't even think he's that good in the ring, better than average, but not the mat technician that people claim.

To be honest I think that the ship has sailed for a main event push and there are more deserving people on the roster.

But saying that, it's not to say he doesn't deserve his place on the roster. He's a certifiable veteran now and can be used to get newer talent over. Just because he isn't in the main event picture doesn't mean he can't have worthwhile feuds or develop a bit of a character, he just needs a bit of direction and make people care about him.

That's always been his problem, making people care and that was the reason he was so close with his program with Edge. If that opportunity had been taken to try and elevate him, I doubt he would of cut it in the same why Edge has. He just doesn't have enough in him to care much in the same way Jeff's Heart of a Lion/ Never Give Up character does.
In 2005, Edge said that Matt is only getting increased reactions because Matt is riding Edge's coattails. That still seems to be the case, only now he's riding on the remains of Jeff's coattails. Now Jeff's not even in WWE anymore, and plugging Matt into Jeff's program with CM Punk just won't work.

Matt is a solid worker, but to many WWE fans, Matt is now just Surrogate Jeff Hardy. Or even The Lesser Hardy. Sure, he's a Hardy, but he's not the Hardy WWE fans loved to see. They'd rather have Jeff.
The only reason Matt Hardy is over is because of the Hardy Boyz tag team. On his own, he's a very average worker. Besides the real life drama between he, Edge, and Lita, what has he ever done that's made people take notice? TLC matches? Yeah, thats it, and was done with Jeff as his partner. Matt Hardy isn't horrible, he's just a mid card type of guy. He doesn't deserve a push to the main event just because he's been in the business for a long time. Does Finlay deserve to be in the world title picture because he's been around forever too? Or should Stevie Ray been given a push because Booker T was world champion and they were in a brother tag team? Of course not, so why should Matt Hardy?

My point is that Matt's never been over because of something he's done. It was the Hardys together that got him over to begin with, then Edge banged Lita, everyone said poor matt, and people cared about him then, and people didn't care until he attacked jeff and cost him the belt. Actually no one cared then either. See even when the guy attacks the most over babyface in the company who happens to be his brother, and costs him a world title, no one cares about Matt Hardy. Until he can do something to make anyone take an interest in him, he doesn't deserve a push into the main event. To be honest if it hasn't happened yet, it's not going to.
It's not like they haven't TRIED pushing Matt. They tried giving him the ball a couple of times and he just didn't do anything with it. I feel for the dude because I've been watching him for so long, but the sad sad truth is that he's past his prime and is in dire need of a repackaging - and i don't just mean his gimmick, i mean he needs to hit the gym, expand his moveset, take some acting classes, dude just needs some work to get that X factor.

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