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Why Hasn't Matt Hardy Gotten THE push?

I think Matt is a great worker, not great on mick, lets be honest about that, but not that bad either.

In ring ability and charisma I heve seen worst World Champions (AKA: JBL). Thing with MAtt is he just need that big break to show he has IT, his other feuds has been about the other guy (like with Jeff or Edge, it was more about them than Matt).

Also, the guy is too outspoken and not everything that comes out of him is smart, that hurt his chances with management and they are not that fond on him. Sometimes he goes to the Internet or says crap that he needs think before he lets it come out of his mouth. I mean he does not need to be an ass kisser to Management, but needs to think before he speaks or go to tweeter and say he is "paying for someone else's sins", according to him it was about a tip but he knew someone would take it wrong an would say he was resentful about the Jeff's situation, then if you knew it why freaking publish it anyway?

Well all in all he only needs a break to show he has IT, a lot of guys like who didn't seem to have it after one shot, now are main eventers.

Damn Jeff seemed doomed every time HHH faced him and seemed like he was never going to reach the World title, and then he got his chance and Edge came along willing to put him over, and then you have someone who is now 3 times World champion (1-WWE-2WHC) and who knows what else if he decided to stay and not get arrested.
Matt has always been a better wrestler then Jeff, he's always been better on the mic then Jeff. He just never jumped off high stuff and did flips and hops around the ring. That's why he's not as over as his brother. I've always loved Matt Hardy, he still gets a pretty damn good pop everytime he comes out, he's always been one of the better wrestlers on the roster, better then half the people they push at least. He's a funny dude, he can be funny, he can be serious. Have you ever seen his Angelic Diablo promos that never made it on-air? Those are badass! I'd love to see Matt in the main event, I think he just can't stay on one show. Or they fluctuate between him being face and heel or a tweener. It's kinda weird. I wanna see Matt in the main event before he's too banged up to be able to do it properly. V1!
Matt had the opportunity to take the brass ring, so to speak, when he returned to feud with Edge, but his promo for his return was so dull i think it hurt his overall chances. Now i know matt can promo well. His V1 persona is one of the best. his in ring work is solid, he is a good story teller and can carry a match pretty well. Pretty good for a backyard wrestler from a backwoods North Carolina town. Now, I think Matt is getting past that previous mistake, because even though it seems like WWE wants him to job all the time, he's now getting into a feud with Batista and hopefully gets over and gets a shot at being in the main event.
With Matt facing Batista this Friday, that has to be a sign the guy is getting some sort of push. He's getting back there from his injuries this year and the crowd is behind him 100% of the way. He's a solid worker and his mic skills are improving. He's getting a push, a slow one, but it's coming.
Unfortunately he will always be compared to JEFF. Also its not like he hasnt received opportunities its just that when given the ball by WWE , MATT HARDY hasnt done much with it. Lets look at key moments in his singles career
1-FEUD WITH EDGE: since then edge has become a main event heel and 9 time WWE champion. I mean edge was f***ing his girlfriend and he cudn cut a moving promo even if there were violins playing in the background.

2-ECW CHAMPION: Now MATTS run wasnt bad but lets compare his babyface run to christian, even against Zack Ryder, christian still manager to make his opponent look good and as face of the 'C' show christian just has more charisma (pun intended) therefore MATT HARDY = MIDCARDER 4 LIFE unless vince has another daughter he could sleep with to influence his standing in the company ala triple h lol
With Matt facing Batista this Friday, that has to be a sign the guy is getting some sort of push. He's getting back there from his injuries this year and the crowd is behind him 100% of the way. He's a solid worker and his mic skills are improving. He's getting a push, a slow one, but it's coming.

I agree with this guy. Main eventing Smackdown with Batista is definitely a move in the right direction. Next move would be to lose some of that belly fat, and when he does, tell me how to do it too. Honestly though, it doesn't look that good. I know he's had surgery and all, but physical appearance is huge in wrestling.
The worst thing that could happen to Matt was to turn heel when he did, and I think the powers that be realised that, hence why he is a face again so quickly. At the Royal Rumble, Matt Hardy got the loudest cheer of the night out of everyone, look up the live discussion of the event to see people talk of that. Hardy was a hot commodity in ECW, and quite easily could have been sent to Raw to build on that. Instead he was put into a feud with his brother, that in theory was good but in practice didn't really cut the mustard. After that, he did pretty much nothing, fought with an injury, then turned face after surgery. Hardy hasn't really recovered from that, to be honest, but I think there is a chance, albeit a slim one, that he will be pushed one last time. As it stands, I think Hardy is probably in about the right place, a solid midcarder.
Hardy was hurt by leaving ECW so soon, especially to do that heel angle against his brother. Had he stayed, he could easily have led the program in much the same way Christian now is.

In my opinion, Hardy's spot in this week's SD main event could be the beginning of a climb back toward the upper-midcard. Luckily for Hardy, he's extremely over with the fans and that brand is lacking marketable faces.

WWE might be many things, but they're not completely deaf, dumb and blind. Hell, Jeff got over because of the fans combined with his work rate. If Matt is back to 100%, there's nothing to say he couldn't see a similar push.
Why hasn't Matt got THE push?? Because no one cares!

He just can't stay over consistently. He fumbles the ball every time it's given to him! What did he do when he had the BIGGEST storyline he'll ever have, in the Edge/Lita story? He botched his promo. The guy just can't cut it in the big time. He's the new Chris Benoit in that he'll be a solid mid worker and that is it.

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