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The Matt Hardy Push

yea...they were keepin matt hardy down becuase he wasent flashy enough like jeff who he is always compared to but he definently needs a singles title after wwe has kicked him around like shit for the last 5 years. He is a damn good wrestler his matches are some of the only ones that arent predictible. a title run is the least they could do
Thing is at the moment Matt is More Popular than Jeff because i think people have started to realise that he can actually wrestle and can kind of speak. i agree with the guy who said he is gonna get the push as JBL has hyped him up and hes been all over the WWE Website for the last few months. Personnally i see it as a good thing i like both hardy boyz so whenever one fo them is geting a push i see it as good news
I really don't think either Hardy is ready for the main event yet. Don't get me wrong, I'm a big fan of Matt Hardy and Jeff hasn't annoyed as much as he used to since he came back, but I still have a very hard time seeing either at the top of the card. I agree that Matt has all the tools he needs already there. He's a great talent with a great mind for putting a match together and an existing fan base. I would say what he needs is a good intense feud with MVP followed by at least one feud with an established main eventer. He's close, I just think he needs a little more time to make the move.
spencer .. i couldn't have said it any better myself.

Matt does have all the skills and talent of any current main eventer, by which i mean the "Champions". And just look at the smackdown card, Kane, MVP, Kahli, Batista? Matt's twice as talented in the ring as any of em, with the exception of maybe MVP. So all Matt needs is a good fued/run with the US title, drop it to a new up and comer in a few months and start looking for better things in his career. IMO Matt is the most desirving person for the title on SmackDown with the current injury to Edge. And he can only keep getting better at the rate he's going.
With the whole Smackdown injury problem that has just helped Matt Hardy who was already in the midst of a push to the main event scene by opening up spots that arguably the most talented and man who has paid all of his dues at least twice could jump into, what I see happening is Matt gets US title feuds with MVP for a few months drops it back when Edge makes his return to take down Kane (World Champ at the time) then Matt feuds with Edge over the title and eventually takes the title has a major feud with Edge possibly dropping to him at Wrestlemania. And BAM main event Matt Hardy.
I really don't think either Hardy is ready for the main event yet. Don't get me wrong, I'm a big fan of Matt Hardy and Jeff hasn't annoyed as much as he used to since he came back, but I still have a very hard time seeing either at the top of the card. I agree that Matt has all the tools he needs already there. He's a great talent with a great mind for putting a match together and an existing fan base. I would say what he needs is a good intense feud with MVP followed by at least one feud with an established main eventer. He's close, I just think he needs a little more time to make the move.

I dont know what you mean more time, Matt has always deserved a shot, and never gotten it. When was the last time Matt Hardy got a main event push, or even been involved in any main event? He needs a chance, and its the perfect time to give him that shot he deserves so much.
Duncan, the reason I say that he needs more time is because when he came back to the WWE, he had a very high profile feud with Edge, who at the time was just about to break into the main event. However, WWE did not make Matt look very good in that feud, and then started burying him in the midcard for a while once he left for SmackDown. I mean, c'mon... he feuded with Animal and Tatanka. All that momentum he had going into that huge feud with Edge went out the window, and he went right back to being the same good ol' Midcard Matt we saw before he left. Now, after the past few months, his momentum is rebuilding itself, and he's almost ready for another high profile feud that will catapult him to the top of the card... I just don't think he's quite there yet.
Yes I agree completely. The process of pushing a superstar is a very strategic and delicate procedure.

If my WWE assignment was the pushing of Matt Hardy, then here's what I would do
1. Put him in a 3 month feud with MVP, where in the final month he wins the gold. MVP could brag about how quickly he became a big time superstar compared to Matt.

2. Have him feud with a formal World Champion, maybe Randy Orton, Booker T, or an exceptton non World champ Mark Henry. I know Booker and Orton aren't on Smackdown, but the only other logical feud I can think of from SD is Chris Masters or Ric Flair

3. Go for the gold. However it can't be against The Great Khali or Batista. The best possible opponent is for him to face someone closer to his size. (6-4 or smaller)
Matt hardy deserves the title.....he is one of the best WRESTLERS on the roster...not good on the mic but a damn good wrestler and he deseves a push, and if he does get a shot at the title he sure as hell wont get squashed like some jackoff said in here
the only title Matt Hardy deserves a shot at is the U.S. Title, because that is all Matt Hardy will ever be, a mid-carder, nothing more, and he is getting that shot at the GAB, if he wins ( which I don't think he will) than he should hold the belt for awhile, to me Matt Hardy isn't all that interesting as a singles competitor, I find him kinda boring but that's just me
Matt hardy deserves the title.....he is one of the best WRESTLERS on the roster...not good on the mic but a damn good wrestler and he deseves a push, and if he does get a shot at the title he sure as hell wont get squashed like some jackoff said in here

Yes Matt Hardy is a great wrestler...Yes Matt Hardy deserves a push(for US gold)...Yes Matt Hardy isnt the best on the mic BUT I say just give it some time theres no need to rush Hardy into the main event scene when he isnt quite ready and doesnt have alot of momentum yet and needs a feud to get him there and thats happening now with MVP and he needs a run with the US Championship before he jumps into the World Title picture like Spencer said Matt was almost there once and then dropped the ball and fell right back down to the mid-card...Matt has alot of skill and can make it in the main event scene if given time...So I say give Matt a run with the US title maybe after GAB or SS and let him have a run with it build up his character more and get some momentum and then maybe he will make it in the main event but due to all the recent injuries on SD! they might have to rush him in there and that wouldnt be good IMO but just give it time he will be chasing the gold soon
IMO, I wouldn't hate seeing Matt in an underdog fued, and win the title from whoever holds the title at Summerslam. The reason I say underdog is because WWE apperanly doesnt want to build him into a main eventer at faster than a turtle speed. I would really like to see that. thats just me though. Keep building him at this pace, and underdog win at Summerslam for the World Heavywieght Title.
I think what makes a good wrestling card is strong mid card guys and matt hardy is being pushed to that level and they probably wont demote him. if anything, we might just see a matt hardy WHC title run against the returning edge! that would be cool. Tables, Ladders, 'n Chairs! That would be great!
Matt feuds with Edge over the title and eventually takes the title has a major feud with Edge possibly dropping to him at Wrestlemania. And BAM main event Matt Hardy.

For this to even be considered possible, WWE would have to have A LOT of injuries. I'm not bad mouthing either you, or Matt Hardy.. but to assume he could Main Event Smackdown's side of the Wrestlemania line-up, is absurd.

I'm a HUGE Edge fan & hate whats happened, as this was suppose to be his greatest title run yet. I had heard rumors based on how he was suppose to keep the title all the way until Wrestlemania 24 & drop it to either The Undertaker, or possibly Ric Flair. Both very possible WM Main Event type matches.. but to consider Matt Hardy v. Edge, for the World Heavyweight Championship.. at Wrestlemania.. even saying it seems like its purely outrageous.

Again, I wish Matt the best of luck. I like Matt. But I also think people who can't get over the whole Lita/Edge/Matt thing need to move on.. they act like Lita didn't have a choice in her love life & she should've stayed with Matt forever. Hey, I know this is ranting in a side note.. & yes, I agree she should've broke up over cheating.. but it happens, sadly enough. Move on, get over it.
Yes Matt Hardy is a great wrestler...Yes Matt Hardy deserves a push(for US gold)...Yes Matt Hardy isnt the best on the mic BUT I say just give it some time theres no need to rush Hardy into the main event scene when he isnt quite ready and doesnt have alot of momentum yet and needs a feud to get him there and thats happening now with MVP and he needs a run with the US Championship before he jumps into the World Title picture like Spencer said Matt was almost there once and then dropped the ball and fell right back down to the mid-card...Matt has alot of skill and can make it in the main event scene if given time...So I say give Matt a run with the US title maybe after GAB or SS and let him have a run with it build up his character more and get some momentum and then maybe he will make it in the main event but due to all the recent injuries on SD! they might have to rush him in there and that wouldnt be good IMO but just give it time he will be chasing the gold soon

I agree with you a little. But c'mon. Matt Hardy hasn't been in a main event since 2000. I think he deserve at least one main event. And plus his whole gimick is a Carolina dude that is quiet and doesn't mess with nbody and worrys about his job. WWE is trying to give him a push because Vince McMahon thinks he needs one. He is giving both Hardy's a push. Jeff Hardy re-newed his main event list 2 weeks ago with Lashley (by the way-Jeff didn't have a main event in 4 Years). Matt needs atleast a little main event push. He has been a fan favorite and main eventer since 1998. He has everything it takes. All we see now is John Cena in main events. even if there is a better match they always give Cena the Main event. Ever since Cena made "The Marine" he got the main event spot. I'm getting sick of Cena. I rather see Jeff or att H. in a main event. Matt's been gone for a long time in 2000 because this WWE worker made up a excuse t suspend him because he didn't like Hardy. Now Vince, Stephine, and Shane are WWE writers and make decisions (which I think is bull). Matt Hardy has tons of reasons he should have a main event. Here are some reasons:

*He hasn't had one in 5 YEARS!
*He has what it takes.
*I'm sick of seeing Cena.

I think it's WWE's fault a little. They fired all the god writers and hired boring ones. I think the Cena push should be over. WWE's ratings went down a lot. And Vince is blaming it because of the storylines. I think Vince is right tho. WWE has gottin so boring ever since they left WCW and WWF. But this is only my opinion.:)
Matt feuds with Edge over the title and eventually takes the title has a major feud with Edge possibly dropping to him at Wrestlemania. And BAM main event Matt Hardy.

For this to even be considered possible, WWE would have to have A LOT of injuries. I'm not bad mouthing either you, or Matt Hardy.. but to assume he could Main Event Smackdown's side of the Wrestlemania line-up, is absurd.

I'm a HUGE Edge fan & hate whats happened, as this was suppose to be his greatest title run yet. I had heard rumors based on how he was suppose to keep the title all the way until Wrestlemania 24 & drop it to either The Undertaker, or possibly Ric Flair. Both very possible WM Main Event type matches.. but to consider Matt Hardy v. Edge, for the World Heavyweight Championship.. at Wrestlemania.. even saying it seems like its purely outrageous.

Again, I wish Matt the best of luck. I like Matt. But I also think people who can't get over the whole Lita/Edge/Matt thing need to move on.. they act like Lita didn't have a choice in her love life & she should've stayed with Matt forever. Hey, I know this is ranting in a side note.. & yes, I agree she should've broke up over cheating.. but it happens, sadly enough. Move on, get over it.

Lita did really cheat on Matt with edge in real life for the ppl that didn't know. And ever since that happened everyone well mostly everyone hates edge for doin that. That's why they gave edge they heel face. Vince even hated him for doin that. :(
Matt Hardy will never be a main eventer. He doesn't have "it". He is going to be a life time mid-carder. He has enough wrestling ability not to get himself fired.

There is a reason Matt Hardy hasn't gotten a Main Event push, he can't draw. He is over with the crowd because of the character he WAS in 1999 - 2001. People remember the high flying light heavyweight Hardy Boyz, and refuse to see them for what they are now. Middle-Aged, out of shape, shades of their former selves.

I for one, want Matt Hardy to do something right away. It's time to put it simply, shit or get off the pot. If the WWE isn't going to use him, then he needs to be buried and run out of town.
I think both The Hardys deserve a big push, for what they've put their bodies through all these years working for the WWE (and Jeff in TNA) they deserve a World Title Reign, i mean, if they give Fucking JBL a title reign, i mean he had the mic skills but not really the moves, well, i guess WWE likes that, which is why Cena is champion, but anyway, The Hardys deserve their World Title reigns, they deserve it more The not-so Great Khali, i mean, i know that Matt and Jeff arent the same young care free people they used to be, but they're still 2 of the few decent wrestlers The WWE has today.
I think the reason that Matt Hardy is in the middle of the push that he's got right now is that WWE realized that even when he was just being jobbed out, he was still getting a fan reaction. That, combined with some pretty good in-ring skills and the ability to mesh well with a lot of other wrestlers in the ring, is why he's uniquely suited to being a "jobber to the stars"...he can put over MVP in this feud and still be way over and elevate MVP at the same time. Same thing should have happened if Edge had stayed healthy. Hardy is a guy who can come out on the losing end of a title feud and not look week as long as he is given sufficient ring time to show "how much heart he has, even in a losing effort". That's why I think Hardy will be the guy that is used to elevate heel talent on smackdown (MVP, maybe Chavo at some point soon). Maybe at some point he'll get US Gold, but as far as world champ...i'm just not seeing it.
I don't see him getting any kind of gold anytime soon. for some reason it just seems that Vince doesn't trust Matt with proper singles gold. What singles title has he held? nothing major, he has the CW title, thats it from my memory, which is a sad shame because I think he could elevate his game more with a extended run in the upper tier of the company
well its been said he won the european belt some years back though im not sure thats right

anyways, i still love his feud with MVP, its been a while since i havnt enjoyed a feud this much, and of this quality, IMO these 2 put on a hell of a match and are the only reason that keep me watching SD! now that edge is gone, both Matt and MVP are amazing talents, though MVP is way better on mic =/

anyways i like this push and matt has proved to me that hes more than ready to win that belt.. though i hope there feud goes on for a while
I doubt that this "Push" will result in anything big like the World Heavyweight Title or anything. I do think that he deserves to win the U.S Title and have a decent run with it. At Summerslam I would like to see a Fatal-Four-Way Ladder Match for the title with MVP vs Matt Hardy vs Rey Mysterio vs Kane or something like that and have Matt pull out the win. It could be a decent match.
Matt hardy really deserves a push even if it is only for the U.S title becouse he has been in some very good matches lately and at the G.A.B it was the best match. as chaozking said it would be great to see him win it in a match that he is good at could you imagine mvp vs mat hardy for the us title in a ladder match ? that could be the main event. Matt is alot better then Jeff and jeff got the I.C championship after only what two months? after he came back.

It doesnt really matter that matt's mic skills arnt that good chris benoit held that title for ages and spoke about two words the whole time. i think he will get the U.S title sometime this year and late next year he will be the new world heavyweight champion
There is a reason Matt Hardy hasn't gotten a Main Event push, he can't draw. He is over with the crowd because of the character he WAS in 1999 - 2001. People remember the high flying light heavyweight Hardy Boyz, and refuse to see them for what they are now. Middle-Aged, out of shape, shades of their former selves.

Middle aged and out of shape? He's 33, and I don't see him carting around a gut like Umaga.

I think he's long overdue for a U.S. title run, I don't know about world title. He'd have to get over big or win money in the bank for that.
i gotta say..im a HUGE Matt Hardy mark..and a BIG MVP fan..so this fued is great to watch...

...But even I was surprised at how well Matt went back and forth with MVP on the mic on the last Smackdown...maybe the writers wont play the dont-let-the-Hardys-touch-a-mic game as much now..cause that was impressive

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