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Time for Matt Hardy to be given a BIG Push

the day matt hardy becomes world champ will be a travesty.nothing about him say's main eventer, his look, his prescence, his in ring ability,nothing!,so he held the u.s title, ecw title, big deal his only challenger was marc 'here is my only push' henry,nope, not at all, unless your name is john cena, nice guy's always finish last,holla.
I'm reading down this thread, and not one single bit of evidence, not one single point can convince me that Matt Hardy deserves a main event push of any kind. He's had his chances, numerous in fact. At his peak in 2005, he really should have been taking the huge opportunity of the Edge feud and utilising it. No go. In 2007, he had a stellar feud with MVP, and he should have used that to elevate himself. An injury later and he fizzles out. In fact, it was an exact replica of his feud with his brother. A feud he won, only to be ruined by an injury. And still, no one could have cared less about him, even after brutally attacking and beating the arguably top face in the company.

The fact of the matter is, Matt Hardy isn't that interesting. If all the heat that he has dies out with him not being on TV, I think that shows that the fans just don't hold that high an interest in him. the only interest they held was in his last name after Jeff left, but the fact of the matter is, they realised he wasn't as interesting. Coupled with the fact that he has been wishy washy with his alignment in terms of a face turn, I seriously doubt his abilities to really get over. He was at home on ECW, champion of the C show, and in my mind, thats where Matt Hardy should have stayed.
I agree but then i disagree at the same time. He is a great promo worker, great on the mic (better than jeff imo), and he is a great concept to think of(if that makes sense?). But the only thing holding him back is his inring ability. Im not sure if he is just lazy or what. But, he is half ass in the ring and that is why I used to think he was a bore. Maybe it is his few injuries he has getting to him slowing him down but idk what it is.
He is so halfass in the ring its not even funny. I think he should still get a push but not a world title one yet. Because hes a "Hardy" and has been here for over 10 years doesnt mean shit. If you cant provide the fans with an A match than why put you in the title scene? The reason Jeff was put in was because he could give an A card match. Jumping off 20 foot ladders doing swantons. He risks himself to do it and as well as not being slow in the ring. Matt Hardy should start some fued with John Morrison but keep them both faces somehow. Let Hardy try and better off wrestling fast paced Morrison. Let Hardy have an IC title run for a few months. Cut some good promos against dolph ziggler. Then finally drop it to Ziggler. Then that leaves ziggler to fued with morrison. Then somehow create a fued with either CM punk or Batista who are both common with being in the main events. Eventually have some sort of stipulation once he starts fueding with punk or batista and make a triple threat between whoever hes fueding with and undertaker for the belt then have hardy win it and start cutting promos working upper card matches etc... That is how he should get into the main event ( sorry if i got off topic)
MHM... Sheamus has nothing that makes him stand out... besides being Triple H's workout partner. He's been in the WWE for like a year and is already getting a super push. Possibly the biggest push ever if he wins the WWE Title.

Matt just has to be used correctly and not in stupid CM Punk/Mark Gallows crap or being a jobber for Batista. I hope that he actually gets involved in a World Title scene soon. Maybe he can beat the crap out of Batista if he attacks Taker again. Maybe Hardy attacks Batista with a chair and asks Teddy to be put in the world Title or something of that sort.

Well I agree. They REALLY should have just had Sheamus beat the shit out of everyone in the raw locker room for a couple months. Then have him call out some midupper carder, beat them, THEN put him in a title scene (which is still a bit soon but better than what he got thrown into now)..

With this second part i 150% disagree. I really think that Matt Hardy isnt "jobbing" to batista. 1 squash match doesnt make for a full time jobber yet. But btw its Luke Gallows not Mark.. But point being Luke Gallows aka Festus is getting something going for him. I really think that is great! CM punk teaming with a new evolved Gallows. This just makes a straight edge team, thus possibly making a stable or a team? Idk throwing stuff out in the dark. But atleast he isnt stuck being a fatass 50 year old man getting angry when the bell rings to start a match. He actually has some sort of gimmick now instead of that shitty unrealistic one.
Gee... another thread dedicated to pushing another completely undeserving talent. Never seen that before.

Let's face it, the most exciting thing about Matt Hardy is the beginning of his theme music. From the second he comes out of the curtain I'm bored to tears. Sure, the guy can wrestle. Sure, he understands how to storytell in a match. But when have those factors ever done anything to entertain the audience?

He just doesn't have the "it" factor that his brother has. His physique has severely dimished over the years, he currently has NO gimmick, his look isn't enticing, his mic skills are average at best, and the crowd just doesn't connect with him. Besides, how many straps do you have to throw on him and how many pushes do you need to hand-feed him in order for people to act even remotely interested in anything that he does?

That saddest thing that the WWE could have done was take away his V1 gimmick during his stint in the Cruiserweight Division along side Shannon Moore. That was some of the funniest television I've seen in years and once it was taken away, Matt Hardy became a glorified jobber. Not even his (unnecessarily long) feud with MVP sparked my interest.

It's a shame, but Matt Hardy is not on the WWE's "To Do" list because when he is given the ball, he simply cannot deliver.
He just doesn't have the "it" factor that his brother has. His physique has severely dimished over the years, he currently has NO gimmick, his look isn't enticing, his mic skills are average at best, and the crowd just doesn't connect with him. Besides, how many straps do you have to throw on him and how many pushes do you need to hand-feed him in order for people to act even remotely interested in anything that he does?

The D-Man's right. Matt Hardy is not going to get that big push everyone wants so much because he has not done enough for the fans to care about him. He's always going to be stuck in the midcard and be remembered only for being "Jeff's brother". He could have gotten a HUGE push as revenge for Jeff against Punk, but that did not happen. That right there is one of the biggest signs that Matt is NEVER going to get a big push. WWE chose to not capitalize on that because he is not entertaining enough for the push that his fans want him to get.
I think part of the reason at the moment is Jeff's legal issues, im sure when thats over (depending on the situation) Matt may get a push. Aside from that he needs to lose his gut for one thing, and maybe throw in a top rope move like the leg drop or an elbow, possibly go back to his V1 attire, I think the main reason though is he bitches on twitter to much, if he stopped that WWE might take an interest in him
Yeah, it's time for Matt to be given a push...right out the door. Forget the fact that he isn't half as talented as his brother, or that he has been around for over a decade and hasn't done much, outside of a terrible U.S. title reign and an even worse feud with MVP. He has never had an amazing singles match...ever. Not even with Jeff. He is not okay on the mic. He is not even bad on the mic. He is AWFUL on the mic. He honestly has to be one of the worst actors I have ever seen, and when it comes down to it, pro wrestling has a lot to do with acting ability. He has a terrible physique, which makes his limited, and weak, moveset even worse. This guy is a never-was and a never-will-be.
I think he could do well in the Main Event Picture. He is a Great and Loyal Worker and should get that title shot.

Remember Back in 2005. He had a great feud with Edge at the time. and those two put on some great Matches. Back then people thought those 2 will become great champions one day. And edge got the push but hardy got moved to another brand.

What if when Edge returns wins the WHC he has a feud with Matt. i think this would be awesome. it probably wont happen but i would love for it to happen.

all WWE need to do i think is just have him beat a mean main eventer. like Taker or Batista. then hes over. easy as that i reckon
I think he could do well in the Main Event Picture. He is a Great and Loyal Worker and should get that title shot.

Remember Back in 2005. He had a great feud with Edge at the time. and those two put on some great Matches. Back then people thought those 2 will become great champions one day. And edge got the push but hardy got moved to another brand.

What if when Edge returns wins the WHC he has a feud with Matt. i think this would be awesome. it probably wont happen but i would love for it to happen.

all WWE need to do i think is just have him beat a mean main eventer. like Taker or Batista. then hes over. easy as that i reckon

Not exactly, it's not that simple. Matt's cool and all, but he needs more than a victory over Taker to become a main eventer. I really enjoyed the Edge feud too, and restarting it could be an interesting idea.... but back then that wasn't enough to get him over to the point where he really was the "main event waiting to happen" that Cole kept calling him on Smackdown, it might not be now either.

For Matt to become a main eventer he would have to get better on the mic, do more crazy spots like Jeff did, stay on the same brand for longer than a semester, and not have so many heel/face turns all the time. I'm not saying he will never main event (because I want him to at some point too) but there are a few things that would have to change first because he isn't quite there yet.
He should have been pushed huge after his feud with Edge. That was 4 years ago. Matt Hardy is a tremendous worker who is over with the fans.

It would make sense to push him. I always thought he was the better Hardy because while his mic skills may be mediocre, they are better than Jeff's. And unlike Jefff, Matt does not need to be a spot monkey to be a good wrestler.
Matt Hardy is the epitome of average. He has average in ring ability, average mic skills, an average look. He's good at getting pops, but that's about it really. Hardy is an important member of the roster, but precisely because he will never be in the main event. Hardy is a guy that you can always put a midcard title on, that you can always rely on to put on a decent PPV match and that you can always rely on to be perceived as a legitimate threat. There's something missing for him to go forward, and he is too old and too plain to invest time in trying to find that X-factor, especially when he does a good job where he is.
This happened quite a few months ago (around the Matt Hardy Face Return in August), but I was looking at Matt's Twitter (which he is criticized for using so much) and someone had asked him a question along the lines of When he will win the World Heavyweight Championship and he said By Summerslam 2010...

...So maybe all this jobbing to punk/gallows/etc is because WWE is stalling on Matt Hardy until Royal Rumble or After Wrestlemania or even till the Summer.

I know this seems like B.S., but i know I saw it. Hopefully Matt wasn't making false promises.
Matt Hardy does need a push but i think for the moment he needs to stay where he is. The fued he has going with CM Punk needs to b elevated though, i mean the guy kicked his brother out of the buisness for crying out loud (reffering to the storyline). They need to have a nice extreme rules match which could start matt being more extreme than just the leg drop off the second rope.
I agree with what everyone is saying about Matt Hardy only getting some attention because of being the brother to Jeff but if WWE really wanted to push Matt the most they could do is let him win the ECW tournament and beat Christian at Royal Rumble and at the draft swap Christian with Matt. Also Matt Hardy has gotten a lot slower in the ring due to his surgery a couple of months ago this could explain why Matt is not in the main event picture because Vince feels Matt will not be as successful as Jeff was.
Now that jeff has signed with TNA, how that fact will impact on matt hardy's carrer ?

I read a lot of time, that matt wasn't pushed due to Jeff's tribunal thing.
I don't know if that's true, and honnestly I coudn't possibly care less.
But jeff turning his back on the E WILL impact (no pun intended) matt's career.

Either the E will push him in the main event, in order to make him stay, or he could stay where he is (and even demote him more).

The fact that he is Jeff's brother and tha the Hardys are really popular and could reunite in TNA is really a key factor here, much more relevant that his shape or even his wrestling abilities.
Now that jeff has signed with TNA, how that fact will impact on matt hardy's carrer ?

Major League effective.

Vince knows that if it were someone who could draw and make him money, but outside of Jeff, what has he done. I have a ton of respect for Matt, but now that Jeff has "turned his back" on the WWE by jumping ship to TNA, I actually feel that he is in danger of losing his job.

However, for his in ring ability, I would not mid seing Hardy getting a mid card push. I just do not think that he is Main Event material, or at least maybe not WWE's standards, but hey, maybe TNA's. I feel Matt should just try to get on and do his job as good as possible.

To recall the original post, no I don't think he should be given a BIG push and I am almost certain that he won't. But maybe Vince can come up with some genius marketing idea for him. But at the moment, I don't see it.

It is a shame through, because they guy has ability, and I have a ton of respect for the man and wish him the best in whatever he does.
I love Matt Hardy, but in no way should he ever get out of the mid-card. He could main event a few times if needed be. But to be a certified player like his brother Jeff was, NUH UH. He'll always be solid. Always be over. He will also always be missing that X-Factor that seperates him from the real big time players. I could be wrong though. Go ahead and push him. See how it catches on. But really push him this time. Dont give him an MVP push. Give him a legit one.
After reading the smackdown spoilers I....dont see Matt getting that push lol. I have ALWAYS thought Matt was underrated and obviously the better Wrestler then Jeff which he is. I just think Matt has the "Shelton Benjamin Curse" and will never exceed mid card status no matter how good he is. He's no slouch on the mic either that was proven in his last heel program with Jeff. Unfortunately this just will never happen, sad to say.
I think you guys are jumping the gun here with Hardy being in trouble. All reports about Hardy's contract with TNA is that it's short term and that Jeff Hardy has every intention of returning to the WWE as soon as that contract is up. If anything we might see Matt Hardy continue what he's been doing for the last near year, which is be treated like a jobber. Nothing new here.

I agree Matt should be given a big push. He should have gotten a push the minute Jeff left, he could have stepped into that CM Punk feud with ease and we wouldn't of had to have 'Taker come and destroy all of Punk's momentum. But this is the WWE we're speaking of, so of course their booking doesn't make any sense whatsoever, as usual.
Man i really dont think matt deserves any kind of push. HE IS NOT A GOOD WRESTLER. He couldn't carry any kind of main event and will never be able to and that's the bottom line because...well i said so
I dunno Matt Hardy has a lot of parallels with Owen Hart I believe. Both are/were extremely talented and could hold their own with main event stars but fans and creative would rather push their brother to the main event and leave them flailing.

OT: Matt might be given a push, he just needs to be at the right place at the right time e.g. Undertaker has to take time off, John Morrison could not be the only major face so they might push Matt because of this, if he impresses people he might be able to keep that spot.
The only big push Matt may get at this point is out the door. The poor guy was jobbing because of Jeff's legal issues. Now that Jeff's signed with TNA, the guy has a better chance of getting publicly fired on Smackdown by Vince than getting a big push.

Even if he isn't fired, I still don't see Vince pushing him hard after Jeff's jump, at least not in the near future (if ever). He'll probably remain in the same position he's been in: a mid-carder who loses more than he wins.

A shame, because Matt could've been huge if they pushed him right after Jeff left. That's the second time they've missed a chance at pushing him to the main event (the first being the Edge/Lita feud)
Yeah, Vince is a dick like that. His brother got in trouble so Matt caught the shitstorm cause ol' Jeffy wasn't there to. I don't like the way this could turn out for Matt. I've always liked him over Jeff personally. I don't have a problem with Jeff, just my preference. Matt Hardy has the talent to be a main-eventer, the mic skills, the charisma, he just needs the gimmick. He was doing pretty fucking good as a heel. I think they need to throw him into that 'Angelic Diablo' thing he wanted to do after the whole Edge/Lita thing. A dark Matt Hardy persona that in my opinion was very badass. It was right before he got fired. Check it out.

Although I don't see a Matt Hardy push happening currently, I sure hope one happens this year.

Maybe an IC title reign?

And I supposed being placed back in the ECW championship realm wouldn't be so bad.

I have to say, Matt is looking better and better each week. After his surgery and all the injuries the past 2 years, he really takes getting back into shape seriously. By Wrestlemania, he'll be looking like a top performer. Maybe not as lean as 2003-2006, but definitely big and toned up......probably not juiced like Batista (worst wrestler of all time?), but people won't be calling him fat anymore, which he definitely isn't now.

He's paid his dues, and maybe he's not a suck up/daughter marrier or doesn't tickle Vince's fancy because they don't want to marry his daughter, but I think that in due time, Matt will get at least one worthy WWE/WHC title reign...most likely WHC because only 4 people are allowed to wear the WWE title (+Sheamus)

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