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Time for Matt Hardy to be given a BIG Push

Dirty Spamchez

Pre-Show Stalwart
Hardy has been in the business for more than most of the people that are in the WWE right now. He hasn't had any close shots at a World Title (not including ECW title). With this new young guys getting pushed, he should be #1 in line for that big push. He has shown that he has what it takes to be a main eventer in the past couple of weeks. He's beaten the crap out of Batista for the majority of both of the matches that they had. He's beaten world champ CM Punk. He has been showing great improvement with his in ring work. And he's the only damn Hardy left in the WWE. It's sort of like they're overlooking him now that his brother is gone.

He got this awesome push right before WrestleMania then he got drafted to Raw, got a US Title push then got injured and when he came back, it stopped. He has been impressive with his aggression and more interesting matches. They're putting him in a mid-card jobber position. That's definitely not the way to go with him. He's a fan favorite everyone loves the guy.

Why push his younger brother when he gets crap from the company? Is it because they're not afraid of him going to TNA because they know he won't? Hardy has gotten Intercontinental Title shots during the tours and he's been in Triple Threats with Morrison and Ziggler and singles matches with Morrison and I've read that after the match, he shook Morrison's hand and gave him a Twist of Fate. Why not put that on TV? It makes him look much better even though they wouldn't take the title of Morrison. He should be elevated to the Main Event position fast.

Your thoughts.
Who is this "everyone" of whom you speak?

Matt Hardy hasn't done much outside of his brother, and I'm not sure what else they can do to try to get him over. They tried turning him heel. And the only reason he was credible was because of how over Jeff was.

I don't really see what's all that appealing about the guy. Sure...he works hard and is a company man...but how many more ways can they repackage the guy?
To tell you the truth it has been a long time. He should have had his push a long time ago. He is good on the mic and decent in the ring. I have always liked the Hardyz, and I would love for Matt Hardy to win something other than the IC, tag teams, US and ECW titles. Matt is really over with the crowd what else does he have to do to get a big push and a major title?
WWE has tried a lot of times and ways to put Matt Hardy and it still hasn't worked out. It's about time to accept that Matt will probably never be main event material. He's been turned heel and that didn't work. He seems to be a main event jobber kind of like Kane and that's not too bad considering he wins every once in a while.
IMO- this guy has VERY little to offer. Sure the fans cheer for him. But I honestly think those fans are cheering for "the hardys" and not Matt imparticular. I cant say he's horrible on the mic, but he's damn near close to it. No reaction on the mic- as a face OR a heel. The only reaction he usually gets is only when his music hits & thats about it! I liked The Hardys as a tag-team, but nothing more then that. I mean...at least Jeff did some big spots to keep fans entertained! But while Jeff was jumping off scafolding...Matt was dropping a devistating legdrop off of the middle rope!! WOW! Impressive!

The most I'll ever give to Matt is the ECW title. Give him Christians job & let Christian do his thing on Smackdown! In my opinion: To be WWE or World Champion- you gotta have good mic skills. Matt doesnt have that- not even close!

Before anyone decides to throw names of guys that have gotten to "that level" that werent good on the mic, let me say this: The Batistas, Kanes, Khalis & even Jeff Hardys of the world- should never touch the "Big Titles". Im sure there are plenty more names in this same category too. FINALLY Batista has been turned heel, and is getting some reaction cuz of it. That probly should have been done a couple years ago tho, and Vince is just now getting around to it.

In closing: Matt Hardy is NOT a Main Eventer! I dont even think Jeff was, but he got over with his spots. Matt doesnt take the bumps that Jeff did. No mic skills and little ring ability. Just cuz "hes been there longer then most" doesnt make him "good enuff". If that was the case: Then lets put Hacksaw Jim Duggan in the main-event...cuz that guy STILL gets more of a fan reaction then Matt Hardy!! And thats that- TOUGH GUY....HOOOOOOOOOOO!
I've been hoping and praying for Matt to get the big push, but it just hasn't happened... It did look like it was going to happen around WM last year, but after his feud with Jeff, he broke his hand and was sent to the midcard...

When he came back from his surgery, it looked like AGAIN that he may have gotten that push, but Jeff's arrest screwed everything up, and then he found himself jobbing to McIntyre and Escobar. I agree with Mack up there, he's pretty much a main event jobber at best, and that's pretty much where it ends for him I guess. It's a shame.
Eventhough I'm a Matt Hardy fan, am I the only one that thinks there are way too many Push Matt Hardy threads on these forums? Anyway back to the subject.

Unfortunately I have to agree. I don't know what Matt Hardy has done wrong or why nothing is working for him but it just doesn't seem like he is ever going to reach that brass ring. Like I said before the WWE can't be 100% to blame on this one. You can makeover a guy as many times as you want but if he isn't helping with the change what can you do with him.

I know he was battling injuries but in this year alone has been the worst shape I have seen Matt Hardy in for a while. I mean you would think he never heard of the ever lovely excercise of crunches a day in his life if you have looked at him this year. I mean if you want to be at that Main Event level you have to look the part. Don't get me wrong not everybody looks the part for a man like Matt Hardy who is a regular guy then you should strive to look that part.

He also hasn't done much to vary his wrestling arsenal either. Yeah Cena does 4 moves but at the same time Cena is a cash cow. If there comes a time where Cena needs to vary his arsenal, trust me he will do it. Hardy needs a new finisher and a couple of new moves if he plans to keep people interested.

Also it takes more than tights to garner a "new look". Hardy should toy around with cutting that hair. I mean why not? He's had the same look forever and they can probably do a fresh storyline where he's fueding with CM Punk, Ziggler, Kane, Jericho, or Escobar and if he loses a ppv match with them then off goes the hair. He can try that for a little bit and if he don't like it come on it's hair it'll grow back.

Also new music wouldn't hurt. He's had it for almost a damn decade so lets campaign for some change.

As much as I'm a fan of Matt Hardy he needs to work his ass off to make all these changes happen or he is going no where. Also a part of me says that if he needs this much work chances are WWE will just look to another star who doesn't need that much of a reboot and WWE has already been doing that. Sorry Matt but if your serious about making it to where you want to be then you need to put some serious work in to make these changes, but I fear it's already too late.

If anything I agree with MoneyMack. Switch him and Christain cause I promise Christain won't drop the ball if he's put on a main brand and Hardy can be a Main Eventer on ECW. Sounds like a fair trade to me.
I think WWE really dropped the ball with MAtt Hardy. There could have been one recent feud that would have catapulted him to superstardom if they had followed through with it, and that was with CM Punk. After Jeff left, fans were clamoring for a Hardy, and Matt would have been heavily backed due to name alone. So much could have been done, since both Punk and the Hardy name were hotter than hot, so it was very upsetting to me when they didn't pull the trigger.
Matt is LONG overdue for a main event push. He was as over as the main brand main eventers when he was ECW champ. He could've moved to SD and immediately main evented but then WWE felt the need to have him "try to kill his own brother". That wasn't Matt's fault it was WWE's for giving him some of the worst booking ever.

Even a few years back when he returned during the Matt/Edge/Lita triangle the crowd fucking loved him and he was easily over enough to become a main eventer. What did WWE do? O ya they pretty much let Edge bury him. So instead of making 2 main eventers out of a long equal sided feud they only made 1 and left the other out to dry.

Somehow after all of that Matt is still over as fuck. I don't wanna hear anybody say its cause he's a Hardy cause thats bullshit. Matt has always been over as hell and most of the time its when Jeff's not even with the company. Matt has been over for a decade now and it wasn't until the past couple years that Jeff got over the way he was. The only reason people use that excuse is cause they are blind Matt haters. If the fans didn't like him they wouldn't cheer him. He's one of the few guys in the company right now who can even work a crowd during his matches.
Matt is LONG overdue for a main event push. He was as over as the main brand main eventers when he was ECW champ. He could've moved to SD and immediately main evented but then WWE felt the need to have him "try to kill his own brother". That wasn't Matt's fault it was WWE's for giving him some of the worst booking ever.

Even a few years back when he returned during the Matt/Edge/Lita triangle the crowd fucking loved him and he was easily over enough to become a main eventer. What did WWE do? O ya they pretty much let Edge bury him. So instead of making 2 main eventers out of a long equal sided feud they only made 1 and left the other out to dry.

Somehow after all of that Matt is still over as fuck. I don't wanna hear anybody say its cause he's a Hardy cause thats bullshit. Matt has always been over as hell and most of the time its when Jeff's not even with the company. Matt has been over for a decade now and it wasn't until the past couple years that Jeff got over the way he was. The only reason people use that excuse is cause they are blind Matt haters. If the fans didn't like him they wouldn't cheer him. He's one of the few guys in the company right now who can even work a crowd during his matches.

So why he is over if it's not because he is a Hardy? He's average on the mic and average in the ring so it must be that. The only reason people cheer for him now is because he is Jeff's brother. They tried with him time and time again and he's proved he just isn't a main event talent. Matt is basically a jobber to the stars and will be for a while.
So why he is over if it's not because he is a Hardy? He's average on the mic and average in the ring so it must be that. The only reason people cheer for him now is because he is Jeff's brother. They tried with him time and time again and he's proved he just isn't a main event talent. Matt is basically a jobber to the stars and will be for a while.

Matt is a better promo cutter than the guy who wears the mask in your avatar has ever been. And how did they try time and time again? They never tried. He has always gotten big pops even when Jeff wasn't with the company and before Jeff even became a popular singles star. Everytime Matt gains momentum they completely bury him. He should have came out on top in his feud with Edge. And why on Earth did they have him be Jeff's attempted murderer?

Nobody could survive the shitty booking WWE has given him and despite all that the fans still love him.

Nobody cheers Marty Jannety when he shows up once a year to team with HBK. People don't give a fuck if you're related or have history with someone. Give the man his props he gets real pops when he comes out and the crowd always cheers him during his matches aswell.
Matt is a better promo cutter than the guy who wears the mask in your avatar has ever been. And how did they try time and time again? They never tried. He has always gotten big pops even when Jeff wasn't with the company and before Jeff even became a popular singles star. Everytime Matt gains momentum they completely bury him. He should have came out on top in his feud with Edge. And why on Earth did they have him be Jeff's attempted murderer?

Nobody could survive the shitty booking WWE has given him and despite all that the fans still love him.

Nobody cheers Marty Jannety when he shows up once a year to team with HBK. People don't give a fuck if you're related or have history with someone. Give the man his props he gets real pops when he comes out and the crowd always cheers him during his matches aswell.

Wow. Matt Hardy is better than Mysterio at cutting promos. That's amazing that you just named one person. That makes it so much better? They tried when he feuded with Edge and they tried when they feuded with Hardy and it didn't work out. You can blame creative or you can blame Matt Hardy. A great wrestler can overcome shitty booking and Matt cannot. No matter what he does, he will always be connected to his brother Jeff.
I am a huge Hardy Boyz fan but honestly, I just can't see Matt as World Champion at the moment, he should definitely be used in a major feud on SmackDown at mid-card level possibly getting a run as Intercontinental Champion but that's as far as I see him going unfortunately.

Although, I think Matt's best work in his whole career, as a singles wrestler, was as Matt Hardy Version 1. Maybe if he went heel again, not like when he attacked Jeff but back to the V1 gimmick then perhaps he could elevate his game towards main event status.
Matt is worthy of a nice big push. He doesn't need to become the champion exactly, but he deserves to be in the main event scene. He's loyal, a hard worker, is over with the fans and puts over talent and doesn't complain about it. He doesn't get burned out and he loves the business. He may not stand out as much as Jeff does, but he's more dependable to stay out of trouble and not miss any shows. He's had a little injury bug as of late, but he's back and can be a top face for at least SmackDown!

Keep him face for good and put him a nice program with Punk. Make it a little long, and put the 2 in the title mix if need be at the same time for a triple threat of fatal 4 way. He's paid his dues and it's time he got to be more than Batista's jobber or Punk's victim.
The only "big push" Matt Hardy should get is towards future endeavors. I'm sorry, but he's just so bland it's pathetic. He's terrible on the mic. He's got a very generic move set. He's starting to gain a lot of weight now too, which shows me that at the least that he's getting lazy. Basically, he spends more time trolling the fans on Twitter than he does in the weight room. Matt should really go back to wearing the camouflage pants, tights are not becoming of him. Most of all, I know I've already discussed it at length, he's irresponsible and very injury prone. Let's not forget that he didn't inform the WWE about his intestinal wall being ready to explode, and if something went wrong, he could have died.

He's been given plenty of chances to take it to the next level, and he failed each time. He especially dropped the ball when he came back to feud with Edge after he spent months bitching and whining on the internet. That feud he had with Edge was terrible... and if he capitalized and showed something in those matches, he could have been a WWE Champion. Each time the WWE tries to give him a shot, he doesn't do enough to run with it. He's a good midcard face to put people over with, but at this point, that's his ceiling.
Wow. Matt Hardy is better than Mysterio at cutting promos. That's amazing that you just named one person. That makes it so much better? They tried when he feuded with Edge and they tried when they feuded with Hardy and it didn't work out. You can blame creative or you can blame Matt Hardy. A great wrestler can overcome shitty booking and Matt cannot. No matter what he does, he will always be connected to his brother Jeff.

lol wow man, you're a real Matt hater arent ya???

I completely agree with Ravens on this, and it's not just because i'm a Matt mark. Everything he said makes sense. Now, I do agree that Matt isn't the best promo cutter, but he's better than Jeff, and WAY better than Rey dude. All Rey does is speak in Spanglish, what the hell.

And as far as Matt being a fann-favorite because of Jeff, BULLSHIT. He's had his own success, he was over a fuck in ECW, over as fuck just a few years ago when Jeff was forgotten, and he's still over as fuck now. And as far as Matt Hardy getting that big push, like I said before, I want it to happen, but I don't think it will. I would LOVE for him to feud with Punk or even someone like Jericho, but NO!!!! Creative makes him job to McInyre, Escobar, and now Ziggler. I don't get it!!!!
I was a huge Hardy Boyz fan and a big Jeff Hardy fan, but Matt Hardy as a singles wrestler ... it just never really interested me.

Matt in my opionion wasn't that great on the mic and in ring ability was only average. Bret Hart described it best in his book you rate a good wrestler based on 3 criterias.

1. Physical Apperance- (he has to look intimidating) Matt has a decent look, although last week I thought he was out of shape but I won't judge 100% on just that match, but not great like a Triple H, John Cena, or Batista.

2. Mic Skills- (he has to sell promos to build matches) Hogan was the best at this in my opionion and Matt Hardy again average to below average in my opionion.

3. In ring ability- (sometimes the most overlooked factor) This would be Matts strongest element. The unfortunate thing is how many times have good wrestlers been passed up by big massive muscle guys who are terrible "wrestlers"?

I have to agree that the reason Matt would get such a pop would be mostly because of Jeff. (whos main event status went further due to his draw in the ring pushing the limits of his body much further than Matt ever did, but Mic skills also weak IMO.)

He was a great partner when matched with Jeff but as a singles competitor I personally am not sold as being main event and never see him any further than a mid-carder.

I'm actually surprised about the amount of fans that he does have pushing for him, but I just can't see him in the main-event. Great for Mid-Card though, which is not a terrible thing. He's not just a jobber that's for sure.
I remember when he got drafted to Raw last year of Mania. Cena won his respective match and Hardy came out and did Cena's "You Can't See Me" taunt straight to him and pointed out that the title was going to be his soon and Cena smiled. That could've been a crazy good storyline. He looked like a top guy there while he was heel. But no. They had to put Cena vs Triple H vs Orton 50 times for the title and put Hardy in the US Title picture and never won it on Raw. Then out of nowhere was transferred to Raw. He should've stayed on Raw. Raw suits him better than SD.
Can people just get over Matt Hardy? If you look through the threads on here, there's apparently been 7 or 8 times that have been "the perfect time to give Matt Hardy a world title" push. But hasn't he gotten it? Because he's not good enough.

He's had plenty of chances, and he's had big feuds to help him get over. He had a great feud with Edge where WWE made him look really good. Yet Edge was the one who managed to use the feud to get to the main event. Because Hardy's not good enough. And he went over Jeff at Wrestlemania. If you're not able to get a main event push after defeating arguably WWE's hottest star at the biggest show of the year, then you're not that great.

His mic skills, while better than his brothers, are quite bad. His in-ring skill used to be good, around the start of his singles career and during his MVP feud. But now he's out of shape and slow. His time has long gone, please get over it.
I've said this before, and I'll say it again, the biggest push Matt will probably ever recieve was the one he got in the feud with Jeff earlier this year. Ever since then, he really hasn't done anything worth mentioning. That is if you want to count that one match he had with Taker on Superstars or the one had with CM Punk.

I would like to see Matt get pushed, but it won't happen, and I don't think it has anything to do with Jeff's troubles outside the ring. Matt really isn't that good on the mic, and while he is one hell of a worker in the ring, skill-wise there's really nothing there that amazes you, unless you want to count the moonsault we might see every now and then.

So everyone better get used to Taker/Batista or Morrison/Ziggler/McIntire, because those are the main feuds you're going to see for a while.
The WWE has tried a number of times to put Matt Hardy over but it just hasn't happened. Hardy is a hard worker, he has a great work ethic and is very loyal to the WWE but he just doesn't have that whatever it is that made Jeff so huge and popular.

Outside of his association with his brother, much of Matt Hardy's career has just been forgettable. It's true that Matt Hardy has one every title available in the WWE except for a world championship, but those reigns have been pretty forgettable. He's been given multiple title runs, he's been put into some pretty high profile matches and feuds at times, the WWE has tried to turn him heel and nothing has stuck. He maybe slightly above average in the ring, he's pretty poor on the mic in my view, he doesn't have a dynamic personality, he doesn't have a great look, etc. I figure that, in order to get to that next level, Matt Hardy would have to excel in at least one of those areas I listed and he simply doesn't. It's not the WWE's fault that he can't get over, he just doesn't have that x-factor.

Being a hard and dedicated worker doesn't mean that the fans are going to accept said worker as a main eventer or a headliner.
He has what it takes to be in the main event. Just take a look at this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0kzFpql39P4&feature=channel

I think I've figured out what he lacks and should be. He should be a heel. That's when he's the best, or a tweener at least. He lacks the high flying stuff the Jeff has. (Swanton Bomb off the Raw stage onto Orton, diving of ladders, etc.). He needs to take it a bit more to the extreme and have a wider high flying moveset, at least, or just take more high risk moves like a leg drop onto the announce table from the top turnbuckle, that kinda stuff.
I doubt Matt Hardy will ever be pushed enough to get a heavyweight title and rightfully so. There is nothing about him that stands out. He's good at a lot of things but he isn't great at anything. He's good in the ring, good on the mic, and good at getting over but in the end you have to be more then good to be on top of the wrestling world.

Overall I think that Matt is better then Jeff, but Jeff was able to win the heavyweight title because he had the it factor. He was more over then Matt and even though he was a spot monkey I'd even say he was more entertaining in the ring. What Jeff lacked on the mic he more then made up for with everything else. Matt just doesn't have anything that makes him stand out.
MHM... Sheamus has nothing that makes him stand out... besides being Triple H's workout partner. He's been in the WWE for like a year and is already getting a super push. Possibly the biggest push ever if he wins the WWE Title.

Matt just has to be used correctly and not in stupid CM Punk/Mark Gallows crap or being a jobber for Batista. I hope that he actually gets involved in a World Title scene soon. Maybe he can beat the crap out of Batista if he attacks Taker again. Maybe Hardy attacks Batista with a chair and asks Teddy to be put in the world Title or something of that sort.
MHM... Sheamus has nothing that makes him stand out... besides being Triple H's workout partner. He's been in the WWE for like a year and is already getting a super push. Possibly the biggest push ever if he wins the WWE Title.

Sheamus is new. He hasn't really had a chance to fail yet. This is his first major match/feud. Matt hardy has had chances before to show he belonged in the main event with his feuds with Edge and most recently his brother. Besides Sheamus is a big guy with a decent look, that pretty much automatically gets you at least one title shot in the WWE.
Matt just has to be used correctly and not in stupid CM Punk/Mark Gallows crap or being a jobber for Batista. I hope that he actually gets involved in a World Title scene soon. Maybe he can beat the crap out of Batista if he attacks Taker again. Maybe Hardy attacks Batista with a chair and asks Teddy to be put in the world Title or something of that sort.

Matt has had plenty of chances. He's been put in a lot of different situations as a face and a heel and he has never been able to take advantage of them. He's a good worker and he'll always have a spot in the WWE, but he's never going to break through and get that big break.

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