Time for a new WHC belt?

Is it time for a newly designed WHC belt?

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you have to take into consideration, NoFate007, why some of us simply like it the best. Unlike the WWE Title, the WHC actually looks like the top belt of a wrestling company. It looks far more professional than the WWE title does. The major design of the belt is 25 years old. It has been modified slightly over the years, but the overall look has been consistent. We see that belt, and we see wrestling's history on display. It is a link between today's superstars and the superstars of yesterday. That tradition is important, I think.

I get what you are saying about the reasons some are listing for not changing it, but it doesn't take into account the wide myriad of reasons that we may have for liking it the best.
No way. The WHC should stay the same to continue holding the pride and the highest status belt of the wwe. It was originally meant to be the wwe championship belt, the one with the greatest status as it was the first belt ever created by the wwe/wwf. But ever since cena was champion, the belt has lost its value because he made it into a spinner. At first I thought it looked awesome as cena was a punk-ass rapper and it suited him. But now it has been too long and it needs a change.
I can understand if it was meant to be the spinner whilst cena was champion but it has become ridiculous. Hell, cena was out for 4-6 months and yet there was no change whilst Orton was champ. That's probably why the undertaker has always gone for the WHC ever since the spinner was introduced. Can you imagine what it would be like if taker came out with the spinner. He would look alright if he was the american badass but now it would be a joke. Wwe has the time to release wrestlers but not the time to change the wwe belt. Now that tells you something.
I for one have no interest as to what the titles look like, much less how the World Heavyweight Championship looks like. Also you have to realize that since every single title in the WWE debuted to now have mostly all changed their look. The WWE Championship has changed the most, mostly due to some of the holders of the title being ''Superstar'' Billy Graham, Ultimate Warrior, Stone Cold, John Cena, and Edge. The E.C.W. Title has changed quite a bit of times, since 1994, since it began and folded, and up until now. THe Intercontinental Championship has had a couple designs, but basically the same foundation, or some sort. The United States Championship went from looking like a corny no thought looking title, to a well designed championship to look like the American flag. The World Tag Championships changed when WWF became WWE. Now the only title that never changed designs are the WWE Tag Team Championships, Women's Championship, and the newly designed Diva's Championship. So if the WWE decided to design a new World Heavyweight Championship, I would completely understand why.
Let me say this in Booker T terms: "OH, HELL NO!"

The WWE has three World titles, isn't it justified to have one of them be the classy looking belt? The World Heavyweight title is the most beautiful belt the WWE has, just by looking at it makes you believe that it has a rich history(even though it was only introduced in 2002). If they are going to change any belts than they should stick to the WWE title, that is the belt that is famous for being reinvented many times. Unfortunately, I do believe that the World title will soon be sporting a new look, the WWE is starting to change a lot of things, belts included, so I wouldn't be surprised if every belt will be remade in the next two years to signify WWE's New Era.

If John Cena wins the World title, I do think that it will definitely be remade, I just can't see him with the current World title, it doesn't suit him at all(or maybe I am so use to him having the WWE title lol). The new belts that the WWE are making these days look like toys for fuck's sake, it is a slap in the face of WWE/F's history. People tried to make wrestling look legit 20 years ago, but today the WWE is pretty much saying: "Yeah, we are fake, so were just going to have fun with it and turn it into a sideshow".
Yeah.. the WWE Championship spinnerbelt kinda grew on me after about 3 years (espcially when it was the Rated R Spinner Belt) but the WHC is a totally different concept in my opinion. I dont know why but it's just different.

Like so many have already stated, The WHC belt holds so much history.
Kevin Nash, HBK, Flair, Sting, Hogan, Savage, CM Punk (currently), Edge, Angle, The deadman, Chris Jericho, The Rock, Booker T, And the biggets mistake ever in Rey Mysterio... Fuck, even Faarooq held that bad boy for a while.. "DAMN!". And Randy Orton became the youngest World Heavyweight Champion in history whn he ended Chris Benoits reign at Summerslam. Benoit's victory was also amazing.

I just think it would be wrong to change it. Plain wrong. The new ECW title is nice, but its supposed to be ECW.. it just looks stupid in my opinion. I wouldnt like a new title.. it would look out of place.

The WWE Intercontinental title is my favorite title, besides Edge's spinner wwe title belt (rated r edition) haha. The WWE US title's design is much better then the WCW version in my opinion. But the WHC and the US are totally different subjects.

I prey to god that John Cena never wins the WHC because i would hate to see the WHC gold made into a laughing stock. But then again. Maybe it would grow on me as the WWE title did.

The WHC is a beautiful work of art.
Keep gold the same.
The world title is the best looking title WWE has right now so NO they shouldnt change it. the current title has alot of histiry and prestige behind it seeing that is used to be the NWA and WCW title. Also if they make it spin , i will vomit
yes and no.

yes because the title has been around for a very long time now and that every now and again the title should be changed for a younger audience etc.

no because like every one has said this is the best looking title at the moment maybe even ever. and when ever you see the world title you automatically think Ricky Steamboat, Harley Race, Ric Flair, Sting, Terry Funk, Jack Brisco and Rick Rude.
then when you look at the current ECW title you think vinces bitch
The WHC should not EVER be changed. It is GREAT. I love the looks and design. The WWE Championship needs a makeover badly. I want the winged world title back. Oh Yes it was great. They need to bring it back. Get rid of the bubble gum machine title PLEASE!!!
I think people overreact about the current wwe title. I do think it should be changed but not to the winged eagle. How about the classic one JBL wore. That was the best looking one. The current one fit cena better. What happens if taker wins it is he gonna go ganster and fresh.lmao

As far as the Big Gold Belt I don't think they should change it too much history. Plus it looks great.
I just think this title has too much history to be changed. It has looked this way for years and years and a change would be an utter shock to me. It was a mistake to change the ECW title, and the WWE title normally changes every few years anyway. I mean look at the belt Michaels won at WM12, then the won Austin won at WM14, then the undisputed title, spinner, etc. The Big Gold Belt just always looks great on anyone wearing it and it's a title that I don't think should ever change just like the IC title is now.
If anything change the WWE title back to what it was before Cena customized it. That was a great looking belt imo and would easily be the best-looking world title in wrestling
Well, i dont believe they need a new WHC belt, but please for the love of god get rid of that piece o junk lookin toy spinner WWE title. Honestly enough is enough, sure the old John Cena rapper gimmick wit the spinner belt worked, but now he's all *army marine*, hasnt had that old gimmick since a while so i dont see the need in keepin that piece o shit. HHH looks like a joke with that title. So basicaly, i'd say the WHC is the least of the worries. Just think of Undertaker with the spinny belt. How retarted would that be? It'd be like wipping your ass before ya poop it wouldnt make any sense!
I think it would be a real shame to change the design of the WHC. Like other's have said, it holds so much prestige and tons of history. It's the only belt Vince McMahon hasn't held for God's sake and that makes it all the more special! Changing the design of the WWE title is fine, it's thiers, they've been changing it for years. The WHC has looked the same since it was in the NWA. The only difference now is the WWE logo at the top of the centerpiece, which I understand. That belt is the only one around now (aside from the NWA belt, but that's not really anything since they took off from TNA) that connects so many great champions in wrestling history. Sting, Ric Flair, Triple H, Harley Race, Ricky Steamboat, Chris Jericho, and now CM Punk all have the prestige of holding the Big Gold Belt and that should never be taken away.
The day WWE makes the intelligent decision to re-alter the WWE Championship back to one Eddie and JBL wore, I'd be in utter bliss. That championship fitted respectfully on any waist or shoulder it draped and not like as if it were a toy championship for kids. It was this beautiful, professional-looking championship, one of the best primary WWE championships in WWE history, however, it is second to the circular one in my opinion. But back to subject, whoever gave the conception to modify it, damn them. I hate, despise, abhor, hold abomination for that Blingy-bling toy gold.

Changing the World Heavyweight Title, why? Sure, WCW damaged some of it's prestige with the "Finger Poke of Doom" incident but they marked that belt with an abundance of history and promptly did WWE merge it with WWE Title before they unified it into the Undisputed Championship. Then they revived it again as the World Heavyweight Title and people like HHH, Michaels, Orton, Batista, Edge, Undertaker, have added credibility to it. WHT is a lovely rich plate of big gold.
I think a change in the belt would be a good idea just in the sense that it was WCW's title belt. I see the belt and think Goldberg, Sting, DDP, Kevin Nash...but with that belt, you have a bunch of champions who have held it who just weren't good. Jeff Jarrett was not a main eventer until he left WWE. Scott Steiner came to WWE and sucked. And I mean, David Arquette held that belt at one point. It has WCW written all over it, I think it needs to change. However, I think the WWE title needs to change more just because the way it looks take away and seriousness and prestige, that belt just promotes John Cena. I think both of them need changes.
Change the belt!, Are you kidding me?

The Big Gold Belt has (as many people have said before) tons of history, prestiege (sp?) and honour. Plus its the greatest looking belt the WWE has to offer. The plain gold design works, it doesnt need to be flashy and nor does it need to be pushed more towards the kids (eg the 'My Pretty Pony' belt which Michelle *hot* has, and the spinner HHH has)

Also if you see how the Undertaker carries the belt, it looks awesome on him, just right, whereas if the Deadman had the WWE Title, would they put his symbol in the middle and make it spin, ridiculous.

The spinner belt worked for Cena, and his rapper gimmick, but Triple H?, he should know better than to have a $1.99 Bingo Prize wrapped around his waist, even TNA took the piss when they had their spinning drinking belt thingy.


p.s. I have the WHC so i definatly hope they dont change lol :)
Like many have said the WHC should never be changed but the WWE Championship should be changed a.s.a.p, how stupid is it going to look if say The Undertaker wins the WWE Title and he comes out with all his mysteriousness and around his waist is a big blinging WWE title with "WWE Champ" on it lol it would look even more ridiculous than it does on HHH, I for one would love the old eagle winged WWF Title back, allthough a new design would probably suck just based on the horrible designs of the new ECW Title and the Divas Championship.
I am in total agreeance with gunnerg, The World Heavyweight Champion is not the one that needs to be changed, it is the WWE Championship. I would have been satisfied if the WWE Championship was changed back into the undisputed championship belt or the big globe belt during the attitude era. The WHC is just fine the way it is, I would be happy if could be releathered, before it comes apart on tv...lol...it is going to happen soon if it is not done.

The only three things I can see happening to that belt is
1. The strap gets a new color, like white
2. Rubies get changed into another stone, like Emeralds or Sapphires
3. It gets slightly bigger than what it already is.

I myself own a belt that looks like what I described, but it is not bigger than the original it is the same size.

So, if those changes happened it would be awesome, and it still could hold the all the glory that it holds today, except from some the poor champions it has had...I won't call any names...but you get the jist of it
i think they should change it... for CERTAIN people but only slightly, when edge was whc he had the rated r logo next to his name, tiny changes like that. when he lost hte belt the logo went too, see what i mean? but no it should not spin
p.s i dont know about you but i think the wwe spinner suits orton, but it looks gay on evry1 else
Gunnerg, I am in complete agreement about bringing back the eagle belt as a replacement for the WWE title. Shoot, I would be happy with the WWE Title from any time from the winged eagle belt until prior to the introduction of the spinner belt. So, Hulk Hogan's winged eagle belt, through the attitude belt, and then the undisputed belt. All were better looking than the Spinner belt. The Spinner belt, even when it doesn't spin, is just a gimmick belt, and should have been changed back to a more professional looking belt when Triple H won it.

The World Heavyweight title, based on the NWA World Heavyweight title design, is, in a word, perfect. It is the icon of championship belt design, in my opinion. While it has changed owners, going from the NWA, to WCW, to the WWF/E, and been tweaked, such as adding the WWE logo to it, and updated slightly, the overall design is much the same as it was in 1985, when it was introduced. It gives the wrestling world continuity. It ties in the generations, it is good to know that CM Punk is carrying essentially the same belt as Ric Flair did 23 years ago. The Big Gold Belt has history, and history is important. Why do you think Vince McMahon not only has a WWE Hall of Fame to honor the past, but, that the inductions are done the night before the biggest PPV of the year? The HOF induction ceremony could be done any time of the year, really. The fact that Vince gives it the spotlight for a night during Wrestlemania weekend shows that Vince gets the importance of history to his business. The World Heavyweight title, the "Big Gold Belt", has deep historical significance to the world of professional wrestling.
The World Heavyweight Championship should stay as is. I think they should replace it with a new one, seeing that the backing on the center plate is stripping and it's lost it's luster. The WWE Championship, as many said, needs to change to something more fitting to the company, not a character. That takes away from the belt/company and adds to the individual. The easiest way to do this, I think would to just bring back the 'Undisputed era' championship belt. It has the eagle and the look of a Championship belt, and it's got a little bit of history behind it, which is nice. Shit, it even says 'World Wrestling Entertainment Champion' right on it. A flawless transition, I'd say.
If this were a debate over changing the W.W.E. Championship then I'd be all for it, but it's not. And the question of whether or not it's time for a new World Heavyweight Championship is just silly. That title holds history, and this isn't actually it's first time being in the company. Ric Flair brought it in, back in 1991-1992. Never put it on the line I don't believe, but it made a couple appearances.

When I look at the Championships, even from the past, I've always loved the World Heavyweight title the most. It's big for starters, and that to me screams "Heavyweight title". It just looks like it could be heavy. It's pure gold, without any extra silver or extra tid-bits on it. It's just a plain ol' big title.. nice and natural.

It doesn't spin. I can't say it enough.. Championships that spin shouldn't be Heavyweight titles, they should be Rap awards for MTV.

All in all, the title holds a lot of history and it hasn't changed it's look.. ever, to my knowledge. The W.W.F./E. title has went through several changes, and hasn't yet come to a complete stop. I doubt the spinner will be it's last either. So the World Heavyweight title is the one thing that's "solid".
It has changed its look slightly, but, that was mostly due to the WWE putting its logo on top of it after they reintroduced it after the brand split. It has been tweaked, but, you are right, the overall design has remained consistent since its creation. If you look at images of the belt as it was introduced back in 1985, and looked at images of it now, it is still instantly recognizable as being the same belt.
Like it has been said before the WWE champion is the one that needs to change not the WHC.The WHC looks like a real world title.I do no think they need to redesign it.
Enough already!!!!

Stop the whining about the spinner belt!!!! It is not going back to the Eagle Belt stone cold had (although I liked that one too) and it is not going back to the one that Gay-B-L had before Cena replaced it with the spinner. If you don't like the spinner? FINE, that's your opinion.... BUT.... there ARE people out there that DO like the current design of the WWE Title. STOP CALLING IT TRASH OR A BLING TOY OR OTHER CRAP LIKE THAT! I sat down and read every single post in this thread, and if I had a dime for every time someone said "oh that spinner belt sucks what if taker wore it thatd look so dumb" then I would be rich enough to buy ALL the wwe's belts and turn them ALL into spinners just to make all of you whiners even angrier because you have nothing better to do than sit on these forums and whine about the designs of the belts.... I am not going to lie, I LIKE THE SPINNER! Disagree with my opinion? You have every right to, but say your two cents maturely and not the crap that's been said in this thread.

You know what else? I also like the design for the Divas title. What were you all expecting, a nearly identical version of the womens title?

As far as changing title designs goes, for the World Title, keep it the same. I agree with all of you who said it had massive prestige because of wcw, etc. Good call there. Don't change it.

HOWEVER.... those of you who are whining about how they have to bring back the old wwe belt design(s).... I got a nice suggestion for you!

Sit back, enjoy the raw/smackdown episode regardless of belt designs, because i highly doubt you watch wrestling to look at the belts lol.... and finally.... STOP WHINING AND GET A LIFE!!!!!!!!

If the WWE gets rid of the World Title, then WCW is truly dead. I know that seems weird as WCW is already dead, but for some fans, we still consider the World title as the same title from WCW and if the belt was change in a brand new design, then WCW will officially be gone. So I hope it never changes. I mean who doesn’t like a Big Gold Belt. It just screams top champion.

AS for the spinner belt, I don’t hate it. But it’s not a belt of champion. I mean it was Cena’s custom belt and it made sense, but it’s not the belt of a champion. The same goes with the US belt & IC belt, go back to the old belts as they both looked great and had class.

The ECW belt is a joke, but it made sense to make it silver, it’s the silver medal of the WWE.

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